123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247 |
- /*
- We have six Directions which we map in a spiral around a cube: front, up,
- right, down, left, and back. That's nice on its own but what's important
- is the relationships between faces. For example, What's to the left of the
- Front face? Well that depends on what the Front faace considers "up" to
- be. The Direction class handles these relationships and calculates clock-
- wise and anticlockwise relationships.
- -------------
- | |
- | 0 | opposite
- | |
- | getUp() |
- | |
- ------------- ------------- -------------
- | | | |
- | 3 | | 1 |
- | | | |
- | getLeft() | this | getRight() |
- | | | |
- ------------- ------------- -------------
- | |
- | 2 |
- | |
- | getDown() |
- | |
- -------------
- The following equalities demonstrate how Directions operate:
- FRONT.getOpposite() === BACK
- FRONT.getUp() === UP
- FRONT.getUp( LEFT ) === LEFT
- FRONT.getRight() === RIGHT
- FRONT.getRight( DOWN ) === LEFT
- FRONT.getClockwise() === RIGHT
- FRONT.getClockwise( RIGHT ) === DOWN
- RIGHT.getOpposite() === LEFT
- RIGHT.getUp() === UP
- RIGHT.getUp( FRONT ) === FRONT
- RIGHT.getRight() === BACK
- RIGHT.getRight( DOWN ) === FRONT
- RIGHT.getClockwise() === BACK
- RIGHT.getClockwise( FRONT ) === UP
- Keep in mind that a direction cannot use itself or its opposite as the
- normalized up vector when seeking a direction!
- RIGHT.getUp( RIGHT ) === null
- RIGHT.getUp( LEFT ) === null
- */
- export function Direction( id, name ){
- this.id = id
- this.name = name.toLowerCase()
- this.initial = name.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase()
- this.neighbors = []
- this.opposite = null
- }
- Direction.prototype.setRelationships = function( up, right, down, left, opposite ){
- this.neighbors = [ up, right, down, left ]
- this.opposite = opposite
- }
- Direction.getNameById = function( id ){
- return [
- 'front',
- 'up',
- 'right',
- 'down',
- 'left',
- 'back'
- ][ id ]
- }
- Direction.getIdByName = function( name ){
- return {
- front: 0,
- up : 1,
- right: 2,
- down : 3,
- left : 4,
- back : 5
- }[ name ]
- }
- Direction.getDirectionById = function( id ){
- return [
- UP,
- ][ id ]
- }
- Direction.getDirectionByInitial = function( initial ){
- return {
- U: UP,
- D: DOWN,
- L: LEFT,
- }[ initial.toUpperCase() ]
- }
- Direction.getDirectionByName = function( name ){
- return {
- front: FRONT,
- up : UP,
- right: RIGHT,
- down : DOWN,
- left : LEFT,
- back : BACK
- }[ name.toLowerCase() ]
- }
- // If we're looking at a particular face
- // and we designate an adjacet side as up
- // then we can calculate what adjacent side would appear to be up
- // if we rotated clockwise or anticlockwise.
- Direction.prototype.getRotation = function( vector, from, steps ){
- if( from === undefined ) from = this.neighbors[ 0 ]
- if( from === this || from === this.opposite ) return null
- steps = steps === undefined ? 1 : steps.modulo( 4 )
- for( var i = 0; i < 5; i ++ ){
- if( this.neighbors[ i ] === from ) break
- }
- return this.neighbors[ i.add( steps * vector ).modulo( 4 )]
- }
- Direction.prototype.getClockwise = function( from, steps ){
- return this.getRotation( +1, from, steps )
- }
- Direction.prototype.getAnticlockwise = function( from, steps ){
- return this.getRotation( -1, from, steps )
- }
- // Similar to above,
- // if we're looking at a particular face
- // and we designate an adjacet side as up
- // we can state what sides appear to be to the up, right, down, and left
- // of this face.
- Direction.prototype.getDirection = function( direction, up ){
- return this.getRotation( 1, up, direction.id - 1 )
- }
- Direction.prototype.getUp = function( up ){
- return this.getDirection( UP, up )
- }
- Direction.prototype.getRight = function( up ){
- return this.getDirection( RIGHT, up )
- }
- Direction.prototype.getDown = function( up ){
- return this.getDirection( DOWN, up )
- }
- Direction.prototype.getLeft = function( up ){
- return this.getDirection( LEFT, up )
- }
- // An convenience method that mimics the verbiage
- // of the getRotation() and getDirection() methods.
- Direction.prototype.getOpposite = function(){
- return this.opposite
- }
- // Create facing directions as global constants this way we can access from
- // anywhere in any scope without big long variables names full of dots and
- // stuff. Sure, ES5 doesn't really have constants but the all-caps alerts you
- // to the fact that them thar variables ought not to be messed with.
- var
- FRONT = new Direction( 0, 'front' ),
- UP = new Direction( 1, 'up' ),
- RIGHT = new Direction( 2, 'right' ),
- DOWN = new Direction( 3, 'down' ),
- LEFT = new Direction( 4, 'left' ),
- BACK = new Direction( 5, 'back' )
- // Now that they all exist we can
- // establish their relationships to one another.
- FRONT.setRelationships( UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, BACK )
- UP.setRelationships( BACK, RIGHT, FRONT, LEFT, DOWN )
- RIGHT.setRelationships( UP, BACK, DOWN, FRONT, LEFT )
- DOWN.setRelationships( FRONT, RIGHT, BACK, LEFT, UP )
- LEFT.setRelationships( UP, FRONT, DOWN, BACK, RIGHT )
- BACK.setRelationships( UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, FRONT )