astro.config.mjs 1.2 KB

  1. import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
  2. import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';
  3. //
  4. export default defineConfig({
  5. integrations: [
  6. starlight({
  7. title: 'Konstantin V. Suslov',
  8. social: {
  9. //github: '',
  10. },
  11. // Set English as the default language for this site.
  12. defaultLocale: 'root',
  13. locales: {
  14. // English docs in `src/content/docs/en/`
  15. root: {
  16. label: 'English',
  17. lang: 'en', // lang is required for root locales
  18. },
  19. // Simplified Chinese docs in `src/content/docs/zh-cn/`
  20. 'ru': {
  21. label: 'Русский',
  22. lang: 'ru',
  23. }
  24. },
  25. sidebar: [
  26. {
  27. label: 'About',
  28. items: [
  29. // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu.
  30. { label: 'Curriculum Vitae (CV)', link: '/about/cv/' },
  31. ],
  32. },
  33. {
  34. label: 'Publications',
  35. items: [
  36. // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu.
  37. { label: 'Publications', link: '/publications/all/' },
  38. ],
  39. },
  40. {
  41. label: 'Links',
  42. items: [
  43. // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu.
  44. { label: 'Interesting Links', link: '/publications/links/' },
  45. ],
  46. },
  47. ],
  48. }),
  49. ],
  50. });