//"use strict"; /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Virtual World Framework Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/licenses/LICENSE_VWF.md) */ // VWF & A-Frame model driver import {Fabric} from '/core/vwf/fabric.js'; class AFrameModel extends Fabric { constructor(module) { console.log("AFrame constructor"); super(module, "Model"); } factory() { let _self_ = this; return this.load(this.module, { // == Module Definition ==================================================================== // -- initialize --------------------------------------------------------------------------- initialize: function () { let self = this; this.state = { nodes: {}, scenes: {}, prototypes: {}, createLocalNode: function (nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback) { return { "parentID": nodeID, "ID": childID, "extendsID": childExtendsID, "implementsIDs": childImplementsIDs, "source": childSource, "type": childType, "name": childName, "prototypes": undefined, "aframeObj": undefined, "scene": undefined, "componentName": undefined, "events": { "clickable": false } }; }, isAFrameClass: function (prototypes, classID) { if (prototypes) { for (var i = 0; i < prototypes.length; i++) { if (prototypes[i] === classID) { //console.info( "prototypes[ i ]: " + prototypes[ i ] ); return true; } } } return false; }, isAFrameComponent: function (prototypes) { var found = false; if (prototypes) { for (var i = 0; i < prototypes.length && !found; i++) { found = (prototypes[i] === "proxy/aframe/node.vwf"); } } return found; }, isNodeDefinition: function (prototypes) { var found = false; if (prototypes) { for (var i = 0; i < prototypes.length && !found; i++) { found = (prototypes[i] == "proxy/aframe/node.vwf"); } } return found; }, isAEntityDefinition: function (prototypes) { var found = false; if (prototypes) { for (var i = 0; i < prototypes.length && !found; i++) { found = (prototypes[i] == "proxy/aframe/aentity.vwf"); } } return found; }, setAFrameProperty: function (propertyName, propertyValue, aframeObject) { //console.log(propertyValue); if (propertyValue.hasOwnProperty('x')) { aframeObject.setAttribute(propertyName, propertyValue) } else if (Array.isArray(propertyValue)) { aframeObject.setAttribute(propertyName, { x: propertyValue[0], y: propertyValue[1], z: propertyValue[2] }) } else if (typeof propertyValue === 'string') { propertyValue.includes(',') ? aframeObject.setAttribute(propertyName, AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse(propertyValue.split(',').join(' '))) : aframeObject.setAttribute(propertyName, AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse(propertyValue)) //aframeObject.setAttribute(propertyName, AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse(propertyValue)) } else if (propertyValue.hasOwnProperty('0')) { aframeObject.setAttribute(propertyName, { x: propertyValue[0], y: propertyValue[1], z: propertyValue[2] }) } }, setFromValue: function (propertyValue) { var value = goog.vec.Vec3.create(); if (propertyValue.hasOwnProperty('x')) { value = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(propertyValue.x, propertyValue.y, propertyValue.z) } else if (Array.isArray(propertyValue) || propertyValue instanceof Float32Array) { value = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromArray(propertyValue); } else if (typeof propertyValue === 'string') { let val = propertyValue.includes(',') ? AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse(propertyValue.split(',').join(' ')) : AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse(propertyValue); value = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(val.x, val.y, val.z) // let val = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse(propertyValue); // value = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(val.x, val.y, val.z) } else if (propertyValue.hasOwnProperty('0')) { value = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(propertyValue[0], propertyValue[1], propertyValue[2]) } return value }, updateStoredTransformFor: function (node, propertyName) { if (node && node.aframeObj && node.aframeObj.object3D) { // Add a local model-side transform that can stay pure even if the view changes the // transform on the threeObject - this already happened in creatingNode for those nodes that // didn't need to load a model if (!node.transform) node.transform = {}; if (propertyName == 'position') { let pos = (new THREE.Vector3()).copy(node.aframeObj.object3D.position); node.transform.position = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); node.transform.storedPositionDirty = false; } if (propertyName == 'rotation') { // let rot = (new THREE.Vector3()).copy(node.aframeObj.object3D.rotation); let rot = node.aframeObj.getAttribute('rotation'); node.transform.rotation = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z); node.transform.storedRotationDirty = false; } if (propertyName == 'scale') { let scale = (new THREE.Vector3()).copy(node.aframeObj.object3D.scale); node.transform.scale = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z); node.transform.storedScaleDirty = false; } //node.transform.position = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify(node.aframeObj.object3D.position); // node.transform.rotation = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify(node.aframeObj.object3D.rotation); // node.storedTransformDirty = false; } }, addNodeToHierarchy: function (node) { if (node.aframeObj) { if (this.nodes[node.parentID] !== undefined) { var parent = this.nodes[node.parentID]; if (parent.aframeObj) { if (parent.children === undefined) { parent.children = []; } parent.children.push(node.ID); //console.info( "Adding child: " + childID + " to " + nodeID ); if (node.aframeObj.nodeName !== "A-ASSET-ITEM" && node.aframeObj.nodeName !== "IMG" && node.aframeObj.nodeName !== "AUDIO" && node.aframeObj.nodeName !== "VIDEO" ) { parent.aframeObj.appendChild(node.aframeObj); } } } if (node.aframeObj.nodeName !== "A-SCENE") { node.scene = this.scenes[self.kernel.application()]; } } }, createAFrameObject: function (node, config) { var protos = node.prototypes; var aframeObj = undefined; if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/ascene.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-scene'); let assetsElement = document.createElement('a-assets'); aframeObj.appendChild(assetsElement); aframeObj.setAttribute('scene-utils', ""); aframeObj.setAttribute('light', 'defaultLightsEnabled', false); //aframeObj.setAttribute('embedded', {}); //aframeObj.setAttribute('loading-screen', "backgroundColor: black"); this.scenes[node.ID] = aframeObj; //TODO: move from veiw here //document.body.appendChild(aframeObj); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/a-asset-item.vwf")) { let assets = document.querySelector('a-assets'); if (assets) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-asset-item'); aframeObj.setAttribute('id', "item-" + _self_.helpers.GUID()); aframeObj.setAttribute('src', ""); aframeObj.setAttribute('crossorigin', "anonymous"); assets.appendChild(aframeObj); } } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/a-asset-image-item.vwf")) { let assets = document.querySelector('a-assets'); if (assets) { let elID = "item-" + _self_.helpers.GUID(); aframeObj = document.createElement('img'); aframeObj.setAttribute('id', elID); aframeObj.setAttribute('src', ""); aframeObj.setAttribute('crossorigin', "anonymous"); assets.appendChild(aframeObj); } } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/a-asset-audio-item.vwf")) { let assets = document.querySelector('a-assets'); if (assets) { aframeObj = document.createElement('audio'); aframeObj.setAttribute('id', "item-" + _self_.helpers.GUID()); aframeObj.setAttribute('src', ""); aframeObj.setAttribute('crossorigin', "anonymous"); assets.appendChild(aframeObj); } } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/a-asset-video-item.vwf")) { let assets = document.querySelector('a-assets'); if (assets) { aframeObj = document.createElement('video'); aframeObj.setAttribute('id', "item-" + _self_.helpers.GUID()); aframeObj.setAttribute('src', ""); aframeObj.setAttribute('crossorigin', "anonymous"); aframeObj.setAttribute('autoplay', ""); aframeObj.setAttribute('loop', true); assets.appendChild(aframeObj); } } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/asky.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-sky'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/a-arjs-anchor.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-anchor'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/alight.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-light'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/acursor.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-cursor'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/a-sun-sky.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-sun-sky'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/abox.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-box'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/aplane.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-plane'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/acylinder.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-cylinder'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/acone.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-cone'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/atext.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-text'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/acolladamodel.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-collada-model'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/aobjmodel.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-obj-model'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/agltfmodel.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-gltf-model'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/asphere.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-sphere'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/aanimation.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-animation'); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/acamera.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-camera'); aframeObj.setAttribute('camera', 'active', false); } else if (this.isAFrameClass(protos, "proxy/aframe/aentity.vwf")) { aframeObj = document.createElement('a-entity'); } if (aframeObj.nodeName !== "A-ASSET-ITEM" && aframeObj.nodeName !== "IMG" && aframeObj.nodeName !== "AUDIO" && aframeObj.nodeName !== "VIDEO" ) { aframeObj.setAttribute('id', node.ID); } return aframeObj; } }; this.state.kernel = this.kernel.kernel.kernel; this.aframeDef = { 'A-BOX': [ 'depth', 'height', 'segments-depth', 'segments-height', 'segments-width', 'width' ], 'A-SPHERE': [ 'phi-length', 'phi-start', 'radius', 'segments-depth', 'segments-height', 'segments-width', 'theta-length', 'theta-start' ], 'A-CYLINDER': [ 'height', 'radius', 'open-ended', 'radius-bottom', 'radius-top', 'segments-height', 'segments-radial', 'theta-length', 'theta-start' ], 'A-CONE': [ 'height', 'open-ended', 'radius-bottom', 'radius-top', 'segments-height', 'segments-radial', 'theta-length', 'theta-start' ], 'A-PLANE': [ 'height', 'segments-height', 'segments-width', 'width' ], 'A-TEXT': [ 'align', 'alpha-test', 'anchor', 'baseline', 'color', 'font', 'font-image', 'height', 'letter-spacing', 'line-height', 'opacity', 'shader', 'side', 'tab-size', 'transparent', 'value', 'white-space', 'width', 'wrap-count', 'wrap-pixels', 'z-offset', 'negate' ], 'A-SKY': [ 'phi-length', 'phi-start', 'radius', 'segments-height', 'segments-width', 'theta-length', 'theta-start', ], 'A-LIGHT': [ 'angle', 'color', 'decay', 'distance', 'ground-color', 'intensity', 'penumbra', 'type', 'target' ] } }, // == Model API ============================================================================ // -- creatingNode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- creatingNode: function (nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback /* ( ready ) */ ) { // If the parent nodeID is 0, this node is attached directly to the root and is therefore either // the scene or a prototype. In either of those cases, save the uri of the new node var childURI = (nodeID === 0 ? childIndex : undefined); var appID = this.kernel.application(); // If the node being created is a prototype, construct it and add it to the array of prototypes, // and then return var prototypeID = _self_.utility.ifPrototypeGetId(appID, this.state.prototypes, nodeID, childID); if (prototypeID !== undefined) { this.state.prototypes[prototypeID] = { parentID: nodeID, ID: childID, extendsID: childExtendsID, implementsID: childImplementsIDs, source: childSource, type: childType, name: childName }; return; } var protos = _self_.constructor.getPrototypes(this.kernel, childExtendsID); //var kernel = this.kernel.kernel.kernel; var node; if (this.state.isAFrameComponent(protos)) { // Create the local copy of the node properties if (this.state.nodes[childID] === undefined) { this.state.nodes[childID] = this.state.createLocalNode(nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback); } node = this.state.nodes[childID]; node.prototypes = protos; // if (childType == "component") { // if (nodeID !== undefined) { // node.aframeObj = setAFrameObjectComponents(node); // addNodeToHierarchy(node); // } // } else { node.aframeObj = this.state.createAFrameObject(node); this.state.addNodeToHierarchy(node); if (this.state.isAEntityDefinition(node.prototypes)) { //updateStoredTransform( node ); this.state.updateStoredTransformFor(node, 'position'); this.state.updateStoredTransformFor(node, 'rotation'); this.state.updateStoredTransformFor(node, 'scale'); } //notifyDriverOfPrototypeAndBehaviorProps(); // } //addNodeToHierarchy(node); } }, // initializingNode: function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, // childSource, childType, childIndex, childName ) { // var node = this.state.nodes[childID]; // if ( node && childType == "component" ) { // } // }, // -- initializingProperty ----------------------------------------------------------------- initializingProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) { var value = undefined; var node = this.state.nodes[nodeID]; if (node !== undefined) { value = this.settingProperty(nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue); } return value; }, // -- creatingProperty --------------------------------------------------------------------- creatingProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) { return this.initializingProperty(nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue); }, // -- callingMethod ------------------------------------------------------------------------ callingMethod: function (nodeID, methodName, methodParameters) { let self = this; var node = this.state.nodes[nodeID]; if (!node) return; if (node && node.aframeObj) { if (methodName == 'lookAt') { console.log('lookAt: ' + methodParameters[0]); let target = methodParameters[0]; node.aframeObj.object3D.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(target.x, target.y, target.z)); let newRotation = node.aframeObj.getAttribute('rotation'); self.kernel.setProperty(nodeID, "rotation", { x: 0, y: newRotation.y, z: 0 }); } if (methodName == 'worldRotation') { var worldQuat = new THREE.Quaternion(); node.aframeObj.object3D.getWorldQuaternion(worldQuat); let angle = (new THREE.Euler()).setFromQuaternion(worldQuat, 'YXZ'); let rotation = (new THREE.Vector3(THREE.Math.radToDeg(angle.x), THREE.Math.radToDeg(angle.y), THREE.Math.radToDeg(angle.z))); return rotation } if (methodName == 'worldPosition') { var position = new THREE.Vector3(); node.aframeObj.object3D.getWorldPosition(position); return position } } }, // -- deletingNode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //deletingNode: function( nodeID ) { //}, // -- deletingNode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- deletingNode: function (nodeID) { if (nodeID) { var childNode = this.state.nodes[nodeID]; if (!childNode) return; if (childNode !== undefined) { if (childNode.children) { for (var i = 0; i < childNode.children.length; i++) { this.deletingNode(childNode.children[i]); } } if (childNode.aframeObj !== undefined) { // removes and destroys object childNode.aframeObj.parentNode.removeChild(childNode.aframeObj); childNode.aframeObj.destroy(); childNode.aframeObj = undefined; } delete this.state.nodes[nodeID]; } } }, // -- settingProperty ---------------------------------------------------------------------- settingProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) { let self = this; var node = this.state.nodes[nodeID]; var value = undefined; // if (node.componentName == 'line') { // console.log(node.aframeObj); // } if (node && node.aframeObj && _self_.utility.validObject(propertyValue)) { var aframeObject = node.aframeObj; if (this.state.isNodeDefinition(node.prototypes)) { // 'id' will be set to the nodeID value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && this.state.isAEntityDefinition(node.prototypes)) { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "position": if (!node.transform) node.transform = {}; var position = this.state.setFromValue(propertyValue || []); //goog.vec.Vec3.createFromArray( propertyValue || [] ); node.transform.position = goog.vec.Vec3.clone(position); //value = propertyValue; node.transform.storedPositionDirty = true; //setTransformsDirty( threeObject ); //this.state.setAFrameProperty('position', propertyValue, aframeObject); break; case "rotation": if (!node.transform) node.transform = {}; var rotation = this.state.setFromValue(propertyValue || []); //goog.vec.Vec3.createFromArray( propertyValue || [] ); node.transform.rotation = goog.vec.Vec3.clone(rotation); //value = propertyValue; node.transform.storedRotationDirty = true; //this.state.setAFrameProperty('rotation', propertyValue, aframeObject); break; case "scale": if (!node.transform) node.transform = {}; var scale = this.state.setFromValue(propertyValue || []); //goog.vec.Vec3.createFromArray( propertyValue || [] ); node.transform.scale = goog.vec.Vec3.clone(scale); //value = propertyValue; node.transform.storedScaleDirty = true; //setTransformsDirty( threeObject ); //this.state.setAFrameProperty('position', propertyValue, aframeObject); //this.state.setAFrameProperty('scale', propertyValue, aframeObject); break; case "animationTimeUpdated": if (node.transform) { node.transform.storedPositionDirty = true; node.transform.storedRotationDirty = true; node.transform.storedScaleDirty = true; } break; case "clickable": if (propertyValue) { aframeObject.setAttribute('class', 'intersectable'); } else { aframeObject.setAttribute('class', 'nonintersectable'); } node.events.clickable = propertyValue; break; case "class": var newClasses = []; if (propertyValue.includes(',')) { newClasses = propertyValue.split(','); } else { newClasses = propertyValue.split(' ') } // let newClasses = propertyValue.split(','); //trim() aframeObject.setAttribute('class', ""); newClasses.forEach(el => { aframeObject.classList.add(el.trim()); }) break; case "ownedBy": aframeObject.setAttribute('ownedby', propertyValue); break; case "visible": aframeObject.setAttribute('visible', propertyValue); break; // case "clickable": // console.log("set clickable!"); // value = propertyValue; // break; // case "clickable": // if (propertyValue) { // aframeObject.addEventListener('click', function (evt) { // console.log("click!"); // vwf_view.kernel.fireEvent(node.ID, "clickEvent",evt.detail.cursorEl.id); // }); // } // break; // case "look-controls-enabled": // aframeObject.setAttribute('look-controls', 'enabled', propertyValue); // break; case "wasd-controls": aframeObject.setAttribute('wasd-controls', 'enabled', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-ASSET-ITEM") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": aframeObject.setAttribute('id', propertyValue); break; case "itemSrc": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "IMG") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": aframeObject.setAttribute('id', propertyValue); break; case "itemSrc": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; // case "width": // aframeObject.width = propertyValue; // break; // case "height": // aframeObject.height = propertyValue; // break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "AUDIO") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": aframeObject.setAttribute('id', propertyValue); break; case "itemSrc": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "VIDEO") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": aframeObject.setAttribute('id', propertyValue); break; case "itemSrc": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SKY") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-SKY'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-TEXT") { value = propertyValue; //.filter(el=>el !== 'font') self.aframeDef['A-TEXT'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) // if(propertyName == 'font'){ // console.log('Loading font...', element); // } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SCENE") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "color": aframeObject.setAttribute('background', { 'color': propertyValue }); break; case "transparent": aframeObject.setAttribute('background', { 'transparent': propertyValue }); break; // case "fog": // aframeObject.setAttribute('fog', propertyValue); // break; case "assets": _self_.initAssets(propertyValue) break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-BOX") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-BOX'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-LIGHT") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-LIGHT'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) switch (propertyName) { case "castShadow": aframeObject.setAttribute('light', 'castShadow', propertyValue); break; case "shadowCameraVisible": aframeObject.setAttribute('light', 'shadowCameraVisible', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-GLTF-MODEL") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "src": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-COLLADA-MODEL") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "src": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-OBJ-MODEL") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "src": aframeObject.setAttribute('src', propertyValue); break; case "mtl": aframeObject.setAttribute('mtl', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-PLANE") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-PLANE'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SPHERE") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-SPHERE'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-CYLINDER") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-CYLINDER'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-CONE") { value = propertyValue; self.aframeDef['A-CONE'].forEach(element => { element == propertyName ? aframeObject.setAttribute(element, propertyValue) : value = undefined; }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-ANIMATION") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { // attribute: // dur: // from: // to: // repeat: case "dur": aframeObject.setAttribute('dur', propertyValue); break; case "from": aframeObject.setAttribute('from', propertyValue); break; case "to": aframeObject.setAttribute('to', propertyValue); break; case "repeat": aframeObject.setAttribute('repeat', propertyValue); break; case "attribute": aframeObject.setAttribute('attribute', propertyValue); break; case "begin": aframeObject.setAttribute('begin', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-CAMERA") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "user-height": aframeObject.setAttribute('user-height', propertyValue); break; case "look-controls-enabled": aframeObject.setAttribute('look-controls-enabled', propertyValue); break; case "wasd-controls-enabled": aframeObject.setAttribute('wasd-controls-enabled', propertyValue); break; // case "active": // aframeObject.setAttribute('camera', 'active', propertyValue); // break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SUN-SKY") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "sunPosition": aframeObject.setAttribute('material', 'sunPosition', propertyValue); break; // case "active": // aframeObject.setAttribute('camera', 'active', propertyValue); // break; default: value = undefined; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-ANCHOR") { value = propertyValue; switch (propertyName) { case "changeMatrixMode": aframeObject.setAttribute('arjs-anchor', 'changeMatrixMode', propertyValue); break; case 'hit-testing-enabled': aframeObject.setAttribute('hit-testing-enabled', propertyValue); break; case 'preset': aframeObject.setAttribute('preset', propertyValue); break; case 'markerType': aframeObject.setAttribute('type', propertyValue); break; case 'markerValue': aframeObject.setAttribute('velue', propertyValue); break; default: value = undefined; break; } } } return value; }, // -- gettingProperty ---------------------------------------------------------------------- gettingProperty: function (nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue) { let self = this; var node = this.state.nodes[nodeID]; var value = undefined; if (node && node.aframeObj) { var aframeObject = node.aframeObj; if (this.state.isNodeDefinition(node.prototypes)) { switch (propertyName) {} } if (value === undefined && this.state.isAEntityDefinition(node.prototypes)) { switch (propertyName) { case "position": // var pos = aframeObject.getAttribute('position'); // if (pos !== undefined) { // value = pos//[pos.x, pos.y, pos.z]//AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify(pos); // } if (node.transform.position) { if (node.transform.storedPositionDirty) { this.state.updateStoredTransformFor(node, 'position'); } value = goog.vec.Vec3.clone(node.transform.position); //value = node.transform.position; } break; case "rotation": if (node.transform.rotation) { if (node.transform.storedRotationDirty) { this.state.updateStoredTransformFor(node, 'rotation'); } value = goog.vec.Vec3.clone(node.transform.rotation); // var rot = aframeObject.getAttribute('rotation'); // if (rot !== undefined) { // value = rot//AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify(rot); // } } break; case "scale": if (node.transform.scale) { if (node.transform.storedScaleDirty) { this.state.updateStoredTransformFor(node, 'scale'); } value = goog.vec.Vec3.clone(node.transform.scale); // var scale = aframeObject.getAttribute('scale'); // if (scale !== undefined) { // value = scale//AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify(scale); // } } break; case "clickable": value = node.events.clickable; break; case "class": value = aframeObject.classList.toString(); //aframeObject.getAttribute('class'); break; // case "look-controls-enabled": // var look = aframeObject.getAttribute('look-controls-enabled'); // if (look !== null && look !== undefined) { // value = aframeObject.getAttribute('look-controls').enabled; // } // break; // case "wasd-controls": // var wasd = aframeObject.getAttribute('wasd-controls'); // if (wasd !== null && wasd !== undefined) { // value = aframeObject.getAttribute('wasd-controls').enabled; // } // break; case "ownedBy": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('ownedby'); break; case "visible": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('visible'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-ASSET-ITEM") { switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('id'); break; case "itemSrc": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "IMG") { switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('id'); break; case "itemSrc": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; case "width": value = aframeObject.width; break; case "height": value = aframeObject.height; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "AUDIO") { switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('id'); break; case "itemSrc": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "VIDEO") { switch (propertyName) { case "itemID": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('id'); break; case "itemSrc": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; case "videoWidth": value = aframeObject.videoWidth; break; case "videoHeight": value = aframeObject.videoHeight; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SCENE") { switch (propertyName) { // case "fog": // value = aframeObject.getAttribute('fog'); // break; case "assets": break; case "color": if (aframeObject.getAttribute('background')) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute('background').color; } break; case "transparent": if (aframeObject.getAttribute('background')) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute('background').transparent; } break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SKY") { self.aframeDef['A-SKY'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-LIGHT") { self.aframeDef['A-LIGHT'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) switch (propertyName) { case "castShadow": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('light').castShadow; break; case "shadowCameraVisible": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('light').shadowCameraVisible; break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-BOX") { self.aframeDef['A-BOX'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-PLANE") { self.aframeDef['A-PLANE'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SPHERE") { self.aframeDef['A-SPHERE'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-CYLINDER") { self.aframeDef['A-CYLINDER'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-CONE") { self.aframeDef['A-CONE'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-TEXT") { self.aframeDef['A-TEXT'].forEach(element => { if (element == propertyName) { value = aframeObject.getAttribute(element); } }) } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-ANIMATION") { switch (propertyName) { case "attribute": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('attribute'); break; case "dur": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('dur'); break; case "from": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('from'); break; case "to": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('to'); break; case "repeat": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('repeat'); break; case "begin": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('begin'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-CAMERA") { switch (propertyName) { case "user-height": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('user-height'); break; case "look-controls-enabled": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('look-controls-enabled'); break; case "wasd-controls-enabled": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('wasd-controls-enabled'); break; } // switch (propertyName) { // case "active": // value = aframeObject.getAttribute('camera').active; // break; // } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-SUN-SKY") { switch (propertyName) { case "sunPosition": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('material').sunPosition; break; } // switch (propertyName) { // case "active": // value = aframeObject.getAttribute('camera').active; // break; // } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-COLLADA-MODEL") { switch (propertyName) { case "src": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-OBJ-MODEL") { switch (propertyName) { case "src": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; case "mtl": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('mtl'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-GLTF-MODEL") { switch (propertyName) { case "src": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('src'); break; } } if (value === undefined && aframeObject.nodeName == "A-ANCHOR") { switch (propertyName) { case "changeMatrixMode": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('arjs-anchor').changeMatrixMode; break; case "hit-testing-enabled": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('hit-testing-enabled'); break; case "preset": value = aframeObject.getAttribute('preset'); break; case 'markerType': value = aframeObject.getAttribute('type'); break; case 'markerValue': value = aframeObject.getAttribute('value'); break; } } } if (value !== undefined) { propertyValue = value; } return value; } }); } async initAssets(propertyValue) { let assetsEl = document.querySelector('a-assets'); if (!assetsEl) { let newAssetsEl = document.createElement('a-assets'); aframeObject.appendChild(newAssetsEl); } var assetsElement = document.querySelector('a-assets'); if (propertyValue) { let path = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_app')).path.public_path; let worldName = path.slice(1); let dbPath = propertyValue.split(".").join("_"); let userDB = _LCSDB.user(_LCS_WORLD_USER.pub); userDB.get('worlds').get(worldName).get(dbPath).load(function (response) { if (response) { if (Object.keys(response).length > 0) { //console.log(JSON.parse(response)); let assets = (typeof (response) == 'object') ? response : JSON.parse(response); for (var prop in assets) { var elm = document.createElement(assets[prop].tag); elm.setAttribute('id', prop); elm.setAttribute('src', assets[prop].src); assetsElement.appendChild(elm); } } } }); } } } export { AFrameModel as default }