/*global define*/
    ], function(
        WallGraphics) {
    "use strict";

    var currentId;

    function makeReference(collection, referenceString) {
        if (referenceString[0] === '#') {
            referenceString = currentId + referenceString;
        return ReferenceProperty.fromString(collection, referenceString);

    var scratchCartesian = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchSpherical = new Spherical();
    var scratchCartographic = new Cartographic();
    var scratchTimeInterval = new TimeInterval();

    function unwrapColorInterval(czmlInterval) {
        var rgbaf = czmlInterval.rgbaf;
        if (defined(rgbaf)) {
            return rgbaf;

        var rgba = czmlInterval.rgba;
        if (!defined(rgba)) {
            return undefined;

        if (rgba.length === Color.length) {
            return [Color.byteToFloat(rgba[0]), Color.byteToFloat(rgba[1]), Color.byteToFloat(rgba[2]), Color.byteToFloat(rgba[3])];

        var len = rgba.length;
        rgbaf = new Array(len);
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 5) {
            rgbaf[i] = rgba[i];
            rgbaf[i + 1] = Color.byteToFloat(rgba[i + 1]);
            rgbaf[i + 2] = Color.byteToFloat(rgba[i + 2]);
            rgbaf[i + 3] = Color.byteToFloat(rgba[i + 3]);
            rgbaf[i + 4] = Color.byteToFloat(rgba[i + 4]);
        return rgbaf;

    function unwrapImageInterval(czmlInterval, sourceUri) {
        var result = defaultValue(czmlInterval.image, czmlInterval);
        if (defined(sourceUri)) {
            var baseUri = new Uri(document.location.href);
            sourceUri = new Uri(sourceUri);
            result = new Uri(result).resolve(sourceUri.resolve(baseUri)).toString();
        return result;

    function unwrapUriInterval(czmlInterval, sourceUri) {
        var result = defaultValue(czmlInterval.uri, czmlInterval);
        if (defined(sourceUri)) {
            var baseUri = new Uri(document.location.href);
            sourceUri = new Uri(sourceUri);
            result = new Uri(result).resolve(sourceUri.resolve(baseUri)).toString();
        return result;

    function unwrapRectangleInterval(czmlInterval) {
        var wsenDegrees = czmlInterval.wsenDegrees;
        if (defined(wsenDegrees)) {
            var length = wsenDegrees.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                wsenDegrees[i] = CesiumMath.toRadians(wsenDegrees[i]);
            return wsenDegrees;
        return czmlInterval.wsen;

    function unwrapCartesianInterval(czmlInterval) {
        if (defined(czmlInterval.cartesian)) {
            return czmlInterval.cartesian;

        if (defined(czmlInterval.cartesianVelocity)) {
            return czmlInterval.cartesianVelocity;

        if (defined(czmlInterval.unitCartesian)) {
            return czmlInterval.unitCartesian;

        var i;
        var len;
        var result;

        var unitSpherical = czmlInterval.unitSpherical;
        if (defined(unitSpherical)) {
            len = unitSpherical.length;
            if (len === 2) {
                scratchSpherical.clock = unitSpherical[0];
                scratchSpherical.cone = unitSpherical[1];
                Cartesian3.fromSpherical(scratchSpherical, scratchCartesian);
                result = [scratchCartesian.x, scratchCartesian.y, scratchCartesian.z];
            } else {
                var sphericalIt = 0;
                result = new Array((len / 3) * 4);
                for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
                    result[i] = unitSpherical[sphericalIt++];

                    scratchSpherical.clock = unitSpherical[sphericalIt++];
                    scratchSpherical.cone = unitSpherical[sphericalIt++];
                    Cartesian3.fromSpherical(scratchSpherical, scratchCartesian);

                    result[i + 1] = scratchCartesian.x;
                    result[i + 2] = scratchCartesian.y;
                    result[i + 3] = scratchCartesian.z;
            return result;

        var cartographic = czmlInterval.cartographicRadians;
        if (defined(cartographic)) {
            if (cartographic.length === 3) {
                scratchCartographic.longitude = cartographic[0];
                scratchCartographic.latitude = cartographic[1];
                scratchCartographic.height = cartographic[2];
                Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(scratchCartographic, scratchCartesian);
                result = [scratchCartesian.x, scratchCartesian.y, scratchCartesian.z];
            } else {
                len = cartographic.length;
                result = new Array(len);
                for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
                    scratchCartographic.longitude = cartographic[i + 1];
                    scratchCartographic.latitude = cartographic[i + 2];
                    scratchCartographic.height = cartographic[i + 3];
                    Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(scratchCartographic, scratchCartesian);

                    result[i] = cartographic[i];
                    result[i + 1] = scratchCartesian.x;
                    result[i + 2] = scratchCartesian.y;
                    result[i + 3] = scratchCartesian.z;
            return result;

        var cartographicDegrees = czmlInterval.cartographicDegrees;
        if (!defined(cartographicDegrees)) {
            throw new RuntimeError(JSON.stringify(czmlInterval) + ' is not a valid CZML interval.');

        if (cartographicDegrees.length === 3) {
            scratchCartographic.longitude = CesiumMath.toRadians(cartographicDegrees[0]);
            scratchCartographic.latitude = CesiumMath.toRadians(cartographicDegrees[1]);
            scratchCartographic.height = cartographicDegrees[2];
            Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(scratchCartographic, scratchCartesian);
            result = [scratchCartesian.x, scratchCartesian.y, scratchCartesian.z];
        } else {
            len = cartographicDegrees.length;
            result = new Array(len);
            for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
                scratchCartographic.longitude = CesiumMath.toRadians(cartographicDegrees[i + 1]);
                scratchCartographic.latitude = CesiumMath.toRadians(cartographicDegrees[i + 2]);
                scratchCartographic.height = cartographicDegrees[i + 3];
                Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(scratchCartographic, scratchCartesian);

                result[i] = cartographicDegrees[i];
                result[i + 1] = scratchCartesian.x;
                result[i + 2] = scratchCartesian.y;
                result[i + 3] = scratchCartesian.z;

        return result;

    function unwrapInterval(type, czmlInterval, sourceUri) {
        /*jshint sub:true*/
        switch (type) {
        case Boolean:
            return defaultValue(czmlInterval['boolean'], czmlInterval);
        case Cartesian2:
            return czmlInterval.cartesian2;
        case Cartesian3:
            return unwrapCartesianInterval(czmlInterval);
        case Color:
            return unwrapColorInterval(czmlInterval);
        case StripeOrientation:
            return StripeOrientation[defaultValue(czmlInterval.stripeOrientation, czmlInterval)];
        case HorizontalOrigin:
            return HorizontalOrigin[defaultValue(czmlInterval.horizontalOrigin, czmlInterval)];
        case Image:
            return unwrapUriInterval(czmlInterval, sourceUri);
        case JulianDate:
            return JulianDate.fromIso8601(defaultValue(czmlInterval.date, czmlInterval));
        case LabelStyle:
            return LabelStyle[defaultValue(czmlInterval.labelStyle, czmlInterval)];
        case Number:
            return defaultValue(czmlInterval.number, czmlInterval);
        case String:
            return defaultValue(czmlInterval.string, czmlInterval);
        case Array:
            return czmlInterval.array;
        case Quaternion:
            return czmlInterval.unitQuaternion;
        case Rectangle:
            return unwrapRectangleInterval(czmlInterval);
        case Uri:
            return unwrapUriInterval(czmlInterval, sourceUri);
        case VerticalOrigin:
            return VerticalOrigin[defaultValue(czmlInterval.verticalOrigin, czmlInterval)];
            throw new DeveloperError(type);

    var interpolators = {
        HERMITE : HermitePolynomialApproximation,
        LAGRANGE : LagrangePolynomialApproximation,
        LINEAR : LinearApproximation

    function updateInterpolationSettings(packetData, property) {
        var interpolationAlgorithm = packetData.interpolationAlgorithm;
        if (defined(interpolationAlgorithm) || defined(packetData.interpolationDegree)) {
                interpolationAlgorithm : interpolators[interpolationAlgorithm],
                interpolationDegree : packetData.interpolationDegree

        var forwardExtrapolationType = packetData.forwardExtrapolationType;
        if (defined(forwardExtrapolationType)) {
            property.forwardExtrapolationType = ExtrapolationType[forwardExtrapolationType];

        var forwardExtrapolationDuration = packetData.forwardExtrapolationDuration;
        if (defined(forwardExtrapolationDuration)) {
            property.forwardExtrapolationDuration = forwardExtrapolationDuration;

        var backwardExtrapolationType = packetData.backwardExtrapolationType;
        if (defined(backwardExtrapolationType)) {
            property.backwardExtrapolationType = ExtrapolationType[backwardExtrapolationType];

        var backwardExtrapolationDuration = packetData.backwardExtrapolationDuration;
        if (defined(backwardExtrapolationDuration)) {
            property.backwardExtrapolationDuration = backwardExtrapolationDuration;

    function processProperty(type, object, propertyName, packetData, constrainedInterval, sourceUri, entityCollection) {
        var combinedInterval;
        var packetInterval = packetData.interval;
        if (defined(packetInterval)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = packetInterval;
            combinedInterval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);
            if (defined(constrainedInterval)) {
                combinedInterval = TimeInterval.intersect(combinedInterval, constrainedInterval, scratchTimeInterval);
        } else if (defined(constrainedInterval)) {
            combinedInterval = constrainedInterval;

        var packedLength;
        var isSampled;
        var unwrappedInterval;
        var unwrappedIntervalLength;
        var isReference = defined(packetData.reference);
        var hasInterval = defined(combinedInterval) && !combinedInterval.equals(Iso8601.MAXIMUM_INTERVAL);

        if (!isReference) {
            unwrappedInterval = unwrapInterval(type, packetData, sourceUri);
            packedLength = defaultValue(type.packedLength, 1);
            unwrappedIntervalLength = defaultValue(unwrappedInterval.length, 1);
            isSampled = !defined(packetData.array) && (typeof unwrappedInterval !== 'string') && unwrappedIntervalLength > packedLength;

        //Any time a constant value is assigned, it completely blows away anything else.
        if (!isSampled && !hasInterval) {
            if (isReference) {
                object[propertyName] = makeReference(entityCollection, packetData.reference);
            } else if (defined(type.unpack)) {
                object[propertyName] = new ConstantProperty(type.unpack(unwrappedInterval, 0));
            } else {
                object[propertyName] = new ConstantProperty(unwrappedInterval);

        var property = object[propertyName];

        var epoch;
        var packetEpoch = packetData.epoch;
        if (defined(packetEpoch)) {
            epoch = JulianDate.fromIso8601(packetEpoch);

        //Without an interval, any sampled value is infinite, meaning it completely
        //replaces any non-sampled property that may exist.
        if (isSampled && !hasInterval) {
            if (!(property instanceof SampledProperty)) {
                property = new SampledProperty(type);
                object[propertyName] = property;
            property.addSamplesPackedArray(unwrappedInterval, epoch);
            updateInterpolationSettings(packetData, property);

        var interval;

        //A constant value with an interval is normally part of a TimeIntervalCollection,
        //However, if the current property is not a time-interval collection, we need
        //to turn it into a Composite, preserving the old data with the new interval.
        if (!isSampled && hasInterval) {
            //Create a new interval for the constant value.
            combinedInterval = combinedInterval.clone();
            if (isReference) {
                combinedInterval.data = makeReference(entityCollection, packetData.reference);
            } else if (defined(type.unpack)) {
                combinedInterval.data = type.unpack(unwrappedInterval, 0);
            } else {
                combinedInterval.data = unwrappedInterval;

            //If no property exists, simply use a new interval collection
            if (!defined(property)) {
                if (isReference) {
                    property = new CompositeProperty();
                } else {
                    property = new TimeIntervalCollectionProperty();
                object[propertyName] = property;

            if (!isReference && property instanceof TimeIntervalCollectionProperty) {
                //If we create a collection, or it already existed, use it.
            } else if (property instanceof CompositeProperty) {
                //If the collection was already a CompositeProperty, use it.
                combinedInterval.data = isReference ? combinedInterval.data : new ConstantProperty(combinedInterval.data);
            } else {
                //Otherwise, create a CompositeProperty but preserve the existing data.

                //Put the old property in an infinite interval.
                interval = Iso8601.MAXIMUM_INTERVAL.clone();
                interval.data = property;

                //Create the composite.
                property = new CompositeProperty();
                object[propertyName] = property;

                //add the old property interval

                //Change the new data to a ConstantProperty and add it.
                combinedInterval.data = isReference ? combinedInterval.data : new ConstantProperty(combinedInterval.data);


        //isSampled && hasInterval
        if (!defined(property)) {
            property = new CompositeProperty();
            object[propertyName] = property;

        //create a CompositeProperty but preserve the existing data.
        if (!(property instanceof CompositeProperty)) {
            //Put the old property in an infinite interval.
            interval = Iso8601.MAXIMUM_INTERVAL.clone();
            interval.data = property;

            //Create the composite.
            property = new CompositeProperty();
            object[propertyName] = property;

            //add the old property interval

        //Check if the interval already exists in the composite
        var intervals = property.intervals;
        interval = intervals.findInterval(combinedInterval);
        if (!defined(interval) || !(interval.data instanceof SampledProperty)) {
            //If not, create a SampledProperty for it.
            interval = combinedInterval.clone();
            interval.data = new SampledProperty(type);
        interval.data.addSamplesPackedArray(unwrappedInterval, epoch);
        updateInterpolationSettings(packetData, interval.data);

    function processPacketData(type, object, propertyName, packetData, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection) {
        if (!defined(packetData)) {

        if (isArray(packetData)) {
            for (var i = 0, len = packetData.length; i < len; i++) {
                processProperty(type, object, propertyName, packetData[i], interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else {
            processProperty(type, object, propertyName, packetData, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processPositionProperty(object, propertyName, packetData, constrainedInterval, sourceUri, entityCollection) {
        var combinedInterval;
        var packetInterval = packetData.interval;
        if (defined(packetInterval)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = packetInterval;
            combinedInterval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);
            if (defined(constrainedInterval)) {
                combinedInterval = TimeInterval.intersect(combinedInterval, constrainedInterval, scratchTimeInterval);
        } else if (defined(constrainedInterval)) {
            combinedInterval = constrainedInterval;

        var referenceFrame;
        var unwrappedInterval;
        var isSampled = false;
        var unwrappedIntervalLength;
        var numberOfDerivatives = defined(packetData.cartesianVelocity) ? 1 : 0;
        var packedLength = Cartesian3.packedLength * (numberOfDerivatives + 1);
        var isReference = defined(packetData.reference);
        var hasInterval = defined(combinedInterval) && !combinedInterval.equals(Iso8601.MAXIMUM_INTERVAL);

        if (!isReference) {
            referenceFrame = defaultValue(ReferenceFrame[packetData.referenceFrame], undefined);
            unwrappedInterval = unwrapCartesianInterval(packetData);
            unwrappedIntervalLength = defaultValue(unwrappedInterval.length, 1);
            isSampled = unwrappedIntervalLength > packedLength;

        //Any time a constant value is assigned, it completely blows away anything else.
        if (!isSampled && !hasInterval) {
            if (isReference) {
                object[propertyName] = makeReference(entityCollection, packetData.reference);
            } else {
                object[propertyName] = new ConstantPositionProperty(Cartesian3.unpack(unwrappedInterval), referenceFrame);

        var property = object[propertyName];

        var epoch;
        var packetEpoch = packetData.epoch;
        if (defined(packetEpoch)) {
            epoch = JulianDate.fromIso8601(packetEpoch);

        //Without an interval, any sampled value is infinite, meaning it completely
        //replaces any non-sampled property that may exist.
        if (isSampled && !hasInterval) {
            if (!(property instanceof SampledPositionProperty) || (defined(referenceFrame) && property.referenceFrame !== referenceFrame)) {
                property = new SampledPositionProperty(referenceFrame, numberOfDerivatives);
                object[propertyName] = property;
            property.addSamplesPackedArray(unwrappedInterval, epoch);
            updateInterpolationSettings(packetData, property);

        var interval;

        //A constant value with an interval is normally part of a TimeIntervalCollection,
        //However, if the current property is not a time-interval collection, we need
        //to turn it into a Composite, preserving the old data with the new interval.
        if (!isSampled && hasInterval) {
            //Create a new interval for the constant value.
            combinedInterval = combinedInterval.clone();
            if (isReference) {
                combinedInterval.data = makeReference(entityCollection, packetData.reference);
            } else {
                combinedInterval.data = Cartesian3.unpack(unwrappedInterval);

            //If no property exists, simply use a new interval collection
            if (!defined(property)) {
                if (isReference) {
                    property = new CompositePositionProperty(referenceFrame);
                } else {
                    property = new TimeIntervalCollectionPositionProperty(referenceFrame);
                object[propertyName] = property;

            if (!isReference && property instanceof TimeIntervalCollectionPositionProperty && (defined(referenceFrame) && property.referenceFrame === referenceFrame)) {
                //If we create a collection, or it already existed, use it.
            } else if (property instanceof CompositePositionProperty) {
                //If the collection was already a CompositePositionProperty, use it.
                combinedInterval.data = isReference ? combinedInterval.data : new ConstantPositionProperty(combinedInterval.data, referenceFrame);
            } else {
                //Otherwise, create a CompositePositionProperty but preserve the existing data.

                //Put the old property in an infinite interval.
                interval = Iso8601.MAXIMUM_INTERVAL.clone();
                interval.data = property;

                //Create the composite.
                property = new CompositePositionProperty(property.referenceFrame);
                object[propertyName] = property;

                //add the old property interval

                //Change the new data to a ConstantPositionProperty and add it.
                combinedInterval.data = isReference ? combinedInterval.data : new ConstantPositionProperty(combinedInterval.data, referenceFrame);


        //isSampled && hasInterval
        if (!defined(property)) {
            property = new CompositePositionProperty(referenceFrame);
            object[propertyName] = property;
        } else if (!(property instanceof CompositePositionProperty)) {
            //create a CompositeProperty but preserve the existing data.
            //Put the old property in an infinite interval.
            interval = Iso8601.MAXIMUM_INTERVAL.clone();
            interval.data = property;

            //Create the composite.
            property = new CompositePositionProperty(property.referenceFrame);
            object[propertyName] = property;

            //add the old property interval

        //Check if the interval already exists in the composite
        var intervals = property.intervals;
        interval = intervals.findInterval(combinedInterval);
        if (!defined(interval) || !(interval.data instanceof SampledPositionProperty) || (defined(referenceFrame) && interval.data.referenceFrame !== referenceFrame)) {
            //If not, create a SampledPositionProperty for it.
            interval = combinedInterval.clone();
            interval.data = new SampledPositionProperty(referenceFrame, numberOfDerivatives);
        interval.data.addSamplesPackedArray(unwrappedInterval, epoch);
        updateInterpolationSettings(packetData, interval.data);

    function processPositionPacketData(object, propertyName, packetData, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection) {
        if (!defined(packetData)) {

        if (isArray(packetData)) {
            for (var i = 0, len = packetData.length; i < len; i++) {
                processPositionProperty(object, propertyName, packetData[i], interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else {
            processPositionProperty(object, propertyName, packetData, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processMaterialProperty(object, propertyName, packetData, constrainedInterval, sourceUri, entityCollection) {
        var combinedInterval;
        var packetInterval = packetData.interval;
        if (defined(packetInterval)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = packetInterval;
            combinedInterval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);
            if (defined(constrainedInterval)) {
                combinedInterval = TimeInterval.intersect(combinedInterval, constrainedInterval, scratchTimeInterval);
        } else if (defined(constrainedInterval)) {
            combinedInterval = constrainedInterval;

        var property = object[propertyName];
        var existingMaterial;
        var existingInterval;

        if (defined(combinedInterval)) {
            if (!(property instanceof CompositeMaterialProperty)) {
                property = new CompositeMaterialProperty();
                object[propertyName] = property;
            //See if we already have data at that interval.
            var thisIntervals = property.intervals;
            existingInterval = thisIntervals.findInterval({
                start : combinedInterval.start,
                stop : combinedInterval.stop
            if (defined(existingInterval)) {
                //We have an interval, but we need to make sure the
                //new data is the same type of material as the old data.
                existingMaterial = existingInterval.data;
            } else {
                //If not, create it.
                existingInterval = combinedInterval.clone();
        } else {
            existingMaterial = property;

        var materialData;
        if (defined(packetData.solidColor)) {
            if (!(existingMaterial instanceof ColorMaterialProperty)) {
                existingMaterial = new ColorMaterialProperty();
            materialData = packetData.solidColor;
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'color', materialData.color, undefined, undefined, entityCollection);
        } else if (defined(packetData.grid)) {
            if (!(existingMaterial instanceof GridMaterialProperty)) {
                existingMaterial = new GridMaterialProperty();
            materialData = packetData.grid;
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'color', materialData.color, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Number, existingMaterial, 'cellAlpha', materialData.cellAlpha, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Cartesian2, existingMaterial, 'lineThickness', materialData.lineThickness, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Cartesian2, existingMaterial, 'lineOffset', materialData.lineOffset, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Cartesian2, existingMaterial, 'lineCount', materialData.lineCount, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else if (defined(packetData.image)) {
            if (!(existingMaterial instanceof ImageMaterialProperty)) {
                existingMaterial = new ImageMaterialProperty();
            materialData = packetData.image;
            processPacketData(Image, existingMaterial, 'image', materialData.image, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Cartesian2, existingMaterial, 'repeat', materialData.repeat, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else if (defined(packetData.stripe)) {
            if (!(existingMaterial instanceof StripeMaterialProperty)) {
                existingMaterial = new StripeMaterialProperty();
            materialData = packetData.stripe;
            processPacketData(StripeOrientation, existingMaterial, 'orientation', materialData.orientation, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'evenColor', materialData.evenColor, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'oddColor', materialData.oddColor, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Number, existingMaterial, 'offset', materialData.offset, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Number, existingMaterial, 'repeat', materialData.repeat, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else if (defined(packetData.polylineOutline)) {
            if (!(existingMaterial instanceof PolylineOutlineMaterialProperty)) {
                existingMaterial = new PolylineOutlineMaterialProperty();
            materialData = packetData.polylineOutline;
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'color', materialData.color, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'outlineColor', materialData.outlineColor, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Number, existingMaterial, 'outlineWidth', materialData.outlineWidth, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else if (defined(packetData.polylineGlow)) {
            if (!(existingMaterial instanceof PolylineGlowMaterialProperty)) {
                existingMaterial = new PolylineGlowMaterialProperty();
            materialData = packetData.polylineGlow;
            processPacketData(Color, existingMaterial, 'color', materialData.color, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);
            processPacketData(Number, existingMaterial, 'glowPower', materialData.glowPower, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);

        if (defined(existingInterval)) {
            existingInterval.data = existingMaterial;
        } else {
            object[propertyName] = existingMaterial;

    function processMaterialPacketData(object, propertyName, packetData, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection) {
        if (!defined(packetData)) {

        if (isArray(packetData)) {
            for (var i = 0, len = packetData.length; i < len; i++) {
                processMaterialProperty(object, propertyName, packetData[i], interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        } else {
            processMaterialProperty(object, propertyName, packetData, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processName(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        entity.name = defaultValue(packet.name, entity.name);

    function processDescription(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var descriptionData = packet.description;
        if (defined(descriptionData)) {
            processPacketData(String, entity, 'description', descriptionData, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processPosition(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var positionData = packet.position;
        if (defined(positionData)) {
            processPositionPacketData(entity, 'position', positionData, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processViewFrom(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var viewFromData = packet.viewFrom;
        if (defined(viewFromData)) {
            processPacketData(Cartesian3, entity, 'viewFrom', viewFromData, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processOrientation(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var orientationData = packet.orientation;
        if (defined(orientationData)) {
            processPacketData(Quaternion, entity, 'orientation', orientationData, undefined, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processVertexData(object, positionsData, entityCollection) {
        var i;
        var len;
        var references = positionsData.references;
        if (defined(references)) {
            var properties = [];
            for (i = 0, len = references.length; i < len; i++) {
                properties.push(makeReference(entityCollection, references[i]));

            var iso8601Interval = positionsData.interval;
            if (defined(iso8601Interval)) {
                iso8601Interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Interval);
                if (!(object.positions instanceof CompositePositionProperty)) {
                    object.positions = new CompositePositionProperty();
                    iso8601Interval.data = new PositionPropertyArray(properties);
            } else {
                object.positions = new PositionPropertyArray(properties);
        } else {
            var values = [];
            var tmp = positionsData.cartesian;
            if (defined(tmp)) {
                for (i = 0, len = tmp.length; i < len; i += 3) {
                    values.push(new Cartesian3(tmp[i], tmp[i + 1], tmp[i + 2]));
                positionsData.array = values;
            } else {
                tmp = positionsData.cartographicRadians;
                if (defined(tmp)) {
                    for (i = 0, len = tmp.length; i < len; i += 3) {
                        scratchCartographic.longitude = tmp[i];
                        scratchCartographic.latitude = tmp[i + 1];
                        scratchCartographic.height = tmp[i + 2];
                    positionsData.array = values;
                } else {
                    tmp = positionsData.cartographicDegrees;
                    if (defined(tmp)) {
                        for (i = 0, len = tmp.length; i < len; i += 3) {
                            values.push(Cartesian3.fromDegrees(tmp[i], tmp[i + 1], tmp[i + 2]));
                        positionsData.array = values;
            if (defined(positionsData.array)) {
                processPacketData(Array, object, 'positions', positionsData, undefined, undefined, entityCollection);

    function processPositions(object, positionsData, entityCollection) {
        if (!defined(positionsData)) {

        if (isArray(positionsData)) {
            var length = positionsData.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                processVertexData(object, positionsData[i], entityCollection);
        } else {
            processVertexData(object, positionsData, entityCollection);

    function processAvailability(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var interval;
        var packetData = packet.availability;
        if (!defined(packetData)) {

        var intervals;
        if (isArray(packetData)) {
            var length = packetData.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                if (!defined(intervals)) {
                    intervals = new TimeIntervalCollection();
                iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = packetData[i];
                interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);
        } else {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = packetData;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);
            intervals = new TimeIntervalCollection();
        entity.availability = intervals;

    var iso8601Scratch = {
        iso8601 : undefined

    function processBillboard(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var billboardData = packet.billboard;
        if (!defined(billboardData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = billboardData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var billboard = entity.billboard;
        if (!defined(billboard)) {
            entity.billboard = billboard = new BillboardGraphics();

        processPacketData(Color, billboard, 'color', billboardData.color, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Cartesian3, billboard, 'eyeOffset', billboardData.eyeOffset, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(HorizontalOrigin, billboard, 'horizontalOrigin', billboardData.horizontalOrigin, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Image, billboard, 'image', billboardData.image, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Cartesian2, billboard, 'pixelOffset', billboardData.pixelOffset, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, billboard, 'scale', billboardData.scale, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, billboard, 'rotation', billboardData.rotation, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Cartesian3, billboard, 'alignedAxis', billboardData.alignedAxis, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, billboard, 'show', billboardData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(VerticalOrigin, billboard, 'verticalOrigin', billboardData.verticalOrigin, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processDocument(packet, dataSource) {
        var version = packet.version;
        if (defined(version)) {
            if (typeof version === 'string') {
                var tokens = version.split('.');
                if (tokens.length === 2) {
                    if (tokens[0] !== '1') {
                        throw new RuntimeError('Cesium only supports CZML version 1.');
                    dataSource._version = version;

        if (!defined(dataSource._version)) {
            throw new RuntimeError('CZML version information invalid.  It is expected to be a property on the document object in the <Major>.<Minor> version format.');

        var documentPacket = dataSource._documentPacket;

        if (defined(packet.name)) {
            documentPacket.name = packet.name;

        var clockPacket = packet.clock;
        if (defined(clockPacket)) {
            var clock = documentPacket.clock;
            if (!defined(clock)) {
                documentPacket.clock = {
                    interval : clockPacket.interval,
                    currentTime : clockPacket.currentTime,
                    range : clockPacket.range,
                    step : clockPacket.step,
                    multiplier : clockPacket.multiplier
            } else {
                clock.interval = defaultValue(clockPacket.interval, clock.interval);
                clock.currentTime = defaultValue(clockPacket.currentTime, clock.currentTime);
                clock.range = defaultValue(clockPacket.range, clock.range);
                clock.step = defaultValue(clockPacket.step, clock.step);
                clock.multiplier = defaultValue(clockPacket.multiplier, clock.multiplier);

    function processEllipse(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var ellipseData = packet.ellipse;
        if (!defined(ellipseData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = ellipseData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var ellipse = entity.ellipse;
        if (!defined(ellipse)) {
            entity.ellipse = ellipse = new EllipseGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, ellipse, 'show', ellipseData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'rotation', ellipseData.rotation, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'semiMajorAxis', ellipseData.semiMajorAxis, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'semiMinorAxis', ellipseData.semiMinorAxis, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'height', ellipseData.height, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'extrudedHeight', ellipseData.extrudedHeight, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'granularity', ellipseData.granularity, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'stRotation', ellipseData.stRotation, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(ellipse, 'material', ellipseData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, ellipse, 'fill', ellipseData.fill, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, ellipse, 'outline', ellipseData.outline, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, ellipse, 'outlineColor', ellipseData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'outlineWidth', ellipseData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipse, 'numberOfVerticalLines', ellipseData.numberOfVerticalLines, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processEllipsoid(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var ellipsoidData = packet.ellipsoid;
        if (!defined(ellipsoidData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = ellipsoidData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var ellipsoid = entity.ellipsoid;
        if (!defined(ellipsoid)) {
            entity.ellipsoid = ellipsoid = new EllipsoidGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, ellipsoid, 'show', ellipsoidData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Cartesian3, ellipsoid, 'radii', ellipsoidData.radii, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(ellipsoid, 'material', ellipsoidData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, ellipsoid, 'fill', ellipsoidData.fill, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, ellipsoid, 'outline', ellipsoidData.outline, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, ellipsoid, 'outlineColor', ellipsoidData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, ellipsoid, 'outlineWidth', ellipsoidData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processLabel(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var labelData = packet.label;
        if (!defined(labelData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = labelData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var label = entity.label;
        if (!defined(label)) {
            entity.label = label = new LabelGraphics();

        processPacketData(Color, label, 'fillColor', labelData.fillColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, label, 'outlineColor', labelData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, label, 'outlineWidth', labelData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Cartesian3, label, 'eyeOffset', labelData.eyeOffset, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(HorizontalOrigin, label, 'horizontalOrigin', labelData.horizontalOrigin, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(String, label, 'text', labelData.text, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Cartesian2, label, 'pixelOffset', labelData.pixelOffset, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, label, 'scale', labelData.scale, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, label, 'show', labelData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(VerticalOrigin, label, 'verticalOrigin', labelData.verticalOrigin, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(String, label, 'font', labelData.font, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(LabelStyle, label, 'style', labelData.style, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processModel(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var modelData = packet.model;
        if (!defined(modelData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = modelData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var model = entity.model;
        if (!defined(model)) {
            entity.model = model = new ModelGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, model, 'show', modelData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, model, 'scale', modelData.scale, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, model, 'minimumPixelSize', modelData.minimumPixelSize, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Uri, model, 'uri', modelData.gltf, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processPath(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var pathData = packet.path;
        if (!defined(pathData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = pathData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var path = entity.path;
        if (!defined(path)) {
            entity.path = path = new PathGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, path, 'show', pathData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, path, 'width', pathData.width, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, path, 'resolution', pathData.resolution, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, path, 'leadTime', pathData.leadTime, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, path, 'trailTime', pathData.trailTime, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(path, 'material', pathData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processPoint(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var pointData = packet.point;
        if (!defined(pointData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = pointData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var point = entity.point;
        if (!defined(point)) {
            entity.point = point = new PointGraphics();

        processPacketData(Color, point, 'color', pointData.color, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, point, 'pixelSize', pointData.pixelSize, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, point, 'outlineColor', pointData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, point, 'outlineWidth', pointData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, point, 'show', pointData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processPolygon(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var polygonData = packet.polygon;
        if (!defined(polygonData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = polygonData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var polygon = entity.polygon;
        if (!defined(polygon)) {
            entity.polygon = polygon = new PolygonGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, polygon, 'show', polygonData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(polygon, 'material', polygonData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polygon, 'height', polygonData.height, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polygon, 'extrudedHeight', polygonData.extrudedHeight, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polygon, 'granularity', polygonData.granularity, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polygon, 'stRotation', polygonData.stRotation, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, polygon, 'fill', polygonData.fill, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, polygon, 'outline', polygonData.outline, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, polygon, 'outlineColor', polygonData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polygon, 'outlineWidth', polygonData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, polygon, 'perPositionHeight', polygonData.perPositionHeight, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPositions(polygon, polygonData.positions, entityCollection);

    function processRectangle(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var rectangleData = packet.rectangle;
        if (!defined(rectangleData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = rectangleData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var rectangle = entity.rectangle;
        if (!defined(rectangle)) {
            entity.rectangle = rectangle = new RectangleGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, rectangle, 'show', rectangleData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Rectangle, rectangle, 'coordinates', rectangleData.coordinates, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(rectangle, 'material', rectangleData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, rectangle, 'height', rectangleData.height, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, rectangle, 'extrudedHeight', rectangleData.extrudedHeight, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, rectangle, 'granularity', rectangleData.granularity, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, rectangle, 'rotation', rectangleData.rotation, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, rectangle, 'stRotation', rectangleData.stRotation, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, rectangle, 'fill', rectangleData.fill, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, rectangle, 'outline', rectangleData.outline, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, rectangle, 'outlineColor', rectangleData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, rectangle, 'outlineWidth', rectangleData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, rectangle, 'closeBottom', rectangleData.closeBottom, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, rectangle, 'closeTop', rectangleData.closeTop, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);

    function processWall(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var wallData = packet.wall;
        if (!defined(wallData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = wallData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var wall = entity.wall;
        if (!defined(wall)) {
            entity.wall = wall = new WallGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, wall, 'show', wallData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(wall, 'material', wallData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Array, wall, 'minimumHeights', wallData.minimumHeights, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Array, wall, 'maximumHeights', wallData.maximumHeights, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, wall, 'granularity', wallData.granularity, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, wall, 'fill', wallData.fill, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, wall, 'outline', wallData.outline, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Color, wall, 'outlineColor', wallData.outlineColor, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, wall, 'outlineWidth', wallData.outlineWidth, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPositions(wall, wallData.positions, entityCollection);

    function processPolyline(entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri) {
        var polylineData = packet.polyline;
        if (!defined(polylineData)) {

        var interval;
        var intervalString = polylineData.interval;
        if (defined(intervalString)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = intervalString;
            interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);

        var polyline = entity.polyline;
        if (!defined(polyline)) {
            entity.polyline = polyline = new PolylineGraphics();

        processPacketData(Boolean, polyline, 'show', polylineData.show, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polyline, 'width', polylineData.width, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processMaterialPacketData(polyline, 'material', polylineData.material, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Boolean, polyline, 'followSurface', polylineData.followSurface, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPacketData(Number, polyline, 'granularity', polylineData.granularity, interval, sourceUri, entityCollection);
        processPositions(polyline, polylineData.positions, entityCollection);

    function processCzmlPacket(packet, entityCollection, updaterFunctions, sourceUri, dataSource) {
        var objectId = packet.id;
        if (!defined(objectId)) {
            objectId = createGuid();

        currentId = objectId;

        if (!defined(dataSource._version) && objectId !== 'document') {
            throw new RuntimeError('The first CZML packet is required to be the document object.');

        if (packet['delete'] === true) {
        } else if (objectId === 'document') {
            processDocument(packet, dataSource);
        } else {
            var entity = entityCollection.getOrCreateEntity(objectId);

            var parentId = packet.parent;
            if (defined(parentId)) {
                entity.parent = entityCollection.getOrCreateEntity(parentId);

            for (var i = updaterFunctions.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
                updaterFunctions[i](entity, packet, entityCollection, sourceUri);

        currentId = undefined;

    function updateClock(dataSource) {
        var clock;
        var clockPacket = dataSource._documentPacket.clock;
        if (!defined(clockPacket)) {
            if (!defined(dataSource._clock)) {
                var availability = dataSource._entityCollection.computeAvailability();
                if (!availability.start.equals(Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE)) {
                    var startTime = availability.start;
                    var stopTime = availability.stop;
                    var totalSeconds = JulianDate.secondsDifference(stopTime, startTime);
                    var multiplier = Math.round(totalSeconds / 120.0);

                    clock = new DataSourceClock();
                    clock.startTime = JulianDate.clone(startTime);
                    clock.stopTime = JulianDate.clone(stopTime);
                    clock.clockRange = ClockRange.LOOP_STOP;
                    clock.multiplier = multiplier;
                    clock.currentTime = JulianDate.clone(startTime);
                    clock.clockStep = ClockStep.SYSTEM_CLOCK_MULTIPLIER;
                    dataSource._clock = clock;
                    return true;
            return false;

        if (defined(dataSource._clock)) {
            clock = dataSource._clock.clone();
        } else {
            clock = new DataSourceClock();
            clock.startTime = Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE.clone();
            clock.stopTime = Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE.clone();
            clock.currentTime = Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE.clone();
            clock.clockRange = ClockRange.LOOP_STOP;
            clock.clockStep = ClockStep.SYSTEM_CLOCK_MULTIPLIER;
            clock.multiplier = 1.0;
        if (defined(clockPacket.interval)) {
            iso8601Scratch.iso8601 = clockPacket.interval;
            var interval = TimeInterval.fromIso8601(iso8601Scratch);
            clock.startTime = interval.start;
            clock.stopTime = interval.stop;
        if (defined(clockPacket.currentTime)) {
            clock.currentTime = JulianDate.fromIso8601(clockPacket.currentTime);
        if (defined(clockPacket.range)) {
            clock.clockRange = defaultValue(ClockRange[clockPacket.range], ClockRange.LOOP_STOP);
        if (defined(clockPacket.step)) {
            clock.clockStep = defaultValue(ClockStep[clockPacket.step], ClockStep.SYSTEM_CLOCK_MULTIPLIER);
        if (defined(clockPacket.multiplier)) {
            clock.multiplier = clockPacket.multiplier;

        if (!clock.equals(dataSource._clock)) {
            dataSource._clock = clock.clone(dataSource._clock);
            return true;

        return false;

    function loadCzml(dataSource, czml, sourceUri, clear) {
        DataSource.setLoading(dataSource, true);
        var entityCollection = dataSource._entityCollection;

        if (clear) {
            dataSource._version = undefined;
            dataSource._documentPacket = new DocumentPacket();

        CzmlDataSource._processCzml(czml, entityCollection, sourceUri, undefined, dataSource);

        var raiseChangedEvent = updateClock(dataSource);

        var documentPacket = dataSource._documentPacket;
        if (defined(documentPacket.name) && dataSource._name !== documentPacket.name) {
            dataSource._name = documentPacket.name;
            raiseChangedEvent = true;
        } else if (!defined(dataSource._name) && defined(sourceUri)) {
            dataSource._name = getFilenameFromUri(sourceUri);
            raiseChangedEvent = true;

        DataSource.setLoading(dataSource, false);
        if (raiseChangedEvent) {

    var DocumentPacket = function() {
        this.name = undefined;
        this.clock = undefined;

     * A {@link DataSource} which processes CZML.
     * @alias CzmlDataSource
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} [name] An optional name for the data source.  This value will be overwritten if a loaded document contains a name.
     * @demo {@link http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=CZML.html|Cesium Sandcastle CZML Demo}
    var CzmlDataSource = function(name) {
        this._name = name;
        this._changed = new Event();
        this._error = new Event();
        this._isLoading = false;
        this._loading = new Event();
        this._clock = undefined;
        this._documentPacket = new DocumentPacket();
        this._version = undefined;
        this._entityCollection = new EntityCollection();

    defineProperties(CzmlDataSource.prototype, {
         * Gets a human-readable name for this instance.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {String}
        name : {
            get : function() {
                return this._name;
         * Gets the clock settings defined by the loaded CZML.  If no clock is explicitly
         * defined in the CZML, the combined availability of all objects is returned.  If
         * only static data exists, this value is undefined.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {DataSourceClock}
        clock : {
            get : function() {
                return this._clock;
         * Gets the collection of {@link Entity} instances.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {EntityCollection}
        entities : {
            get : function() {
                return this._entityCollection;
         * Gets a value indicating if the data source is currently loading data.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
        isLoading : {
            get : function() {
                return this._isLoading;
         * Gets an event that will be raised when the underlying data changes.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {Event}
        changedEvent : {
            get : function() {
                return this._changed;
         * Gets an event that will be raised if an error is encountered during processing.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {Event}
        errorEvent : {
            get : function() {
                return this._error;
         * Gets an event that will be raised when the data source either starts or stops loading.
         * @memberof CzmlDataSource.prototype
         * @type {Event}
        loadingEvent : {
            get : function() {
                return this._loading;

     * Gets the array of CZML processing functions.
     * @memberof CzmlDataSource
     * @type Array
    CzmlDataSource.updaters = [
    processBillboard, //
    processEllipse, //
    processEllipsoid, //
    processLabel, //
    processModel, //
    processName, //
    processDescription, //
    processPath, //
    processPoint, //
    processPolygon, //
    processPolyline, //
    processRectangle, //
    processPosition, //
    processViewFrom, //
    processWall, //
    processOrientation, //

     * Processes the provided CZML without clearing any existing data.
     * @param {Object} czml The CZML to be processed.
     * @param {String} sourceUri The source URI of the CZML.
    CzmlDataSource.prototype.process = function(czml, sourceUri) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(czml)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('czml is required.');

        loadCzml(this, czml, sourceUri, false);

     * Replaces any existing data with the provided CZML.
     * @param {Object} czml The CZML to be processed.
     * @param {String} source The source URI of the CZML.
    CzmlDataSource.prototype.load = function(czml, sourceUri) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(czml)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('czml is required.');

        loadCzml(this, czml, sourceUri, true);

     * Asynchronously processes the CZML at the provided url without clearing any existing data.
     * @param {Object} url The url to be processed.
     * @returns {Promise} a promise that will resolve when the CZML is processed.
    CzmlDataSource.prototype.processUrl = function(url) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(url)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('url is required.');

        DataSource.setLoading(this, true);

        var dataSource = this;
        return when(loadJson(url), function(czml) {
            loadCzml(dataSource, czml, url, false);
        }).otherwise(function(error) {
            DataSource.setLoading(dataSource, false);
            dataSource._error.raiseEvent(dataSource, error);
            return when.reject(error);

     * Asynchronously loads the CZML at the provided url, replacing any existing data.
     * @param {Object} url The url to be processed.
     * @returns {Promise} a promise that will resolve when the CZML is processed.
    CzmlDataSource.prototype.loadUrl = function(url) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(url)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('url is required.');

        DataSource.setLoading(this, true);

        var dataSource = this;
        return when(loadJson(url), function(czml) {
            loadCzml(dataSource, czml, url, true);
        }).otherwise(function(error) {
            DataSource.setLoading(dataSource, false);
            dataSource._error.raiseEvent(dataSource, error);
            return when.reject(error);

     * A helper function used by custom CZML updater functions
     * which creates or updates a {@link Property} from a CZML packet.
     * @function
     * @param {Function} type The constructor function for the property being processed.
     * @param {Object} object The object on which the property will be added or updated.
     * @param {String} propertyName The name of the property on the object.
     * @param {Object} packetData The CZML packet being processed.
     * @param {TimeInterval} interval A constraining interval for which the data is valid.
     * @param {String} sourceUri The originating uri of the data being processed.
     * @param {EntityCollection} entityCollection The collection being processsed.
    CzmlDataSource.processPacketData = processPacketData;

     * A helper function used by custom CZML updater functions
     * which creates or updates a {@link PositionProperty} from a CZML packet.
     * @function
     * @param {Object} object The object on which the property will be added or updated.
     * @param {String} propertyName The name of the property on the object.
     * @param {Object} packetData The CZML packet being processed.
     * @param {TimeInterval} interval A constraining interval for which the data is valid.
     * @param {String} sourceUri The originating uri of the data being processed.
     * @param {EntityCollection} entityCollection The collection being processsed.
    CzmlDataSource.processPositionPacketData = processPositionPacketData;

     * A helper function used by custom CZML updater functions
     * which creates or updates a {@link MaterialProperty} from a CZML packet.
     * @function
     * @param {Object} object The object on which the property will be added or updated.
     * @param {String} propertyName The name of the property on the object.
     * @param {Object} packetData The CZML packet being processed.
     * @param {TimeInterval} interval A constraining interval for which the data is valid.
     * @param {String} sourceUri The originating uri of the data being processed.
     * @param {EntityCollection} entityCollection The collection being processsed.
    CzmlDataSource.processMaterialPacketData = processMaterialPacketData;

    CzmlDataSource._processCzml = function(czml, entityCollection, sourceUri, updaterFunctions, dataSource) {
        updaterFunctions = defined(updaterFunctions) ? updaterFunctions : CzmlDataSource.updaters;

        if (isArray(czml)) {
            for (var i = 0, len = czml.length; i < len; i++) {
                processCzmlPacket(czml[i], entityCollection, updaterFunctions, sourceUri, dataSource);
        } else {
            processCzmlPacket(czml, entityCollection, updaterFunctions, sourceUri, dataSource);

    return CzmlDataSource;