/** * Author: Pierre Lepers * Date: 09/12/2013 17:21 */ THREE.AWDLoader = (function (){ var UNCOMPRESSED = 0, DEFLATE = 1, LZMA = 2, AWD_FIELD_INT8 = 1, AWD_FIELD_INT16 = 2, AWD_FIELD_INT32 = 3, AWD_FIELD_UINT8 = 4, AWD_FIELD_UINT16 = 5, AWD_FIELD_UINT32 = 6, AWD_FIELD_FLOAT32 = 7, AWD_FIELD_FLOAT64 = 8, AWD_FIELD_BOOL = 21, AWD_FIELD_COLOR = 22, AWD_FIELD_BADDR = 23, AWD_FIELD_STRING = 31, AWD_FIELD_BYTEARRAY = 32, AWD_FIELD_VECTOR2x1 = 41, AWD_FIELD_VECTOR3x1 = 42, AWD_FIELD_VECTOR4x1 = 43, AWD_FIELD_MTX3x2 = 44, AWD_FIELD_MTX3x3 = 45, AWD_FIELD_MTX4x3 = 46, AWD_FIELD_MTX4x4 = 47, BOOL = 21, COLOR = 22, BADDR = 23, INT8 = 1, INT16 = 2, INT32 = 3, UINT8 = 4, UINT16 = 5, UINT32 = 6, FLOAT32 = 7, FLOAT64 = 8; var littleEndian = true; // ResourcesLoader // ============= // handle loading for external resources function ResourcesLoader( awdUrl ){ this._baseDir = awdUrl.substr( 0, awdUrl.lastIndexOf( '/' )+1 ); this._loadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager(); } ResourcesLoader.prototype = { loadTexture : function( path ){ var tex = new THREE.Texture(); var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader( this._loadingManager ); loader.load( this._baseDir+path, function( image ) { tex.image = image; tex.needsUpdate = true; }); return tex; } } function Block(){ this.id = 0; this.data = null; } function AWDLoader( showStatus ) { THREE.Loader.call( this, showStatus ); this.trunk = new THREE.Object3D(); this.materialFactory = undefined; this._resourceLoader = null; this._url = ''; this._data; this._ptr = 0; this._version = []; this._streaming = false; this._optimized_for_accuracy = false; this._compression = 0; this._bodylen = 0xFFFFFFFF; this._blocks = [ new Block() ]; this._accuracyMatrix = false; this._accuracyGeo = false; this._accuracyProps = false; }; AWDLoader.prototype = new THREE.Loader(); AWDLoader.prototype.constructor = AWDLoader; AWDLoader.prototype.load = function ( url, callback ) { var that = this; this._url = url; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open( "GET", url, true ); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( xhr.readyState == 4 ) { if ( xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0 ) { that.parse( xhr.response ); callback( that.trunk ); } else { console.error( 'AWDLoader: Couldn\'t load ' + url + ' (' + xhr.status + ')' ); } } }; xhr.send( null ); }; AWDLoader.prototype.parse = function ( data ) { var blen = data.byteLength; this._ptr = 0; this._data = new DataView( data ); this._parseHeader( ); if( this._compression != 0 ) { console.error( 'compressed AWD not supported' ); } if (!this._streaming && this._bodylen != data.byteLength - this._ptr ) { console.error('AWDLoader: body len does not match file length', this._bodylen , blen - this._ptr); } while ( this._ptr < blen ) { this.parseNextBlock(); } return this.trunk; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseNextBlock = function ( ) { var assetData, ns, type, len, block, blockId = this.readU32(), ns = this.readU8(), type = this.readU8(), flags = this.readU8(), len = this.readU32(); switch (type) { case 1: assetData = this.parseMeshData(len); break; case 22: assetData = this.parseContainer(len); break; case 23: assetData = this.parseMeshInstance(len); break; case 81: assetData = this.parseMaterial(len); break; case 82: assetData = this.parseTexture(len); break; case 101: assetData = this.parseSkeleton(len); break; // case 111: // assetData = this.parseMeshPoseAnimation(len, true); // break; case 112: assetData = this.parseMeshPoseAnimation(len, false); break; case 113: assetData = this.parseVertexAnimationSet(len); break; case 102: assetData = this.parseSkeletonPose(len); break; case 103: assetData = this.parseSkeletonAnimation(len); break; case 122: assetData = this.parseAnimatorSet(len); break; // case 121: // assetData = parseUVAnimation(len); // break; default: //debug('Ignoring block!',type, len); this._ptr += len; break; } // Store block reference for later use this._blocks[blockId] = block = new Block(); block.data = assetData; block.id = blockId; } AWDLoader.prototype._parseHeader = function () { var version = this._version, awdmagic = ( this.readU8()<<16) | ( this.readU8()<<8 ) | this.readU8(); if( awdmagic != 4282180 ) throw new Error( "AWDLoader - bad magic" ); version[0] = this.readU8(); version[1] = this.readU8(); var flags = this.readU16(); this._streaming = (flags & 0x1) == 0x1; if ((version[0] === 2) && (version[1] === 1)) { this._accuracyMatrix = (flags & 0x2) === 0x2; this._accuracyGeo = (flags & 0x4) === 0x4; this._accuracyProps = (flags & 0x8) === 0x8; } this._geoNrType = this._accuracyGeo ? FLOAT64 : FLOAT32; this._matrixNrType = this._accuracyMatrix ? FLOAT64 : FLOAT32; this._propsNrType = this._accuracyProps ? FLOAT64 : FLOAT32; this._optimized_for_accuracy = (flags & 0x2) === 0x2; this._compression = this.readU8(); this._bodylen = this.readU32(); } AWDLoader.prototype.parseContainer = function ( len ) { var parent, ctr = new THREE.Object3D(), par_id = this.readU32(), mtx = this.parseMatrix4(); ctr.name = this.readUTF(); ctr.applyMatrix( mtx ); parent = this._blocks[par_id].data || this.trunk; parent.add(ctr); this.parseProperties({ 1:this._matrixNrType, 2:this._matrixNrType, 3:this._matrixNrType, 4:UINT8 }); ctr.extra = this.parseUserAttributes(); return ctr; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseMeshInstance = function ( len ) { var name, mesh, geometries, meshLen, meshes, par_id, data_id, mtx, materials, mat, mat_id, num_materials, materials_parsed, parent, i; par_id = this.readU32(); mtx = this.parseMatrix4(); name = this.readUTF(); data_id = this.readU32(); num_materials = this.readU16(); geometries = this.getBlock( data_id ); materials = []; materials_parsed = 0; for ( i = 0; i < num_materials; i++) { mat_id = this.readU32(); mat = this.getBlock( mat_id ); materials.push( mat ); } meshLen = geometries.length meshes = []; // TODO : BufferGeometry don't support "geometryGroups" for now. // so we create sub meshes for each groups if( meshLen > 1 ) { mesh = new THREE.Object3D() for ( i = 0; i < meshLen; i++) { var sm = new THREE.Mesh( geometries[i] ); meshes.push( sm ); mesh.add( sm ); } } else { mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometries[0] ); meshes.push( mesh ); } mesh.applyMatrix( mtx ); mesh.name = name; parent = this.getBlock( par_id ) || this.trunk; parent.add( mesh ); var matLen = materials.length; var maxLen = Math.max( meshLen, matLen); for( i = 0; i< maxLen; i++ ) meshes[ i%meshLen ].material = materials[ i % matLen ]; // Ignore for now this.parseProperties( null ); mesh.extra = this.parseUserAttributes(); return mesh; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseMaterial = function ( len ) { var name, type, props, mat, attributes, finalize, num_methods, methods_parsed; name = this.readUTF(); type = this.readU8(); num_methods = this.readU8(); //log( "AWDLoader parseMaterial ",name ) // Read material numerical properties // (1=color, 2=bitmap url, 11=alpha_blending, 12=alpha_threshold, 13=repeat) props = this.parseProperties({ 1: AWD_FIELD_INT32, 2: AWD_FIELD_BADDR, 11: AWD_FIELD_BOOL, 12: AWD_FIELD_FLOAT32, 13: AWD_FIELD_BOOL }); methods_parsed = 0; while( methods_parsed < num_methods ) { var method_type = this.readU16(); this.parseProperties( null ); this.parseUserAttributes(); } attributes = this.parseUserAttributes(); if( this.materialFactory !== undefined ) { mat = this.materialFactory( name ); if( mat ) return mat; } mat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(); if (type === 1) { // Color material mat.color.setHex( props.get(1, 0xcccccc) ); } else if (type === 2) { // Bitmap material var tex_addr = props.get(2, 0); mat.map = this.getBlock( tex_addr ); } mat.extra = attributes; mat.alphaThreshold = props.get(12, 0.0); mat.repeat = props.get(13, false); return mat; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseTexture = function( len ) { var name = this.readUTF(), type = this.readU8(), asset, data_len; // External if (type === 0) { data_len = this.readU32(); var url = this.readUTFBytes(data_len); console.log( url ); asset = this.loadTexture( url ); } else { // embed texture not supported } // Ignore for now this.parseProperties( null ); this.parseUserAttributes(); return asset; } AWDLoader.prototype.loadTexture = function( url ) { if( null === this._resourceLoader ) this._resourceLoader = new ResourcesLoader( this._url ); return this._resourceLoader.loadTexture( url ); } // broken : skeleton pose format is different than threejs one AWDLoader.prototype.parseSkeleton = function(len) // Array { var name = this.readUTF(), num_joints = this.readU16(), skeleton = [], joints_parsed = 0; this.parseProperties( null ); while (joints_parsed < num_joints) { var joint, ibp; // Ignore joint id this.readU16(); joint = new THREE.Bone(); joint.parent = this.readU16() - 1; // 0=null in AWD joint.name = this.readUTF(); ibp = this.parseMatrix4(); joint.skinMatrix = ibp; // Ignore joint props/attributes for now this.parseProperties(null); this.parseUserAttributes(); skeleton.push(joint); joints_parsed++; } // Discard attributes for now this.parseUserAttributes(); return skeleton; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseSkeletonPose = function(blockID) { var name = this.readUTF(); var num_joints = this.readU16(); this.parseProperties(null); // debug( 'parse Skeleton Pose. joints : ' + num_joints); var pose = []; var joints_parsed = 0; while (joints_parsed < num_joints) { var joint_pose; var has_transform; //:uint; var mtx_data; has_transform = this.readU8(); if (has_transform === 1) { mtx_data = this.parseMatrix4(); } else { mtx_data = new THREE.Matrix4(); } pose[joints_parsed] = mtx_data; joints_parsed++; } // Skip attributes for now this.parseUserAttributes(); return pose } AWDLoader.prototype.parseSkeletonAnimation = function(blockID) { var frame_dur; var pose_addr; var pose; var name = this.readUTF(); var clip = []; var num_frames = this.readU16(); this.parseProperties(null); var frames_parsed = 0; var returnedArray; // debug( 'parse Skeleton Animation. frames : ' + num_frames); while (frames_parsed < num_frames) { pose_addr = this.readU32(); frame_dur = this.readU16(); pose = this._blocks[pose_addr].data // debug( 'pose address ',pose[2].elements[12],pose[2].elements[13],pose[2].elements[14] ); clip.push( { pose : pose, duration : frame_dur } ); frames_parsed++; } if (clip.length == 0) { // debug("Could not this SkeletonClipNode, because no Frames where set."); return; } // Ignore attributes for now this.parseUserAttributes(); return clip; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseVertexAnimationSet = function(len) { var poseBlockAdress, name = this.readUTF(), num_frames = this.readU16(), props = this.parseProperties({1:UINT16}), frames_parsed = 0, skeletonFrames = []; while (frames_parsed < num_frames) { poseBlockAdress = this.readU32(); skeletonFrames.push(this._blocks[poseBlockAdress].data); frames_parsed++; } this.parseUserAttributes(); return skeletonFrames; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseAnimatorSet = function(len) { var targetMesh; var animSetBlockAdress; //:int var targetAnimationSet; //:AnimationSetBase; var outputString = ""; //:String = ""; var name = this.readUTF(); var type = this.readU16(); var props = this.parseProperties({1:BADDR}); animSetBlockAdress = this.readU32(); var targetMeshLength = this.readU16(); var meshAdresses = []; //:Vector. = new Vector.; for (var i = 0; i < targetMeshLength; i++) meshAdresses.push( this.readU32() ); var activeState = this.readU16(); var autoplay = Boolean(this.readU8()); this.parseUserAttributes(); this.parseUserAttributes(); var returnedArray; var targetMeshes = []; //:Vector. = new Vector.; for (i = 0; i < meshAdresses.length; i++) { // returnedArray = getAssetByID(meshAdresses[i], [AssetType.MESH]); // if (returnedArray[0]) targetMeshes.push(this._blocks[meshAdresses[i]].data); } targetAnimationSet = this._blocks[animSetBlockAdress].data var thisAnimator; if (type == 1) { thisAnimator = { animationSet : targetAnimationSet, skeleton : this._blocks[props.get(1, 0)].data }; } else if (type == 2) { // debug( "vertex Anim???"); } for (i = 0; i < targetMeshes.length; i++) { targetMeshes[i].animator = thisAnimator; } // debug("Parsed a Animator: Name = " + name); return thisAnimator; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseMeshData = function ( len ) { var name = this.readUTF(), num_subs = this.readU16(), geom, subs_parsed = 0, props, buffer, skinW, skinI, geometries = []; props = this.parseProperties({ 1: this._geoNrType, 2: this._geoNrType }); // Loop through sub meshes while (subs_parsed < num_subs) { var sm_len, sm_end, attrib; geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geom.name = name; geometries.push( geom ); sm_len = this.readU32(); sm_end = this._ptr + sm_len; // Ignore for now this.parseProperties({1:this._geoNrType, 2:this._geoNrType}); // Loop through data streams while ( this._ptr < sm_end ) { var idx = 0, str_type = this.readU8(), str_ftype = this.readU8(), str_len = this.readU32(), str_end = str_len + this._ptr; // VERTICES // ------------------ if ( str_type === 1 ) { buffer = new Float32Array( ( str_len / 12 ) * 3 ); attrib = new THREE.BufferAttribute( buffer, 3 ); geom.addAttribute( 'position', attrib ); idx = 0; while (this._ptr < str_end) { buffer[idx] = -this.readF32(); buffer[idx+1] = this.readF32(); buffer[idx+2] = this.readF32(); idx+=3; } } // INDICES // ----------------- else if (str_type === 2) { buffer = new Uint16Array( str_len / 2 ); attrib = new THREE.BufferAttribute( buffer, 1 ); geom.addAttribute( 'index', attrib ); geom.offsets.push({ start: 0, index: 0, count: str_len/2 }); idx = 0; while (this._ptr < str_end) { buffer[idx+1] = this.readU16(); buffer[idx] = this.readU16(); buffer[idx+2] = this.readU16(); idx+=3; } } // UVS // ------------------- else if (str_type === 3) { buffer = new Float32Array( ( str_len / 8 ) * 2 ); attrib = new THREE.BufferAttribute( buffer, 2 ); geom.addAttribute( 'uv', attrib ); idx = 0; while (this._ptr < str_end) { buffer[idx] = this.readF32(); buffer[idx+1] = 1.0-this.readF32(); idx+=2; } } // NORMALS else if (str_type === 4) { buffer = new Float32Array( ( str_len / 12 ) * 3 ); attrib = new THREE.BufferAttribute( buffer, 3 ); geom.addAttribute( 'normal', attrib ); idx = 0; while (this._ptr < str_end) { buffer[idx] = -this.readF32(); buffer[idx+1] = this.readF32(); buffer[idx+2] = this.readF32(); idx+=3; } } // else if (str_type == 6) { // skinI = new Float32Array( str_len>>1 ); // idx = 0 // while (this._ptr < str_end) { // skinI[idx] = this.readU16(); // idx++; // } // } // else if (str_type == 7) { // skinW = new Float32Array( str_len>>2 ); // idx = 0; // while (this._ptr < str_end) { // skinW[idx] = this.readF32(); // idx++; // } // } else { this._ptr = str_end; } } this.parseUserAttributes(); geom.computeBoundingSphere(); subs_parsed++; } //geom.computeFaceNormals(); this.parseUserAttributes(); //finalizeAsset(geom, name); return geometries; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseMeshPoseAnimation = function(len, poseOnly) { var num_frames = 1, num_submeshes, frames_parsed, subMeshParsed, frame_dur, x, y, z, str_len, str_end, geom, subGeom, idx = 0, clip = {}, indices, verts, num_Streams, streamsParsed, streamtypes = [], props, thisGeo, name = this.readUTF(), geoAdress = this.readU32(); var mesh = this.getBlock( geoAdress ); if (mesh == null) { console.log( "parseMeshPoseAnimation target mesh not found at:", geoAdress ); return; } geom = mesh.geometry; geom.morphTargets = []; if (!poseOnly) num_frames = this.readU16(); num_submeshes = this.readU16(); num_Streams = this.readU16(); // debug("VA num_frames : ", num_frames ); // debug("VA num_submeshes : ", num_submeshes ); // debug("VA numstreams : ", num_Streams ); streamsParsed = 0; while (streamsParsed < num_Streams) { streamtypes.push(this.readU16()); streamsParsed++; } props = this.parseProperties({1:BOOL, 2:BOOL}); clip.looping = props.get(1, true); clip.stitchFinalFrame = props.get(2, false); frames_parsed = 0; while (frames_parsed < num_frames) { frame_dur = this.readU16(); subMeshParsed = 0; while (subMeshParsed < num_submeshes) { streamsParsed = 0; str_len = this.readU32(); str_end = this._ptr + str_len; while (streamsParsed < num_Streams) { if (streamtypes[streamsParsed] == 1) { //geom.addAttribute( 'morphTarget'+frames_parsed, Float32Array, str_len/12, 3 ); var buffer = new Float32Array(str_len/4); geom.morphTargets.push( { array : buffer }); //buffer = geom.attributes['morphTarget'+frames_parsed].array idx = 0; while ( this._ptr < str_end ) { buffer[idx] = this.readF32(); buffer[idx+1] = this.readF32(); buffer[idx+2] = this.readF32(); idx += 3; } subMeshParsed++; } else this._ptr = str_end; streamsParsed++; } } frames_parsed++; } this.parseUserAttributes(); return null; } AWDLoader.prototype.getBlock = function ( id ) { return this._blocks[id].data; }, AWDLoader.prototype.parseMatrix4 = function ( ) { var mtx = new THREE.Matrix4(); var e = mtx.elements; e[0] = this.readF32(); e[1] = this.readF32(); e[2] = this.readF32(); e[3] = 0.0; //e[3] = 0.0; e[4] = this.readF32(); e[5] = this.readF32(); e[6] = this.readF32(); //e[7] = this.readF32(); e[7] = 0.0; e[8] = this.readF32(); e[9] = this.readF32(); e[10] = this.readF32(); //e[11] = this.readF32(); e[11] = 0.0; e[12] = -this.readF32(); e[13] = this.readF32(); e[14] = this.readF32(); //e[15] = this.readF32(); e[15] = 1.0; return mtx; } AWDLoader.prototype.parseProperties = function ( expected ) { var list_len = this.readU32(); var list_end = this._ptr + list_len; var props = new AWDProperties(); if( expected ) { while( this._ptr < list_end ) { var key = this.readU16(); var len = this.readU32(); var type; if( expected.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { type = expected[ key ]; props.set( key, this.parseAttrValue( type, len ) ); } else { this._ptr += len; } } } return props; }; AWDLoader.prototype.parseUserAttributes = function ( ) { // skip for now this._ptr = this.readU32() + this._ptr; return null; }; AWDLoader.prototype.parseAttrValue = function ( type, len ) { var elem_len; var read_func; switch (type) { case AWD_FIELD_INT8: elem_len = 1; read_func = this.readI8; break; case AWD_FIELD_INT16: elem_len = 2; read_func = this.readI16; break; case AWD_FIELD_INT32: elem_len = 4; read_func = this.readI32; break; case AWD_FIELD_BOOL: case AWD_FIELD_UINT8: elem_len = 1; read_func = this.readU8; break; case AWD_FIELD_UINT16: elem_len = 2; read_func = this.readU16; break; case AWD_FIELD_UINT32: case AWD_FIELD_BADDR: elem_len = 4; read_func = this.readU32; break; case AWD_FIELD_FLOAT32: elem_len = 4; read_func = this.readF32; break; case AWD_FIELD_FLOAT64: elem_len = 8; read_func = this.readF64; break; case AWD_FIELD_VECTOR2x1: case AWD_FIELD_VECTOR3x1: case AWD_FIELD_VECTOR4x1: case AWD_FIELD_MTX3x2: case AWD_FIELD_MTX3x3: case AWD_FIELD_MTX4x3: case AWD_FIELD_MTX4x4: elem_len = 8; read_func = this.readF64; break; } if (elem_len < len) { var list; var num_read; var num_elems; list = []; num_read = 0; num_elems = len / elem_len; while (num_read < num_elems) { list.push(read_func.call( this ) ); num_read++; } return list; } else { return read_func.call( this ); } } AWDLoader.prototype.readU8 = function () { return this._data.getUint8( this._ptr++ ); } AWDLoader.prototype.readI8 = function () { return this._data.getInt8( this._ptr++ ); } AWDLoader.prototype.readU16 = function () { var a = this._data.getUint16( this._ptr, littleEndian ); this._ptr += 2; return a; } AWDLoader.prototype.readI16 = function () { var a = this._data.getInt16( this._ptr, littleEndian ); this._ptr += 2; return a; } AWDLoader.prototype.readU32 = function () { var a = this._data.getUint32( this._ptr, littleEndian ); this._ptr += 4; return a; } AWDLoader.prototype.readI32 = function () { var a = this._data.getInt32( this._ptr, littleEndian ); this._ptr += 4; return a; } AWDLoader.prototype.readF32 = function () { var a = this._data.getFloat32( this._ptr, littleEndian ); this._ptr += 4; return a; } AWDLoader.prototype.readF64 = function () { var a = this._data.getFloat64( this._ptr, littleEndian ); this._ptr += 8; return a; } /** * Converts a UTF-8 byte array to JavaScript's 16-bit Unicode. * @param {Array.} bytes UTF-8 byte array. * @return {string} 16-bit Unicode string. */ AWDLoader.prototype.readUTF = function () { var len = this.readU16(); return this.readUTFBytes( len ); }; /** * Converts a UTF-8 byte array to JavaScript's 16-bit Unicode. * @param {Array.} bytes UTF-8 byte array. * @return {string} 16-bit Unicode string. */ AWDLoader.prototype.readUTFBytes = function ( len ) { // TODO(user): Use native implementations if/when available var out = [], c = 0; while ( out.length < len ) { var c1 = this._data.getUint8( this._ptr++, littleEndian ); if (c1 < 128) { out[c++] = String.fromCharCode(c1); } else if (c1 > 191 && c1 < 224) { var c2 = this._data.getUint8( this._ptr++, littleEndian ); out[c++] = String.fromCharCode((c1 & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); } else { var c2 = this._data.getUint8( this._ptr++, littleEndian ); var c3 = this._data.getUint8( this._ptr++, littleEndian ); out[c++] = String.fromCharCode( (c1 & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63 ); } } return out.join(''); }; AWDProperties = function(){} AWDProperties.prototype = { set : function(key, value) { this[key] = value; }, get : function(key, fallback) { if ( this.hasOwnProperty(key) ) return this[key]; else return fallback; } } return AWDLoader; })();