/*global define*/
    ], function(
        TimeConstants) {
    "use strict";

     * Monitors the frame rate (frames per second) in a {@link Scene} and raises an event if the frame rate is
     * lower than a threshold.  Later, if the frame rate returns to the required level, a separate event is raised.
     * To avoid creating multiple FrameRateMonitors for a single {@link Scene}, use {@link FrameRateMonitor.fromScene}
     * instead of constructing an instance explicitly.
     * @alias FrameRateMonitor
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties:
     * @param {Scene} options.scene The Scene instance for which to monitor performance.
     * @param {Number} [options.samplingWindow=5.0] The length of the sliding window over which to compute the average frame rate, in seconds.
     * @param {Number} [options.quietPeriod=2.0] The length of time to wait at startup and each time the page becomes visible (i.e. when the user
     *        switches back to the tab) before starting to measure performance, in seconds.
     * @param {Number} [options.warmupPeriod=5.0] The length of the warmup period, in seconds.  During the warmup period, a separate
     *        (usually lower) frame rate is required.
     * @param {Number} [options.minimumFrameRateDuringWarmup=4] The minimum frames-per-second that are required for acceptable performance during
     *        the warmup period.  If the frame rate averages less than this during any samplingWindow during the warmupPeriod, the
     *        lowFrameRate event will be raised and the page will redirect to the redirectOnLowFrameRateUrl, if any.
     * @param {Number} [options.minimumFrameRateAfterWarmup=8] The minimum frames-per-second that are required for acceptable performance after
     *        the end of the warmup period.  If the frame rate averages less than this during any samplingWindow after the warmupPeriod, the
     *        lowFrameRate event will be raised and the page will redirect to the redirectOnLowFrameRateUrl, if any.
    var FrameRateMonitor = function(options) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(options) || !defined(options.scene)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('options.scene is required.');

        this._scene = options.scene;

         * Gets or sets the length of the sliding window over which to compute the average frame rate, in seconds.
         * @type {Number}
        this.samplingWindow = defaultValue(options.samplingWindow, FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings.samplingWindow);

         * Gets or sets the length of time to wait at startup and each time the page becomes visible (i.e. when the user
         * switches back to the tab) before starting to measure performance, in seconds.
         * @type {Number}
        this.quietPeriod = defaultValue(options.quietPeriod, FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings.quietPeriod);

         * Gets or sets the length of the warmup period, in seconds.  During the warmup period, a separate
         * (usually lower) frame rate is required.
         * @type {Number}
        this.warmupPeriod = defaultValue(options.warmupPeriod, FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings.warmupPeriod);

         * Gets or sets the minimum frames-per-second that are required for acceptable performance during
         * the warmup period.  If the frame rate averages less than this during any <code>samplingWindow</code> during the <code>warmupPeriod</code>, the
         * <code>lowFrameRate</code> event will be raised and the page will redirect to the <code>redirectOnLowFrameRateUrl</code>, if any.
         * @type {Number}
        this.minimumFrameRateDuringWarmup = defaultValue(options.minimumFrameRateDuringWarmup, FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings.minimumFrameRateDuringWarmup);

         * Gets or sets the minimum frames-per-second that are required for acceptable performance after
         * the end of the warmup period.  If the frame rate averages less than this during any <code>samplingWindow</code> after the <code>warmupPeriod</code>, the
         * <code>lowFrameRate</code> event will be raised and the page will redirect to the <code>redirectOnLowFrameRateUrl</code>, if any.
         * @type {Number}
        this.minimumFrameRateAfterWarmup = defaultValue(options.minimumFrameRateAfterWarmup, FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings.minimumFrameRateAfterWarmup);

        this._lowFrameRate = new Event();
        this._nominalFrameRate = new Event();

        this._frameTimes = [];
        this._needsQuietPeriod = true;
        this._quietPeriodEndTime = 0.0;
        this._warmupPeriodEndTime = 0.0;
        this._frameRateIsLow = false;
        this._lastFramesPerSecond = undefined;
        this._pauseCount = 0;

        var that = this;
        this._preRenderRemoveListener = this._scene.preRender.addEventListener(function(scene, time) {
            update(that, time);

        this._hiddenPropertyName = defined(document.hidden) ? 'hidden' :
                                   defined(document.mozHidden) ? 'mozHidden' :
                                   defined(document.msHidden) ? 'msHidden' :
                                   defined(document.webkitHidden) ? 'webkitHidden' : undefined;

        var visibilityChangeEventName = defined(document.hidden) ? 'visibilitychange' :
            defined(document.mozHidden) ? 'mozvisibilitychange' :
            defined(document.msHidden) ? 'msvisibilitychange' :
            defined(document.webkitHidden) ? 'webkitvisibilitychange' : undefined;

        function visibilityChangeListener() {

        this._visibilityChangeRemoveListener = undefined;
        if (defined(visibilityChangeEventName)) {
            document.addEventListener(visibilityChangeEventName, visibilityChangeListener, false);

            this._visibilityChangeRemoveListener = function() {
                document.removeEventListener(visibilityChangeEventName, visibilityChangeListener, false);

     * The default frame rate monitoring settings.  These settings are used when {@link FrameRateMonitor.fromScene}
     * needs to create a new frame rate monitor, and for any settings that are not passed to the
     * {@link FrameRateMonitor} constructor.
     * @memberof FrameRateMonitor
    FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings = {
        samplingWindow : 5.0,
        quietPeriod : 2.0,
        warmupPeriod : 5.0,
        minimumFrameRateDuringWarmup : 4,
        minimumFrameRateAfterWarmup : 8

     * Gets the {@link FrameRateMonitor} for a given scene.  If the scene does not yet have
     * a {@link FrameRateMonitor}, one is created with the {@link FrameRateMonitor.defaultSettings}.
     * @param {Scene} scene The scene for which to get the {@link FrameRateMonitor}.
     * @returns {FrameRateMonitor} The scene's {@link FrameRateMonitor}.
    FrameRateMonitor.fromScene = function(scene) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(scene)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('scene is required.');

        if (!defined(scene._frameRateMonitor) || scene._frameRateMonitor.isDestroyed()) {
            scene._frameRateMonitor = new FrameRateMonitor({
                scene : scene

        return scene._frameRateMonitor;

    defineProperties(FrameRateMonitor.prototype, {
         * Gets the {@link Scene} instance for which to monitor performance.
         * @memberof FrameRateMonitor.prototype
         * @type {Scene}
        scene : {
            get : function() {
                return this._scene;

         * Gets the event that is raised when a low frame rate is detected.  The function will be passed
         * the {@link Scene} instance as its first parameter and the average number of frames per second
         * over the sampling window as its second parameter.
         * @memberof FrameRateMonitor.prototype
         * @type {Event}
        lowFrameRate : {
            get : function() {
                return this._lowFrameRate;

         * Gets the event that is raised when the frame rate returns to a normal level after having been low.
         * The function will be passed the {@link Scene} instance as its first parameter and the average
         * number of frames per second over the sampling window as its second parameter.
         * @memberof FrameRateMonitor.prototype
         * @type {Event}
        nominalFrameRate : {
            get : function() {
                return this._nominalFrameRate;

         * Gets the most recently computed average frames-per-second over the last <code>samplingWindow</code>.
         * This property may be undefined if the frame rate has not been computed.
         * @memberof FrameRateMonitor.prototype
         * @type {Number}
        lastFramesPerSecond : {
            get : function() {
                return this._lastFramesPerSecond;

     * Pauses monitoring of the frame rate.  To resume monitoring, {@link FrameRateMonitor#unpause}
     * must be called once for each time this function is called.
     * @memberof FrameRateMonitor
    FrameRateMonitor.prototype.pause = function() {
        if (this._pauseCount === 1) {
            this._frameTimes.length = 0;
            this._lastFramesPerSecond = undefined;

     * Resumes monitoring of the frame rate.  If {@link FrameRateMonitor#pause} was called
     * multiple times, this function must be called the same number of times in order to
     * actually resume monitoring.
     * @memberof FrameRateMonitor
    FrameRateMonitor.prototype.unpause = function() {
        if (this._pauseCount <= 0) {
            this._pauseCount = 0;
            this._needsQuietPeriod = true;

     * Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
     * <br /><br />
     * If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than
     * <code>isDestroyed</code> will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception.
     * @memberof FrameRateMonitor
     * @returns {Boolean} True if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
     * @see FrameRateMonitor#destroy
    FrameRateMonitor.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
        return false;

     * Unsubscribes this instance from all events it is listening to.
     * Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than
     * <code>isDestroyed</code> will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception.  Therefore,
     * assign the return value (<code>undefined</code>) to the object as done in the example.
     * @memberof FrameRateMonitor
     * @returns {undefined}
     * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
     * @see FrameRateMonitor#isDestroyed
    FrameRateMonitor.prototype.destroy = function() {

        if (defined(this._visibilityChangeRemoveListener)) {

        return destroyObject(this);

    function update(monitor, time) {
        if (monitor._pauseCount > 0) {

        var timeStamp = getTimestamp();

        if (monitor._needsQuietPeriod) {
            monitor._needsQuietPeriod = false;
            monitor._frameTimes.length = 0;
            monitor._quietPeriodEndTime = timeStamp + (monitor.quietPeriod / TimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
            monitor._warmupPeriodEndTime = monitor._quietPeriodEndTime + ((monitor.warmupPeriod + monitor.samplingWindow) / TimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
        } else if (timeStamp >= monitor._quietPeriodEndTime) {

            var beginningOfWindow = timeStamp - (monitor.samplingWindow / TimeConstants.SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);

            if (monitor._frameTimes.length >= 2 && monitor._frameTimes[0] <= beginningOfWindow) {
                while (monitor._frameTimes.length >= 2 && monitor._frameTimes[1] < beginningOfWindow) {

                var averageTimeBetweenFrames = (timeStamp - monitor._frameTimes[0]) / (monitor._frameTimes.length - 1);

                monitor._lastFramesPerSecond = 1000.0 / averageTimeBetweenFrames;

                var maximumFrameTime = 1000.0 / (timeStamp > monitor._warmupPeriodEndTime ? monitor.minimumFrameRateAfterWarmup : monitor.minimumFrameRateDuringWarmup);
                if (averageTimeBetweenFrames > maximumFrameTime) {
                    if (!monitor._frameRateIsLow) {
                        monitor._frameRateIsLow = true;
                        monitor._needsQuietPeriod = true;
                        monitor.lowFrameRate.raiseEvent(monitor.scene, monitor._lastFramesPerSecond);
                } else if (monitor._frameRateIsLow) {
                    monitor._frameRateIsLow = false;
                    monitor._needsQuietPeriod = true;
                    monitor.nominalFrameRate.raiseEvent(monitor.scene, monitor._lastFramesPerSecond);

    function visibilityChanged(monitor) {
        if (document[monitor._hiddenPropertyName]) {
        } else {

    return FrameRateMonitor;