 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

THREE.SceneLoader = function ( manager ) {

	this.onLoadStart = function () {};
	this.onLoadProgress = function() {};
	this.onLoadComplete = function () {};

	this.callbackSync = function () {};
	this.callbackProgress = function () {};

	this.geometryHandlers = {};
	this.hierarchyHandlers = {};

	this.addGeometryHandler( "ascii", THREE.JSONLoader );

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;


THREE.SceneLoader.prototype = {

	constructor: THREE.SceneLoader,

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( scope.manager );
		loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
		loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

			scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ), onLoad, url );

		}, onProgress, onError );


	setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {

		this.crossOrigin = value;


	addGeometryHandler: function ( typeID, loaderClass ) {

		this.geometryHandlers[ typeID ] = { "loaderClass": loaderClass };


	addHierarchyHandler: function ( typeID, loaderClass ) {

		this.hierarchyHandlers[ typeID ] = { "loaderClass": loaderClass };


	parse: function ( json, callbackFinished, url ) {

		var scope = this;

		var urlBase = THREE.Loader.prototype.extractUrlBase( url );

		var geometry, material, camera, fog,
			texture, images, color,
			light, hex, intensity,
			counter_models, counter_textures,
			total_models, total_textures,

		var target_array = [];

		var data = json;

		// async geometry loaders

		for ( var typeID in this.geometryHandlers ) {

			var loaderClass = this.geometryHandlers[ typeID ][ "loaderClass" ];
			this.geometryHandlers[ typeID ][ "loaderObject" ] = new loaderClass();


		// async hierachy loaders

		for ( var typeID in this.hierarchyHandlers ) {

			var loaderClass = this.hierarchyHandlers[ typeID ][ "loaderClass" ];
			this.hierarchyHandlers[ typeID ][ "loaderObject" ] = new loaderClass();


		counter_models = 0;
		counter_textures = 0;

		result = {

			scene: new THREE.Scene(),
			geometries: {},
			face_materials: {},
			materials: {},
			textures: {},
			objects: {},
			cameras: {},
			lights: {},
			fogs: {},
			empties: {},
			groups: {}


		if ( data.transform ) {

			var position = data.transform.position,
				rotation = data.transform.rotation,
				scale = data.transform.scale;

			if ( position ) {

				result.scene.position.fromArray( position );


			if ( rotation ) {

				result.scene.rotation.fromArray( rotation );


			if ( scale ) {

				result.scene.scale.fromArray( scale );


			if ( position || rotation || scale ) {




		function get_url( source_url, url_type ) {

			if ( url_type == "relativeToHTML" ) {

				return source_url;

			} else {

				return urlBase + source_url;



		// toplevel loader function, delegates to handle_children

		function handle_objects() {

			handle_children( result.scene, data.objects );


		// handle all the children from the loaded json and attach them to given parent

		function handle_children( parent, children ) {

			var mat, dst, pos, rot, scl, quat;

			for ( var objID in children ) {

				// check by id if child has already been handled,
				// if not, create new object

				var object = result.objects[ objID ];
				var objJSON = children[ objID ];

				if ( object === undefined ) {

					// meshes

					if ( objJSON.type && ( objJSON.type in scope.hierarchyHandlers ) ) {

						if ( objJSON.loading === undefined ) {

							var reservedTypes = {
								"type": 1, "url": 1, "material": 1,
								"position": 1, "rotation": 1, "scale" : 1,
								"visible": 1, "children": 1, "userData": 1,
								"skin": 1, "morph": 1, "mirroredLoop": 1, "duration": 1

							var loaderParameters = {};

							for ( var parType in objJSON ) {

								if ( ! ( parType in reservedTypes ) ) {

									loaderParameters[ parType ] = objJSON[ parType ];



							material = result.materials[ objJSON.material ];

							objJSON.loading = true;

							var loader = scope.hierarchyHandlers[ objJSON.type ][ "loaderObject" ];

							// ColladaLoader

							if ( loader.options ) {

								loader.load( get_url( objJSON.url, data.urlBaseType ), create_callback_hierachy( objID, parent, material, objJSON ) );

							// UTF8Loader
							// OBJLoader

							} else {

								loader.load( get_url( objJSON.url, data.urlBaseType ), create_callback_hierachy( objID, parent, material, objJSON ), loaderParameters );



					} else if ( objJSON.geometry !== undefined ) {

						geometry = result.geometries[ objJSON.geometry ];

						// geometry already loaded

						if ( geometry ) {

							var needsTangents = false;

							material = result.materials[ objJSON.material ];
							needsTangents = material instanceof THREE.ShaderMaterial;

							pos = objJSON.position;
							rot = objJSON.rotation;
							scl = objJSON.scale;
							mat = objJSON.matrix;
							quat = objJSON.quaternion;

							// use materials from the model file
							// if there is no material specified in the object

							if ( ! objJSON.material ) {

								material = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( result.face_materials[ objJSON.geometry ] );


							// use materials from the model file
							// if there is just empty face material
							// (must create new material as each model has its own face material)

							if ( ( material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ) && material.materials.length === 0 ) {

								material = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( result.face_materials[ objJSON.geometry ] );


							if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ) {

								for ( var i = 0; i < material.materials.length; i ++ ) {

									needsTangents = needsTangents || ( material.materials[ i ] instanceof THREE.ShaderMaterial );



							if ( needsTangents ) {



							if ( objJSON.skin ) {

								object = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( geometry, material );

							} else if ( objJSON.morph ) {

								object = new THREE.MorphAnimMesh( geometry, material );

								if ( objJSON.duration !== undefined ) {

									object.duration = objJSON.duration;


								if ( objJSON.time !== undefined ) {

									object.time = objJSON.time;


								if ( objJSON.mirroredLoop !== undefined ) {

									object.mirroredLoop = objJSON.mirroredLoop;


								if ( material.morphNormals ) {



							} else {

								object = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );


							object.name = objID;

							if ( mat ) {

								object.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
									mat[0],  mat[1],  mat[2],  mat[3],
									mat[4],  mat[5],  mat[6],  mat[7],
									mat[8],  mat[9],  mat[10], mat[11],
									mat[12], mat[13], mat[14], mat[15]

							} else {

								object.position.fromArray( pos );

								if ( quat ) {

									object.quaternion.fromArray( quat );

								} else {

									object.rotation.fromArray( rot );


								object.scale.fromArray( scl );


							object.visible = objJSON.visible;
							object.castShadow = objJSON.castShadow;
							object.receiveShadow = objJSON.receiveShadow;

							parent.add( object );

							result.objects[ objID ] = object;


					// lights

					} else if ( objJSON.type === "AmbientLight" || objJSON.type === "PointLight" ||
						objJSON.type === "DirectionalLight" || objJSON.type === "SpotLight" ||
						objJSON.type === "HemisphereLight" || objJSON.type === "AreaLight" ) {

						var color = objJSON.color;
						var intensity = objJSON.intensity;
						var distance = objJSON.distance;
						var position = objJSON.position;
						var rotation = objJSON.rotation;

						switch ( objJSON.type ) {

							case 'AmbientLight':
								light = new THREE.AmbientLight( color );

							case 'PointLight':
								light = new THREE.PointLight( color, intensity, distance );
								light.position.fromArray( position );

							case 'DirectionalLight':
								light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( color, intensity );
								light.position.fromArray( objJSON.direction );

							case 'SpotLight':
								light = new THREE.SpotLight( color, intensity, distance, 1 );
								light.angle = objJSON.angle;
								light.position.fromArray( position );
								light.target.set( position[ 0 ], position[ 1 ] - distance, position[ 2 ] );
								light.target.applyEuler( new THREE.Euler( rotation[ 0 ], rotation[ 1 ], rotation[ 2 ], 'XYZ' ) );

							case 'HemisphereLight':
								light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( color, intensity, distance );
								light.target.set( position[ 0 ], position[ 1 ] - distance, position[ 2 ] );
								light.target.applyEuler( new THREE.Euler( rotation[ 0 ], rotation[ 1 ], rotation[ 2 ], 'XYZ' ) );

							case 'AreaLight':
								light = new THREE.AreaLight(color, intensity);
								light.position.fromArray( position );
								light.width = objJSON.size;
								light.height = objJSON.size_y;


						parent.add( light );

						light.name = objID;
						result.lights[ objID ] = light;
						result.objects[ objID ] = light;

					// cameras

					} else if ( objJSON.type === "PerspectiveCamera" || objJSON.type === "OrthographicCamera" ) {

						pos = objJSON.position;
						rot = objJSON.rotation;
						quat = objJSON.quaternion;

						if ( objJSON.type === "PerspectiveCamera" ) {

							camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( objJSON.fov, objJSON.aspect, objJSON.near, objJSON.far );

						} else if ( objJSON.type === "OrthographicCamera" ) {

							camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( objJSON.left, objJSON.right, objJSON.top, objJSON.bottom, objJSON.near, objJSON.far );


						camera.name = objID;
						camera.position.fromArray( pos );

						if ( quat !== undefined ) {

							camera.quaternion.fromArray( quat );

						} else if ( rot !== undefined ) {

							camera.rotation.fromArray( rot );

						} else if ( objJSON.target ) {

						    camera.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( objJSON.target ) );


						parent.add( camera );

						result.cameras[ objID ] = camera;
						result.objects[ objID ] = camera;

					// pure Object3D

					} else {

						pos = objJSON.position;
						rot = objJSON.rotation;
						scl = objJSON.scale;
						quat = objJSON.quaternion;

						object = new THREE.Object3D();
						object.name = objID;
						object.position.fromArray( pos );

						if ( quat ) {

							object.quaternion.fromArray( quat );

						} else {

							object.rotation.fromArray( rot );


						object.scale.fromArray( scl );
						object.visible = ( objJSON.visible !== undefined ) ? objJSON.visible : false;

						parent.add( object );

						result.objects[ objID ] = object;
						result.empties[ objID ] = object;


					if ( object ) {

						if ( objJSON.userData !== undefined ) {

							for ( var key in objJSON.userData ) {

								var value = objJSON.userData[ key ];
								object.userData[ key ] = value;



						if ( objJSON.groups !== undefined ) {

							for ( var i = 0; i < objJSON.groups.length; i ++ ) {

								var groupID = objJSON.groups[ i ];

								if ( result.groups[ groupID ] === undefined ) {

									result.groups[ groupID ] = [];


								result.groups[ groupID ].push( objID );





				if ( object !== undefined && objJSON.children !== undefined ) {

					handle_children( object, objJSON.children );




		function handle_mesh( geo, mat, id ) {

			result.geometries[ id ] = geo;
			result.face_materials[ id ] = mat;


		function handle_hierarchy( node, id, parent, material, obj ) {

			var p = obj.position;
			var r = obj.rotation;
			var q = obj.quaternion;
			var s = obj.scale;

			node.position.fromArray( p );

			if ( q ) {

				node.quaternion.fromArray( q );

			} else {

				node.rotation.fromArray( r );


			node.scale.fromArray( s );

			// override children materials
			// if object material was specified in JSON explicitly

			if ( material ) {

				node.traverse( function ( child ) {

					child.material = material;

				} );


			// override children visibility
			// with root node visibility as specified in JSON

			var visible = ( obj.visible !== undefined ) ? obj.visible : true;

			node.traverse( function ( child ) {

				child.visible = visible;

			} );

			parent.add( node );

			node.name = id;

			result.objects[ id ] = node;


		function create_callback_geometry( id ) {

			return function ( geo, mat ) {

				geo.name = id;

				handle_mesh( geo, mat, id );

				counter_models -= 1;





		function create_callback_hierachy( id, parent, material, obj ) {

			return function ( event ) {

				var result;

				// loaders which use EventDispatcher

				if ( event.content ) {

					result = event.content;

				// ColladaLoader

				} else if ( event.dae ) {

					result = event.scene;

				// UTF8Loader

				} else {

					result = event;


				handle_hierarchy( result, id, parent, material, obj );

				counter_models -= 1;





		function create_callback_embed( id ) {

			return function ( geo, mat ) {

				geo.name = id;

				result.geometries[ id ] = geo;
				result.face_materials[ id ] = mat;



		function async_callback_gate() {

			var progress = {

				totalModels : total_models,
				totalTextures : total_textures,
				loadedModels : total_models - counter_models,
				loadedTextures : total_textures - counter_textures


			scope.callbackProgress( progress, result );


			if ( counter_models === 0 && counter_textures === 0 ) {

				callbackFinished( result );



		function finalize() {

			// take care of targets which could be asynchronously loaded objects

			for ( var i = 0; i < target_array.length; i ++ ) {

				var ta = target_array[ i ];

				var target = result.objects[ ta.targetName ];

				if ( target ) {

					ta.object.target = target;

				} else {

					// if there was error and target of specified name doesn't exist in the scene file
					// create instead dummy target
					// (target must be added to scene explicitly as parent is already added)

					ta.object.target = new THREE.Object3D();
					result.scene.add( ta.object.target );


				ta.object.target.userData.targetInverse = ta.object;



		var callbackTexture = function ( count ) {

			counter_textures -= count;



		// must use this instead of just directly calling callbackTexture
		// because of closure in the calling context loop

		var generateTextureCallback = function ( count ) {

			return function () {

				callbackTexture( count );



		function traverse_json_hierarchy( objJSON, callback ) {

			callback( objJSON );

			if ( objJSON.children !== undefined ) {

				for ( var objChildID in objJSON.children ) {

					traverse_json_hierarchy( objJSON.children[ objChildID ], callback );




		// first go synchronous elements

		// fogs

		var fogID, fogJSON;

		for ( fogID in data.fogs ) {

			fogJSON = data.fogs[ fogID ];

			if ( fogJSON.type === "linear" ) {

				fog = new THREE.Fog( 0x000000, fogJSON.near, fogJSON.far );

			} else if ( fogJSON.type === "exp2" ) {

				fog = new THREE.FogExp2( 0x000000, fogJSON.density );


			color = fogJSON.color;
			fog.color.setRGB( color[0], color[1], color[2] );

			result.fogs[ fogID ] = fog;


		// now come potentially asynchronous elements

		// geometries

		// count how many geometries will be loaded asynchronously

		var geoID, geoJSON;

		for ( geoID in data.geometries ) {

			geoJSON = data.geometries[ geoID ];

			if ( geoJSON.type in this.geometryHandlers ) {

				counter_models += 1;




		// count how many hierarchies will be loaded asynchronously

		for ( var objID in data.objects ) {

			traverse_json_hierarchy( data.objects[ objID ], function ( objJSON ) {

				if ( objJSON.type && ( objJSON.type in scope.hierarchyHandlers ) ) {

					counter_models += 1;





		total_models = counter_models;

		for ( geoID in data.geometries ) {

			geoJSON = data.geometries[ geoID ];

			if ( geoJSON.type === "cube" ) {

				geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( geoJSON.width, geoJSON.height, geoJSON.depth, geoJSON.widthSegments, geoJSON.heightSegments, geoJSON.depthSegments );
				geometry.name = geoID;
				result.geometries[ geoID ] = geometry;

			} else if ( geoJSON.type === "plane" ) {

				geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( geoJSON.width, geoJSON.height, geoJSON.widthSegments, geoJSON.heightSegments );
				geometry.name = geoID;
				result.geometries[ geoID ] = geometry;

			} else if ( geoJSON.type === "sphere" ) {

				geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( geoJSON.radius, geoJSON.widthSegments, geoJSON.heightSegments );
				geometry.name = geoID;
				result.geometries[ geoID ] = geometry;

			} else if ( geoJSON.type === "cylinder" ) {

				geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry( geoJSON.topRad, geoJSON.botRad, geoJSON.height, geoJSON.radSegs, geoJSON.heightSegs );
				geometry.name = geoID;
				result.geometries[ geoID ] = geometry;

			} else if ( geoJSON.type === "torus" ) {

				geometry = new THREE.TorusGeometry( geoJSON.radius, geoJSON.tube, geoJSON.segmentsR, geoJSON.segmentsT );
				geometry.name = geoID;
				result.geometries[ geoID ] = geometry;

			} else if ( geoJSON.type === "icosahedron" ) {

				geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry( geoJSON.radius, geoJSON.subdivisions );
				geometry.name = geoID;
				result.geometries[ geoID ] = geometry;

			} else if ( geoJSON.type in this.geometryHandlers ) {

				var loaderParameters = {};

				for ( var parType in geoJSON ) {

					if ( parType !== "type" && parType !== "url" ) {

						loaderParameters[ parType ] = geoJSON[ parType ];



				var loader = this.geometryHandlers[ geoJSON.type ][ "loaderObject" ];
				loader.load( get_url( geoJSON.url, data.urlBaseType ), create_callback_geometry( geoID ), loaderParameters );

			} else if ( geoJSON.type === "embedded" ) {

				var modelJson = data.embeds[ geoJSON.id ],
					texture_path = "";

				// pass metadata along to jsonLoader so it knows the format version

				modelJson.metadata = data.metadata;

				if ( modelJson ) {

					var jsonLoader = this.geometryHandlers[ "ascii" ][ "loaderObject" ];
					var model = jsonLoader.parse( modelJson, texture_path );
					create_callback_embed( geoID )( model.geometry, model.materials );




		// textures

		// count how many textures will be loaded asynchronously

		var textureID, textureJSON;

		for ( textureID in data.textures ) {

			textureJSON = data.textures[ textureID ];

			if ( textureJSON.url instanceof Array ) {

				counter_textures += textureJSON.url.length;

				for( var n = 0; n < textureJSON.url.length; n ++ ) {



			} else {

				counter_textures += 1;




		total_textures = counter_textures;

		for ( textureID in data.textures ) {

			textureJSON = data.textures[ textureID ];

			if ( textureJSON.mapping !== undefined && THREE[ textureJSON.mapping ] !== undefined ) {

				textureJSON.mapping = new THREE[ textureJSON.mapping ]();


			var texture;

			if ( textureJSON.url instanceof Array ) {

				var count = textureJSON.url.length;
				var url_array = [];

				for ( var i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {

					url_array[ i ] = get_url( textureJSON.url[ i ], data.urlBaseType );


				var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( url_array[ 0 ] );

				if ( loader !== null ) {

					texture = loader.load( url_array, generateTextureCallback( count ) );
					texture.mapping = textureJSON.mapping;

				} else {

					texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTextureCube( url_array, textureJSON.mapping, generateTextureCallback( count ) );


			} else {

				var fullUrl = get_url( textureJSON.url, data.urlBaseType );
				var textureCallback = generateTextureCallback( 1 );

				var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( fullUrl );

				if ( loader !== null ) {

					texture = loader.load( fullUrl, textureCallback );

				} else {

					texture = new THREE.Texture();
					loader = new THREE.ImageLoader();

					( function ( texture ) {

						loader.load( fullUrl, function ( image ) {

							texture.image = image;
							texture.needsUpdate = true;


						} );

					} )( texture )


				texture.mapping = textureJSON.mapping;

				if ( THREE[ textureJSON.minFilter ] !== undefined )
					texture.minFilter = THREE[ textureJSON.minFilter ];

				if ( THREE[ textureJSON.magFilter ] !== undefined )
					texture.magFilter = THREE[ textureJSON.magFilter ];

				if ( textureJSON.anisotropy ) texture.anisotropy = textureJSON.anisotropy;

				if ( textureJSON.repeat ) {

					texture.repeat.set( textureJSON.repeat[ 0 ], textureJSON.repeat[ 1 ] );

					if ( textureJSON.repeat[ 0 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
					if ( textureJSON.repeat[ 1 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;


				if ( textureJSON.offset ) {

					texture.offset.set( textureJSON.offset[ 0 ], textureJSON.offset[ 1 ] );


				// handle wrap after repeat so that default repeat can be overriden

				if ( textureJSON.wrap ) {

					var wrapMap = {
						"repeat": THREE.RepeatWrapping,
						"mirror": THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping

					if ( wrapMap[ textureJSON.wrap[ 0 ] ] !== undefined ) texture.wrapS = wrapMap[ textureJSON.wrap[ 0 ] ];
					if ( wrapMap[ textureJSON.wrap[ 1 ] ] !== undefined ) texture.wrapT = wrapMap[ textureJSON.wrap[ 1 ] ];



			result.textures[ textureID ] = texture;


		// materials

		var matID, matJSON;
		var parID;

		for ( matID in data.materials ) {

			matJSON = data.materials[ matID ];

			for ( parID in matJSON.parameters ) {

				if ( parID === "envMap" || parID === "map" || parID === "lightMap" || parID === "bumpMap" || parID === "alphaMap" ) {

					matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = result.textures[ matJSON.parameters[ parID ] ];

				} else if ( parID === "shading" ) {

					matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = ( matJSON.parameters[ parID ] === "flat" ) ? THREE.FlatShading : THREE.SmoothShading;

				} else if ( parID === "side" ) {

					if ( matJSON.parameters[ parID ] == "double" ) {

						matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = THREE.DoubleSide;

					} else if ( matJSON.parameters[ parID ] == "back" ) {

						matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = THREE.BackSide;

					} else {

						matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = THREE.FrontSide;


				} else if ( parID === "blending" ) {

					matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = matJSON.parameters[ parID ] in THREE ? THREE[ matJSON.parameters[ parID ] ] : THREE.NormalBlending;

				} else if ( parID === "combine" ) {

					matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = matJSON.parameters[ parID ] in THREE ? THREE[ matJSON.parameters[ parID ] ] : THREE.MultiplyOperation;

				} else if ( parID === "vertexColors" ) {

					if ( matJSON.parameters[ parID ] == "face" ) {

						matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = THREE.FaceColors;

					// default to vertex colors if "vertexColors" is anything else face colors or 0 / null / false

					} else if ( matJSON.parameters[ parID ] ) {

						matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = THREE.VertexColors;


				} else if ( parID === "wrapRGB" ) {

					var v3 = matJSON.parameters[ parID ];
					matJSON.parameters[ parID ] = new THREE.Vector3( v3[ 0 ], v3[ 1 ], v3[ 2 ] );



			if ( matJSON.parameters.opacity !== undefined && matJSON.parameters.opacity < 1.0 ) {

				matJSON.parameters.transparent = true;


			if ( matJSON.parameters.normalMap ) {

				var shader = THREE.ShaderLib[ "normalmap" ];
				var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms );

				var diffuse = matJSON.parameters.color;
				var specular = matJSON.parameters.specular;
				var ambient = matJSON.parameters.ambient;
				var shininess = matJSON.parameters.shininess;

				uniforms[ "tNormal" ].value = result.textures[ matJSON.parameters.normalMap ];

				if ( matJSON.parameters.normalScale ) {

					uniforms[ "uNormalScale" ].value.set( matJSON.parameters.normalScale[ 0 ], matJSON.parameters.normalScale[ 1 ] );


				if ( matJSON.parameters.map ) {

					uniforms[ "tDiffuse" ].value = matJSON.parameters.map;
					uniforms[ "enableDiffuse" ].value = true;


				if ( matJSON.parameters.envMap ) {

					uniforms[ "tCube" ].value = matJSON.parameters.envMap;
					uniforms[ "enableReflection" ].value = true;
					uniforms[ "reflectivity" ].value = matJSON.parameters.reflectivity;


				if ( matJSON.parameters.lightMap ) {

					uniforms[ "tAO" ].value = matJSON.parameters.lightMap;
					uniforms[ "enableAO" ].value = true;


				if ( matJSON.parameters.specularMap ) {

					uniforms[ "tSpecular" ].value = result.textures[ matJSON.parameters.specularMap ];
					uniforms[ "enableSpecular" ].value = true;


				if ( matJSON.parameters.displacementMap ) {

					uniforms[ "tDisplacement" ].value = result.textures[ matJSON.parameters.displacementMap ];
					uniforms[ "enableDisplacement" ].value = true;

					uniforms[ "uDisplacementBias" ].value = matJSON.parameters.displacementBias;
					uniforms[ "uDisplacementScale" ].value = matJSON.parameters.displacementScale;


				uniforms[ "diffuse" ].value.setHex( diffuse );
				uniforms[ "specular" ].value.setHex( specular );
				uniforms[ "ambient" ].value.setHex( ambient );

				uniforms[ "shininess" ].value = shininess;

				if ( matJSON.parameters.opacity ) {

					uniforms[ "opacity" ].value = matJSON.parameters.opacity;


				var parameters = { fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: shader.vertexShader, uniforms: uniforms, lights: true, fog: true };

				material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( parameters );

			} else {

				material = new THREE[ matJSON.type ]( matJSON.parameters );


			material.name = matID;

			result.materials[ matID ] = material;


		// second pass through all materials to initialize MeshFaceMaterials
		// that could be referring to other materials out of order

		for ( matID in data.materials ) {

			matJSON = data.materials[ matID ];

			if ( matJSON.parameters.materials ) {

				var materialArray = [];

				for ( var i = 0; i < matJSON.parameters.materials.length; i ++ ) {

					var label = matJSON.parameters.materials[ i ];
					materialArray.push( result.materials[ label ] );


				result.materials[ matID ].materials = materialArray;



		// objects ( synchronous init of procedural primitives )


		// defaults

		if ( result.cameras && data.defaults.camera ) {

			result.currentCamera = result.cameras[ data.defaults.camera ];


		if ( result.fogs && data.defaults.fog ) {

			result.scene.fog = result.fogs[ data.defaults.fog ];


		// synchronous callback

		scope.callbackSync( result );

		// just in case there are no async elements


