123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811 |
- "use strict";
- // Copyright 2012 United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of Defense, Under
- // Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness).
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
- // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
- // is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
- // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- // the License.
- /// vwf/view/document extends a view interface up to the browser document. When vwf/view/document
- /// is active, scripts on the main page may make (reflected) kernel calls:
- ///
- /// window.vwf_view.createNode( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs,
- /// childSource, childType, childName, function( childID ) {
- /// ...
- /// } );
- ///
- /// And receive view calls:
- ///
- /// window.vwf_view.createdNode = function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs,
- /// childSource, childType, childName, callback /- ( ready ) -/ ) {
- /// ...
- /// }
- ///
- /// @module vwf/view/cesium
- /// @requires vwf/view
- define( [ "module", "vwf/view", "vwf/utility", "vwf/model/cesium/Cesium", "jquery" ], function( module, view, utility, Cesium, jQuery ) {
- return view.load( module, {
- // == Module Definition ====================================================================
- initialize: function( options ) {
- if ( !this.state ) {
- this.state = {};
- }
- if ( !this.state.scenes ) {
- this.state.scenes = {};
- }
- if ( !this.state.nodes ) {
- this.state.nodes = {};
- }
- if ( options === undefined ) { options = {}; }
- // html creation options
- this.parentDiv = options.parentDiv || 'body';
- this.parentClass = options.parentClass || 'cesium-main-div';
- this.containerClass = options.containerClass || 'fullSize';
- this.container = options.container || { "create": true, "divName": "cesiumContainer" } ;
- // Context and WebGL creation properties corresponding to options passed to Scene.
- this.canvasOptions = options.canvasOptions;
- this.invertMouse = options.invertMouse || {};
- this.cesiumType = options.cesium || 'widget'; // 'widget', 'viewer', manual - anything else
- // CesiumWidget options, will accept all defaults
- this.cesiumTypeOptions = options.widget || {
- //"clock": false,
- //"imageryProvider": 'OpenStreetMapImageryProvider',
- //"terrainProvider": 'CesiumTerrainProvider',
- //"skyBox": {},
- "sceneMode": Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE3D,
- "scene3DOnly": false,
- "orderIndependentTranslucency": true,
- //"mapProjection": GeographicProjection || WebMercatorProjection
- "useDefaultRenderLoop": true,
- //"targetFrameRate": '?',
- "showRenderLoopErrors": true,
- //"contextOptions": {}, // Canvas options
- //"creditContainer": undefined, // DOM element or ID of where the credits go
- };
- this.height = 600;
- this.width = 800;
- if ( window ) {
- if ( window.innerHeight ) this.height = window.innerHeight - 20;
- if ( window.innerWidth ) this.width = window.innerWidth - 20;
- this.window = window;
- }
- this.state.clientControl = {
- event: undefined, // probably not needed but this will contain the
- controller: "", // this is the moniker of the
- locked: false
- };
- },
- createdNode: function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs,
- childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback /* ( ready ) */ ) {
- if ( childExtendsID === undefined )
- return;
- //this.logger.infox( "createdNode", nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childName );
- var createNode = function() {
- return {
- parentID: nodeID,
- ID: childID,
- extendsID: childExtendsID,
- implementsIDs: childImplementsIDs,
- source: childSource,
- type: childType,
- name: childName,
- loadComplete: callback
- };
- };
- var kernel = this.kernel;
- var protos = getPrototypes.call( this, childExtendsID )
- var node = undefined;
- if ( isCesiumDefinition.call( this, protos ) ) {
- if ( this.container.create ) {
- //var cesiumCont = "<div class='cesuim-container' id='" + this.container.divName + "'></div>";
- var cesiumCont = "<div class='"+ this.containerClass +"' id='" + this.container.divName + "'></div>";
- if ( this.parentDiv == 'body' ) {
- jQuery( this.parentDiv ).append( cesiumCont );
- } else {
- var outDiv;
- if ( this.parentClass !== undefined ) {
- outDiv = "<div id='"+this.parentDiv+"' class='"+this.parentClass+"'>"+cesiumCont+"</div>";
- } else {
- outDiv = "<div id='"+this.parentDiv+"'>"+cesiumCont+"</div>"
- }
- jQuery( 'body' ).append( outDiv );
- }
- }
- if ( this.state.scenes[ childID ] === undefined ) {
- this.state.scenes[ childID ] = node = createNode();
- } else {
- node = this.state.scenes[ childID ];
- }
- var view = this;
- var forceResizeDelay = 60;
- var scene, canvas;
- // options for oneToOne below
- //var cesiumOptions = { "contextOptions": { "alpha": true }, };
- var options = this.cesiumTypeOptions;
- switch ( this.cesiumType ) {
- case 'widget':
- options.clock && this.state.createClock( options );
- options.imageryProvider && this.state.createImageryProvider( options );
- options.terrainProvider && this.state.createTerrainProvider( options );
- options.skyBox && this.state.createSkyBox( options );
- options.sceneMode && this.state.setSceneMode( options );
- options.mapProjection && this.state.createMapProjection( options );
- node.cesiumWidget = new Cesium.CesiumWidget( this.container.divName, options );
- node.scene = scene = node.cesiumWidget.scene;
- node.globe = scene.globe;
- break;
- case 'viewer':
- node.cesiumViewer = new Cesium.Viewer( this.container.divName, this.cesiumTypeOptions );
- node.cesiumWidget = node.cesiumViewer.cesiumWidget;
- node.scene = scene = node.cesiumViewer.scene;
- node.globe = scene.globe;
- break;
- default:
- // the manual creation, has an error with the
- // camera syncronization
- canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
- canvas.className = 'fullSize';
- document.getElementById( this.container.divName ).appendChild( canvas );
- canvas.setAttribute( 'height', this.height );
- canvas.setAttribute( 'width', this.width );
- node.scene = scene = new Cesium.Scene( canvas, cesiumOptions.contextOptions );
- var bing = new Cesium.BingMapsImageryProvider({
- url : 'http://dev.virtualearth.net',
- mapStyle : Cesium.BingMapsStyle.AERIAL,
- // Some versions of Safari support WebGL, but don't correctly implement
- // cross-origin image loading, so we need to load Bing imagery using a proxy.
- proxy : Cesium.FeatureDetection.supportsCrossOriginImagery() ? undefined : new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/')
- });
- var primitives = scene.getPrimitives();
- var ellipsoid = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84;
- node.globe = new Cesium.Globe( ellipsoid );
- node.globe.getImageryLayers().addImageryProvider( bing );
- primitives.setGlobe( node.globe );
- node.transitioner = new Cesium.SceneTransitioner( scene, ellipsoid );
- break;
- }
- node.imageryProvider = 'bingAerial';
- node.canvas = scene._canvas;
- scene.vwfID = childID;
- initializeMouseEvents.call( this, scene, node );
- var camera = scene._camera;
- ( function tick() {
- if ( view.state.cameraInfo ) {
- if ( view.state.clientControl.controller == view.kernel.moniker() ) {
- var diffs = view.state.cameraInfo.diff( camera );
- if ( diffs !== undefined ){
- broadcastCameraViewData.call( view, diffs );
- }
- }
- } else {
- view.state.cameraInfo = {
- "initialized": false,
- "direction": undefined,
- "position": undefined,
- "up": undefined,
- "right": undefined,
- //"earthDistance": 0,
- "equals": function( v1, v2 ) {
- return ( ( Math.round( v1.x ) == Math.round( v2.x ) ) && ( Math.round( v1.y ) == Math.round( v2.y ) ) && ( Math.round( v1.z ) == Math.round( v2.z ) ) );
- },
- "diff": function( cam ) {
- var retObj = undefined;
- if ( this.initialized ) {
- if ( !Cesium.Cartesian3.equals( this.direction, cam.direction ) ){
- retObj = { "direction": [ cam.direction.x, cam.direction.y, cam.direction.z ] };
- }
- if ( !this.equals( this.position, cam.position ) ) {
- if ( retObj === undefined ) {
- retObj = { "position": [ cam.position.x, cam.position.y, cam.position.z ] };
- } else {
- retObj.position = [ cam.position.x, cam.position.y, cam.position.z ];
- }
- //var dist = Math.round( this.calcDistanceToOrigin( cam ) );
- //var tolerance = 2;
- //if ( dist <= this.earthDistance - tolerance || dist >= this.earthDistance + tolerance ) {
- // is there a way to fire an event from here?
- // console.info( "change in the distance to earth:" + this.earthDistance );
- //}
- //this.earthDistance = dist;
- }
- if ( !Cesium.Cartesian3.equals( this.up, cam.up ) ) {
- if ( retObj === undefined ) {
- retObj = { "up": [ cam.up.x, cam.up.y, cam.up.z ] };
- } else {
- retObj.up = [ cam.up.x, cam.up.y, cam.up.z ];
- }
- }
- if ( !Cesium.Cartesian3.equals( this.right, cam.right ) ) {
- if ( retObj === undefined ) {
- retObj = { "right": [ cam.right.x, cam.right.y, cam.right.z ] };
- } else {
- retObj.right = [ cam.right.x, cam.right.y, cam.right.z ];
- }
- }
- }
- return retObj;
- },
- // "calcDistanceToOrigin": function( obj ) {
- // if ( obj.position ){
- // var p = obj.position;
- // return Math.sqrt( ( p.x * p.x ) + ( p.y * p.y ) + ( p.z * p.z ) );
- // }
- // return undefined;
- // },
- "getCurrent": function( cam ) {
- this.direction = camera.direction.clone();
- this.position = camera.position.clone();
- this.up = camera.up.clone();
- this.right = camera.right.clone();
- },
- "isInitialized": function() {
- this.initialized = ( ( this.direction != undefined ) &&
- ( this.position != undefined ) &&
- ( this.up != undefined ) &&
- ( this.right != undefined ) );
- }
- };
- }
- if ( forceResizeDelay ) {
- forceResizeDelay--;
- if ( forceResizeDelay == 0 ) {
- node.cesiumWidget.resize();
- forceResizeDelay = undefined;
- view.state.cameraInfo.initialized = true;
- }
- }
- scene.initializeFrame();
- scene.render();
- Cesium.requestAnimationFrame( tick );
- if ( forceResizeDelay === undefined ) {
- view.state.cameraInfo.getCurrent( camera );
- }
- }());
- if ( !this.useCesiumWidget ) {
- var onResize = function () {
- var width = node.canvas.clientWidth;
- var height = node.canvas.clientHeight;
- if ( node.canvas.width === width && node.canvas.height === height ) {
- return;
- }
- node.canvas.width = width;
- node.canvas.height = height;
- camera.frustum.aspectRatio = width / height;
- };
- window.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize, false );
- onResize();
- //document.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; };
- }
- }
- },
- //deletedNode: function (nodeID) {
- //},
- //createdProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) {
- //},
- //initializedProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) {
- //},
- satProperty: function( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) {
- switch ( propertyName ) {
- }
- },
- //gotProperty: function( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) {
- //}
- } );
- function getPrototypes( extendsID ) {
- var prototypes = [];
- var id = extendsID;
- while ( id !== undefined ) {
- prototypes.push( id );
- id = this.kernel.prototype( id );
- }
- return prototypes;
- }
- function isCesiumDefinition( prototypes ) {
- var foundCesium = false;
- if ( prototypes ) {
- var len = prototypes.length;
- for ( var i = 0; i < len && !foundCesium; i++ ) {
- foundCesium = ( prototypes[i] == "http://vwf.example.com/cesium.vwf" );
- }
- }
- return foundCesium;
- }
- function isSunDefinition( prototypes ) {
- var foundCesium = false;
- if ( prototypes ) {
- var len = prototypes.length;
- for ( var i = 0; i < len && !foundCesium; i++ ) {
- foundCesium = ( prototypes[i] == "http://vwf.example.com/cesium/sun.vwf" );
- }
- }
- return foundCesium;
- }
- function isAtmosphereDefinition( prototypes ) {
- var foundCesium = false;
- if ( prototypes ) {
- var len = prototypes.length;
- for ( var i = 0; i < len && !foundCesium; i++ ) {
- foundCesium = ( prototypes[i] == "http://vwf.example.com/cesium/atmosphere.vwf" );
- }
- }
- return foundCesium;
- }
- function isSkyBoxDefinition( prototypes ) {
- var foundCesium = false;
- if ( prototypes ) {
- var len = prototypes.length;
- for ( var i = 0; i < len && !foundCesium; i++ ) {
- foundCesium = ( prototypes[i] == "http://vwf.example.com/cesium/skybox.vwf" );
- }
- }
- return foundCesium;
- }
- function broadcastCameraViewData(cameraData) {
- var nodeID, scene;
- if ( this.kernel.find( "", "//" ).length > 0 ) {
- nodeID = this.kernel.find( "", "//" )[ 0 ];
- this.kernel.setProperty( nodeID, "cameraViewData", cameraData );
- }
- }
- function initializeMouseEvents( scene, node ) {
- this.state.mouse = {
- "enabled": true,
- "handler": undefined,
- "leftDown": false,
- "leftDownID": undefined,
- "middleDown": false ,
- "middleDownID": undefined,
- "rightDown": false,
- "rightDownID": undefined,
- "pinching": false,
- "zooming": false,
- "scene": scene,
- "lastPosition": [ -1, -1 ],
- "initialDown": undefined,
- "controlState": undefined,
- "enable": function( value ) {
- if ( value != this.enabled ) {
- if ( value ) {
- this.restoreControlState();
- } else {
- this.captureControlState();
- this.setControlState( false );
- }
- this.enabled = value;
- }
- },
- "active": function() {
- return this.leftDown || this.middleDown || this.rightDown || this.zooming || this.pinching;
- },
- "buttonDown": function() {
- if ( this.leftDown ) {
- return "left";
- } else if ( this.rightDown ) {
- return "right";
- } else if ( this.middleDown ) {
- return "middle";
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- "setControlState": function( value ) {
- if ( this.handler ) {
- this.handler.enableLook = value;
- this.handler.enableRotate = value;
- this.handler.enableTilt = value;
- this.handler.enableTranslate = value;
- this.handler.enableZoom = value;
- }
- this.controlState = undefined;
- },
- "captureControlState": function() {
- this.controlState = {
- "look": this.handler.enableLook,
- "rotate": this.handler.enableRotate,
- "tilt": this.handler.enableTilt,
- "translate": this.handler.enableTranslate,
- "zoom": this.handler.enableZoom
- };
- },
- "restoreControlState": function() {
- if ( this.controlState ) {
- this.handler.enableLook = this.controlState.look;
- this.handler.enableRotate = this.controlState.rotate;
- this.handler.enableTilt = this.controlState.tilt;
- this.handler.enableTranslate = this.controlState.translate;
- this.handler.enableZoom = this.controlState.zoom;
- }
- this.controlState = undefined;
- }
- };
- var overID = undefined;
- var downID = undefined;
- var lastOverID = undefined;
- var sceneCanvas = scene._canvas;
- var rootID = this.kernel.find( "", "/" )[0];
- this.state.mouse.handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler( sceneCanvas );
- if ( this.state.mouse.handler ) {
- var mouse = this.state.mouse.handler;
- var self = this;
- var getMousePosition = function( pos ) {
- var posRet = { "x": pos.x, "y": pos.y };
- if ( self.invertMouse.x !== undefined ) {
- posRet.x = sceneCanvas.width - posRet.x;
- }
- if ( self.invertMouse.y !== undefined ) {
- posRet.y = sceneCanvas.height - posRet.y;
- }
- return posRet;
- }
- var pick = function( button, clickCount, event, position ) {
- var pos = getMousePosition( position );
- var height = scene._canvas.height;
- var width = scene._canvas.width;
- var eventObj = self.state.mouse.scene.pick( pos );
- var ellipsoid = scene._globe._ellipsoid;
- var globePoint = scene._camera.pickEllipsoid( pos, ellipsoid );
- var camPos = scene._camera.position;
- var eventID;
- if ( eventObj ) {
- eventID = eventObj.vwfID;
- } else if ( globePoint !== undefined ) {
- eventID = self.kernel.find( rootID, "earth" )[0];
- } else {
- eventID = rootID;
- }
- var eData = {
- "eventData": [ {
- "button": button,
- "clicks": clickCount,
- "buttons": {
- "left": self.state.mouse.leftDown,
- "middle": self.state.mouse.middleDown,
- "right": self.state.mouse.rightDown
- },
- "modifiers": {
- "alt": false,
- "ctrl": false,
- "shift": false,
- "meta": false
- },
- "position": [ pos.x / width, pos.y / height ],
- "screenPosition": [ pos.x, pos.y ]
- } ],
- "eventNodeData": { "": [ {
- "distance": undefined,
- "origin": [ camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z ],
- "id": eventID,
- "globalPosition": globePoint ? [ globePoint.x, globePoint.y, globePoint.z ] : undefined,
- "globalNormal": undefined,
- "globalSource": [ camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z ],
- } ] },
- };
- if ( event == "down" ) {
- switch( button ) {
- case "left":
- self.state.mouse.leftDownID = eventID;
- break;
- case "middle":
- self.state.mouse.middleDownID = eventID;
- break;
- case "right":
- self.state.mouse.rightDownID = eventID;
- break;
- }
- downID = eventID;
- } else if ( ( event == "up" ) || ( event == "drag" ) ) {
- switch( button ) {
- case "left":
- if ( self.state.mouse.leftDownID !== undefined ) {
- eventID = self.state.mouse.leftDownID;
- }
- break;
- case "middle":
- if ( self.state.mouse.middleDownID !== undefined ) {
- eventID = self.state.mouse.middleDownID;
- }
- break;
- case "right":
- if ( self.state.mouse.rightDownID !== undefined ) {
- eventID = self.state.mouse.rightDownID;
- }
- break;
- }
- } else if ( event == "move" ) {
- overID = eventID;
- }
- if ( eventID && eventID != rootID ) {
- var id = eventID;
- while ( id && id != rootID ) {
- eData.eventNodeData[ id ] = [ {
- "distance": undefined,
- "origin": scene._camera.position,
- "globalPosition": globePoint ? [ globePoint.x, globePoint.y, globePoint.z ] : undefined,
- "globalNormal": undefined,
- "globalSource": scene._camera.position,
- } ];
- //id = undefined;
- if ( self.state.nodes[ id ] ) {
- id = self.state.nodes[ id ].parentID;
- } else {
- id = undefined;
- }
- }
- }
- return eData;
- }
- // left click
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var eData = pick( "left", 1, "click", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerClick", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK );
- // left double click
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var eData = pick( "left", 2, "click", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerDoubleClick", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_DOUBLE_CLICK );
- // left up
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.state.mouse.leftDown = false;
- var eData = pick( "left", 0, "up", movement.position );
- if ( downID !== undefined ) {
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerUp", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'left', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: false } );
- self.state.mouse.leftDownID = undefined;
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_UP );
- // left down
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'left', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: true } );
- self.state.mouse.leftDown = true;
- var eData = pick( "left", 0, "down", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerDown", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_DOWN );
- // mouse move
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var bd = self.state.mouse.buttonDown();
- if ( bd ) {
- var eData = pick( bd, 0, "drag", movement.endPosition );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerMove", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- } else {
- var eData = pick( "", 0, "move", movement.endPosition );
- if ( lastOverID === undefined && overID !== undefined ) {
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( overID, "pointerEnter", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- lastOverID = overID;
- } else if ( overID ) {
- if ( overID !== lastOverID ) {
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( lastOverID, "pointerLeave", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( overID, "pointerEnter", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- lastOverID = overID;
- } else {
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( overID, "pointerOver", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }
- }
- }
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE );
- // middle click
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var eData = pick( "middle", 1, "click", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerClick", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MIDDLE_CLICK );
- // middle double click
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var eData = pick( "middle", 2, "click", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerDoubleClick", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MIDDLE_DOUBLE_CLICK );
- // middle up
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.state.mouse.middleDown = false;
- var eData = pick( "middle", 1, "up", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerUp", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- self.state.mouse.middleDownID = undefined;
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'middle', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: false } );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MIDDLE_UP );
- // middle down
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'middle', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: true } );
- self.state.mouse.middleDown = true;
- var eData = pick( "middle", 0, "down", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerDown", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MIDDLE_DOWN );
- // right click
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var eData = pick( "right", 1, "click", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerClick", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK );
- // right double click
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- var eData = pick( "right", 2, "click", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerDoubleClick", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_DOUBLE_CLICK );
- // right up
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.state.mouse.rightDown = false;
- var eData = pick( "right", 0, "up", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerUp", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- self.state.mouse.rightDownID = undefined;
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'right', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: false } );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_UP );
- // right down
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'right', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: true } );
- self.state.mouse.rightDown = true;
- var eData = pick( "right", 0, "down", movement.position );
- self.kernel.dispatchEvent( downID, "pointerDown", eData.eventData, eData.eventNodeData );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_DOWN );
- // pinch start
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'pinch', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: true } );
- self.state.mouse.pinching = true;
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.PINCH_START );
- // pinch move
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.PINCH_MOVE );
- // pinch end
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.state.mouse.pinching = false;
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'pinch', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: false } );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.PINCH_END );
- // wheel
- mouse.setInputAction( function( movement ) {
- self.kernel.setProperty( rootID, "clientControl", { event: 'wheel', controller: self.kernel.moniker(), locked: false } );
- }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.WHEEL );
- }
- }
- } );