123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106 |
- ;(function(){
- var Gun = (typeof window !== "undefined")? window.Gun : require('../gun');
- Gun.on('opt', function(root){
- this.to.next(root);
- var opt = root.opt;
- if(root.once){ return }
- if(!Gun.Mesh){ return }
- if(false === opt.RTCPeerConnection){ return }
- var env;
- if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ env = window }
- if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ env = global }
- env = env || {};
- var rtcpc = opt.RTCPeerConnection || env.RTCPeerConnection || env.webkitRTCPeerConnection || env.mozRTCPeerConnection;
- var rtcsd = opt.RTCSessionDescription || env.RTCSessionDescription || env.webkitRTCSessionDescription || env.mozRTCSessionDescription;
- var rtcic = opt.RTCIceCandidate || env.RTCIceCandidate || env.webkitRTCIceCandidate || env.mozRTCIceCandidate;
- if(!rtcpc || !rtcsd || !rtcic){ return }
- opt.RTCPeerConnection = rtcpc;
- opt.RTCSessionDescription = rtcsd;
- opt.RTCIceCandidate = rtcic;
- opt.rtc = opt.rtc || {'iceServers': [
- {urls: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'},
- {urls: "stun:stun.sipgate.net:3478"}/*,
- {urls: "stun:stun.stunprotocol.org"},
- {urls: "stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000"},
- {urls: "stun:"},
- {urls: 'stun:stun.services.mozilla.com'}*/
- ]};
- // TODO: Select the most appropriate stuns.
- // FIXME: Find the wire throwing ICE Failed
- // The above change corrects at least firefox RTC Peer handler where it **throws** on over 6 ice servers, and updates url: to urls: removing deprecation warning
- opt.rtc.dataChannel = opt.rtc.dataChannel || {ordered: false, maxRetransmits: 2};
- opt.rtc.sdp = opt.rtc.sdp || {mandatory: {OfferToReceiveAudio: false, OfferToReceiveVideo: false}};
- opt.announce = function(to){
- root.on('out', {rtc: {id: opt.pid, to:to}}); // announce ourself
- };
- var mesh = opt.mesh = opt.mesh || Gun.Mesh(root);
- root.on('create', function(at){
- this.to.next(at);
- setTimeout(opt.announce, 1);
- });
- root.on('in', function(msg){
- if(msg.rtc){ open(msg) }
- this.to.next(msg);
- });
- function open(msg){
- var rtc = msg.rtc, peer, tmp;
- if(!rtc || !rtc.id){ return }
- delete opt.announce[rtc.id]; /// remove after connect
- if(tmp = rtc.answer){
- if(!(peer = opt.peers[rtc.id] || open[rtc.id]) || peer.remoteSet){ return }
- return peer.setRemoteDescription(peer.remoteSet = new opt.RTCSessionDescription(tmp));
- }
- if(tmp = rtc.candidate){
- peer = opt.peers[rtc.id] || open[rtc.id] || open({rtc: {id: rtc.id}});
- return peer.addIceCandidate(new opt.RTCIceCandidate(tmp));
- }
- //if(opt.peers[rtc.id]){ return }
- if(open[rtc.id]){ return }
- (peer = new opt.RTCPeerConnection(opt.rtc)).id = rtc.id;
- var wire = peer.wire = peer.createDataChannel('dc', opt.rtc.dataChannel);
- open[rtc.id] = peer;
- wire.onclose = function(){
- delete open[rtc.id];
- mesh.bye(peer);
- //reconnect(peer);
- };
- wire.onerror = function(err){};
- wire.onopen = function(e){
- //delete open[rtc.id];
- mesh.hi(peer);
- }
- wire.onmessage = function(msg){
- if(!msg){ return }
- mesh.hear(msg.data || msg, peer);
- };
- peer.onicecandidate = function(e){ // source: EasyRTC!
- if(!e.candidate){ return }
- root.on('out', {'@': msg['#'], rtc: {candidate: e.candidate, id: opt.pid}});
- }
- peer.ondatachannel = function(e){
- var rc = e.channel;
- rc.onmessage = wire.onmessage;
- rc.onopen = wire.onopen;
- rc.onclose = wire.onclose;
- }
- if(tmp = rtc.offer){
- peer.setRemoteDescription(new opt.RTCSessionDescription(tmp));
- peer.createAnswer(function(answer){
- peer.setLocalDescription(answer);
- root.on('out', {'@': msg['#'], rtc: {answer: answer, id: opt.pid}});
- }, function(){}, opt.rtc.sdp);
- return;
- }
- peer.createOffer(function(offer){
- peer.setLocalDescription(offer);
- root.on('out', {'@': msg['#'], rtc: {offer: offer, id: opt.pid}});
- }, function(){}, opt.rtc.sdp);
- return peer;
- }
- });
- var noop = function(){};
- }());