Nikolay Suslov há 1 ano atrás

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# build output
+# generated types
+# dependencies
+# logs
+# environment variables
+# macOS-specific files

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  "recommendations": ["astro-build.astro-vscode"],
+  "unwantedRecommendations": []

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  "version": "0.2.0",
+  "configurations": [
+    {
+      "command": "./node_modules/.bin/astro dev",
+      "name": "Development server",
+      "request": "launch",
+      "type": "node-terminal"
+    }
+  ]

+ 52 - 1

@@ -1,2 +1,53 @@
-# ksuslov-source
+# Starlight Starter Kit: Basics
+[![Built with Starlight](](
+npm create astro@latest -- --template starlight
+[![Open in StackBlitz](](
+[![Open with CodeSandbox](](
+> 🧑‍🚀 **Seasoned astronaut?** Delete this file. Have fun!
+## 🚀 Project Structure
+Inside of your Astro + Starlight project, you'll see the following folders and files:
+├── public/
+├── src/
+│   ├── assets/
+│   ├── content/
+│   │   ├── docs/
+│   │   └── config.ts
+│   └── env.d.ts
+├── astro.config.mjs
+├── package.json
+└── tsconfig.json
+Starlight looks for `.md` or `.mdx` files in the `src/content/docs/` directory. Each file is exposed as a route based on its file name.
+Images can be added to `src/assets/` and embedded in Markdown with a relative link.
+Static assets, like favicons, can be placed in the `public/` directory.
+## 🧞 Commands
+All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:
+| Command                   | Action                                           |
+| :------------------------ | :----------------------------------------------- |
+| `npm install`             | Installs dependencies                            |
+| `npm run dev`             | Starts local dev server at `localhost:4321`      |
+| `npm run build`           | Build your production site to `./dist/`          |
+| `npm run preview`         | Preview your build locally, before deploying     |
+| `npm run astro ...`       | Run CLI commands like `astro add`, `astro check` |
+| `npm run astro -- --help` | Get help using the Astro CLI                     |
+## 👀 Want to learn more?
+Check out [Starlight’s docs](, read [the Astro documentation](, or jump into the [Astro Discord server](

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';
+export default defineConfig({
+	integrations: [
+		starlight({
+			title: 'Konstantin V. Suslov',
+			social: {
+				//github: '',
+			},
+			// Set English as the default language for this site.
+			defaultLocale: 'root',
+			locales: {
+			  // English docs in `src/content/docs/en/`
+			  root: {
+				label: 'English',
+				lang: 'en', // lang is required for root locales
+			  },
+			  // Simplified Chinese docs in `src/content/docs/zh-cn/`
+			  'ru': {
+				label: 'Русский',
+				lang: 'ru',
+			  }
+			},
+			sidebar: [
+				{
+					label: 'About',
+					items: [
+						// Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu.
+						{ label: 'Curriculum Vitae (CV)', link: '/about/cv/' },
+					],
+				},
+				{
+					label: 'Publications',
+					items: [
+						// Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu.
+						{ label: 'Publications', link: '/publications/all/' },
+					],
+				},
+				{
+					label: 'Links',
+					items: [
+						// Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu.
+						{ label: 'Interesting Links', link: '/publications/links/' },
+					],
+				},
+			],
+		}),
+	],

+ 7052 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7052 @@
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+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M81 36 64 0 47 36l-1 2-9-10a6 6 0 0 0-9 9l10 10h-2L0 64l36 17h2L28 91a6 6 0 1 0 9 9l9-10 1 2 17 36 17-36v-2l9 10a6 6 0 1 0 9-9l-9-9 2-1 36-17-36-17-2-1 9-9a6 6 0 1 0-9-9l-9 10v-2Zm-17 2-2 5c-4 8-11 15-19 19l-5 2 5 2c8 4 15 11 19 19l2 5 2-5c4-8 11-15 19-19l5-2-5-2c-8-4-15-11-19-19l-2-5Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M118 19a6 6 0 0 0-9-9l-3 3a6 6 0 1 0 9 9l3-3Zm-96 4c-2 2-6 2-9 0l-3-3a6 6 0 1 1 9-9l3 3c3 2 3 6 0 9Zm0 82c-2-2-6-2-9 0l-3 3a6 6 0 1 0 9 9l3-3c3-2 3-6 0-9Zm96 4a6 6 0 0 1-9 9l-3-3a6 6 0 1 1 9-9l3 3Z"/><style>path{fill:#000}@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){path{fill:#fff}}</style></svg>




+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content';
+import { docsSchema, i18nSchema } from '@astrojs/starlight/schema';
+export const collections = {
+	docs: defineCollection({ schema: docsSchema() }),
+	i18n: defineCollection({ type: 'data', schema: i18nSchema() }),

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+title: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
+description: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
+# Konstantin Viktorovich Suslov
+**Date of Birth**: 26 November 1979, Vologda, Russia
+**Mobile telephone**: +7-915-066-1500
+## Education
+**2003-2008**:  Student at University of Oxford (England) on courses:
+- “DPhil in Immunology” (Pembroke College)
+- “MSc in Bioinformatics” (New College) 
+**1997-2002**:  Student, “MSc in Chemistry”, Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) 
+## Work experience
+**2013-**:  Researcher at the Institute of Immunology (Moscow, Russia)
+**2009–2012** : Researcher and educator at the Russian State Medical University (Moscow, Russia) 
+**2006-2009**: Researcher at the Mechnikov Institute of Vaccines and Sera (Moscow, Russia)
+**2002-2003**: Researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), NICHD (Washington, DC, USA)
+## Scholarships
+The Hill Foundation Scholar (2003-2007)
+## Honors
+Listed in: 
+- "Top 100 Health Professionals - 2011", IBC, Cambridge
+- "Top 100 Health Professionals - 2009", IBC, Cambridge 
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2011-2012" 
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2009-2010"
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2016-2017"
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2011-2012"  
+- 2009-2016 "Marquis Who's Who in the World"
+- "Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2013" (30th Pearl Anniversary Edition)
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Asia, 2012" (2nd Edition)
+- "Great Minds of the 21st Century" (5th Edition, 2012, ABI)
+- "Great Minds of the 21st Century Hall of Fame" (in 5th Edition, 2012, ABI)

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+title: Konstantin V. Suslov
+description: CV
+template: splash
+  tagline: 26 Nov 1979, Russia<br/>ФГБУ «НМИЦ ПН им. В.П. Сербского» Минздрава России.
+  image:
+    file: ../../assets/logo.jpg
+  actions:
+    - text: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
+      link: /about/cv/
+      icon: right-arrow
+      variant: primary
+    - text: Publications & Works
+      link: /publications/all/
+      icon: right-arrow
+      variant: primary
+import { Card, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+### Induction of Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies (NeRFa) ...for HIV cure
+>#### Publications:
+<CardGrid >
+	<Card title="Exclusive" icon="rocket">
+		**[Suslov KV. One-week immunosuppressive gap between HAART: A simple regimen for a large-scale eradication of HIV? (2019)](**  
+		![cc](../../assets/pub.png)
+		This work is licenced under a [Creative Commons Licence](  
+		(22 July 2019: Article has been published on this website)
+	</Card>
+	<Card title="New" icon="sun">
+		**[Suslov KV. Transient immunosuppression during short interruption of HAART: Another key to HIV cure in the “Berlin patient”? Med Hypotheses (2019);123:6-8](**
+	</Card>
+	</CardGrid>
+		---
+		<Card>
+		**[Suslov KV. HIV neutralization in extracellular reservoirs. (2017)](**  
+		![cc](../../assets/pub.png)
+		This work is licenced under a [Creative Commons Licence](  
+		(17 July 2017: Article has been published on this website)  
+	---
+	**[Suslov KV.Orchestrating HIV neutralization by secondary immune response-mediated induction of RF antibodies.Curr Immunol Rev (2016);12:118-124](** 
+	**[Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies. In: L.V.Berhardt, Editor. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 87. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.81-106 (2015), (ISBN: 978-1-63483-008-9) Hardcover version (ISBN: 978-1-63482-972-4)](**
+	**[Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies for HIV vaccines. Front Immunol (2014) 5:634. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00634](**
+	</Card>
+	<Card icon="open-book">
+	1. **[Suslov KV. Does AID aid AIDS? Immunol Lett.(2004);91:1-2](**
+	2. **[Suslov KV. Towards an anti-(R5-X4 HIV-1 switching) vaccine based on prions. In: B.A. Veskler, Editor. New Research on Immunology. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.1-46. (2005)](,M1)** 
+	3. **[Suslov KV. Fibrillizing HIV-1 naturally. Med Hypotheses (2007);69:462-463](** 
+	4. **[Suslov KV. Towards comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of viruses on the presence of prion-like proteins. (2007);Dissertation for the taught degree “MSc in Bioinformatics”. University of Oxford](** (24 September 2007: Dissertation has been submitted to the Registry at University of Oxford. 18 January 2008: Dissertation has been published on this website.) ![cc](../../assets/pub.png) This work is licenced under a [Creative Commons Licence]( 
+	5. **[Suslov KV. AID-mediated somatic hypermutation for generation of viral envelope protein diversity in patient-specific therapeutic HIV vaccines based on induction of neutralizing antibodies. Immunol Lett (2010);128:86-87](**  
+	</Card>
+	---
+	Please send me your suggestions, questions or comments on e-mail: **** or my [web blog](

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+title: Main publications
+description: Main publications.
+[1] Suslov KV. Does AID aid AIDS? Immunol Lett (2004);91:1-2. 
+[2] Suslov KV. Towards an anti-(R5-X4 HIV-1 switching) vaccine based on prions. In: B.A. Veskler, Editor. New Research on Immunology. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.1-46. (2005).
+[3] Suslov KV. AID-mediated somatic hypermutation for generation of viral envelope protein diversity in patient-specific therapeutic HIV vaccines based on induction of neutralizing antibodies. Immunol Lett (2010);128:86-87.
+[4] Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies for HIV vaccines. Front Immunol (2014) 5:634. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00634 
+[5] Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies. In: L.V.Berhardt, Editor. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 87. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.81-106. (2015).
+[6] Suslov KV. Orchestrating HIV neutralization by secondary immune response-mediated induction of RF antibodies.Curr Immunol Rev (2016); 12:118-124.
+[7] Suslov KV. Transient immunosuppression during short interruption of HAART: Another key to HIV cure in the “Berlin patient”? Med Hypotheses (2019); 123: 6-8.

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title: Recent interesting articles
+description: Recent interesting articles.
+[1] [Begum NA, Izumi N, Nishikori M, Nagaoka H, Shinkura R, Honjo T. Requirement of non-canonical activity of uracil DNA glycosylase for class switch recombination.J Biol Chem. (2007);282:731-42]()
+[2] [Nguyen DH, Gummuluru S, Hu J.Deamination-independent inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus Reverse Transcription by APOBEC3G.J Virol. (2007); 81:4465-72]()
+[3] [Holmes RK, Koning FA, Bishop KN, Malim MH. APOBEC3F can inhibit the accumulation of HIV-1 reverse transcription products in the absence of hypermutation. Comparisons with APOBEC3G. J Biol Chem. (2007);282:2587-95]()
+[4] [Pham P, Chelico L, Goodman MF. DNA deaminases AID and APOBEC3G act processively on single-stranded DNA.DNA Repair (Amst). (2007);6:689-92]()
+[5] [Lee JH, Goulian M, Boder ET. Autocatalytic activation of influenza hemagglutinin.J Mol Biol. (2006);364:275-82]()
+[6] [Ledford H.Virus paper reignites prion spat.Nature.(2007);445:575]()
+[7] [Baenziger S, Tussiwand R, Schlaepfer E, Mazzucchelli L, Heikenwalder M, Kurrer MO, Behnke S, Frey J, Oxenius A, Joller H, Aguzzi A, Manz MG, Speck RF.Disseminated and sustained HIV infection in CD34+ cord blood cell-transplanted Rag2-/-gamma c-/- mice.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2006);103:15951-6]().
+[8] [Lötscher M, Recher M, Lang KS, Navarini A, Hunziker L, Santimaria R, Glatzel M, Schwarz P, Böni J, Zinkernagel RM.Induced prion protein controls immune-activated retroviruses in the mouse spleen. PLoS ONE. (2007);2(11):e1158]()
+[9] [Hou F, Sun L, Zheng H, Skaug B, Jiang QX, Chen ZJ. MAVS Forms Functional Prion-like Aggregates to Activate and Propagate Antiviral Innate Immune Response. Cell. (2011);146(3):448-61]()

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+title: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
+description: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
+# Konstantin Viktorovich Suslov
+**Date of Birth**: 26 November 1979, Vologda, Russia
+**Mobile telephone**: +7-915-066-1500
+## Education
+**2003-2008**:  Student at University of Oxford (England) on courses:
+- “DPhil in Immunology” (Pembroke College)
+- “MSc in Bioinformatics” (New College) 
+**1997-2002**:  Student, “MSc in Chemistry”, Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) 
+## Work experience
+**2013-**:  Researcher at the Institute of Immunology (Moscow, Russia)
+**2009–2012** : Researcher and educator at the Russian State Medical University (Moscow, Russia) 
+**2006-2009**: Researcher at the Mechnikov Institute of Vaccines and Sera (Moscow, Russia)
+**2002-2003**: Researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), NICHD (Washington, DC, USA)
+## Scholarships
+The Hill Foundation Scholar (2003-2007)
+## Honors
+Listed in: 
+- "Top 100 Health Professionals - 2011", IBC, Cambridge
+- "Top 100 Health Professionals - 2009", IBC, Cambridge 
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2011-2012" 
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2009-2010"
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2016-2017"
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2011-2012"  
+- 2009-2016 "Marquis Who's Who in the World"
+- "Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2013" (30th Pearl Anniversary Edition)
+- "Marquis Who's Who in Asia, 2012" (2nd Edition)
+- "Great Minds of the 21st Century" (5th Edition, 2012, ABI)
+- "Great Minds of the 21st Century Hall of Fame" (in 5th Edition, 2012, ABI)

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+title: Суслов Константин Викторович 
+description: CV
+template: splash
+  tagline: 26 Ноября 1979, Россия<br/>ФГБУ «НМИЦ ПН им. В.П. Сербского» Минздрава России.
+  image:
+    file: ../../../assets/logo.jpg
+  actions:
+    - text: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
+      link: /about/cv/
+      icon: right-arrow
+      variant: primary
+    - text: Publications & Works
+      link: /publications/all/
+      icon: right-arrow
+      variant: primary
+import { Card, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+### Induction of Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies (NeRFa) ...for HIV cure
+>#### Publications:
+<CardGrid >
+	<Card title="Exclusive" icon="rocket">
+		**[Suslov KV. One-week immunosuppressive gap between HAART: A simple regimen for a large-scale eradication of HIV? (2019)](**  
+		![cc](../../../assets/pub.png)
+		This work is licenced under a [Creative Commons Licence](  
+		(22 July 2019: Article has been published on this website)
+	</Card>
+	<Card title="New" icon="sun">
+		**[Suslov KV. Transient immunosuppression during short interruption of HAART: Another key to HIV cure in the “Berlin patient”? Med Hypotheses (2019);123:6-8](**
+	</Card>
+	</CardGrid>
+		---
+		<Card>
+		**[Suslov KV. HIV neutralization in extracellular reservoirs. (2017)](**  
+		![cc](../../../assets/pub.png)
+		This work is licenced under a [Creative Commons Licence](  
+		(17 July 2017: Article has been published on this website)  
+	---
+	**[Suslov KV.Orchestrating HIV neutralization by secondary immune response-mediated induction of RF antibodies.Curr Immunol Rev (2016);12:118-124](** 
+	**[Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies. In: L.V.Berhardt, Editor. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 87. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.81-106 (2015), (ISBN: 978-1-63483-008-9) Hardcover version (ISBN: 978-1-63482-972-4)](**
+	**[Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies for HIV vaccines. Front Immunol (2014) 5:634. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00634](**
+	</Card>
+	<Card icon="open-book">
+	1. **[Suslov KV. Does AID aid AIDS? Immunol Lett.(2004);91:1-2](**
+	2. **[Suslov KV. Towards an anti-(R5-X4 HIV-1 switching) vaccine based on prions. In: B.A. Veskler, Editor. New Research on Immunology. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.1-46. (2005)](,M1)** 
+	3. **[Suslov KV. Fibrillizing HIV-1 naturally. Med Hypotheses (2007);69:462-463](** 
+	4. **[Suslov KV. Towards comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of viruses on the presence of prion-like proteins. (2007);Dissertation for the taught degree “MSc in Bioinformatics”. University of Oxford](** (24 September 2007: Dissertation has been submitted to the Registry at University of Oxford. 18 January 2008: Dissertation has been published on this website.) ![cc](../../../assets/pub.png) This work is licenced under a [Creative Commons Licence]( 
+	5. **[Suslov KV. AID-mediated somatic hypermutation for generation of viral envelope protein diversity in patient-specific therapeutic HIV vaccines based on induction of neutralizing antibodies. Immunol Lett (2010);128:86-87](**  
+	</Card>
+	---
+	Please send me your suggestions, questions or comments on e-mail: **** or my [web blog](

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+title: Main publications
+description: Main publications.
+[1] Suslov KV. Does AID aid AIDS? Immunol Lett (2004);91:1-2. 
+[2] Suslov KV. Towards an anti-(R5-X4 HIV-1 switching) vaccine based on prions. In: B.A. Veskler, Editor. New Research on Immunology. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.1-46. (2005).
+[3] Suslov KV. AID-mediated somatic hypermutation for generation of viral envelope protein diversity in patient-specific therapeutic HIV vaccines based on induction of neutralizing antibodies. Immunol Lett (2010);128:86-87.
+[4] Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies for HIV vaccines. Front Immunol (2014) 5:634. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00634 
+[5] Suslov KV. Neutralization-enhancing RF antibodies. In: L.V.Berhardt, Editor. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 87. Nova Science Publishers. New York. pp.81-106. (2015).
+[6] Suslov KV. Orchestrating HIV neutralization by secondary immune response-mediated induction of RF antibodies.Curr Immunol Rev (2016); 12:118-124.
+[7] Suslov KV. Transient immunosuppression during short interruption of HAART: Another key to HIV cure in the “Berlin patient”? Med Hypotheses (2019); 123: 6-8.

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title: Recent interesting articles
+description: Recent interesting articles.
+[1] [Begum NA, Izumi N, Nishikori M, Nagaoka H, Shinkura R, Honjo T. Requirement of non-canonical activity of uracil DNA glycosylase for class switch recombination.J Biol Chem. (2007);282:731-42]()
+[2] [Nguyen DH, Gummuluru S, Hu J.Deamination-independent inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus Reverse Transcription by APOBEC3G.J Virol. (2007); 81:4465-72]()
+[3] [Holmes RK, Koning FA, Bishop KN, Malim MH. APOBEC3F can inhibit the accumulation of HIV-1 reverse transcription products in the absence of hypermutation. Comparisons with APOBEC3G. J Biol Chem. (2007);282:2587-95]()
+[4] [Pham P, Chelico L, Goodman MF. DNA deaminases AID and APOBEC3G act processively on single-stranded DNA.DNA Repair (Amst). (2007);6:689-92]()
+[5] [Lee JH, Goulian M, Boder ET. Autocatalytic activation of influenza hemagglutinin.J Mol Biol. (2006);364:275-82]()
+[6] [Ledford H.Virus paper reignites prion spat.Nature.(2007);445:575]()
+[7] [Baenziger S, Tussiwand R, Schlaepfer E, Mazzucchelli L, Heikenwalder M, Kurrer MO, Behnke S, Frey J, Oxenius A, Joller H, Aguzzi A, Manz MG, Speck RF.Disseminated and sustained HIV infection in CD34+ cord blood cell-transplanted Rag2-/-gamma c-/- mice.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2006);103:15951-6]().
+[8] [Lötscher M, Recher M, Lang KS, Navarini A, Hunziker L, Santimaria R, Glatzel M, Schwarz P, Böni J, Zinkernagel RM.Induced prion protein controls immune-activated retroviruses in the mouse spleen. PLoS ONE. (2007);2(11):e1158]()
+[9] [Hou F, Sun L, Zheng H, Skaug B, Jiang QX, Chen ZJ. MAVS Forms Functional Prion-like Aggregates to Activate and Propagate Antiviral Innate Immune Response. Cell. (2011);146(3):448-61]()

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/// <reference path="../.astro/types.d.ts" />
+/// <reference types="astro/client" />

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "extends": "astro/tsconfigs/strict"