.cesium-animation-theme { visibility: hidden; display: block; position: absolute; z-index: -100; } .cesium-animation-themeNormal { color: #222; } .cesium-animation-themeHover { color: #4488B0; } .cesium-animation-themeSelect { color: #242; } .cesium-animation-themeDisabled { color: #333; } .cesium-animation-themeKnob { color: #222; } .cesium-animation-themePointer { color: #2E2; } .cesium-animation-themeSwoosh { color: #8AC; } .cesium-animation-themeSwooshHover { color: #AEF; } .cesium-animation-svgText { fill: #edffff; font-family: Sans-Serif; font-size: 15px; text-anchor: middle; } .cesium-animation-blank { fill: #000; fill-opacity: 0.01; /* This must be clickable, so it can't be 'fill: none'. */ stroke: none; } .cesium-animation-rectButton { cursor: pointer; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .cesium-animation-rectButton .cesium-animation-buttonGlow { fill: #fff; stroke: none; /* Widget will add: filter: url(#animation_blurred); */ display: none; } .cesium-animation-rectButton:hover .cesium-animation-buttonGlow { display: block; } .cesium-animation-rectButton .cesium-animation-buttonPath { fill: #edffff; } .cesium-animation-rectButton .cesium-animation-buttonMain { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_buttonNormal); */ stroke: #444; stroke-width: 1.2; } .cesium-animation-rectButton:hover .cesium-animation-buttonMain { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_buttonHovered); */ stroke: #AEF; } .cesium-animation-rectButton:active .cesium-animation-buttonMain { fill: #ABD6FF; } .cesium-animation-buttonDisabled { -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .cesium-animation-buttonDisabled .cesium-animation-buttonMain { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_buttonDisabled); */ stroke: #555; } .cesium-animation-buttonDisabled .cesium-animation-buttonPath { fill: #818181; } .cesium-animation-buttonDisabled .cesium-animation-buttonGlow { display: none; } .cesium-animation-buttonToggled .cesium-animation-buttonGlow { display: block; fill: #2E2; } .cesium-animation-buttonToggled .cesium-animation-buttonMain { stroke: #2E2; } .cesium-animation-buttonToggled:hover .cesium-animation-buttonGlow { fill: #fff; } .cesium-animation-buttonToggled:hover .cesium-animation-buttonMain { stroke: #2E2; } .cesium-animation-shuttleRingG { cursor: pointer; } /* Widget will add: .cesium-animation-shuttleRingG .cesium-animation-shuttleRingSwoosh { fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingSwooshGradient); } .cesium-animation-shuttleRingG:hover .cesium-animation-shuttleRingSwoosh { fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingSwooshHovered); } */ .cesium-animation-shuttleRingPointer { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingPointerGradient); */ cursor: pointer; } .cesium-animation-shuttleRingPausePointer { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingPointerPaused); */ cursor: pointer; } .cesium-animation-shuttleRingBack { fill: #181818; fill-opacity: 0.8; stroke: #333; stroke-width: 1.2; } .cesium-animation-shuttleRingSwoosh line { stroke: #8AC; stroke-width: 3; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linecap: round; } .cesium-animation-knobOuter { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_knobOuter); */ cursor: pointer; stroke: #444; stroke-width: 1.2; } .cesium-animation-knobInner { /* Widget will add: fill: url(#animation_knobInner); */ cursor: pointer; }