123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510 |
- // Copyright 2012 United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of Defense, Under
- // Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness).
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
- // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
- // is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
- // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- // the License.
- /// @module vwf/view/blockly
- /// @requires vwf/view
- define( [ "module", "vwf/view", "jquery", "vwf/model/blockly/JS-Interpreter/acorn" ], function( module, view, $, acorn ) {
- var self;
- var createBlocklyDivs = true;
- var blocksInWorkspace = {};
- var handleChangeEvents = true;
- var blockIdIterator;
- return view.load( module, {
- // == Module Definition ====================================================================
- // -- initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- initialize: function( options ) {
- self = this;
- this.arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
- if ( options === undefined ) { options = {}; }
- this.delayedProperties = {
- "blockly_toolbox": undefined,
- "blockly_defaultXml": undefined,
- "blockly_autoClose": undefined
- };
- this.options = ( options !== undefined ? options : {} );
- this.options.blocklyPath = options.blocklyPath ? options.blocklyPath : './blockly/';
- this.options.divParent = options.divParent ? options.divParent : 'blocklyWrapper';
- this.options.divName = options.divName ? options.divName : 'blocklyDiv';
- this.options.toolbox = options.toolbox ? options.toolbox : 'toolbox';
- this.options.createButton = options.createButton !== undefined ? options.createButton : true;
- },
- createdNode: function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs,
- childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback /* ( ready ) */) {
- if ( childID == this.kernel.application() ) {
- if ( createBlocklyDivs ) {
- this.state.scenes[ childID ] = {
- "toolbox": undefined,
- "defaultXml": undefined
- }
- if ( this.options.createButton ) {
- $( 'body' ).append(
- "<div id='"+ self.options.divParent +"'>" +
- "<div id='" + self.options.divParent + "-top'/>" +
- "<div id='" + self.options.divName + "'/>" +
- "<div id='runButton' onclick='onRun()'>Run</div>" +
- "</div>" ).children(":last");
- } else {
- $( 'body' ).append(
- "<div id='"+ self.options.divParent +"'>" +
- "<div id='" + self.options.divParent + "-top'/>" +
- "<div id='" + self.options.divName + "'/>" +
- "</div>" ).children(":last");
- }
- createBlocklyDivs = false;
- }
- } else {
- var node = this.state.nodes[ childID ];
- if ( node === undefined && isBlockly3Node( childID ) ) {
- this.state.nodes[ childID ] = node = this.state.createNode( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs,
- childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback );
- }
- }
- },
- initializedNode: function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childName ) {
- self = this;
- if ( childID === this.kernel.application() ) {
- self.kernel.setProperty( childID, "toolbox", self.options.toolbox );
- Blockly.inject( document.getElementById( self.options.divName ), {
- path: this.options.blocklyPath,
- toolbox: document.getElementById( self.options.toolbox ),
- trashcan: false,
- } );
- // HACK: Fix Blockly's hijacking of the backspace and delete keys in password fields
- Blockly.isTargetInput_ = function ( event ){
- return event.target.type === "textarea" || event.target.type === "text" || event.target.type === "password";
- };
- Blockly.addChangeListener( function( event ) {
- if ( handleChangeEvents ) {
- if ( self.state.blockly.node !== undefined ) {
- var i, block;
- var previousBlockIds = Object.keys( blocksInWorkspace );
- var previousBlockCount = previousBlockIds.length;
- var blocks = Blockly.mainWorkspace.getAllBlocks();
- var blockCount = blocks.length;
- var topBlockCount = Blockly.mainWorkspace.topBlocks_.length;
- self.kernel.fireEvent( self.kernel.application(), "blocklyContentChanged", [ true ] );
- self.kernel.setProperty( self.state.blockly.node.ID, "blockly_blockCount", blockCount );
- self.kernel.setProperty( self.state.blockly.node.ID, "blockly_topBlockCount", topBlockCount );
- if ( blockCount > previousBlockCount ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++ ) {
- block = blocks[ i ];
- if ( blocksInWorkspace[ block.id ] === undefined ) {
- blocksInWorkspace[ block.id ] = { "id": block.id, "type": block.type };
- self.kernel.fireEvent( self.state.blockly.node.ID, "blocklyBlockAdded", [ block.id, block.type ] );
- }
- }
- } else if ( blockCount < previousBlockCount ) {
- var activeBlocks = {};
- for ( i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++ ) {
- activeBlocks[ blocks[ i ].id ] = blocks[ i ];
- }
- var blockIDsRemoved = [];
- for ( var id in blocksInWorkspace ) {
- if ( activeBlocks[ id ] === undefined ) {
- blockIDsRemoved.push( id );
- }
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < blockIDsRemoved.length; i++ ) {
- block = blocksInWorkspace[ blockIDsRemoved[ i ] ];
- self.kernel.fireEvent( self.state.blockly.node.ID, "blocklyBlockRemoved", [ block.id, block.type ] );
- delete blocksInWorkspace[ blockIDsRemoved[ i ] ];
- }
- } else {
- // Set the appropriate model properties based on this change
- var xmlDom = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom( Blockly.getMainWorkspace() );
- console.log (xmlDom);
- if ( xmlDom ) {
- var newXmlText = Blockly.Xml.domToText( xmlDom );
- self.kernel.setProperty( self.state.blockly.node.ID, "blockly_xml",
- Blockly.Xml.domToText( xmlDom ) );
- }
- self.kernel.setProperty( self.state.blockly.node.ID, "blockly_code",
- Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode() );
- }
- }
- } else {
- handleChangeEvents = true;
- }
- });
- }
- },
- // -- deletedNode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- deletedNode: function( nodeID ) {
- if ( this.state.nodes[ nodeID ] !== undefined ) {
- delete this.state.nodes[ nodeID ];
- }
- },
- // -- addedChild -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //addedChild: function( nodeID, childID, childName ) { },
- // -- removedChild -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //removedChild: function( nodeID, childID ) { },
- // -- createdProperty --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- createdProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) {
- this.satProperty(nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue);
- },
- // -- initializedProperty ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- initializedProperty: function ( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) {
- this.satProperty(nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue);
- },
- // TODO: deletedProperty
- // -- satProperty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- satProperty: function ( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) {
- var node = this.state.nodes[ nodeID ];
- //this.logger.infox( "S === satProperty ", nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue );
- if ( propertyValue === undefined ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( nodeID == this.kernel.application() ) {
- var app = this.state.scenes[ nodeID ];
- switch ( propertyName ) {
- case "blockly_activeNodeID":
- var newActiveNodeId = propertyValue;
- var previousActiveNode = this.state.blockly.node;
- var blocklyNode = this.state.nodes[ newActiveNodeId ];
- // If the new node is the same as the old - exit early to prevent
- // breaking synchronization.
- if ( previousActiveNode === newActiveNodeId ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( blocklyNode !== undefined ) {
- var show = true;
- //If there was already an active blockly node, deal with it before
- //activating the new one
- if ( previousActiveNode !== undefined ) {
- getBlockXML( previousActiveNode );
- setBlocklyUIVisibility( previousActiveNode, false );
- show = ( previousActiveNode.ID !== newActiveNodeId );
- this.state.blockly.node = undefined;
- }
- // If the new active node is different than the old,
- // then we need to load its program into the toolbox
- if ( show ) {
- if ( blocklyNode.toolbox !== undefined ) {
- loadToolbox( blocklyNode.toolbox );
- } else if ( app.toolbox !== undefined ) {
- loadToolbox( app.toolbox );
- }
- if ( blocklyNode.defaultXml !== undefined ) {
- loadDefaultXml( blocklyNode.defaultXml );
- } else if ( app.defaultXml !== undefined ) {
- loadDefaultXml( app.defaultXml );
- }
- this.state.blockly.node = blocklyNode;
- setBlockXML( blocklyNode );
- setBlocklyUIVisibility( blocklyNode, true );
- }
- } else {
- if ( previousActiveNode !== undefined ) {
- getBlockXML( previousActiveNode );
- setBlocklyUIVisibility( previousActiveNode, false );
- this.state.blockly.node = undefined;
- }
- }
- break;
- case "blockly_toolbox":
- app.toolbox = propertyValue;
- loadToolbox( propertyValue );
- break;
- case "blockly_defaultXml":
- app.defaultXml = propertyValue;
- loadDefaultXml( propertyValue )
- break;
- case "blockly_autoClose":
- if ( Blockly && Blockly.Toolbox && Blockly.Toolbox.flyout_ ){
- Blockly.Toolbox.flyout_.autoClose = Boolean( propertyValue );
- } else {
- this.delayedProperties.blockly_autoClose = Boolean( propertyValue );
- }
- break;
- }
- } else if ( this.state.blockly.node && ( nodeID === this.state.blockly.node.ID ) ) {
- switch ( propertyName ) {
- case "blockly_xml":
- var clientThatSetProperty = this.kernel.client();
- var me = this.kernel.moniker();
- if ( clientThatSetProperty !== me ) {
- var xmlText = propertyValue;
- handleChangeEvents = false;
- setWorkspaceFromXmlText( xmlText, true );
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- // -- gotProperty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // gotProperty: function ( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) {
- // },
- // -- calledMethod -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // calledMethod: function( nodeID, methodName, methodParameters, methodValue ) {
- // },
- // -- firedEvent -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // firedEvent: function( nodeID, eventName, parameters ) {
- // },
- // -- ticked -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //ticked: function( vwfTime ) {
- //},
- // -- render -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //render: function(renderer, scene, camera) {
- //}
- } );
- function isBlockly3Node( nodeID ) {
- return self.kernel.test( nodeID,
- "self::element(*,'http://vwf.example.com/blockly/controller.vwf')",
- nodeID );
- }
- function isBlocklyNode( implementsIDs ) {
- var found = false;
- if ( implementsIDs ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < implementsIDs.length && !found; i++ ) {
- found = ( implementsIDs[i] == "http://vwf.example.com/blockly/controller.vwf" );
- }
- }
- return found;
- }
- function setBlockXML( node ) {
- handleChangeEvents = false;
- var xmlText = node.blocks;
- var clearBeforeSet = true;
- setWorkspaceFromXmlText( xmlText, clearBeforeSet );
- var blocks = Blockly.mainWorkspace.getAllBlocks();
- var blockCount = blocks.length;
- var topBlockCount = Blockly.mainWorkspace.topBlocks_.length;
- blocksInWorkspace = {};
- for ( var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++ ) {
- blocksInWorkspace[ blocks[ i ].id ] = { "id": blocks[ i ].id, "type": blocks[ i ].type };
- }
- self.kernel.setProperty( node.ID, "blockly_blockCount", blockCount );
- self.kernel.setProperty( node.ID, "blockly_topBlockCount", topBlockCount );
- }
- function getBlockXML( node ) {
- var xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom( Blockly.getMainWorkspace() );
- if ( xml ) {
- node.blocks = Blockly.Xml.domToText( xml );
- }
- node.code = Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode();
- Blockly.mainWorkspace.clear();
- }
- function setBlocklyUIVisibility( node, show ) {
- var div = document.getElementById( self.options.divParent );
- div.style.visibility = show ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
- div.style.pointerEvents = show ? 'all' : 'none';
- if ( self.delayedProperties !== undefined ) {
- for ( var prop in self.delayedProperties ) {
- if ( self.delayedProperties[ prop ] !== undefined ) {
- self.satProperty( self.kernel.application(), prop, self.delayedProperties[ prop ] );
- }
- }
- self.delayedProperties = undefined;
- }
- self.kernel.fireEvent( node.ID, "blocklyVisibleChanged", [ show ] );
- }
- function loadToolbox( toolboxDef ) {
- // check the 'Changing the Toolbox' section at
- // https://code.google.com/p/blockly/wiki/Toolbox
- // for more information on this function call
- if ( Blockly && Blockly.mainWorkspace ) {
- var len = toolboxDef.length;
- if ( toolboxDef.indexOf( '.xml' ) === ( len - 4 ) ) {
- $.ajax( {
- url: toolboxDef,
- type: 'GET',
- dataType: 'text',
- timeout: 1000,
- async: false,
- error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
- self.logger.errorx( "loadToolbox",
- "Error loading XML document (" + textStatus + "): " + toolboxDef );
- },
- success: function( xml ) {
- cleanUpdateToolbox( xml );
- }
- } );
- } else if ( toolboxDef.indexOf( '<xml' ) !== -1 ){
- cleanUpdateToolbox( toolboxDef );
- } else {
- var element = document.getElementById( toolboxDef );
- if ( element ) {
- cleanUpdateToolbox( element );
- } else {
- self.logger.warnx( "Unable to load Blockly toolbox: " + toolboxDef );
- }
- }
- } else {
- self.delayedProperties.blockly_toolbox = toolboxDef;
- self.logger.warnx( "Blockly not initilized unable to set the toolbox: " + toolboxDef );
- }
- }
- function loadDefaultXml( xml ) {
- if ( Blockly && Blockly.mainWorkspace ) {
- BlocklyApps.loadBlocks( xml );
- } else {
- self.delayedProperties.defaultXml = toolboxDef;
- self.logger.warnx( "Blockly not initilized unable to load default xml: " + xml );
- }
- }
- // cleanUpdateToolbox properly updates the blockly toolbox by setting the
- // flyout and workspace bounds according to the new flyout width.
- function cleanUpdateToolbox( xml ) {
- // negateOverlap is being use to negate some of the effect of the MARGIN variable
- // in Blockly.createDom_ when deleting blocks over the flyout
- var negateOverlap = 35;
- Blockly.updateToolbox( xml );
- Blockly.mainWorkspace.scrollX = Blockly.mainWorkspace.flyout_.width_ + negateOverlap;
- var translation = 'translate(' + Blockly.mainWorkspace.scrollX + ', 0)';
- Blockly.mainWorkspace.getCanvas().setAttribute('transform', translation);
- }
- // domCopyToWorkspace copies the saved blocks to the workspace exactly
- // This preserves the stored block IDs
- function domCopyToWorkspace( workspace, xml ) {
- var width = Blockly.svgSize().width;
- for (var x = 0, xmlChild; xmlChild = xml.childNodes[x]; x++) {
- if (xmlChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'block') {
- var block = Blockly.Xml.domToBlock( workspace, xmlChild );
- var xmlDescendants = xmlChild.getElementsByTagName( "block" );
- blockIdIterator = 0;
- setChildBlockIDs( block, xmlChild, xmlDescendants );
- var blockX = parseInt(xmlChild.getAttribute('x'), 10);
- var blockY = parseInt(xmlChild.getAttribute('y'), 10);
- if (!isNaN(blockX) && !isNaN(blockY)) {
- block.moveBy(Blockly.RTL ? width - blockX : blockX, blockY);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function setChildBlockIDs( block, blockXml, xmlDescendants ) {
- var childBlock, childXml;
- block.id = blockXml.id;
- for ( var i = 0; i < block.childBlocks_.length; i++ ) {
- childBlock = block.childBlocks_[ i ];
- childXml = xmlDescendants[ blockIdIterator++ ];
- setChildBlockIDs( childBlock, childXml, xmlDescendants );
- }
- }
- function setWorkspaceFromXmlText( xmlText, clearBeforeSet ) {
- var xmlDom = null;
- try {
- xmlDom = Blockly.Xml.textToDom( xmlText );
- } catch ( e ) {
- var q = window.confirm( "XML is invalid" );
- if ( !q ) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if ( xmlDom ) {
- console.log (xmlDom);
- clearBeforeSet && Blockly.mainWorkspace.clear();
- domCopyToWorkspace( Blockly.mainWorkspace, xmlDom );
- }
- }
- } );