# CHANGELOG.md ## 0.7 (master branch) **BREAKING CHANGES**: - All core application components are now ES6 modules (including VWF model, view, drivers etc.) Features: - Experimental "stream of messages", based on functional reactive streams. That feature allows to record/replay/delay etc. external (reflector/luminary) messages on peers. - Experimental driver for communication with external hardware over Web Bluetooth and functional reactive streams. Lego Boost demo world example. - Refactor Virtual Time from VWF and made it as ES6 module. - "No driver" world example with minimal core. ## 0.5 - 0.6 **BREAKING CHANGES**: - All VWF components and worlds are described in JSON format. - No world states anymore. Every saved world is a prototype. Features: - From these release, there is no "super" user, who own proxy components. Now every user could own it's own proxy and built the world from corresponding components. - Finally add support for Oculus Quest/VIVE/Windows MR/Gear VR headsets in all spaces by default. - Teleportation controls, when using HMD headsets. ## 0.4 Features: - The last release, that is based on YAML representation of Virtual World Framework components.