FullscreenButton.js 4.7 KB

  1. /*global define*/
  2. define([
  3. '../../Core/defined',
  4. '../../Core/defineProperties',
  5. '../../Core/destroyObject',
  6. '../../Core/DeveloperError',
  7. '../../ThirdParty/knockout',
  8. '../getElement',
  9. './FullscreenButtonViewModel'
  10. ], function(
  11. defined,
  12. defineProperties,
  13. destroyObject,
  14. DeveloperError,
  15. knockout,
  16. getElement,
  17. FullscreenButtonViewModel) {
  18. "use strict";
  19. var enterFullScreenPath = 'M 83.96875 17.5625 L 83.96875 17.59375 L 76.65625 24.875 L 97.09375 24.96875 L 76.09375 45.96875 L 81.9375 51.8125 L 102.78125 30.9375 L 102.875 51.15625 L 110.15625 43.875 L 110.1875 17.59375 L 83.96875 17.5625 z M 44.125 17.59375 L 17.90625 17.625 L 17.9375 43.90625 L 25.21875 51.1875 L 25.3125 30.96875 L 46.15625 51.8125 L 52 45.96875 L 31 25 L 51.4375 24.90625 L 44.125 17.59375 z M 46.0625 76.03125 L 25.1875 96.875 L 25.09375 76.65625 L 17.8125 83.9375 L 17.8125 110.21875 L 44 110.25 L 51.3125 102.9375 L 30.90625 102.84375 L 51.875 81.875 L 46.0625 76.03125 z M 82 76.15625 L 76.15625 82 L 97.15625 103 L 76.71875 103.0625 L 84.03125 110.375 L 110.25 110.34375 L 110.21875 84.0625 L 102.9375 76.8125 L 102.84375 97 L 82 76.15625 z';
  20. var exitFullScreenPath = 'M 104.34375 17.5625 L 83.5 38.4375 L 83.40625 18.21875 L 76.125 25.5 L 76.09375 51.78125 L 102.3125 51.8125 L 102.3125 51.78125 L 109.625 44.5 L 89.1875 44.40625 L 110.1875 23.40625 L 104.34375 17.5625 z M 23.75 17.59375 L 17.90625 23.4375 L 38.90625 44.4375 L 18.5 44.53125 L 25.78125 51.8125 L 52 51.78125 L 51.96875 25.53125 L 44.6875 18.25 L 44.625 38.46875 L 23.75 17.59375 z M 25.6875 76.03125 L 18.375 83.3125 L 38.78125 83.40625 L 17.8125 104.40625 L 23.625 110.25 L 44.5 89.375 L 44.59375 109.59375 L 51.875 102.3125 L 51.875 76.0625 L 25.6875 76.03125 z M 102.375 76.15625 L 76.15625 76.1875 L 76.1875 102.4375 L 83.46875 109.71875 L 83.5625 89.53125 L 104.40625 110.375 L 110.25 104.53125 L 89.25 83.53125 L 109.6875 83.46875 L 102.375 76.15625 z';
  21. /**
  22. * A single button widget for toggling fullscreen mode.
  23. *
  24. * @alias FullscreenButton
  25. * @constructor
  26. *
  27. * @param {Element|String} container The DOM element or ID that will contain the widget.
  28. * @param {Element|String} [fullscreenElement=document.body] The element or id to be placed into fullscreen mode.
  29. *
  30. * @exception {DeveloperError} Element with id "container" does not exist in the document.
  31. *
  32. * @see Fullscreen
  33. */
  34. var FullscreenButton = function(container, fullscreenElement) {
  35. //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
  36. if (!defined(container)) {
  37. throw new DeveloperError('container is required.');
  38. }
  39. //>>includeEnd('debug');
  40. container = getElement(container);
  41. var viewModel = new FullscreenButtonViewModel(fullscreenElement);
  42. viewModel._exitFullScreenPath = exitFullScreenPath;
  43. viewModel._enterFullScreenPath = enterFullScreenPath;
  44. var element = document.createElement('button');
  45. element.type = 'button';
  46. element.className = 'cesium-button cesium-fullscreenButton';
  47. element.setAttribute('data-bind', '\
  48. attr: { title: tooltip },\
  49. click: command,\
  50. enable: isFullscreenEnabled,\
  51. cesiumSvgPath: { path: isFullscreen ? _exitFullScreenPath : _enterFullScreenPath, width: 128, height: 128 }');
  52. container.appendChild(element);
  53. knockout.applyBindings(viewModel, element);
  54. this._container = container;
  55. this._viewModel = viewModel;
  56. this._element = element;
  57. };
  58. defineProperties(FullscreenButton.prototype, {
  59. /**
  60. * Gets the parent container.
  61. * @memberof FullscreenButton.prototype
  62. *
  63. * @type {Element}
  64. */
  65. container : {
  66. get : function() {
  67. return this._container;
  68. }
  69. },
  70. /**
  71. * Gets the view model.
  72. * @memberof FullscreenButton.prototype
  73. *
  74. * @type {FullscreenButtonViewModel}
  75. */
  76. viewModel : {
  77. get : function() {
  78. return this._viewModel;
  79. }
  80. }
  81. });
  82. /**
  83. * @returns {Boolean} true if the object has been destroyed, false otherwise.
  84. */
  85. FullscreenButton.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
  86. return false;
  87. };
  88. /**
  89. * Destroys the widget. Should be called if permanently
  90. * removing the widget from layout.
  91. */
  92. FullscreenButton.prototype.destroy = function() {
  93. this._viewModel.destroy();
  94. knockout.cleanNode(this._element);
  95. this._container.removeChild(this._element);
  96. return destroyObject(this);
  97. };
  98. return FullscreenButton;
  99. });