/*global define*/ define([ '../Core/BoundingSphere', '../Core/Cartesian3', '../Core/Cartesian4', '../Core/Cartographic', '../Core/Color', '../Core/ComponentDatatype', '../Core/defaultValue', '../Core/defined', '../Core/defineProperties', '../Core/destroyObject', '../Core/DeveloperError', '../Core/EncodedCartesian3', '../Core/IndexDatatype', '../Core/Intersect', '../Core/Math', '../Core/Matrix4', '../Renderer/BufferUsage', '../Renderer/DrawCommand', '../Renderer/ShaderSource', '../Shaders/PolylineCommon', '../Shaders/PolylineFS', '../Shaders/PolylineVS', './BlendingState', './Material', './Pass', './Polyline', './SceneMode' ], function( BoundingSphere, Cartesian3, Cartesian4, Cartographic, Color, ComponentDatatype, defaultValue, defined, defineProperties, destroyObject, DeveloperError, EncodedCartesian3, IndexDatatype, Intersect, CesiumMath, Matrix4, BufferUsage, DrawCommand, ShaderSource, PolylineCommon, PolylineFS, PolylineVS, BlendingState, Material, Pass, Polyline, SceneMode) { "use strict"; var SHOW_INDEX = Polyline.SHOW_INDEX; var WIDTH_INDEX = Polyline.WIDTH_INDEX; var POSITION_INDEX = Polyline.POSITION_INDEX; var MATERIAL_INDEX = Polyline.MATERIAL_INDEX; //POSITION_SIZE_INDEX is needed for when the polyline's position array changes size. //When it does, we need to recreate the indicesBuffer. var POSITION_SIZE_INDEX = Polyline.POSITION_SIZE_INDEX; var NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES = Polyline.NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES; var attributeLocations = { texCoordExpandWidthAndShow : 0, position3DHigh : 1, position3DLow : 2, position2DHigh : 3, position2DLow : 4, prevPosition3DHigh : 5, prevPosition3DLow : 6, prevPosition2DHigh : 7, prevPosition2DLow : 8, nextPosition3DHigh : 9, nextPosition3DLow : 10, nextPosition2DHigh : 11, nextPosition2DLow : 12, pickColor : 13 }; /** * A renderable collection of polylines. *

* Example polylines *

* Polylines are added and removed from the collection using {@link PolylineCollection#add} * and {@link PolylineCollection#remove}. * * @alias PolylineCollection * @constructor * * @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties: * @param {Matrix4} [options.modelMatrix=Matrix4.IDENTITY] The 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms each polyline from model to world coordinates. * @param {Boolean} [options.debugShowBoundingVolume=false] For debugging only. Determines if this primitive's commands' bounding spheres are shown. * * @performance For best performance, prefer a few collections, each with many polylines, to * many collections with only a few polylines each. Organize collections so that polylines * with the same update frequency are in the same collection, i.e., polylines that do not * change should be in one collection; polylines that change every frame should be in another * collection; and so on. * * @see PolylineCollection#add * @see PolylineCollection#remove * @see Polyline * @see LabelCollection * @demo {@link http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Polylines.html|Cesium Sandcastle Polyline Demo} * * @example * // Create a polyline collection with two polylines * var polylines = new Cesium.PolylineCollection(); * polylines.add({ * position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([ * -75.10, 39.57, * -77.02, 38.53, * -80.50, 35.14, * -80.12, 25.46]), * width : 2 * }); * * polylines.add({ * positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([ * -73.10, 37.57, * -75.02, 36.53, * -78.50, 33.14, * -78.12, 23.46]), * width : 4 * }); */ var PolylineCollection = function(options) { options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT); /** * The 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms each polyline in this collection from model to world coordinates. * When this is the identity matrix, the polylines are drawn in world coordinates, i.e., Earth's WGS84 coordinates. * Local reference frames can be used by providing a different transformation matrix, like that returned * by {@link Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame}. * * @type {Matrix4} * @default {@link Matrix4.IDENTITY} */ this.modelMatrix = Matrix4.clone(defaultValue(options.modelMatrix, Matrix4.IDENTITY)); this._modelMatrix = Matrix4.clone(Matrix4.IDENTITY); /** * This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use nor is it optimized. *

* Draws the bounding sphere for each draw command in the primitive. *

* * @type {Boolean} * * @default false */ this.debugShowBoundingVolume = defaultValue(options.debugShowBoundingVolume, false); this._opaqueRS = undefined; this._translucentRS = undefined; this._colorCommands = []; this._pickCommands = []; this._polylinesUpdated = false; this._polylinesRemoved = false; this._createVertexArray = false; this._propertiesChanged = new Uint32Array(NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES); this._polylines = []; this._polylineBuckets = {}; // The buffer usage for each attribute is determined based on the usage of the attribute over time. this._buffersUsage = [ {bufferUsage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW, frameCount:0}, // SHOW_INDEX {bufferUsage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW, frameCount:0}, // WIDTH_INDEX {bufferUsage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW, frameCount:0} // POSITION_INDEX ]; this._mode = undefined; this._polylinesToUpdate = []; this._vertexArrays = []; this._positionBuffer = undefined; this._pickColorBuffer = undefined; this._texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBuffer = undefined; }; defineProperties(PolylineCollection.prototype, { /** * Returns the number of polylines in this collection. This is commonly used with * {@link PolylineCollection#get} to iterate over all the polylines * in the collection. * @memberof PolylineCollection.prototype * @type {Number} */ length : { get : function() { removePolylines(this); return this._polylines.length; } } }); /** * Creates and adds a polyline with the specified initial properties to the collection. * The added polyline is returned so it can be modified or removed from the collection later. * * @param {Object}[polyline] A template describing the polyline's properties as shown in Example 1. * @returns {Polyline} The polyline that was added to the collection. * * @performance After calling add, {@link PolylineCollection#update} is called and * the collection's vertex buffer is rewritten - an O(n) operation that also incurs CPU to GPU overhead. * For best performance, add as many polylines as possible before calling update. * * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called. * * @see PolylineCollection#remove * @see PolylineCollection#removeAll * @see PolylineCollection#update * * @example * // Example 1: Add a polyline, specifying all the default values. * var p = polylines.add({ * show : true, * positions : ellipsoid.cartographicDegreesToCartesians([ * new Cesium.Cartographic2(-75.10, 39.57), * new Cesium.Cartographic2(-77.02, 38.53)]), * width : 1 * }); */ PolylineCollection.prototype.add = function(polyline) { var p = new Polyline(polyline, this); p._index = this._polylines.length; this._polylines.push(p); this._createVertexArray = true; return p; }; /** * Removes a polyline from the collection. * * @param {Polyline} polyline The polyline to remove. * @returns {Boolean} true if the polyline was removed; false if the polyline was not found in the collection. * * @performance After calling remove, {@link PolylineCollection#update} is called and * the collection's vertex buffer is rewritten - an O(n) operation that also incurs CPU to GPU overhead. * For best performance, remove as many polylines as possible before calling update. * If you intend to temporarily hide a polyline, it is usually more efficient to call * {@link Polyline#show} instead of removing and re-adding the polyline. * * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called. * * @see PolylineCollection#add * @see PolylineCollection#removeAll * @see PolylineCollection#update * @see Polyline#show * * @example * var p = polylines.add(...); * polylines.remove(p); // Returns true */ PolylineCollection.prototype.remove = function(polyline) { if (this.contains(polyline)) { this._polylines[polyline._index] = undefined; // Removed later this._polylinesRemoved = true; this._createVertexArray = true; if (defined(polyline._bucket)) { var bucket = polyline._bucket; bucket.shaderProgram = bucket.shaderProgram && bucket.shaderProgram.destroy(); bucket.pickShaderProgram = bucket.pickShaderProgram && bucket.pickShaderProgram.destroy(); } polyline._destroy(); return true; } return false; }; /** * Removes all polylines from the collection. * * @performance O(n). It is more efficient to remove all the polylines * from a collection and then add new ones than to create a new collection entirely. * * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called. * * @see PolylineCollection#add * @see PolylineCollection#remove * @see PolylineCollection#update * * @example * polylines.add(...); * polylines.add(...); * polylines.removeAll(); */ PolylineCollection.prototype.removeAll = function() { releaseShaders(this); destroyPolylines(this); this._polylineBuckets = {}; this._polylinesRemoved = false; this._polylines.length = 0; this._polylinesToUpdate.length = 0; this._createVertexArray = true; }; /** * Determines if this collection contains the specified polyline. * * @param {Polyline} polyline The polyline to check for. * @returns {Boolean} true if this collection contains the billboard, false otherwise. * * @see PolylineCollection#get */ PolylineCollection.prototype.contains = function(polyline) { return defined(polyline) && polyline._polylineCollection === this; }; /** * Returns the polyline in the collection at the specified index. Indices are zero-based * and increase as polylines are added. Removing a polyline shifts all polylines after * it to the left, changing their indices. This function is commonly used with * {@link PolylineCollection#length} to iterate over all the polylines * in the collection. * * @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the polyline. * @returns {Polyline} The polyline at the specified index. * * @performance If polylines were removed from the collection and * {@link PolylineCollection#update} was not called, an implicit O(n) * operation is performed. * * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called. * * @example * // Toggle the show property of every polyline in the collection * var len = polylines.length; * for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { * var p = polylines.get(i); * p.show = !p.show; * } * * @see PolylineCollection#length */ PolylineCollection.prototype.get = function(index) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(index)) { throw new DeveloperError('index is required.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); removePolylines(this); return this._polylines[index]; }; /** * @private */ PolylineCollection.prototype.update = function(context, frameState, commandList) { removePolylines(this); if (this._polylines.length === 0) { return; } updateMode(this, frameState); var projection = frameState.mapProjection; var polyline; var properties = this._propertiesChanged; if (this._createVertexArray || computeNewBuffersUsage(this)) { createVertexArrays(this, context, projection); } else if (this._polylinesUpdated) { // Polylines were modified, but no polylines were added or removed. var polylinesToUpdate = this._polylinesToUpdate; if (this._mode !== SceneMode.SCENE3D) { var updateLength = polylinesToUpdate.length; for ( var i = 0; i < updateLength; ++i) { polyline = polylinesToUpdate[i]; polyline.update(); } } // if a polyline's positions size changes, we need to recreate the vertex arrays and vertex buffers because the indices will be different. // if a polyline's material changes, we need to recreate the VAOs and VBOs because they will be batched differenty. if (properties[POSITION_SIZE_INDEX] || properties[MATERIAL_INDEX]) { createVertexArrays(this, context, projection); } else { var length = polylinesToUpdate.length; var polylineBuckets = this._polylineBuckets; for ( var ii = 0; ii < length; ++ii) { polyline = polylinesToUpdate[ii]; properties = polyline._propertiesChanged; var bucket = polyline._bucket; var index = 0; for ( var x in polylineBuckets) { if (polylineBuckets.hasOwnProperty(x)) { if (polylineBuckets[x] === bucket) { if (properties[POSITION_INDEX] || properties[SHOW_INDEX] || properties[WIDTH_INDEX]) { bucket.writeUpdate(index, polyline, this._positionBuffer, this._texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBuffer, projection); } break; } index += polylineBuckets[x].lengthOfPositions; } } polyline._clean(); } } polylinesToUpdate.length = 0; this._polylinesUpdated = false; } properties = this._propertiesChanged; for ( var k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES; ++k) { properties[k] = 0; } var modelMatrix = Matrix4.IDENTITY; if (frameState.mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D) { modelMatrix = this.modelMatrix; } var pass = frameState.passes; var useDepthTest = (frameState.morphTime !== 0.0); if (!defined(this._opaqueRS) || this._opaqueRS.depthTest.enabled !== useDepthTest) { this._opaqueRS = context.createRenderState({ depthMask : useDepthTest, depthTest : { enabled : useDepthTest } }); } if (!defined(this._translucentRS) || this._translucentRS.depthTest.enabled !== useDepthTest) { this._translucentRS = context.createRenderState({ blending : BlendingState.ALPHA_BLEND, depthMask : !useDepthTest, depthTest : { enabled : useDepthTest } }); } if (pass.render) { var colorList = this._colorCommands; createCommandLists(this, context, frameState, colorList, commandList, modelMatrix, true); } if (pass.pick) { var pickList = this._pickCommands; createCommandLists(this, context, frameState, pickList, commandList, modelMatrix, false); } }; var boundingSphereScratch = new BoundingSphere(); var boundingSphereScratch2 = new BoundingSphere(); function createCommandLists(polylineCollection, context, frameState, commands, commandList, modelMatrix, renderPass) { var commandsLength = commands.length; var commandIndex = 0; var cloneBoundingSphere = true; var vertexArrays = polylineCollection._vertexArrays; var debugShowBoundingVolume = polylineCollection.debugShowBoundingVolume; var length = vertexArrays.length; for ( var m = 0; m < length; ++m) { var va = vertexArrays[m]; var buckets = va.buckets; var bucketLength = buckets.length; for ( var n = 0; n < bucketLength; ++n) { var bucketLocator = buckets[n]; var offset = bucketLocator.offset; var sp = renderPass ? bucketLocator.bucket.shaderProgram : bucketLocator.bucket.pickShaderProgram; var polylines = bucketLocator.bucket.polylines; var polylineLength = polylines.length; var currentId; var currentMaterial; var count = 0; var command; for (var s = 0; s < polylineLength; ++s) { var polyline = polylines[s]; var mId = createMaterialId(polyline._material); if (mId !== currentId) { if (defined(currentId) && count > 0) { var translucent = currentMaterial.isTranslucent(); if (commandIndex >= commandsLength) { command = new DrawCommand({ owner : polylineCollection }); commands.push(command); } else { command = commands[commandIndex]; } ++commandIndex; command.boundingVolume = BoundingSphere.clone(boundingSphereScratch, command.boundingVolume); command.modelMatrix = modelMatrix; command.shaderProgram = sp; command.vertexArray = va.va; command.renderState = translucent ? polylineCollection._translucentRS : polylineCollection._opaqueRS; command.pass = translucent ? Pass.TRANSLUCENT : Pass.OPAQUE; command.debugShowBoundingVolume = renderPass ? debugShowBoundingVolume : false; command.uniformMap = currentMaterial._uniforms; command.count = count; command.offset = offset; offset += count; count = 0; cloneBoundingSphere = true; commandList.push(command); } currentMaterial = polyline._material; currentMaterial.update(context); currentId = mId; } var locators = polyline._locatorBuckets; var locatorLength = locators.length; for (var t = 0; t < locatorLength; ++t) { var locator = locators[t]; if (locator.locator === bucketLocator) { count += locator.count; } } var boundingVolume; if (frameState.mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D) { boundingVolume = polyline._boundingVolumeWC; } else if (frameState.mode === SceneMode.COLUMBUS_VIEW) { boundingVolume = polyline._boundingVolume2D; } else if (frameState.mode === SceneMode.SCENE2D) { if (defined(polyline._boundingVolume2D)) { boundingVolume = BoundingSphere.clone(polyline._boundingVolume2D, boundingSphereScratch2); boundingVolume.center.x = 0.0; } } else if (defined(polyline._boundingVolumeWC) && defined(polyline._boundingVolume2D)) { boundingVolume = BoundingSphere.union(polyline._boundingVolumeWC, polyline._boundingVolume2D, boundingSphereScratch2); } if (cloneBoundingSphere) { cloneBoundingSphere = false; BoundingSphere.clone(boundingVolume, boundingSphereScratch); } else { BoundingSphere.union(boundingVolume, boundingSphereScratch, boundingSphereScratch); } } if (defined(currentId) && count > 0) { if (commandIndex >= commandsLength) { command = new DrawCommand({ owner : polylineCollection }); commands.push(command); } else { command = commands[commandIndex]; } ++commandIndex; command.boundingVolume = BoundingSphere.clone(boundingSphereScratch, command.boundingVolume); command.modelMatrix = modelMatrix; command.shaderProgram = sp; command.vertexArray = va.va; command.renderState = currentMaterial.isTranslucent() ? polylineCollection._translucentRS : polylineCollection._opaqueRS; command.pass = currentMaterial.isTranslucent() ? Pass.TRANSLUCENT : Pass.OPAQUE; command.debugShowBoundingVolume = renderPass ? debugShowBoundingVolume : false; command.uniformMap = currentMaterial._uniforms; command.count = count; command.offset = offset; cloneBoundingSphere = true; commandList.push(command); } currentId = undefined; } } commands.length = commandIndex; } /** * Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false. *

* If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than * isDestroyed will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception. * * @returns {Boolean} true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false. * * @see PolylineCollection#destroy */ PolylineCollection.prototype.isDestroyed = function() { return false; }; /** * Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object. Destroying an object allows for deterministic * release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object. *

* Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than * isDestroyed will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception. Therefore, * assign the return value (undefined) to the object as done in the example. * * @returns {undefined} * * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called. * * @see PolylineCollection#isDestroyed * * @example * polylines = polylines && polylines.destroy(); */ PolylineCollection.prototype.destroy = function() { destroyVertexArrays(this); releaseShaders(this); destroyPolylines(this); return destroyObject(this); }; function computeNewBuffersUsage(collection) { var buffersUsage = collection._buffersUsage; var usageChanged = false; var properties = collection._propertiesChanged; //subtract 2 from NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES because we don't care about POSITION_SIZE_INDEX or MATERIAL_INDEX property change. for ( var k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES - 2; ++k) { var bufferUsage = buffersUsage[k]; if (properties[k]) { if (bufferUsage.bufferUsage !== BufferUsage.STREAM_DRAW) { usageChanged = true; bufferUsage.bufferUsage = BufferUsage.STREAM_DRAW; bufferUsage.frameCount = 100; } else { bufferUsage.frameCount = 100; } } else { if (bufferUsage.bufferUsage !== BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW) { if (bufferUsage.frameCount === 0) { usageChanged = true; bufferUsage.bufferUsage = BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW; } else { bufferUsage.frameCount--; } } } } return usageChanged; } var emptyVertexBuffer = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; function createVertexArrays(collection, context, projection) { collection._createVertexArray = false; releaseShaders(collection); destroyVertexArrays(collection); sortPolylinesIntoBuckets(collection); //stores all of the individual indices arrays. var totalIndices = [[]]; var indices = totalIndices[0]; //used to determine the vertexBuffer offset if the indicesArray goes over 64k. //if it's the same polyline while it goes over 64k, the offset needs to backtrack componentsPerAttribute * componentDatatype bytes //so that the polyline looks contiguous. //if the polyline ends at the 64k mark, then the offset is just 64k * componentsPerAttribute * componentDatatype var vertexBufferOffset = [0]; var offset = 0; var vertexArrayBuckets = [[]]; var totalLength = 0; var polylineBuckets = collection._polylineBuckets; var x; var bucket; for (x in polylineBuckets) { if (polylineBuckets.hasOwnProperty(x)) { bucket = polylineBuckets[x]; bucket.updateShader(context); totalLength += bucket.lengthOfPositions; } } if (totalLength > 0) { var mode = collection._mode; var positionArray = new Float32Array(6 * totalLength * 3); var pickColorArray = new Uint8Array(totalLength * 4); var texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray = new Float32Array(totalLength * 4); var position3DArray; var positionIndex = 0; var colorIndex = 0; var texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex = 0; for (x in polylineBuckets) { if (polylineBuckets.hasOwnProperty(x)) { bucket = polylineBuckets[x]; bucket.write(positionArray, pickColorArray, texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray, positionIndex, colorIndex, texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex, context, projection); if (mode === SceneMode.MORPHING) { if (!defined(position3DArray)) { position3DArray = new Float32Array(6 * totalLength * 3); } bucket.writeForMorph(position3DArray, positionIndex); } var bucketLength = bucket.lengthOfPositions; positionIndex += 6 * bucketLength * 3; colorIndex += bucketLength * 4; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex += bucketLength * 4; offset = bucket.updateIndices(totalIndices, vertexBufferOffset, vertexArrayBuckets, offset); } } var positionBufferUsage = collection._buffersUsage[POSITION_INDEX].bufferUsage; var showBufferUsage = collection._buffersUsage[SHOW_INDEX].bufferUsage; var widthBufferUsage = collection._buffersUsage[WIDTH_INDEX].bufferUsage; var texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBufferUsage = (showBufferUsage === BufferUsage.STREAM_DRAW || widthBufferUsage === BufferUsage.STREAM_DRAW) ? BufferUsage.STREAM_DRAW : BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW; collection._positionBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(positionArray, positionBufferUsage); var position3DBuffer; if (defined(position3DArray)) { position3DBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(position3DArray, positionBufferUsage); } collection._pickColorBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(pickColorArray, BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW); collection._texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray, texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBufferUsage); var pickColorSizeInBytes = 4 * Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var positionSizeInBytes = 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var texCoordExpandWidthAndShowSizeInBytes = 4 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var vbo = 0; var numberOfIndicesArrays = totalIndices.length; for ( var k = 0; k < numberOfIndicesArrays; ++k) { indices = totalIndices[k]; if (indices.length > 0) { var indicesArray = new Uint16Array(indices); var indexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(indicesArray, BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW, IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT); vbo += vertexBufferOffset[k]; var positionHighOffset = 6 * (k * (positionSizeInBytes * CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES) - vbo * positionSizeInBytes);//componentsPerAttribute(3) * componentDatatype(4) var positionLowOffset = positionSizeInBytes + positionHighOffset; var prevPositionHighOffset = positionSizeInBytes + positionLowOffset; var prevPositionLowOffset = positionSizeInBytes + prevPositionHighOffset; var nextPositionHighOffset = positionSizeInBytes + prevPositionLowOffset; var nextPositionLowOffset = positionSizeInBytes + nextPositionHighOffset; var vertexPickColorBufferOffset = k * (pickColorSizeInBytes * CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES) - vbo * pickColorSizeInBytes; var vertexTexCoordExpandWidthAndShowBufferOffset = k * (texCoordExpandWidthAndShowSizeInBytes * CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES) - vbo * texCoordExpandWidthAndShowSizeInBytes; var attributes = [{ index : attributeLocations.position3DHigh, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : positionHighOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.position3DLow, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : positionLowOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.position2DHigh, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : positionHighOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.position2DLow, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : positionLowOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.prevPosition3DHigh, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : prevPositionHighOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.prevPosition3DLow, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : prevPositionLowOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.prevPosition2DHigh, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : prevPositionHighOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.prevPosition2DLow, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : prevPositionLowOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.nextPosition3DHigh, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : nextPositionHighOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.nextPosition3DLow, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : nextPositionLowOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.nextPosition2DHigh, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : nextPositionHighOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.nextPosition2DLow, componentsPerAttribute : 3, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, offsetInBytes : nextPositionLowOffset, strideInBytes : 6 * positionSizeInBytes }, { index : attributeLocations.texCoordExpandWidthAndShow, componentsPerAttribute : 4, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, vertexBuffer : collection._texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBuffer, offsetInBytes : vertexTexCoordExpandWidthAndShowBufferOffset }, { index : attributeLocations.pickColor, componentsPerAttribute : 4, componentDatatype : ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE, vertexBuffer : collection._pickColorBuffer, offsetInBytes : vertexPickColorBufferOffset, normalize : true }]; var buffer3D; var bufferProperty3D; var buffer2D; var bufferProperty2D; if (mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D) { buffer3D = collection._positionBuffer; bufferProperty3D = 'vertexBuffer'; buffer2D = emptyVertexBuffer; bufferProperty2D = 'value'; } else if (mode === SceneMode.SCENE2D || mode === SceneMode.COLUMBUS_VIEW) { buffer3D = emptyVertexBuffer; bufferProperty3D = 'value'; buffer2D = collection._positionBuffer; bufferProperty2D = 'vertexBuffer'; } else { buffer3D = position3DBuffer; bufferProperty3D = 'vertexBuffer'; buffer2D = collection._positionBuffer; bufferProperty2D = 'vertexBuffer'; } attributes[0][bufferProperty3D] = buffer3D; attributes[1][bufferProperty3D] = buffer3D; attributes[2][bufferProperty2D] = buffer2D; attributes[3][bufferProperty2D] = buffer2D; attributes[4][bufferProperty3D] = buffer3D; attributes[5][bufferProperty3D] = buffer3D; attributes[6][bufferProperty2D] = buffer2D; attributes[7][bufferProperty2D] = buffer2D; attributes[8][bufferProperty3D] = buffer3D; attributes[9][bufferProperty3D] = buffer3D; attributes[10][bufferProperty2D] = buffer2D; attributes[11][bufferProperty2D] = buffer2D; var va = context.createVertexArray(attributes, indexBuffer); collection._vertexArrays.push({ va : va, buckets : vertexArrayBuckets[k] }); } } } } var scratchUniformArray = []; function createMaterialId(material) { var uniforms = Material._uniformList[material.type]; var length = uniforms.length; scratchUniformArray.length = 2.0 * length; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var uniform = uniforms[i]; scratchUniformArray[index] = uniform; scratchUniformArray[index + 1] = material._uniforms[uniform](); index += 2; } return material.type + ':' + JSON.stringify(scratchUniformArray); } function sortPolylinesIntoBuckets(collection) { var mode = collection._mode; var modelMatrix = collection._modelMatrix; var polylineBuckets = collection._polylineBuckets = {}; var polylines = collection._polylines; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var p = polylines[i]; if (p._actualPositions.length > 1) { p.update(); var material = p.material; var value = polylineBuckets[material.type]; if (!defined(value)) { value = polylineBuckets[material.type] = new PolylineBucket(material, mode, modelMatrix); } value.addPolyline(p); } } } function updateMode(collection, frameState) { var mode = frameState.mode; if (collection._mode !== mode || (!Matrix4.equals(collection._modelMatrix, collection.modelMatrix))) { collection._mode = mode; collection._modelMatrix = Matrix4.clone(collection.modelMatrix); collection._createVertexArray = true; } } function removePolylines(collection) { if (collection._polylinesRemoved) { collection._polylinesRemoved = false; var polylines = []; var length = collection._polylines.length; for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i) { var polyline = collection._polylines[i]; if (defined(polyline)) { polyline._index = j++; polylines.push(polyline); } } collection._polylines = polylines; } } function releaseShaders(collection) { var polylines = collection._polylines; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (defined(polylines[i])) { var bucket = polylines[i]._bucket; if (defined(bucket)) { bucket.shaderProgram = bucket.shaderProgram && bucket.shaderProgram.destroy(); } } } } function destroyVertexArrays(collection) { var length = collection._vertexArrays.length; for ( var t = 0; t < length; ++t) { collection._vertexArrays[t].va.destroy(); } collection._vertexArrays.length = 0; } PolylineCollection.prototype._updatePolyline = function(polyline, propertyChanged) { this._polylinesUpdated = true; this._polylinesToUpdate.push(polyline); ++this._propertiesChanged[propertyChanged]; }; function destroyPolylines(collection) { var polylines = collection._polylines; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (defined(polylines[i])) { polylines[i]._destroy(); } } } function VertexArrayBucketLocator(count, offset, bucket) { this.count = count; this.offset = offset; this.bucket = bucket; } var PolylineBucket = function(material, mode, modelMatrix) { this.polylines = []; this.lengthOfPositions = 0; this.material = material; this.shaderProgram = undefined; this.pickShaderProgram = undefined; this.mode = mode; this.modelMatrix = modelMatrix; }; PolylineBucket.prototype.addPolyline = function(p) { var polylines = this.polylines; polylines.push(p); p._actualLength = this.getPolylinePositionsLength(p); this.lengthOfPositions += p._actualLength; p._bucket = this; }; PolylineBucket.prototype.updateShader = function(context) { if (defined(this.shaderProgram)) { return; } var vs = new ShaderSource({ sources : [PolylineCommon, PolylineVS] }); var fs = new ShaderSource({ sources : [this.material.shaderSource, PolylineFS] }); var fsPick = new ShaderSource({ sources : fs.sources, pickColorQualifier : 'varying' }); this.shaderProgram = context.createShaderProgram(vs, fs, attributeLocations); this.pickShaderProgram = context.createShaderProgram(vs, fsPick, attributeLocations); }; function intersectsIDL(polyline) { return Cartesian3.dot(Cartesian3.UNIT_X, polyline._boundingVolume.center) < 0 || polyline._boundingVolume.intersect(Cartesian4.UNIT_Y) === Intersect.INTERSECTING; } PolylineBucket.prototype.getPolylinePositionsLength = function(polyline) { var length; if (this.mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D || !intersectsIDL(polyline)) { length = polyline._actualPositions.length; return length * 4.0 - 4.0; } var count = 0; var segmentLengths = polyline._segments.lengths; length = segmentLengths.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { count += segmentLengths[i] * 4.0 - 4.0; } return count; }; var scratchWritePosition = new Cartesian3(); var scratchWritePrevPosition = new Cartesian3(); var scratchWriteNextPosition = new Cartesian3(); var scratchWriteVector = new Cartesian3(); PolylineBucket.prototype.write = function(positionArray, pickColorArray, texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray, positionIndex, colorIndex, texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex, context, projection) { var mode = this.mode; var polylines = this.polylines; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var polyline = polylines[i]; var width = polyline.width; var show = polyline.show && width > 0.0; var segments = this.getSegments(polyline, projection); var positions = segments.positions; var lengths = segments.lengths; var positionsLength = positions.length; var pickColor = polyline.getPickId(context).color; var segmentIndex = 0; var count = 0; var position; for ( var j = 0; j < positionsLength; ++j) { if (j === 0) { if (polyline._loop) { position = positions[positionsLength - 2]; } else { position = scratchWriteVector; Cartesian3.subtract(positions[0], positions[1], position); Cartesian3.add(positions[0], position, position); } } else { position = positions[j - 1]; } scratchWritePrevPosition.x = position.x; scratchWritePrevPosition.y = position.y; scratchWritePrevPosition.z = (mode !== SceneMode.SCENE2D) ? position.z : 0.0; position = positions[j]; scratchWritePosition.x = position.x; scratchWritePosition.y = position.y; scratchWritePosition.z = (mode !== SceneMode.SCENE2D) ? position.z : 0.0; if (j === positionsLength - 1) { if (polyline._loop) { position = positions[1]; } else { position = scratchWriteVector; Cartesian3.subtract(positions[positionsLength - 1], positions[positionsLength - 2], position); Cartesian3.add(positions[positionsLength - 1], position, position); } } else { position = positions[j + 1]; } scratchWriteNextPosition.x = position.x; scratchWriteNextPosition.y = position.y; scratchWriteNextPosition.z = (mode !== SceneMode.SCENE2D) ? position.z : 0.0; var segmentLength = lengths[segmentIndex]; if (j === count + segmentLength) { count += segmentLength; ++segmentIndex; } var segmentStart = j - count === 0; var segmentEnd = j === count + lengths[segmentIndex] - 1; var startK = (segmentStart) ? 2 : 0; var endK = (segmentEnd) ? 2 : 4; for (var k = startK; k < endK; ++k) { EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(scratchWritePosition, positionArray, positionIndex); EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(scratchWritePrevPosition, positionArray, positionIndex + 6); EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(scratchWriteNextPosition, positionArray, positionIndex + 12); pickColorArray[colorIndex] = Color.floatToByte(pickColor.red); pickColorArray[colorIndex + 1] = Color.floatToByte(pickColor.green); pickColorArray[colorIndex + 2] = Color.floatToByte(pickColor.blue); pickColorArray[colorIndex + 3] = Color.floatToByte(pickColor.alpha); var direction = (k - 2 < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex] = j / (positionsLength - 1); // s tex coord texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex + 1] = 2 * (k % 2) - 1; // expand direction texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex + 2] = direction * width; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex + 3] = show; positionIndex += 6 * 3; colorIndex += 4; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex += 4; } } } }; var morphPositionScratch = new Cartesian3(); var morphPrevPositionScratch = new Cartesian3(); var morphNextPositionScratch = new Cartesian3(); var morphVectorScratch = new Cartesian3(); PolylineBucket.prototype.writeForMorph = function(positionArray, positionIndex) { var modelMatrix = this.modelMatrix; var polylines = this.polylines; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var polyline = polylines[i]; var positions = polyline._segments.positions; var lengths = polyline._segments.lengths; var positionsLength = positions.length; var segmentIndex = 0; var count = 0; for ( var j = 0; j < positionsLength; ++j) { var prevPosition; if (j === 0) { if (polyline._loop) { prevPosition = positions[positionsLength - 2]; } else { prevPosition = morphVectorScratch; Cartesian3.subtract(positions[0], positions[1], prevPosition); Cartesian3.add(positions[0], prevPosition, prevPosition); } } else { prevPosition = positions[j - 1]; } prevPosition = Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(modelMatrix, prevPosition, morphPrevPositionScratch); var position = Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(modelMatrix, positions[j], morphPositionScratch); var nextPosition; if (j === positionsLength - 1) { if (polyline._loop) { nextPosition = positions[1]; } else { nextPosition = morphVectorScratch; Cartesian3.subtract(positions[positionsLength - 1], positions[positionsLength - 2], nextPosition); Cartesian3.add(positions[positionsLength - 1], nextPosition, nextPosition); } } else { nextPosition = positions[j + 1]; } nextPosition = Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(modelMatrix, nextPosition, morphNextPositionScratch); var segmentLength = lengths[segmentIndex]; if (j === count + segmentLength) { count += segmentLength; ++segmentIndex; } var segmentStart = j - count === 0; var segmentEnd = j === count + lengths[segmentIndex] - 1; var startK = (segmentStart) ? 2 : 0; var endK = (segmentEnd) ? 2 : 4; for (var k = startK; k < endK; ++k) { EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(position, positionArray, positionIndex); EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(prevPosition, positionArray, positionIndex + 6); EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(nextPosition, positionArray, positionIndex + 12); positionIndex += 6 * 3; } } } }; var scratchSegmentLengths = new Array(1); PolylineBucket.prototype.updateIndices = function(totalIndices, vertexBufferOffset, vertexArrayBuckets, offset) { var vaCount = vertexArrayBuckets.length - 1; var bucketLocator = new VertexArrayBucketLocator(0, offset, this); vertexArrayBuckets[vaCount].push(bucketLocator); var count = 0; var indices = totalIndices[totalIndices.length - 1]; var indicesCount = 0; if (indices.length > 0) { indicesCount = indices[indices.length - 1] + 1; } var polylines = this.polylines; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var polyline = polylines[i]; polyline._locatorBuckets = []; var segments; if (this.mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D) { segments = scratchSegmentLengths; var positionsLength = polyline._actualPositions.length; if (positionsLength > 0) { segments[0] = positionsLength; } else { continue; } } else { segments = polyline._segments.lengths; } var numberOfSegments = segments.length; if (numberOfSegments > 0) { var segmentIndexCount = 0; for ( var j = 0; j < numberOfSegments; ++j) { var segmentLength = segments[j] - 1.0; for ( var k = 0; k < segmentLength; ++k) { if (indicesCount + 4 >= CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES - 1) { polyline._locatorBuckets.push({ locator : bucketLocator, count : segmentIndexCount }); segmentIndexCount = 0; vertexBufferOffset.push(4); indices = []; totalIndices.push(indices); indicesCount = 0; bucketLocator.count = count; count = 0; offset = 0; bucketLocator = new VertexArrayBucketLocator(0, 0, this); vertexArrayBuckets[++vaCount] = [bucketLocator]; } indices.push(indicesCount, indicesCount + 2, indicesCount + 1); indices.push(indicesCount + 1, indicesCount + 2, indicesCount + 3); segmentIndexCount += 6; count += 6; offset += 6; indicesCount += 4; } } polyline._locatorBuckets.push({ locator : bucketLocator, count : segmentIndexCount }); if (indicesCount + 4 >= CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES - 1) { vertexBufferOffset.push(0); indices = []; totalIndices.push(indices); indicesCount = 0; bucketLocator.count = count; offset = 0; count = 0; bucketLocator = new VertexArrayBucketLocator(0, 0, this); vertexArrayBuckets[++vaCount] = [bucketLocator]; } } polyline._clean(); } bucketLocator.count = count; return offset; }; PolylineBucket.prototype.getPolylineStartIndex = function(polyline) { var polylines = this.polylines; var positionIndex = 0; var length = polylines.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var p = polylines[i]; if (p === polyline) { break; } positionIndex += p._actualLength; } return positionIndex; }; var scratchSegments = { positions : undefined, lengths : undefined }; var scratchLengths = new Array(1); var pscratch = new Cartesian3(); var scratchCartographic = new Cartographic(); PolylineBucket.prototype.getSegments = function(polyline, projection) { var positions = polyline._actualPositions; if (this.mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D) { scratchLengths[0] = positions.length; scratchSegments.positions = positions; scratchSegments.lengths = scratchLengths; return scratchSegments; } if (intersectsIDL(polyline)) { positions = polyline._segments.positions; } var ellipsoid = projection.ellipsoid; var newPositions = []; var modelMatrix = this.modelMatrix; var length = positions.length; var position; var p = pscratch; for ( var n = 0; n < length; ++n) { position = positions[n]; p = Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(modelMatrix, position, p); newPositions.push(projection.project(ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(p, scratchCartographic))); } if (newPositions.length > 0) { polyline._boundingVolume2D = BoundingSphere.fromPoints(newPositions, polyline._boundingVolume2D); var center2D = polyline._boundingVolume2D.center; polyline._boundingVolume2D.center = new Cartesian3(center2D.z, center2D.x, center2D.y); } scratchSegments.positions = newPositions; scratchSegments.lengths = polyline._segments.lengths; return scratchSegments; }; var scratchPositionsArray; var scratchTexCoordArray; PolylineBucket.prototype.writeUpdate = function(index, polyline, positionBuffer, texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBuffer, projection) { var mode = this.mode; var positionsLength = polyline._actualLength; if (positionsLength) { index += this.getPolylineStartIndex(polyline); var positionArray = scratchPositionsArray; var texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray = scratchTexCoordArray; var positionsArrayLength = 6 * positionsLength * 3; if (!defined(positionArray) || positionArray.length < positionsArrayLength) { positionArray = scratchPositionsArray = new Float32Array(positionsArrayLength); texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray = scratchTexCoordArray = new Float32Array(positionsLength * 4); } else if (positionArray.length > positionsArrayLength) { positionArray = new Float32Array(positionArray.buffer, 0, positionsArrayLength); texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray = new Float32Array(texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray.buffer, 0, positionsLength * 4); } var positionIndex = 0; var texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex = 0; var segments = this.getSegments(polyline, projection); var positions = segments.positions; var lengths = segments.lengths; var segmentIndex = 0; var count = 0; var position; var width = polyline.width; var show = polyline.show && width > 0.0; positionsLength = positions.length; for ( var i = 0; i < positionsLength; ++i) { if (i === 0) { if (polyline._loop) { position = positions[positionsLength - 2]; } else { position = scratchWriteVector; Cartesian3.subtract(positions[0], positions[1], position); Cartesian3.add(positions[0], position, position); } } else { position = positions[i - 1]; } scratchWritePrevPosition.x = position.x; scratchWritePrevPosition.y = position.y; scratchWritePrevPosition.z = (mode !== SceneMode.SCENE2D) ? position.z : 0.0; position = positions[i]; scratchWritePosition.x = position.x; scratchWritePosition.y = position.y; scratchWritePosition.z = (mode !== SceneMode.SCENE2D) ? position.z : 0.0; if (i === positionsLength - 1) { if (polyline._loop) { position = positions[1]; } else { position = scratchWriteVector; Cartesian3.subtract(positions[positionsLength - 1], positions[positionsLength - 2], position); Cartesian3.add(positions[positionsLength - 1], position, position); } } else { position = positions[i + 1]; } scratchWriteNextPosition.x = position.x; scratchWriteNextPosition.y = position.y; scratchWriteNextPosition.z = (mode !== SceneMode.SCENE2D) ? position.z : 0.0; var segmentLength = lengths[segmentIndex]; if (i === count + segmentLength) { count += segmentLength; ++segmentIndex; } var segmentStart = i - count === 0; var segmentEnd = i === count + lengths[segmentIndex] - 1; var startJ = (segmentStart) ? 2 : 0; var endJ = (segmentEnd) ? 2 : 4; for (var j = startJ; j < endJ; ++j) { EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(scratchWritePosition, positionArray, positionIndex); EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(scratchWritePrevPosition, positionArray, positionIndex + 6); EncodedCartesian3.writeElements(scratchWriteNextPosition, positionArray, positionIndex + 12); var direction = (j - 2 < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex] = i / (positionsLength - 1); // s tex coord texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex + 1] = 2 * (j % 2) - 1; // expand direction texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex + 2] = direction * width; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray[texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex + 3] = show; positionIndex += 6 * 3; texCoordExpandWidthAndShowIndex += 4; } } positionBuffer.copyFromArrayView(positionArray, 6 * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * index); texCoordExpandWidthAndShowBuffer.copyFromArrayView(texCoordExpandWidthAndShowArray, 4 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * index); } }; return PolylineCollection; });