123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148 |
- var path = require( 'path' ),
- http = require( 'http' ),
- https = require( 'https' ),
- fs = require( 'fs' ),
- url = require( 'url' ),
- sio = require( 'socket.io' ),
- reflector = require( './lib/nodejs/reflector' ),
- vwf = require( './lib/nodejs/vwf' ),
- argv = require('optimist').argv;
- // Basic logging function.
- global.log = function () {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
- var level = args.splice( args.length - 1 )[ 0 ];
- if ( !isNaN( parseInt( level ) ) ) {
- level = parseInt( level );
- } else {
- args.push( level )
- level = 1;
- };
- if ( level <= global.logLevel ) {
- console.log.apply( this, args );
- }
- };
- function consoleNotice( string ) {
- var brown = '\u001b[33m';
- var reset = '\u001b[0m';
- global.log( brown + string + reset );
- }
- function consoleError( string ) {
- var red = '\u001b[31m';
- var reset = '\u001b[0m';
- global.log( red + string + reset );
- }
- // Set the root directory where applications will be served from. Default
- // to the current directory if none is specified.
- // Use --applicationPath or -a to specify an alternative path.
- function parseApplicationPath () {
- if ( argv.applicationPath || argv.a ) {
- var applicationPath = argv.applicationPath || argv.a;
- if ( fs.existsSync( applicationPath ) && fs.statSync( applicationPath ).isDirectory() ) {
- consoleNotice( "Serving VWF applications from " + applicationPath );
- return applicationPath;
- } else {
- consoleError( applicationPath + " is NOT a directory! Serving VWF applications from " + process.cwd() );
- return process.cwd();
- }
- } else {
- consoleNotice( "Serving VWF applications from " + process.cwd() );
- return process.cwd();
- }
- }
- // Set the VWF directory where VWF files will be served from. Default to
- // user specified directory if defined by the command line "-v" or "--vwfPath"
- // options, then current working directory, and finally if not found at either,
- // try the "$HOME/.vwf" directory.
- function parseVWFPath () {
- var home = ( process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE );
- var vwfHome = path.join( home, ".vwf" );
- var vwfPath = ( argv.v || argv.vwfPath );
- if ( vwfPath != undefined && fs.existsSync( path.join( vwfPath, "support/client/lib" ) ) ) {
- return vwfPath;
- } else if ( fs.existsSync( path.join( process.cwd(), "support/client/lib" ) ) ) {
- return process.cwd();
- } else if ( fs.existsSync( path.join( vwfHome, "support/client/lib" ) ) ) {
- return vwfHome;
- } else if ( process.env.VWF_DIR && fs.existsSync( path.join( process.env.VWF_DIR, "support/client/lib" ) ) ) {
- return process.env.VWF_DIR;
- } else {
- consoleError( "Could not find VWF support files." );
- return false;
- }
- }
- //Start the VWF server
- function startVWF() {
- global.logLevel = ( ( argv.l || argv.log ) ? ( argv.l || argv.log ) : 1 );
- global.vwfRoot = parseVWFPath();
- global.instances = {};
- if ( !global.vwfRoot ) {
- // Should not hit this path since the VWF script checks for the existence
- // of the VWF support files before running this script.
- consoleError("Exiting.");
- process.exit();
- }
- function OnRequest( request, response ) {
- try {
- vwf.Serve( request, response );
- } catch ( e ) {
- response.writeHead( 500, {
- "Content-Type": "text/plain"
- } );
- response.write( e.toString(), "utf8" );
- response.end();
- }
- } // close onRequest
- consoleNotice( 'LogLevel = ' + global.logLevel );
- consoleNotice( 'Serving VWF support files from ' + global.vwfRoot );
- if ( argv.nocache ) {
- FileCache.enabled = false;
- consoleNotice( 'server cache disabled' );
- }
- global.applicationRoot = parseApplicationPath( );
- var ssl = ( argv.s || argv.ssl );
- var sslOptions = {
- key: ( ( argv.k || argv.key ) ? fs.readFileSync( argv.k || argv.key ) : undefined ),
- cert: ( ( argv.c || argv.cert ) ? fs.readFileSync( argv.c || argv.cert ) : undefined )
- };
- //create the server
- var port = ( ( argv.p || argv.port ) ? ( argv.p || argv.port ) : 3001 );
- var srv = ssl ? https.createServer( sslOptions, OnRequest ).listen( port ) : http.createServer( OnRequest ).listen( port );
- consoleNotice( 'Serving on port ' + port );
- var socketManager = sio.listen(srv,
- {
- log: false
- } );
- socketManager.set('transports', ['websocket']);
- socketManager.sockets.on( 'connection', reflector.OnConnection );
- }
- exports.startVWF = startVWF;