123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512 |
- ;(function(){
- function Radisk(opt){
- opt = opt || {};
- opt.log = opt.log || console.log;
- opt.file = String(opt.file || 'radata');
- var has = (Radisk.has || (Radisk.has = {}))[opt.file];
- if(has){ return has }
- opt.pack = opt.pack || (opt.memory? (opt.memory * 1000 * 1000) : 1399000000) * 0.3; // max_old_space_size defaults to 1400 MB.
- opt.until = opt.until || opt.wait || 250;
- opt.batch = opt.batch || (10 * 1000);
- opt.chunk = opt.chunk || (1024 * 1024 * 10); // 10MB
- opt.code = opt.code || {};
- opt.code.from = opt.code.from || '!';
- //opt.jsonify = true; // TODO: REMOVE!!!!
- function ename(t){ return encodeURIComponent(t).replace(/\*/g, '%2A') }
- function atomic(v){ return u !== v && (!v || 'object' != typeof v) }
- var map = Gun.obj.map;
- var LOG = false;
- if(!opt.store){
- return opt.log("ERROR: Radisk needs `opt.store` interface with `{get: fn, put: fn (, list: fn)}`!");
- }
- if(!opt.store.put){
- return opt.log("ERROR: Radisk needs `store.put` interface with `(file, data, cb)`!");
- }
- if(!opt.store.get){
- return opt.log("ERROR: Radisk needs `store.get` interface with `(file, cb)`!");
- }
- if(!opt.store.list){
- //opt.log("WARNING: `store.list` interface might be needed!");
- }
- /*
- Any and all storage adapters should...
- 1. Because writing to disk takes time, we should batch data to disk. This improves performance, and reduces potential disk corruption.
- 2. If a batch exceeds a certain number of writes, we should immediately write to disk when physically possible. This caps total performance, but reduces potential loss.
- */
- var r = function(key, val, cb){
- key = ''+key;
- if(val instanceof Function){
- var o = cb || {};
- cb = val;
- val = r.batch(key);
- if(u !== val){
- cb(u, r.range(val, o), o);
- if(atomic(val)){ return }
- // if a node is requested and some of it is cached... the other parts might not be.
- }
- if(r.thrash.at){
- val = r.thrash.at(key);
- if(u !== val){
- cb(u, r.range(val, o), o);
- if(atomic(val)){ cb(u, val, o); return }
- // if a node is requested and some of it is cached... the other parts might not be.
- }
- }
- return r.read(key, cb, o);
- }
- r.batch(key, val);
- if(cb){ r.batch.acks.push(cb) }
- if(++r.batch.ed >= opt.batch){ return r.thrash() } // (2)
- if(r.batch.to){ return }
- r.batch.to = setTimeout(r.thrash, opt.until || 1);
- }
- r.batch = Radix();
- r.batch.acks = [];
- r.batch.ed = 0;
- r.thrash = function(){
- var thrash = r.thrash;
- if(thrash.ing){ return thrash.more = true }
- thrash.more = false;
- thrash.ing = true;
- var batch = thrash.at = r.batch, i = 0;
- clearTimeout(r.batch.to);
- r.batch = null;
- r.batch = Radix();
- r.batch.acks = [];
- r.batch.ed = 0;
- //var id = Gun.text.random(2), S = (+new Date); console.log("<<<<<<<<<<<<", id);
- r.save(batch, function(err, ok){
- if(++i > 1){ opt.log('RAD ERR: Radisk has callbacked multiple times, please report this as a BUG at github.com/amark/gun/issues ! ' + i); return }
- if(err){ opt.log('err', err) }
- //console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>", id, ((+new Date) - S), batch.acks.length);
- map(batch.acks, function(cb){ cb(err, ok) });
- thrash.at = null;
- thrash.ing = false;
- if(thrash.more){ thrash() }
- });
- }
- /*
- 1. Find the first radix item in memory.
- 2. Use that as the starting index in the directory of files.
- 3. Find the first file that is lexically larger than it,
- 4. Read the previous file to that into memory
- 5. Scan through the in memory radix for all values lexically less than the limit.
- 6. Merge and write all of those to the in-memory file and back to disk.
- 7. If file too large, split. More details needed here.
- */
- r.save = function(rad, cb){
- var s = function Span(){};
- s.find = function(tree, key){
- if(key < s.start){ return }
- s.start = key;
- r.list(s.lex);
- return true;
- }
- s.lex = function(file){
- file = (u === file)? u : decodeURIComponent(file);
- if(!file || file > s.start){
- s.mix(s.file || opt.code.from, s.start, s.end = file);
- return true;
- }
- s.file = file;
- }
- s.mix = function(file, start, end){
- s.start = s.end = s.file = u;
- r.parse(file, function(err, disk){
- if(err){ return cb(err) }
- disk = disk || Radix();
- Radix.map(rad, function(val, key){
- if(key < start){ return }
- if(end && end < key){ return s.start = key }
- // PLUGIN: consider adding HAM as an extra layer of protection
- disk(key, val); // merge batch[key] -> disk[key]
- });
- r.write(file, disk, s.next);
- });
- }
- s.next = function(err, ok){
- if(s.err = err){ return cb(err) }
- if(s.start){ return Radix.map(rad, s.find) }
- cb(err, ok);
- }
- Radix.map(rad, s.find);
- }
- /*
- Any storage engine at some point will have to do a read in order to write.
- This is true of even systems that use an append only log, if they support updates.
- Therefore it is unavoidable that a read will have to happen,
- the question is just how long you delay it.
- */
- r.write = function(file, rad, cb, o){
- o = ('object' == typeof o)? o : {force: o};
- var f = function Fractal(){};
- f.text = '';
- f.count = 0;
- f.file = file;
- f.each = function(val, key, k, pre){
- //console.log("RAD:::", JSON.stringify([val, key, k, pre]));
- if(u !== val){ f.count++ }
- if(opt.pack <= (val||'').length){ return cb("Record too big!"), true }
- var enc = Radisk.encode(pre.length) +'#'+ Radisk.encode(k) + (u === val? '' : ':'+ Radisk.encode(val)) +'\n';
- if((opt.chunk < f.text.length + enc.length) && (1 < f.count) && !o.force){
- f.text = '';
- f.limit = Math.ceil(f.count/2);
- f.count = 0;
- f.sub = Radix();
- Radix.map(rad, f.slice);
- return true;
- }
- f.text += enc;
- }
- f.write = function(){
- var tmp = ename(file);
- var start; LOG && (start = (+new Date)); // comment this out!
- opt.store.put(tmp, f.text, function(err){
- LOG && console.log("wrote JSON in", (+new Date) - start); // comment this out!
- if(err){ return cb(err) }
- r.list.add(tmp, cb);
- });
- }
- f.slice = function(val, key){
- if(key < f.file){ return }
- if(f.limit < (++f.count)){
- var name = f.file;
- f.file = key;
- f.count = 0;
- r.write(name, f.sub, f.next, o);
- return true;
- }
- f.sub(key, val);
- }
- f.next = function(err){
- if(err){ return cb(err) }
- f.sub = Radix();
- if(!Radix.map(rad, f.slice)){
- r.write(f.file, f.sub, cb, o);
- }
- }
- if(opt.jsonify){ return r.write.jsonify(f, file, rad, cb, o) } // temporary testing idea
- if(!Radix.map(rad, f.each, true)){ f.write() }
- }
- r.write.jsonify = function(f, file, rad, cb, o){
- var raw;
- var start; LOG && (start = (+new Date)); // comment this out!
- try{raw = JSON.stringify(rad.$);
- }catch(e){ return cb("Record too big!") }
- LOG && console.log("stringified JSON in", (+new Date) - start); // comment this out!
- if(opt.chunk < raw.length && !o.force){
- if(Radix.map(rad, f.each, true)){ return }
- }
- f.text = raw;
- f.write();
- }
- r.range = function(tree, o){
- if(!tree || !o){ return }
- if(u === o.start && u === o.end){ return tree }
- if(atomic(tree)){ return tree }
- var sub = Radix();
- Radix.map(tree, function(v,k){
- sub(k,v);
- }, o)
- return sub('');
- }
- ;(function(){
- var Q = {};
- r.read = function(key, cb, o){
- o = o || {};
- if(RAD && !o.next){ // cache
- var val = RAD(key);
- //if(u !== val){
- //cb(u, val, o);
- if(atomic(val)){ cb(u, val, o); return }
- // if a node is requested and some of it is cached... the other parts might not be.
- //}
- }
- o.span = (u !== o.start) || (u !== o.end);
- var g = function Get(){};
- g.lex = function(file){ var tmp;
- file = (u === file)? u : decodeURIComponent(file);
- tmp = o.next || key || (o.reverse? o.end || '\uffff' : o.start || '');
- if(!file || (o.reverse? file < tmp : file > tmp)){
- if(o.next || o.reverse){ g.file = file }
- if(tmp = Q[g.file]){
- tmp.push({key: key, ack: cb, file: g.file, opt: o});
- return true;
- }
- Q[g.file] = [{key: key, ack: cb, file: g.file, opt: o}];
- if(!g.file){
- g.it(null, u, {});
- return true;
- }
- r.parse(g.file, g.it);
- return true;
- }
- g.file = file;
- }
- g.it = function(err, disk, info){
- if(g.err = err){ opt.log('err', err) }
- g.info = info;
- if(disk){ RAD = g.disk = disk }
- disk = Q[g.file]; delete Q[g.file];
- map(disk, g.ack);
- }
- g.ack = function(as){
- if(!as.ack){ return }
- var tmp = as.key, o = as.opt, info = g.info, rad = g.disk || noop, data = r.range(rad(tmp), o), last = rad.last;
- o.parsed = (o.parsed || 0) + (info.parsed||0);
- o.chunks = (o.chunks || 0) + 1;
- if(!o.some){ o.some = (u !== data) }
- if(u !== data){ as.ack(g.err, data, o) }
- else if(!as.file){ !o.some && as.ack(g.err, u, o); return }
- if(!o.span){
- if(/*!last || */last === tmp){ !o.some && as.ack(g.err, u, o); return }
- if(last && last > tmp && 0 != last.indexOf(tmp)){ !o.some && as.ack(g.err, u, o); return }
- }
- if(o.some && o.parsed >= o.limit){ return }
- o.next = as.file;
- r.read(tmp, as.ack, o);
- }
- if(o.reverse){ g.lex.reverse = true }
- r.list(g.lex);
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- /*
- Let us start by assuming we are the only process that is
- changing the directory or bucket. Not because we do not want
- to be multi-process/machine, but because we want to experiment
- with how much performance and scale we can get out of only one.
- Then we can work on the harder problem of being multi-process.
- */
- var Q = {}, s = String.fromCharCode(31);
- r.parse = function(file, cb, raw){ var q;
- if(q = Q[file]){ return q.push(cb) } q = Q[file] = [cb];
- var p = function Parse(){}, info = {};
- p.disk = Radix();
- p.read = function(err, data){ var tmp;
- delete Q[file];
- if((p.err = err) || (p.not = !data)){
- return map(q, p.ack);
- }
- if(typeof data !== 'string'){
- try{
- if(opt.pack <= data.length){
- p.err = "Chunk too big!";
- } else {
- data = data.toString(); // If it crashes, it crashes here. How!?? We check size first!
- }
- }catch(e){ p.err = e }
- if(p.err){ return map(q, p.ack) }
- }
- info.parsed = data.length;
- var start; LOG && (start = (+new Date)); // keep this commented out in production!
- if(opt.jsonify){ // temporary testing idea
- try{
- var json = JSON.parse(data);
- p.disk.$ = json;
- LOG && console.log('parsed JSON in', (+new Date) - start); // keep this commented out in production!
- map(q, p.ack);
- return;
- }catch(e){ tmp = e }
- if('{' === data[0]){
- p.err = tmp || "JSON error!";
- return map(q, p.ack);
- }
- }
- var start; LOG && (start = (+new Date)); // keep this commented out in production!
- var tmp = p.split(data), pre = [], i, k, v;
- if(!tmp || 0 !== tmp[1]){
- p.err = "File '"+file+"' does not have root radix! ";
- return map(q, p.ack);
- }
- while(tmp){
- k = v = u;
- i = tmp[1];
- tmp = p.split(tmp[2])||'';
- if('#' == tmp[0]){
- k = tmp[1];
- pre = pre.slice(0,i);
- if(i <= pre.length){
- pre.push(k);
- }
- }
- tmp = p.split(tmp[2])||'';
- if('\n' == tmp[0]){ continue }
- if('=' == tmp[0] || ':' == tmp[0]){ v = tmp[1] }
- if(u !== k && u !== v){ p.disk(pre.join(''), v) }
- tmp = p.split(tmp[2]);
- }
- LOG && console.log('parsed JSON in', (+new Date) - start); // keep this commented out in production!
- //cb(err, p.disk);
- map(q, p.ack);
- };
- p.split = function(t){
- if(!t){ return }
- var l = [], o = {}, i = -1, a = '', b, c;
- i = t.indexOf(s);
- if(!t[i]){ return }
- a = t.slice(0, i);
- l[0] = a;
- l[1] = b = Radisk.decode(t.slice(i), o);
- l[2] = t.slice(i + o.i);
- return l;
- }
- p.ack = function(cb){
- if(!cb){ return }
- if(p.err || p.not){ return cb(p.err, u, info) }
- cb(u, p.disk, info);
- }
- if(raw){ return p.read(null, raw) }
- opt.store.get(ename(file), p.read);
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- var dir, q, f = String.fromCharCode(28), ef = ename(f);
- r.list = function(cb){
- if(dir){
- var tmp = {reverse: (cb.reverse)? 1 : 0};
- Radix.map(dir, function(val, key){
- return cb(key);
- }, tmp) || cb();
- return;
- }
- if(q){ return q.push(cb) } q = [cb];
- r.parse(f, r.list.init);
- }
- r.list.add = function(file, cb){
- var has = dir(file);
- if(has || file === ef){
- return cb(u, 1);
- }
- dir(file, true);
- cb.listed = (cb.listed || 0) + 1;
- r.write(f, dir, function(err, ok){
- if(err){ return cb(err) }
- cb.listed = (cb.listed || 0) - 1;
- if(cb.listed !== 0){ return }
- cb(u, 1);
- }, true);
- }
- r.list.init = function(err, disk){
- if(err){
- opt.log('list', err);
- setTimeout(function(){ r.parse(f, r.list.init) }, 1000);
- return;
- }
- if(disk){
- r.list.drain(disk);
- return;
- }
- if(!opt.store.list){
- r.list.drain(Radix());
- return;
- }
- // import directory.
- opt.store.list(function(file){
- dir = dir || Radix();
- if(!file){ return r.list.drain(dir) }
- r.list.add(file, noop);
- });
- }
- r.list.drain = function(rad, tmp){
- r.list.dir = dir = rad;
- tmp = q; q = null;
- Gun.list.map(tmp, function(cb){
- r.list(cb);
- });
- }
- }());
- var noop = function(){}, RAD, u;
- Radisk.has[opt.file] = r;
- return r;
- }
- ;(function(){
- var _ = String.fromCharCode(31), u;
- Radisk.encode = function(d, o, s){ s = s || _;
- var t = s, tmp;
- if(typeof d == 'string'){
- var i = d.indexOf(s);
- while(i != -1){ t += s; i = d.indexOf(s, i+1) }
- return t + '"' + d + s;
- } else
- if(d && d['#'] && (tmp = Gun.val.link.is(d))){
- return t + '#' + tmp + t;
- } else
- if(Gun.num.is(d)){
- return t + '+' + (d||0) + t;
- } else
- if(null === d){
- return t + ' ' + t;
- } else
- if(true === d){
- return t + '+' + t;
- } else
- if(false === d){
- return t + '-' + t;
- }// else
- //if(binary){}
- }
- Radisk.decode = function(t, o, s){ s = s || _;
- var d = '', i = -1, n = 0, c, p;
- if(s !== t[0]){ return }
- while(s === t[++i]){ ++n }
- p = t[c = n] || true;
- while(--n >= 0){ i = t.indexOf(s, i+1) }
- if(i == -1){ i = t.length }
- d = t.slice(c+1, i);
- if(o){ o.i = i+1 }
- if('"' === p){
- return d;
- } else
- if('#' === p){
- return Gun.val.link.ify(d);
- } else
- if('+' === p){
- if(0 === d.length){
- return true;
- }
- return parseFloat(d);
- } else
- if(' ' === p){
- return null;
- } else
- if('-' === p){
- return false;
- }
- }
- }());
- if(typeof window !== "undefined"){
- var Gun = window.Gun;
- var Radix = window.Radix;
- window.Radisk = Radisk;
- } else {
- var Gun = require('../gun');
- var Radix = require('./radix');
- try{ module.exports = Radisk }catch(e){}
- }
- Radisk.Radix = Radix;
- }());