create.js 13 KB

  1. // TODO: This needs to be split into all separate functions.
  2. // Not just everything thrown into 'create'.
  3. var SEA = require('./sea');
  4. var User = require('./user');
  5. var authsettings = require('./settings');
  6. var Gun = SEA.Gun;
  7. var noop = function(){};
  8. // Well first we have to actually create a user. That is what this function does.
  9. User.prototype.create = function(alias, pass, cb, opt){
  10. var gun = this, cat = (gun._), root = gun.back(-1);
  11. cb = cb || noop;
  12. if({
  13. cb({err: Gun.log("User is already being created or authenticated!"), wait: true});
  14. return gun;
  15. }
  16. = true;
  17. opt = opt || {};
  18. var act = {}, u;
  19. act.a = function(pubs){
  20. act.pubs = pubs;
  21. if(pubs && !opt.already){
  22. // If we can enforce that a user name is already taken, it might be nice to try, but this is not guaranteed.
  23. var ack = {err: Gun.log('User already created!')};
  24. = false;
  25. cb(ack);
  26. gun.leave();
  27. return;
  28. }
  29. act.salt = Gun.text.random(64); // pseudo-randomly create a salt, then use PBKDF2 function to extend the password with it.
  30., act.salt, act.b); // this will take some short amount of time to produce a proof, which slows brute force attacks.
  31. }
  32. act.b = function(proof){
  33. act.proof = proof;
  34. SEA.pair(act.c); // now we have generated a brand new ECDSA key pair for the user account.
  35. }
  36. act.c = function(pair){ var tmp;
  37. act.pair = pair || {};
  38. if(tmp = cat.root.user){
  39. tmp._.sea = pair;
  40. = {pub:, epub: pair.epub, alias: alias};
  41. }
  42. // the user's public key doesn't need to be signed. But everything else needs to be signed with it! // we have now automated it! clean up these extra steps now!
  43. = {pub:};
  44. act.d();
  45. }
  46. act.d = function(){
  47. = alias;
  48. act.e();
  49. }
  50. act.e = function(){
  51. = act.pair.epub;
  52. SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, act.proof, act.f, {raw:1}); // to keep the private key safe, we AES encrypt it with the proof of work!
  53. }
  54. act.f = function(auth){
  55. = JSON.stringify({ek: auth, s: act.salt});
  56. act.g(;
  57. }
  58. act.g = function(auth){ var tmp;
  59. = || auth;
  60. root.get(tmp = '~'; // awesome, now we can actually save the user with their public key as their ID.
  61. root.get('~@'+alias).put(Gun.obj.put({}, tmp,; // next up, we want to associate the alias with the public key. So we add it to the alias list.
  62. setTimeout(function(){ // we should be able to delete this now, right?
  63. = false;
  64. cb({ok: 0, pub:}); // callback that the user has been created. (Note: ok = 0 because we didn't wait for disk to ack)
  65. if(noop === cb){ gun.auth(alias, pass) } // if no callback is passed, auto-login after signing up.
  66. },10);
  67. }
  68. root.get('~@'+alias).once(act.a);
  69. return gun;
  70. }
  71. // now that we have created a user, we want to authenticate them!
  72. User.prototype.auth = function(alias, pass, cb, opt){
  73. var gun = this, cat = (gun._), root = gun.back(-1);
  74. cb = cb || function(){};
  75. if({
  76. cb({err: Gun.log("User is already being created or authenticated!"), wait: true});
  77. return gun;
  78. }
  79. = true;
  80. opt = opt || {};
  81. var pair = (alias && ( || alias.epub))? alias : (pass && ( || pass.epub))? pass : null;
  82. var act = {}, u;
  83. act.a = function(data){
  84. if(!data){ return act.b() }
  85. if(!{
  86. var tmp = [];
  87., function(v){ tmp.push(v) })
  88. return act.b(tmp);
  89. }
  90. if({ return act.f(data) }
  91. act.c(( = data).auth);
  92. }
  93. act.b = function(list){
  94. var get = (act.list = (act.list||[]).concat(list||[])).shift();
  95. if(u === get){
  96. if({ return act.err('Your user account is not published for dApps to access, please consider syncing it online, or allowing local access by adding your device as a peer.') }
  97. return act.err('Wrong user or password.')
  98. }
  99. root.get(get).once(act.a);
  100. }
  101. act.c = function(auth){
  102. if(u === auth){ return act.b() }
  103. if({ return act.c(Gun.obj.ify(auth)) } // in case of legacy
  104., (act.auth = auth).s, act.d, act.enc); // the proof of work is evidence that we've spent some time/effort trying to log in, this slows brute force.
  105. }
  106. act.d = function(proof){
  107. SEA.decrypt(act.auth.ek, proof, act.e, act.enc);
  108. }
  109. act.e = function(half){
  110. if(u === half){
  111. if(!act.enc){ // try old format
  112. act.enc = {encode: 'utf8'};
  113. return act.c(act.auth);
  114. } act.enc = null; // end backwards
  115. return act.b();
  116. }
  117. act.half = half;
  118. act.f(;
  119. }
  120. act.f = function(data){
  121. if(!data || !{ return act.b() }
  122. var tmp = act.half || {};
  123. act.g({pub:, epub: data.epub, priv: tmp.priv, epriv: tmp.epriv});
  124. }
  125. act.g = function(pair){
  126. act.pair = pair;
  127. var user = (root._).user, at = (user._);
  128. var tmp = at.tag;
  129. var upt = at.opt;
  130. at = user._ = root.get('~';
  131. at.opt = upt;
  132. // add our credentials in-memory only to our root user instance
  133. = {pub:, epub: pair.epub, alias: alias};
  134. at.sea = act.pair;
  135. = false;
  136. try{if(pass && !Gun.obj.has(Gun.obj.ify(cat.root.graph['~'].auth), ':')){ opt.shuffle = opt.change = pass; } }catch(e){} // migrate UTF8 & Shuffle!
  137. opt.change? act.z() : cb(at);
  138. if(SEA.window && ((gun.back('user')._).opt||opt).remember){
  139. // TODO: this needs to be modular.
  140. try{var sS = {};
  141. sS = window.sessionStorage;
  142. sS.recall = true;
  143. sS.alias = alias;
  144. sS.tmp = pass;
  145. }catch(e){}
  146. }
  147. try{
  148. (root._).on('auth', at) // TODO: Deprecate this, emit on user instead! Update docs when you do.
  149. //at.on('auth', at) // Arrgh, this doesn't work without event "merge" code, but "merge" code causes stack overflow and crashes after logging in & trying to write data.
  150. }catch(e){
  151. Gun.log("Your 'auth' callback crashed with:", e);
  152. }
  153. }
  154. act.z = function(){
  155. // password update so encrypt private key using new pwd + salt
  156. act.salt = Gun.text.random(64); // pseudo-random
  157., act.salt, act.y);
  158. }
  159. act.y = function(proof){
  160. SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, proof, act.x, {raw:1});
  161. }
  162. act.x = function(auth){
  163. act.w(JSON.stringify({ek: auth, s: act.salt}));
  164. }
  165. act.w = function(auth){
  166. if(opt.shuffle){ // delete in future!
  167. console.log('migrate core account from UTF8 & shuffle');
  168. var tmp =;
  169. Gun.obj.del(tmp, '_');
  170. tmp.auth = auth;
  171. root.get('~';
  172. } // end delete
  173. root.get('~''auth').put(auth, cb);
  174. }
  175. act.err = function(e){
  176. var ack = {err: Gun.log(e || 'User cannot be found!')};
  177. = false;
  178. cb(ack);
  179. }
  180. act.plugin = function(name){
  181. if(!( = name)){ return act.err() }
  182. var tmp = [name];
  183. if('~' !== name[0]){
  184. tmp[1] = '~'+name;
  185. tmp[2] = '~@'+name;
  186. }
  187. act.b(tmp);
  188. }
  189. if(pair){
  190. act.g(pair);
  191. } else
  192. if(alias){
  193. root.get('~@'+alias).once(act.a);
  194. } else
  195. if(!alias && !pass){
  197. }
  198. return gun;
  199. }
  200. User.prototype.pair = function(){
  201. console.log("user.pair() IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE DELETED!!!");
  202. var user = this;
  203. if(!{ return false }
  204. return user._.sea;
  205. }
  206. User.prototype.leave = function(opt, cb){
  207. var gun = this, user = (gun.back(-1)._).user;
  208. if(user){
  209. delete;
  210. delete;
  211. delete user._.sea;
  212. }
  213. if(SEA.window){
  214. try{var sS = {};
  215. sS = window.sessionStorage;
  216. delete sS.alias;
  217. delete sS.tmp;
  218. delete sS.recall;
  219. }catch(e){};
  220. }
  221. return gun;
  222. }
  223. // If authenticated user wants to delete his/her account, let's support it!
  224. User.prototype.delete = async function(alias, pass, cb){
  225. console.log("user.delete() IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE MOVED TO A MODULE!!!");
  226. var gun = this, root = gun.back(-1), user = gun.back('user');
  227. try {
  228. user.auth(alias, pass, function(ack){
  229. var pub = (||{}).pub;
  230. // Delete user data
  231.{ this.put(null) });
  232. // Wipe user data from memory
  233. user.leave();
  234. (cb || noop)({ok: 0});
  235. });
  236. } catch (e) {
  237. Gun.log('User.delete failed! Error:', e);
  238. }
  239. return gun;
  240. }
  241. User.prototype.recall = function(opt, cb){
  242. var gun = this, root = gun.back(-1), tmp;
  243. opt = opt || {};
  244. if(opt && opt.sessionStorage){
  245. if(SEA.window){
  246. try{var sS = {};
  247. sS = window.sessionStorage;
  248. if(sS){
  249. (root._).opt.remember = true;
  250. ((gun.back('user')._).opt||opt).remember = true;
  251. if(sS.recall || (sS.alias && sS.tmp)){
  252. root.user().auth(sS.alias, sS.tmp, cb);
  253. }
  254. }
  255. }catch(e){}
  256. }
  257. return gun;
  258. }
  259. /*
  260. TODO: copy mhelander's expiry code back in.
  261. Although, we should check with community,
  262. should expiry be core or a plugin?
  263. */
  264. return gun;
  265. }
  266. User.prototype.alive = async function(){
  267. console.log("user.alive() IS DEPRECATED!!!");
  268. const gunRoot = this.back(-1)
  269. try {
  270. // All is good. Should we do something more with actual recalled data?
  271. await authRecall(gunRoot)
  272. return gunRoot._.user._
  273. } catch (e) {
  274. const err = 'No session!'
  275. Gun.log(err)
  276. throw { err }
  277. }
  278. }
  279. = async function(user){
  280. // TODO: BUG!!! SEA `node` read listener needs to be async, which means core needs to be async too.
  281. //gun.get('alice').get('age').trust(bob);
  282. if ( {
  283. user.get('pub').get((ctx, ev) => {
  284. console.log(ctx, ev)
  285. })
  286. }
  287. user.get('trust').get(path).put(theirPubkey);
  288. // do a lookup on this gun chain directly (that gets bob's copy of the data)
  289. // do a lookup on the metadata trust table for this path (that gets all the pubkeys allowed to write on this path)
  290. // do a lookup on each of those pubKeys ON the path (to get the collab data "layers")
  291. // THEN you perform Jachen's mix operation
  292. // and return the result of that to...
  293. }
  294. User.prototype.grant = function(to, cb){
  295. console.log("`.grant` API MAY BE DELETED OR CHANGED OR RENAMED, DO NOT USE!");
  296. var gun = this, user = gun.back(-1).user(), pair = user._.sea, path = '';
  297. gun.back(function(at){ if({ return } path += (at.get||'') });
  298. (async function(){
  299. var enc, sec = await user.get('grant').get(;
  300. sec = await SEA.decrypt(sec, pair);
  301. if(!sec){
  302. sec = SEA.random(16).toString();
  303. enc = await SEA.encrypt(sec, pair);
  304. user.get('grant').get(;
  305. }
  306. var pub = to.get('pub').then();
  307. var epub = to.get('epub').then();
  308. pub = await pub; epub = await epub;
  309. var dh = await SEA.secret(epub, pair);
  310. enc = await SEA.encrypt(sec, dh);
  311. user.get('grant').get(pub).get(path).put(enc, cb);
  312. }());
  313. return gun;
  314. }
  315. User.prototype.secret = function(data, cb){
  316. console.log("`.secret` API MAY BE DELETED OR CHANGED OR RENAMED, DO NOT USE!");
  317. var gun = this, user = gun.back(-1).user(), pair = user.pair(), path = '';
  318. gun.back(function(at){ if({ return } path += (at.get||'') });
  319. (async function(){
  320. var enc, sec = await user.get('trust').get(;
  321. sec = await SEA.decrypt(sec, pair);
  322. if(!sec){
  323. sec = SEA.random(16).toString();
  324. enc = await SEA.encrypt(sec, pair);
  325. user.get('trust').get(;
  326. }
  327. enc = await SEA.encrypt(data, sec);
  328. gun.put(enc, cb);
  329. }());
  330. return gun;
  331. }
  332. module.exports = User