All core application components are now ES6 modules (including VWF model, view, drivers etc.)
Experimental "stream of messages", based on functional reactive streams. That feature allows to record/replay/delay etc. external (reflector/luminary) messages on peers.
Experimental driver for communication with external hardware over Web Bluetooth and functional reactive streams. Lego Boost demo world example.
Refactor Virtual Time from VWF and made it as ES6 module.
"No driver" world example with minimal core.
0.5 - 0.6
All VWF components and worlds are described in JSON format.
No world states anymore. Every saved world is a prototype.
From these release, there is no "super" user, who own proxy components. Now every user could own it's own proxy and built the world from corresponding components.
Finally add support for Oculus Quest/VIVE/Windows MR/Gear VR headsets in all spaces by default.
Teleportation controls, when using HMD headsets.
The last release, that is based on YAML representation of Virtual World Framework components.