/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Virtual World Framework Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/licenses/LICENSE_VWF.md) */ import page from '/lib/page.mjs'; import { Helpers } from '/core/helpers.js'; import { VWF } from '/core/vwf.js'; import { WorldApp } from '/web/world-app.js'; import { Widgets } from '/lib/ui/widgets.js'; import {Spinner} from '/lib/ui/spinjs/spin.js'; import { createAdapter } from '/lib/fun/@most/adapter/dist/index.mjs'; import * as mostSubject from '/lib/fun/@most/subject/dist/index.all.js'; class App { constructor() { console.log("app constructor"); this.widgets = new Widgets; //globals window._app = this; window._cellWidgets = this.widgets; //global functional objects M - for MostJS Core; R - for Ramda; L - for Partial Lenses window.M = mostCore; M.createAdapter = createAdapter; M.subject = mostSubject; M.scheduler = mostScheduler; M.prelude = mostPrelude; M.e = mostDomEvent; /// this.setupLoadScreen(); window._noty = new Noty; this.helpers = new Helpers; this.log = this.helpers.log; this.hashids = new Hashids.default(); this.clearLocalStorage(); // this.luminary = new Luminary; this.config = {}; this.initDB() new Promise(res => { this.initUser(); res }); import('/lib/locale/locale.js').then(res => { window._LangManager = new res.default; return new Promise(r => r(_LangManager.setLanguage())) }) .then(res => { window._l = _LangManager.language; }) .then(res => { return import('/web/index-app.js'); }).then(res => { window.IndexApp = res.default; this.setPageRoutes(); }); } setPageRoutes() { //client routes page('*', this.HandleQuery); page('/', this.HandleIndex); page('/setup', this.HandleSetupIndex); page('/debug', this.HandleDebugIndex); page('/settings', this.HandleSettingsIndex); page('/profile', this.HandleUserIndex); page('/worlds', this.HandleIndex); page('/:user/worlds', this.HandleUserWorlds); page('/:user/:type/:name/edit/:file', this.HandleFileEdit); page('/:user/:space', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/index.vwf', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/about', this.HandleWorldAbout); //page('/:user/:space/:id', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); //page('/:user/:space/index.vwf/:id', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/load/:savename', this.HandleParsableLoadRequest); page('/:user/:space/:id/load/:savename', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/index.vwf/:id/load/:savename', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); // page('/:user/worlds/:type', this.HandleUserWorldsWithType); // page('/:user/:space/load/:savename/about', this.HandleWorldAbout); // page('/:user/:space/load/:savename/:rev', this.HandleParsableLoadRequestWithRev); // page('/:user/:space/:id/load/:savename/:rev', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('*', this.HandleNoPage); page(); } initDB() { let configDefaults = { 'luminary': false, 'luminaryPath': 'https://localhost:8081', 'luminaryGlobalHBPath': 'server/heartbeat', 'luminaryGlobalHB': false, 'dbhost': window.location.origin + '/gun', // 'https://' + window.location.hostname + ':8080/gun', //'http://localhost:8080/gun', 'reflector': 'https://' + window.location.hostname + ':3002', 'webrtc': false, 'language': 'en', 'd3DoF': false, 'd6DoF': false, 'streamMsg': false, 'multisocket': false } let conf = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); let config = conf ? conf : {}; if(conf){ Object.keys(configDefaults).forEach(el => { config[el] = config[el] ? config[el] : configDefaults[el] }) } else { Object.assign(config, configDefaults); } localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); this.config = config; let webrtcConnection = this.config.webrtc; const opt = { peers: this.dbHost, localStorage: false, multicast: false, RTCPeerConnection: webrtcConnection, axe: false } //localStorage: false, //const opt = { peers: this.dbHost, localStorage: false, until: 1000, chunk: 5, axe: false} //until: 5000, chunk: 5 //opt.store = RindexedDB(opt); this.db = Gun(opt); //In production //Gun.log.off = true; //window._LCS_SYS_USER = undefined; window._LCSDB = this.db; window._LCS_WORLD_USER = undefined; _LCSDB.on('hi', function (peer) { let msg = peer.url ? 'Connected to DB at: ' + peer.url : 'Peer added!'; let noty = new Noty({ text: msg, timeout: 100, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'success' }); if (peer.url) { noty.show(); } console.log(msg) }) _LCSDB.on('bye', function (peer) { let msg = 'No connection to ' + peer.url; let noty = new Noty({ text: msg, timeout: 100, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'error' }); noty.show(); console.log(msg) }) } clearLocalStorage() { let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); let langConfig = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale'); let manualConfig = localStorage.getItem('lcs_app_manual_settings'); let lcsappConfig = localStorage.getItem('lcs_app'); localStorage.clear(); if (config) localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', config); if (langConfig) localStorage.setItem('krestianstvo_locale', langConfig); if (manualConfig) localStorage.setItem('lcs_app_manual_settings', manualConfig); if (lcsappConfig) localStorage.setItem('lcs_app', lcsappConfig); } setupLoadScreen(){ let opts = { lines: 13, length: 5, width: 14, radius: 42, scale: 1, corners: 1, color: '#CCC', opacity: 0.25, rotate: 0, direction: 1, speed: 1, trail: 60, fps: 20, zIndex: 2e9, className: 'spinner', top: '50%', left: '50%', shadow: false, hwaccel: false, position: 'absolute', } let el = document.getElementById('loadscreen'); this.spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(el); } initUser() { function recall() { _LCSDB.user().recall({ sessionStorage: 1 }, res => { console.log('User is: ', _LCSDB.user().is); if (_LCSDB.user().is) _app.helpers.checkUserCollision(); }); } setTimeout( recall, 1000) } get isLuminary() { return this.config.luminary; } get isLuminaryGlobalHB() { return this.config.luminaryGlobalHB; } get isWebRTC() { return this.config.webrtc; } get luminaryGlobalHBPath() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).luminaryGlobalHBPath; } return res; } get luminaryPath() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).luminaryPath; } return res; } get reflectorHost() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).reflector; } return res; } get dbHost() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).dbhost; } return res; } async loadProxyDefaults() { // Optional req from server // load to DB default proxy files (VWF & A-Frame components) let proxyResponse = await fetch('/proxy-files', { method: 'get' }); let proxyFiles = await proxyResponse.json(); let filterProxyFiles = proxyFiles.filter(el => (el !== null)); console.log(filterProxyFiles); var origin = window.location.origin; //var userPub = this.db.user().is.pub; let proxyObj = {}; for (var index in filterProxyFiles) { let doc = filterProxyFiles[index]; if (doc) { var url = origin + doc; var entryName = url.replace(origin + '/defaults/', "").split(".").join("_"); let proxyFile = await fetch(url, { method: 'get' }); let responseText = await proxyFile.text(); if (responseText) { proxyObj[entryName] = responseText; } } } console.log(proxyObj); let proxy = _LCSDB.user().get('proxy'); proxy.put(proxyObj); } async loadWorldsDefaults(replace) { // Optional req from server //load to DB default worlds let worldsResponse = await fetch('/world-files', { method: 'get' }); let worldFiles = await worldsResponse.json(); let filterworldFiles = worldFiles.filter(el => (el !== null)); console.log(filterworldFiles); let worldsObj = {}; for (var index in filterworldFiles) { let doc = filterworldFiles[index]; if (doc) { let url = window.location.origin + doc; var entryName = url.replace(window.location.origin + '/defaults/worlds/', "").split(".").join("_"); let worldName = entryName.split("/")[0]; let userPub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; let worldFile = await fetch(url, { method: 'get' }); let worldSource = await worldFile.text(); if (worldSource) { //let modified = new Date().valueOf(); let created = new Date().valueOf(); if (!worldsObj[worldName]) { worldsObj[worldName] = { 'parent': '-', 'owner': userPub, 'featured': true, 'published': true, 'proxy': userPub, 'created': created, 'modified': created } } let entry = entryName.replace(worldName + '/', ""); worldsObj[worldName][entry] = worldSource } } } console.log(worldsObj); if (replace) { //force replace all default worlds let worlds = _LCSDB.user().get('worlds'); worlds.put(worldsObj); } else { Object.entries(worldsObj).forEach(res => { let worldName = res[0]; let files = res[1]; Object.entries(files).forEach(file => { _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).not(function (res) { _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).put(file[1]); }) }) }) } } async loadEmptyDefaultProto() { //empty proto world let userPub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; let worldsObj = {}; let emptyWorld = { "index_vwf_json": JSON.stringify( { "extends": "proxy/aframe/ascene.vwf" }, null, 4), "index_vwf_config_json": JSON.stringify( { "info": { "title": "Empty World" }, "model": { "/drivers/model/aframe": null, "/drivers/model/aframeComponent": null }, "view": { "/drivers/view/aframe": null, "/drivers/view/aframeComponent": null, "/drivers/view/editor": null } }, null, 4), "assets_json": JSON.stringify({}), "index_vwf_html": JSON.stringify(""), "appui_js": JSON.stringify("//appui in JS"), "info_json": JSON.stringify({ "info": { "en": { "title": "Empty World", "imgUrl": "", "text": "Empty World" }, "ru": { "title": "Новый Мир", "imgUrl": "", "text": "Новый Мир" } } }, null, 4) } let created = new Date().valueOf(); worldsObj['empty'] = { 'parent': '-', 'owner': userPub, 'featured': true, 'published': true, 'proxy': userPub, 'created': created, 'modified': created } Object.keys(emptyWorld).forEach(el => { worldsObj['empty'][el] = emptyWorld[el]; }) console.log(worldsObj); Object.entries(worldsObj).forEach(el => { let worldName = el[0]; let files = el[1]; Object.entries(files).forEach(file => { _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).put(file[1]); }) }) } HandleDebugIndex() { //window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generalIndex().then(r=>{ _app.hideProgressBar(); let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "appGUI"); document.body.appendChild(el); _cellWidgets.debugGUI(); }) } HandleSettingsIndex() { window._app.hideProgressBar(); //window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generalIndex().then(res=>{ let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "appGUI"); document.body.appendChild(el); _cellWidgets.reflectorGUI(); }) } HandleWorldAbout(ctx) { console.log("about world"); let userAlias = ctx.params.user; let worldName = ctx.params.space; let saveName = ctx.params.savename; window._app.hideProgressBar(); //window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generalIndex().then(res=>{ if (!_app.indexApp) { _app.indexApp = new IndexApp; } let worldApp = new WorldApp(userAlias, worldName, saveName); _app.helpers.getUserPub(userAlias).then(res => { worldApp.makeGUI(res) }) }) } HandleSetupIndex() { window._app.hideProgressBar(); //window._app.hideUIControl(); _LCSDB.on('auth', function (ack) { let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "admin"); document.body.appendChild(el); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { let adminComponents = []; document.querySelector("#admin").$cell({ $cell: true, id: 'admin', $type: "div", $components: adminComponents, $update: function () { this.$components = adminComponents } }); document.querySelector("#admin").$update(); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { let loadEmpty = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Initialize empty World proto" }, { $type: "button", id: "loadDefaults", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Init empty world", onclick: function (e) { console.log("admin action"); window._app.loadEmptyDefaultProto(); } } ] } let loadDefaults = { $cell: true, _replaceSwitch: null, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Load Sample Worlds protos from server (optional)" }, { $type: "button", id: "loadDefaults", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Load default worlds (from server)", onclick: function (e) { console.log("admin action"); let forceReplace = this._replaceSwitch.checked; //console.log(forceReplace); window._app.loadWorldsDefaults(forceReplace); } }, { $type: 'p' }, _cellWidgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceReplace', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; this._switch.checked = false; } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceReplace', $text: 'Force replace' } ] } let loadDefaultsProxy = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Load VWF & A-Frame default components" }, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Load defaults Proxy", onclick: async function (e) { console.log("admin action"); await window._app.loadProxyDefaults(); } } ] } adminComponents.push(loadDefaultsProxy, loadEmpty, loadDefaults); document.querySelector("#admin").$update(); } } }) } //TODO: profile HandleUserIndex(ctx) { console.log("USER INDEX"); window._app.hideProgressBar(); //window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generalIndex().then(r=>{ import('/web/header.js').then(res => { let gui = new res.Header(); gui.init(); }) _LCSDB.on('auth', async function (ack) { if (ack.sea.pub) { _app.helpers.checkUserCollision(); let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias; let pub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; document.querySelector("#profile")._refresh( { user: { alias: alias, pub: pub } } ); } }) let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "userProfile"); document.body.appendChild(el); let dragDropWorldsArea = { $cell: true, $type: 'div', id: "ddWorlds", class: 'dragdropArea', _ddText: '', _refresh: function (aText) { this._ddText = aText; }, $init: function () { console.log('init d&d area for worlds protos'); this._refresh('Drag & Drop a folder with world files here...'); let self = this; DragDrop("#ddWorlds", { onDrop: function (files, pos, fileList, directories) { console.log('onDrop: ' + files.length + ' files at ' + pos.x + ', ' + pos.y); //let worldsObj = {}; let worlds = _LCSDB.user().get('worlds'); files.forEach(function (file) { let world = {}; if ((file.name.indexOf('.yaml') !== -1) || (file.type == "text/javascript") || (file.type == "text/html") || (file.type == "application/json")) { console.log('- ' + file.name + ' (' + file.size + ') (' + file.type + ')'); // convert the file to a Buffer that we can use! const reader = new FileReader() reader.addEventListener('load', e => { // e.target.result is an ArrayBuffer const arr = new Uint8Array(e.target.result) const fileBuffer = new buffer.Buffer(arr); const fileSource = fileBuffer.toString(); // do something with the buffer! var entryName = file.fullPath.slice(1).split(".").join("_"); let worldName = entryName.split("/")[0]; let userPub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; //let modified = new Date().valueOf(); let created = new Date().valueOf(); world[worldName] = { 'parent': '-', 'owner': userPub, 'featured': true, 'published': true, 'proxy': userPub, 'created': created, 'modified': created } let entry = entryName.replace(worldName + '/', ""); world[worldName][entry] = fileSource; console.log(world); worlds.put(world); }) reader.addEventListener('error', err => { console.error('FileReader error' + err) }) reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file) } }) //console.log('Worlds', worldsObj); console.log('files array', files) console.log('FileList object', fileList) console.log('directories array', directories) self._refresh(directories.map(el => { return el.name }).toString()); }, onDropText: function (text, pos) { console.log('onDropText: ' + text + ' at ' + pos.x + ', ' + pos.y) } } ) }, $update: function () { this.$components = [ { $type: "h5", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: this._ddText } ] } } let dragDropProxyArea = { $cell: true, $type: 'div', id: "ddProxy", class: 'dragdropArea', _ddText: '', _refresh: function (aText) { this._ddText = aText; }, $init: function () { console.log('init d&d area for proxy files'); this._refresh('Drag & Drop a folder with proxy files here...'); let self = this; DragDrop("#ddProxy", { onDrop: function (files, pos, fileList, directories) { console.log('onDrop: ' + files.length + ' files at ' + pos.x + ', ' + pos.y); //let worldsObj = {}; let proxy = _LCSDB.user().get('proxy').put({ id: 'proxy' }); files.forEach(function (file) { let proxyObj = {}; if ((file.name.indexOf('.yaml') !== -1) || (file.type == "text/javascript") || (file.type == "text/html") || (file.type == "application/json")) { console.log('- ' + file.name + ' (' + file.size + ') (' + file.type + ')'); // convert the file to a Buffer that we can use! const reader = new FileReader() reader.addEventListener('load', e => { // e.target.result is an ArrayBuffer const arr = new Uint8Array(e.target.result) const fileBuffer = new buffer.Buffer(arr); const fileSource = fileBuffer.toString(); // do something with the buffer! var entryName = file.fullPath.slice(1).split(".").join("_"); if (entryName.slice(0, 6) !== 'proxy/') { entryName = 'proxy/' + entryName } // let userPub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; // let created = new Date().valueOf(); // let obj = { // 'owner': userPub, // 'file': fileSource, // 'modified': created, // 'created': created // } proxyObj[entryName] = fileSource; console.log(proxyObj); proxy.put(proxyObj); }) reader.addEventListener('error', err => { console.error('FileReader error' + err) }) reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file) } }) console.log('files array', files) console.log('FileList object', fileList) console.log('directories array', directories) self._refresh(directories.map(el => { return el.name }).toString()); }, onDropText: function (text, pos) { console.log('onDropText: ' + text + ' at ' + pos.x + ', ' + pos.y) } } ) }, $update: function () { this.$components = [ { $type: "h5", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: this._ddText } ] } } let loadDefaultsProxy = { $type: 'div', $components: [ { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Load default Proxy from LiveCoding.space server", onclick: async function (e) { console.log("user action"); await window._app.loadProxyDefaults(); } } ] } let loadEmpty = { $type: 'div', $components: [ { $type: "button", id: "loadDefaults", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Init empty world", onclick: function (e) { console.log("user action"); window._app.loadEmptyDefaultProto(); } } ] } let proxySource = { $type: "div", id: "tree_proxy", _tree: [], _treeComp: {}, $init: function () { let selfComp = this; _LCSDB.user().get('proxy').load(res => { // console.log(res); if (res) { selfComp._tree = [{ name: 'Proxy sources: ', children: [] }]; Object.keys(res).filter(el => el.includes('_js') || el.includes('_json')).forEach(el => { selfComp._tree[0].children.push({ name: el }) }) selfComp._treeComp = new TreeView(selfComp._tree, 'tree_proxy'); selfComp._treeComp.on('select', function (evt) { console.log(evt); //window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/' + evt.data.name }); } }) }, $components: [ ] } let userProfile = { $type: 'div', id: "profile", _user: {}, _refresh: function (data) { this._user = data.user; }, $init: function () { this._user = { alias: "", pub: "" } }, $update: function () { if (_LCSDB.user().is) { this.$components = [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid", $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner", $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "h5", class: "mdc-typography--headline4 unselectable", $text: "User alias: " + this._user.alias //"Profile for: " + this.db.user().is.alias }, { $type: "h5", class: "mdc-typography--headline5 unselectable", $text: "User public key: " + this._user.pub//"Profile for: " + this.db.user().is.alias }, ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "h3", class: "mdc-typography", $text: 'Load my world\'s protos:' //"Profile for: " + this.db.user().is.alias }, dragDropWorldsArea, _app.widgets.emptyDiv, { $text: 'or' }, _app.widgets.p, loadEmpty ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "h3", class: "mdc-typography", $text: 'Load proxy files:' //"Profile for: " + this.db.user().is.alias }, dragDropProxyArea, _app.widgets.emptyDiv, { $text: 'or' }, _app.widgets.p, loadDefaultsProxy, _app.widgets.p, _app.widgets.divider, proxySource ] } ] } ] } ] } else { this.$components = [ { $type: "h3", class: "mdc-typography--headline3", $text: "user is not signed in..." //"Profile for: " + this.db.user().is.alias }, _app.widgets.divider ] } } } document.querySelector("#userProfile").$cell({ $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [userProfile] }) }) } HandleUserWorlds(ctx) { console.log("USER WORLDS INDEX"); console.log(ctx.params); let user = ctx.params.user; let type = ctx.params.type; window._app.hideProgressBar(); // window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generalIndex().then(r=>{ if (!_app.indexApp) { _app.indexApp = new IndexApp; } _app.indexApp.allWorldsForUser(user) }) } HandleFileEdit(ctx) { console.log("USER WORLD FILE EDIT"); let user = ctx.params.user; let worldName = ctx.params.name; let fileOriginal = ctx.params.file; let type = ctx.params.type; window._app.hideProgressBar(); //window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generalIndex().then(r=>{ _LCSDB.on('auth', async function (ack) { if (_LCSDB.user().is) { _app.helpers.checkUserCollision(); if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == user) { var worldType = 'worlds'; var file = fileOriginal; if (type == 'state') { worldType = 'documents'; file = _app.helpers.replaceSubStringALL(fileOriginal, "~", '/'); } _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).load(worldFile => { if (worldFile) { var source = worldFile; if (type == 'state') { if (!file.includes('_info_vwf_json')) { source = worldFile.jsonState; var saveName = worldFile.filename; } } //console.log(source); source = _app.helpers.convertFileSource(file, source); let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "worldFILE"); document.body.appendChild(el); var saveGUI = {}; if (type == 'proto' || file.includes('_info_vwf_json')) { saveGUI = { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Save", onclick: async function (e) { console.log("save new info"); let editor = document.querySelector("#aceEditor").env.editor; let newInfo = editor.getValue(); _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).put(newInfo, function (res) { if (res) { _app.helpers.notyOK('Saved!'); // let modified = new Date().valueOf(); // _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).get('modified').put(modified); } }) } } } let aceEditorCell = { $type: "div", $components: [ { class: "aceEditor", id: "aceEditor", //style: "width:1200px; height: 800px", $type: "div", $text: source, $init: function () { var mode = "ace/mode/json"; if (file.includes('_yaml')) mode = "ace/mode/yaml" if (file.includes('_js')) mode = "ace/mode/javascript" var editor = ace.edit("aceEditor"); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); editor.setFontSize(16); editor.getSession().setMode(mode); editor.setOptions({ maxLines: Infinity }); editor.session.setUseWrapMode(true); } }, saveGUI, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Close", onclick: function (e) { console.log("close"); //window.location.pathname = "/" + user + '/' + worldName + '/about' window.history.back(); // if (type == "proto") // window.location.pathname = "/" + user + '/' + worldName + '/about' // if (type == "state") // window.location.pathname = "/" + user + '/' + worldName + '/about' } } ] } document.querySelector("#worldFILE").$cell({ $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [aceEditorCell ] }) } }); } } }) }) } async generateFrontPage() { let infoEl = document.createElement("div"); infoEl.setAttribute("id", "indexPage"); //infoEl.classList.add("mdc-typography"); let lang = _LangManager.locale; let infoElHTML = await _app.helpers.getHtmlText('/web/locale/' + lang + '/index.html'); infoEl.innerHTML = infoElHTML; document.body.appendChild(infoEl); } async loadIndexLibs() { return loadjs([ '/lib/ui/cell.js', '/lib/ui/treeview/treeview.min.css', '/lib/ui/treeview/treeview.min.js', '/lib/ui/mdc/dist/material-components-web.min.css', '/lib/ui/mdc/dist/material-components-web.min.js', '/lib/ui/mdc.css', '/lib/ui/ace/ace.js', '/lib/ui/drag-drop.js', '/lib/buffer5.6.0.min.js', ], { async: false, returnPromise: true }) } generalIndex() { let p = new Promise(res => res()) .then(res=>{ return _app.loadIndexLibs(); }) .then(res=>{ document.querySelector('body').classList.add("mdc-typography"); mdc.autoInit(); }) return p } ////////HANDLERS////// HandleQuery(ctx, next) { ctx.query = qs.parse(location.search.slice(1)); next(); } HandleIndex() { console.log("INDEX"); //window._app.hideUIControl(); _app.generateFrontPage(); _app.generalIndex().then(res=>{ if (!_app.indexApp) { _app.indexApp = new IndexApp('index'); _app.hideProgressBar(); } }) } HandleNoPage() { console.log("no such page"); _app.hideProgressBar(); let t404 = `