this.initialize = function(){} this.getCube = function(){ return this.parent.parent } this.initCubeletFaces = function(){ let cube = this.getCube(); let cubeletModel = cube.getCubelet(this.cubeletID); //let cubeModel = cube.cubeModel; //let cubeletModel = cubeModel.cubelets[this.cubleteID]; //cubeletModel.nodeID =; let half = this.size / 2; //MISTAKE in UP/DOWN position (in original code) let faces = { "front":{ "faceID": "0", "rotation": [0,0,0], "position": [0,0,half] }, "up":{ "faceID": "1", "rotation": [-90,0,0], "position": [0,half,0] }, "right":{ "faceID": "2", "rotation": [0,90,0], "position": [half,0,0] }, "down":{ "faceID": "3", "rotation": [90,0,0], "position": [0,-half,0] }, "left":{ "faceID": "4", "rotation": [0,-90,0], "position": [-half,0,0] }, "back":{ "faceID": "5", "rotation": [0,180,0], "position": [0,0,-half] } } Object.keys(faces).forEach(key=>{ let data = faces[key]; let face = //getFace(faces[key]); { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aplane.vwf", "properties": { "faceID": data.faceID, "rotation": data.rotation, "position": data.position }, "children":{ "label":{ "extends": "proxy/aframe/atext.vwf", "properties": { "displayName": key, "color": "black", "value": this.cubeletID, "side": "double", "position": [-0.3,0,0.01] } }, "material": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aMaterialComponent.vwf", "type": "component", "properties": { "side": "double", "color": cubeletModel.faces[data.faceID].color.hex } } } } //let color = cubeletModel[key].color.hex; // = color; this.wrapper.children.create(key, face) }) } // this.rotateCublet = function(data){ // // this.rotateBy([0,0,90],0.5); // // this.parent["1"].rotateBy([0,0,90],0.5); // // this.parent["2"].rotateBy([0,0,90],0.5); // // this.parent["3"].rotateBy([0,0,90],0.5); // // this.parent["4"].rotateBy([0,0,90],0.5); // this.rotation = data; // let k = this.getMatrix().clone(); // let t = this.wrapper.getMatrix().clone(); // t.premultiply(k); // console.log(t); // let p = new THREE.Vector3(); // let q = new THREE.Quaternion(); // let s = new THREE.Vector3(); // t.decompose( p, q, s ); // let angle = (new THREE.Euler()).setFromQuaternion(q, 'XYZ'); // let rotation = (new THREE.Vector3(THREE.Math.radToDeg(angle.x), // THREE.Math.radToDeg(angle.y), THREE.Math.radToDeg(angle.z))); // console.log(p, rotation, s); // this.wrapper.position = p; // this.wrapper.rotation = rotation; // this.rotation = [0,0,0]; // } this.rotateCubelet = function(rotation, speed, cubeCallback) { if(cubeCallback){ this.rotateBy(rotation, speed, 'cubeletOnStopRotation:[' + this.cubeletID + ',"' + cubeCallback +'"]') } else { this.rotateBy(rotation, speed, "cubeletOnStopRotation:[" + this.cubeletID + "]" ) } } this.cubeletOnStopRotation = function(cubeletID, cubeCallback){ let cube = this.getCube(); cube.cubeletsRemap(cubeletID, cubeCallback); if(cubeCallback){ if(cube.robotID && cube.withRobot){ let robot = cube.getRobot(); robot.rotateFace(cubeCallback); } } } // this.cubeletOnStopRotation = function(cubeletID, cubeCallback){ // debugger; // let threshold = 0.001 // // Here's some complexity. // // We need to support partial rotations of arbitrary degrees // // yet ensure our internal model is always in a valid state. // // This means only remapping the Cubelet when it makes sense // // and also remapping the Cube if this Cubelet is allowed to do so. // let myCube = this.getCube(); // let cube = myCube.cubeModel; // let cubelet = cube.cubelets[cubeletID]; // var // xRemaps = cubelet.x.divide( 90 ).round() // .subtract( cubelet.xPrevious.divide( 90 ).round() ) // .absolute(), // yRemaps = cubelet.y.divide( 90 ).round() // .subtract( cubelet.yPrevious.divide( 90 ).round() ) // .absolute(), // zRemaps = cubelet.z.divide( 90 ).round() // .subtract( cubelet.zPrevious.divide( 90 ).round() ) // .absolute() // if( Cube.verbosity >= 0.9 ){ // console.log( 'Cublet #'+ ( < 10 ? '0'+ : ), // ' | xRemaps:', xRemaps, ' yRemaps:', yRemaps, ' zRemaps:', zRemaps, // ' | xPrev:', cubelet.xPrevious, ' x:', cubelet.x, // ' | yPrev:', cubelet.yPrevious, ' y:', cubelet.y, // ' | zPrev:', cubelet.zPrevious, ' z:', cubelet.z ) // } // if( xRemaps ){ // while( xRemaps -- ){ // if( cubelet.x < cubelet.xPrevious ) cubelet.faces = [ cubelet.up, cubelet.back, cubelet.right, cubelet.front, cubelet.left, cubelet.down ] // else cubelet.faces = [ cubelet.down, cubelet.front, cubelet.right, cubelet.back, cubelet.left, cubelet.up ] // // if( cubeCallback !== undefined ){ // let swapMap = Cube.swapMaps[cubeCallback]; // let swap = cubelet.cube.cubelets.slice(); // swapMap.forEach(el=>{ // cube.cubelets[el[0]] = swap[el[1]] // }) // //cubeCallback( cubelet.cube.cubelets.slice()) // // } // } // cubelet.xPrevious = cubelet.x // } // if( cubelet.x.modulo( 90 ).absolute() < threshold ){ // cubelet.x = 0 // cubelet.xPrevious = cubelet.x // cubelet.isEngagedX = false // } // if( yRemaps ){ // while( yRemaps -- ){ // if( cubelet.y < cubelet.yPrevious ) cubelet.faces = [ cubelet.left, cubelet.up, cubelet.front, cubelet.down, cubelet.back, cubelet.right ] // else cubelet.faces = [ cubelet.right, cubelet.up, cubelet.back, cubelet.down, cubelet.front, cubelet.left ] // // if( cubeCallback !== undefined ){ // let swapMap = Cube.swapMaps[cubeCallback]; // let swap = cubelet.cube.cubelets.slice(); // swapMap.forEach(el=>{ // cube.cubelets[el[0]] = swap[el[1]] // }) // //cubeCallback( cubelet.cube.cubelets.slice()) // // } // } // cubelet.yPrevious = cubelet.y // } // if( cubelet.y.modulo( 90 ).absolute() < threshold ){ // cubelet.y = 0 // cubelet.yPrevious = cubelet.y // cubelet.isEngagedY = false // } // if( zRemaps ){ // while( zRemaps -- ){ // if( cubelet.z < cubelet.zPrevious ) cubelet.faces = [ cubelet.front, cubelet.right, cubelet.down, cubelet.left, cubelet.up, cubelet.back ] // else cubelet.faces = [ cubelet.front, cubelet.left, cubelet.up, cubelet.right, cubelet.down, cubelet.back ] // // if( cubeCallback !== undefined ){ // //debugger; // let swapMap = Cube.swapMaps[cubeCallback]; // let swap = cubelet.cube.cubelets.slice(); // swapMap.forEach(el=>{ // cube.cubelets[el[0]] = swap[el[1]] // }) // //cubeCallback( cubelet.cube.cubelets.slice()) // // } // } // cubelet.zPrevious = cubelet.z // } // if( cubelet.z.modulo( 90 ).absolute() < threshold ){ // cubelet.z = 0 // cubelet.zPrevious = cubelet.z // cubelet.isEngagedZ = false // } // // Phew! Now we can turn off the tweening flag. // cubelet.isTweening = false // }