/*global define*/ define([ '../Core/defaultValue', '../Core/defined', '../Core/defineProperties', '../Core/DeveloperError', '../Core/Event', './createPropertyDescriptor' ], function( defaultValue, defined, defineProperties, DeveloperError, Event, createPropertyDescriptor) { "use strict"; /** * An optionally time-dynamic two dimensional wall. * * @alias WallGraphics * @constructor */ var WallGraphics = function() { this._show = undefined; this._showSubscription = undefined; this._material = undefined; this._materialSubscription = undefined; this._positions = undefined; this._positionsSubscription = undefined; this._minimumHeights = undefined; this._minimumHeightsSubscription = undefined; this._maximumHeights = undefined; this._maximumHeightsSubscription = undefined; this._granularity = undefined; this._granularitySubscription = undefined; this._outline = undefined; this._outlineSubscription = undefined; this._outlineColor = undefined; this._outlineColorSubscription = undefined; this._outlineWidth = undefined; this._outlineWidthSubscription = undefined; this._definitionChanged = new Event(); }; defineProperties(WallGraphics.prototype, { /** * Gets the event that is raised whenever a new property is assigned. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * * @type {Event} * @readonly */ definitionChanged : { get : function() { return this._definitionChanged; } }, /** * Gets or sets the boolean {@link Property} specifying the wall's visibility. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ show : createPropertyDescriptor('show'), /** * Gets or sets the {@link MaterialProperty} specifying the appearance of the wall. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {MaterialProperty} */ material : createPropertyDescriptor('material'), /** * Gets or sets the vertex positions. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ positions : createPropertyDescriptor('positions'), /** * Gets or sets the Array {@link Property} specifying the bottom heights of the wall. * This array must be the same length as positions, containing a height for * each position. If undefined, the bottom of the wall will be on the surface of the * ellipsoid. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ minimumHeights : createPropertyDescriptor('minimumHeights'), /** * Gets or sets the Array {@link Property} specifying the top heights along the wall. * This array must be the same length as positions, containing a height for * each position. If undefined, the heights from positions are used. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ maximumHeights : createPropertyDescriptor('maximumHeights'), /** * Gets or sets the Number {@link Property} specifying the sampling distance, in radians, * between each latitude and longitude point. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ granularity : createPropertyDescriptor('granularity'), /** * Gets or sets the Boolean {@link Property} specifying whether the wall should be filled. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ fill : createPropertyDescriptor('fill'), /** * Gets or sets the Boolean {@link Property} specifying whether the wall should be outlined. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ outline : createPropertyDescriptor('outline'), /** * Gets or sets the Color {@link Property} specifying whether the color of the outline. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ outlineColor : createPropertyDescriptor('outlineColor'), /** * Gets or sets the Number {@link Property} specifying the width of the outline. * @memberof WallGraphics.prototype * @type {Property} */ outlineWidth : createPropertyDescriptor('outlineWidth') }); /** * Duplicates a WallGraphics instance. * * @param {WallGraphics} [result] The object onto which to store the result. * @returns {WallGraphics} The modified result parameter or a new instance if one was not provided. */ WallGraphics.prototype.clone = function(result) { if (!defined(result)) { result = new WallGraphics(); } result.show = this.show; result.material = this.material; result.positions = this.positions; result.minimumHeights = this.minimumHeights; result.maximumHeights = this.maximumHeights; result.granularity = this.granularity; result.fill = this.fill; result.outline = this.outline; result.outlineColor = this.outlineColor; result.outlineWidth = this.outlineWidth; return result; }; /** * Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value * of the same property on the provided source object. * * @param {WallGraphics} source The object to be merged into this object. */ WallGraphics.prototype.merge = function(source) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(source)) { throw new DeveloperError('source is required.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); this.show = defaultValue(this.show, source.show); this.material = defaultValue(this.material, source.material); this.positions = defaultValue(this.positions, source.positions); this.minimumHeights = defaultValue(this.minimumHeights, source.minimumHeights); this.maximumHeights = defaultValue(this.maximumHeights, source.maximumHeights); this.granularity = defaultValue(this.granularity, source.granularity); this.fill = defaultValue(this.fill, source.fill); this.outline = defaultValue(this.outline, source.outline); this.outlineColor = defaultValue(this.outlineColor, source.outlineColor); this.outlineWidth = defaultValue(this.outlineWidth, source.outlineWidth); }; return WallGraphics; });