"use strict"; /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Virtual World Framework Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/licenses/LICENSE_VWF.md) */ /// @module vwf/view/webrtc /// @requires vwf/view define( [ "module", "vwf/view", "vwf/utility", "vwf/utility/color"], function( module, view, utility, Color) { return view.load( module, { // == Module Definition ==================================================================== initialize: function( options ) { if ( !this.state ) { this.state = {}; } this.state.clients = {}; this.state.instances = {}; this.local = { "ID": undefined, "url": undefined, "stream": undefined, "sharing": { audio: true, video: true } }; if ( options === undefined ) { options = {}; } this.stereo = options.stereo !== undefined ? options.stereo : false; this.videoElementsDiv = options.videoElementsDiv !== undefined ? options.videoElementsDiv : 'videoSurfaces'; this.videoProperties = options.videoProperties !== undefined ? options.videoProperties : {}; this.bandwidth = options.bandwidth; this.iceServers = options.iceServers !== undefined ? options.iceServers : [ { "url": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" } ]; this.debug = options.debug !== undefined ? options.debug : false; this.videosAdded = 0; this.msgQueue = []; }, createdNode: function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childIndex, childName, callback /* ( ready ) */ ) { if ( childExtendsID === undefined ) return; var self = this, node; var protos = getPrototypes.call( self, childExtendsID ) if ( isClientInstanceDef.call( this, protos ) && childName ) { node = { "parentID": nodeID, "ID": childID, "extendsID": childExtendsID, "implementsIDs": childImplementsIDs, "source": childSource, "type": childType, "name": childName, "prototypes": protos, }; this.state.instances[ childID ] = node; } else if ( isClientDefinition.call( this, protos ) && childName ) { // check if this instance of client and if this client is for this instance // create a login for this node = { "parentID": nodeID, "ID": childID, "moniker": undefined, "extendsID": childExtendsID, "implementsIDs": childImplementsIDs, "source": childSource, "type": childType, "name": childName, "prototypes": protos, "displayName": "", "connection": undefined, "localUrl": undefined, "remoteUrl": undefined, //"color": "rgb(0,0,0)", "createProperty": true, "sharing": { audio: true, video: true } }; this.state.clients[ childID ] = node; // add the client specific locals node.moniker = appMoniker.call( this, childName ); //console.info( "new client moniker: " + node.moniker ); node.displayName = undefined; node.prototypes = protos; if ( this.kernel.moniker() == node.moniker ) { this.local.ID = childID; } } }, deleteConnection: function(nodeID){ // debugger; //if ( this.kernel.find( nodeID, "parent::element(*,'http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf')" ).length > 0 ) { //if ( this.kernel.find( nodeID ).length > 0 ) { var moniker = nodeID.slice(-20);//this.kernel.name( nodeID ); var client = undefined; if ( moniker == this.kernel.moniker() ) { // this is the client that has left the converstaion // go through the peerConnections and close the // all current connections var peer, peerMoniker; for ( var peerID in this.state.clients ) { peer = this.state.clients[ peerID ]; peerMoniker = appMoniker.call( this, peer.name ) if ( peerMoniker != this.kernel.moniker() ) { peer.connection && peer.connection.disconnect(); let peername = 'avatar-' + peerMoniker; deletePeerConnection.call( this, peername); } } } else { // this is a client who has has a peer leave the converstaion // remove that client, and the client = findClientByMoniker.call( this, moniker ); if ( client ) { client.connection && client.connection.disconnect(); //removeClient.call( this, client ); //delete this.state.clients[ client ] } } }, stopWebRTC: function(nodeID){ if( this.local.stream ){ var tracks = this.local.stream.getTracks(); tracks.forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); this.local.stream = undefined; let vidui = document.querySelector('#webrtcvideo'); const viduicomp = new mdc.iconButton.MDCIconButtonToggle(vidui); //new mdc.select.MDCIconToggle if (vidui) viduicomp.on = false; let micui = document.querySelector('#webrtcaudio'); const micuicomp = new mdc.iconButton.MDCIconButtonToggle(micui); if (micui) micuicomp.on = false; this.deleteConnection(nodeID); this.kernel.callMethod(nodeID, "removeSoundWebRTC"); this.kernel.callMethod(nodeID, "removeVideoTexture"); } }, startWebRTC: function(childID) { var client = this.state.clients[ childID ]; if ( client ) { if ( this.local.ID == childID ){ // local client object // grab access to the webcam capture.call( this, this.local.sharing ); var remoteClient = undefined; // existing clients for ( var clientID in this.state.clients ) { if ( clientID != this.local.ID ) { // create property for this client on each existing client remoteClient = this.state.clients[ clientID ]; if ( remoteClient.createProperty ) { //console.info( "++ 1 ++ createProperty( "+clientID+", "+this.kernel.moniker()+" )" ); remoteClient.createProperty = false; this.kernel.createProperty( clientID, this.kernel.moniker() ); } } } } else { // not the local client, but if the local client has logged // in create the property for this on the new client if ( this.local.ID ) { if ( client.createProperty ) { client.createProperty = false; //console.info( "++ 2 ++ createProperty( "+childID+", "+this.kernel.moniker()+" )" ); this.kernel.createProperty( childID, this.kernel.moniker() ); } } } } }, initializedNode: function( nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childIndex, childName ) { if ( childExtendsID === undefined ) return; }, deletedNode: function( nodeID ) { // debugger; //if ( this.kernel.find( nodeID, "parent::element(*,'http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf')" ).length > 0 ) { //if ( this.kernel.find( nodeID ).length > 0 ) { var moniker = nodeID.slice(-20);//this.kernel.name( nodeID ); var client = undefined; if ( moniker == this.kernel.moniker() ) { // this is the client that has left the converstaion // go through the peerConnections and close the // all current connections var peer, peerMoniker; for ( var peerID in this.state.clients ) { peer = this.state.clients[ peerID ]; peerMoniker = appMoniker.call( this, peer.name ) if ( peerMoniker != this.kernel.moniker() ) { peer.connection && peer.connection.disconnect(); let peername = 'avatar-' + peerMoniker; deletePeerConnection.call( this, peername); } } } else { // this is a client who has has a peer leave the converstaion // remove that client, and the client = findClientByMoniker.call( this, moniker ); if ( client ) { client.connection && client.connection.disconnect(); removeClient.call( this, client ); delete this.state.clients[ client ] } } //} }, createdProperty: function( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) { this.satProperty( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ); }, initializedProperty: function( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) { this.satProperty( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ); }, satProperty: function( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) { var client = this.state.clients[ nodeID ]; if ( client ) { switch( propertyName ) { case "sharing": if ( propertyValue ) { client.sharing = propertyValue; if ( nodeID == this.local.ID ) { updateSharing.call( this, nodeID, propertyValue ); } } break; case "localUrl": if ( propertyValue ) { if ( nodeID != this.local.ID ) { client.localUrl = propertyValue; } } break; case "remoteUrl": if ( propertyValue ) { client.remoteUrl = propertyValue; } break; case "displayName": if ( propertyValue ) { client.displayName = propertyValue; } break; default: // propertyName is the moniker of the client that // this connection supports if ( nodeID == this.local.ID ) { if ( propertyValue ) { // propertyName - moniker of the client // propertyValue - peerConnection message handlePeerMessage.call( this, propertyName, propertyValue ); } } break; } } }, gotProperty: function( nodeID, propertyName, propertyValue ) { var value = undefined; return value; }, calledMethod: function( nodeID, methodName, methodParameters, methodValue ) { switch ( methodName ) { case "setLocalMute": if ( this.kernel.moniker() == this.kernel.client() ) { methodValue = setMute.call( this, methodParameters ); } break; case "webrtcTurnOnOff": if ( this.kernel.moniker() == this.kernel.client() ) { console.log("WEBRTC turn on/off") methodValue = turnOnOffTracks.call( this, methodParameters ); } break; case "webrtcMuteAudio": if ( this.kernel.moniker() == this.kernel.client() ) { methodValue = muteAudio.call( this, methodParameters[0] ); } break; case "webrtcMuteVideo": if ( this.kernel.moniker() == this.kernel.client() ) { methodValue = this.muteVideo.call( this, methodParameters[0] ); } break; } }, firedEvent: function( nodeID, eventName, eventParameters ) { }, muteVideo: function ( mute ) { let str = this.local.stream; if ( str ) { var tracks = str.getVideoTracks(); tracks.forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = mute; }); } }, muteAudio: function ( mute ) { let str = this.local.stream; if ( str ) { var tracks = str.getAudioTracks(); tracks.forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = mute; }); } } } ); function createVideoElementAsAsset(id, local) { var video = document.querySelector('#' + id); if (!video) { video = document.createElement('video'); } video.setAttribute('id', id); video.setAttribute('autoplay', true); //video.setAttribute('src', ''); video.setAttribute("webkit-playsinline", true); video.setAttribute("controls", true); video.setAttribute("width", 640); video.setAttribute("height", 480); if (local) { video.setAttribute("muted", false); video.volume = 0; } // let audioID = '#audio-' + id; // var audio = document.querySelector(audioID); // if (!audio) { // audio = document.createElement('audio'); // } // audio.setAttribute('id', audioID); var assets = document.querySelector('a-assets'); // if (!assets) { // assets = document.createElement('a-assets'); // document.querySelector('a-scene').appendChild(assets); // } if (!assets.contains(video)) { assets.appendChild(video); } // if (!assets.contains(audio)) { // assets.appendChild(audio); // } return video //{'video': video, 'audio': audio}; } function getPrototypes( extendsID ) { var prototypes = []; var id = extendsID; while ( id !== undefined ) { prototypes.push( id ); id = this.kernel.prototype( id ); } return prototypes; } function getPeer( moniker ) { var clientNode; for ( var id in this.state.clients ) { if ( this.state.clients[id].moniker == moniker ) { clientNode = this.state.clients[id]; break; } } return clientNode; } function displayLocal( stream, name) { var id = this.kernel.moniker(); return displayVideo.call( this, id, stream, this.local.url, name, id, true); } function displayVideo( id, stream, url, name, destMoniker, local) { let va = createVideoElementAsAsset(name, local); //video.setAttribute('src', url); va.srcObject = stream; //var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); //var source = audioCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream); //va.audio.src = stream; this.kernel.callMethod( 'avatar-'+id, "setVideoTexture", [name]); return id; } function removeVideo( client ) { // if ( client.videoDivID ) { // var $videoWin = $( "#" + client.videoDivID ); // if ( $videoWin ) { // $videoWin.remove(); // } // client.videoDivID = undefined; // } // this.kernel.callMethod( this.kernel.application(), "removeVideo", [ client.moniker ] ); } function displayRemote( id, stream, url, name, destMoniker, color ) { let audioID = 'audio-' + name; this.kernel.callMethod( 'avatar-'+id, "setSoundWebRTC", [audioID]); return displayVideo.call( this, id, stream, url, name, destMoniker, true ); } function capture( media ) { if ( this.local.stream === undefined && ( media.video || media.audio ) ) { var self = this; var constraints = { //audio: true, audio: { "sampleSize": 16, "channelCount": 2, "echoCancellation": true }, video: true }; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(handleSuccess).catch(handleError); function handleError(error) { console.log('navigator.getUserMedia error: ', error); } function handleSuccess(stream) { // var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks(); // console.log('Got stream with constraints:', constraints); // if (videoTracks.length) { // videoTracks[0].enabled = true; // } self.local.url = "url" //URL.createObjectURL( stream ); self.local.stream = stream; self.kernel.setProperty( self.local.ID, "localUrl", self.local.url ); var localNode = self.state.clients[ self.local.ID ]; self.muteAudio(false); self.muteVideo(false); let webRTCGUI = document.querySelector('#webrtcswitch'); if (webRTCGUI) webRTCGUI.setAttribute("aria-pressed", true); let videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks(); let vstatus = videoTracks[0].enabled; let vidui = document.querySelector('#webrtcvideo'); const viduicomp = new mdc.iconButton.MDCIconButtonToggle(vidui); //new mdc.select.MDCIconToggle if (vidui) viduicomp.on = vstatus; let audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks(); let astatus = audioTracks[0].enabled; let micui = document.querySelector('#webrtcaudio'); const micuicomp = new mdc.iconButton.MDCIconButtonToggle(micui); if (micui) micuicomp.on = astatus; displayLocal.call( self, stream, localNode.displayName); sendOffers.call( self ); } } } function appMoniker( name ) { return name.substr( 7, name.length-1 ); } function findClientByMoniker( moniker ) { var client = undefined; for ( var id in this.state.clients ) { if ( client === undefined && moniker == this.state.clients[ id ].moniker ) { client = this.state.clients[ id ]; } } return client; } function removeClient( client ) { if ( client ) { removeVideo.call( this, client ); } } function sendOffers() { var peerNode; for ( var id in this.state.clients ) { if ( id != this.local.ID ) { peerNode = this.state.clients[ id ]; // if there's a url then connect if ( peerNode.localUrl && peerNode.localUrl != "" && peerNode.connection === undefined ) { createPeerConnection.call( this, peerNode, true ); } } } } function updateSharing( nodeID, sharing ) { setMute.call( this, !sharing.audio ); setPause.call( this, !sharing.video ); } function turnOnOffTracks( mute ) { let str = this.local.stream; if ( str ) { var audioTracks = str.getAudioTracks(); var videoTracks = str.getVideoTracks(); audioTracks.forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = mute[0]; }); videoTracks.forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = mute[0]; }); } }; function muteAudio( mute ) { let str = this.local.stream; if ( str ) { var audioTracks = str.getAudioTracks(); audioTracks.forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = mute; }); } }; function setMute( mute ) { if ( this.local.stream && this.local.stream.audioTracks && this.local.stream.audioTracks.length > 0 ) { if ( mute !== undefined ) { this.local.stream.audioTracks[0].enabled = !mute; } } }; function setPause( pause ) { if ( this.local.stream && this.local.stream.videoTracks && this.local.stream.videoTracks.length > 0 ) { if ( pause !== undefined ) { this.local.stream.videoTracks[0].enabled = !pause; } } } function release() { for ( id in this.connections ) { this.connections[id].disconnect(); } this.connections = {}; } function hasStream() { return ( this.stream !== undefined ); } function createPeerConnection( peerNode, sendOffer ) { if ( peerNode ) { if ( peerNode.connection === undefined ) { peerNode.connection = new mediaConnection( this, peerNode ); peerNode.connection.connect( this.local.stream, sendOffer ); //if ( this.bandwidth !== undefined ) { // debugger; //} } } } function handlePeerMessage( propertyName, msg ) { var peerNode = getPeer.call( this, propertyName ) if ( peerNode ) { if ( peerNode.connection !== undefined ) { peerNode.connection.processMessage( msg ); } else { if ( msg.type === 'offer' ) { this.msgQueue.unshift( msg ); peerNode.connection = new mediaConnection( this, peerNode ); peerNode.connection.connect( this.local.stream, false ); while ( this.msgQueue.length > 0 ) { peerNode.connection.processMessage( this.msgQueue.shift() ); } this.msgQueue = []; } else { this.msgQueue.push( msg ); } } } } function deletePeerConnection( peerID ) { var peerNode = this.state.clients[ peerID ]; if ( peerNode ) { peerNode.connection.disconnect(); peerNode.connection = undefined; } } function getConnectionStats() { var peerNode = undefined; for ( var id in this.state.clients ) { peerNode = this.state.clients[ id ]; if ( peerNode && peerNode.connection ) { peerNode.connection.getStats(); } } } function isClientDefinition( prototypes ) { var foundClient = false; if ( prototypes ) { var len = prototypes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < len && !foundClient; i++ ) { foundClient = ( prototypes[i] == "http://vwf.example.com/aframe/avatar.vwf" ); } } return foundClient; } function isClientInstanceDef( nodeID ) { return ( nodeID == "http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf" ); } function mediaConnection( view, peerNode ) { this.view = view; this.peerNode = peerNode; // this.stream = undefined; this.url = undefined; this.pc = undefined; this.connected = false; this.streamAdded = false; this.state = "created"; // webrtc peerConnection parameters this.pc_config = {'iceServers': [ {'url': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}, {'url': 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302'} ]};//{ "iceServers": this.view.iceServers }; this.pc_constraints = { "optional": [ { "DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true } ] }; // Set up audio and video regardless of what devices are present. this.sdpConstraints = { 'offerToReceiveAudio':1, 'offerToReceiveVideo':1 }; this.connect = function( stream, sendOffer ) { var self = this; if ( this.pc === undefined ) { if ( this.view.debug ) console.log("Creating PeerConnection."); var iceCallback = function( event ) { //console.log( "------------------------ iceCallback ------------------------" ); if ( event.candidate ) { var sMsg = { "type": 'candidate', "label": event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, "id": event.candidate.sdpMid, "candidate": event.candidate.candidate }; // each client creates a property for each other // the message value is broadcast via the property self.view.kernel.setProperty( self.peerNode.ID, self.view.kernel.moniker(), sMsg ); } else { if ( self.view.debug ) console.log("End of candidates."); } }; // if ( webrtcDetectedBrowser == "firefox" ) { // this.pc_config = {"iceServers":[{"url":"stun:"}]}; // } try { this.pc = new RTCPeerConnection( this.pc_config, this.pc_constraints); this.pc.onicecandidate = iceCallback; if ( self.view.debug ) console.log("Created RTCPeerConnnection with config \"" + JSON.stringify( this.pc_config ) + "\"."); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to create PeerConnection, exception: " + e.message); alert("Cannot create RTCPeerConnection object; WebRTC is not supported by this browser."); return; } this.pc.onnegotiationeeded = function( event ) { //debugger; //console.info( "onnegotiationeeded." ); } this.pc.ontrack = function( event ) { if ( self.view.debug ) console.log("Remote stream added."); self.stream = event.streams[0]; self.url = "url" //URL.createObjectURL( event.streams[0] ); if ( self.view.debug ) console.log("Remote stream added. url: " + self.url ); var divID = displayRemote.call( self.view, self.peerNode.moniker, self.stream, self.url, self.peerNode.displayName, view.kernel.moniker(), self.peerNode.color ); if ( divID !== undefined ) { self.peerNode.videoDivID = divID; } }; this.pc.onremovestream = function( event ) { if ( self.view.debug ) console.log("Remote stream removed."); }; this.pc.onsignalingstatechange = function() { //console.info( "onsignalingstatechange state change." ); } this.pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function( ) { if ( self && self.pc ) { var state = self.pc.signalingState || self.pc.readyState; //console.info( "peerConnection state change: " + state ); } } if ( stream ) { // stream.getVideoTracks(); // stream.getAudioTracks(); stream.getTracks().forEach( function(track) { self.pc.addTrack( track, stream ); } ); //this.pc.addStream( stream ); this.streamAdded = true; } if ( sendOffer ){ this.call(); } } this.connected = ( this.pc !== undefined ); }; this.setMute = function( mute ) { if ( this.stream && this.stream.audioTracks && this.stream.audioTracks.length > 0 ) { if ( mute !== undefined ) { this.stream.audioTracks[0].enabled = !mute; } } } this.setPause = function( pause ) { if ( this.stream && this.stream.videoTracks && this.stream.videoTracks.length > 0 ) { if ( pause !== undefined ) { this.stream.videoTracks[0].enabled = !pause; } } } this.disconnect = function() { if ( this.view.debug ) console.log( "PC.disconnect " + this.peerID ); if ( this.pc ) { this.pc.close(); this.pc = undefined; } }; this.processMessage = function( msg ) { //var msg = JSON.parse(message); if ( this.view.debug ) console.log('S->C: ' + JSON.stringify(msg) ); if ( this.pc ) { if ( msg.type === 'offer') { // if ( this.view.stereo ) { // msg.sdp = addStereo( msg.sdp ); // } this.pc.setRemoteDescription( new RTCSessionDescription( msg ) ); //msg.sdp this.answer(); } else if ( msg.type === 'answer' && this.streamAdded ) { // if ( this.view.stereo ) { // msg.sdp = addStereo( msg.sdp ); // } this.pc.setRemoteDescription( new RTCSessionDescription( msg ) ); //msg.sdp } else if ( msg.type === 'candidate' && this.streamAdded ) { var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate( { "sdpMLineIndex": msg.label, "candidate": msg.candidate } ); this.pc.addIceCandidate( candidate ); } else if ( msg.type === 'bye' && this.streamAdded ) { this.hangup(); } } }; this.answer = function() { if ( this.view.debug ) console.log( "Send answer to peer" ); var self = this; var answerer = function( sessionDescription ) { // // Set Opus as the preferred codec in SDP if Opus is present. // sessionDescription.sdp = self.preferOpus( sessionDescription.sdp ); // sessionDescription.sdp = self.setBandwidth( sessionDescription.sdp ); self.pc.setLocalDescription( sessionDescription ); self.view.kernel.setProperty( self.peerNode.ID, self.view.kernel.moniker(), sessionDescription ); }; function onCreateSessionDescriptionError(error) { console.log('Failed to create session description: ' + error.toString()); } this.pc.createAnswer( self.sdpConstraints ).then( answerer, onCreateSessionDescriptionError ); //this.pc.createAnswer( answerer, null, this.sdpConstraints); }; this.call = function() { var self = this; var constraints = { offerToReceiveAudio: 1, offerToReceiveVideo: 1 }; var offerer = function( sessionDescription ) { self.pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription).then( function() { onSetLocalSuccess(self.pc); }, onSetSessionDescriptionError ); function onSetLocalSuccess(pc) { console.log(self.pc + ' setLocalDescription complete'); } function onSetSessionDescriptionError(error) { console.log('Failed to set session description: ' + error.toString()); } // Set Opus as the preferred codec in SDP if Opus is present. // sessionDescription.sdp = self.preferOpus( sessionDescription.sdp ); // sessionDescription.sdp = self.setBandwidth( sessionDescription.sdp ); // self.pc.setLocalDescription( sessionDescription ); //sendSignalMessage.call( sessionDescription, self.peerID ); self.view.kernel.setProperty( self.peerNode.ID, self.view.kernel.moniker(), sessionDescription ); }; var onFailure = function(e) { console.log(e) } self.pc.createOffer( constraints ).then( offerer, onFailure ); //this.pc.createOffer( offerer, onFailure, constraints ); }; this.setBandwidth = function( sdp ) { // apparently this only works in chrome if ( this.bandwidth === undefined || moz ) { return sdp; } // remove existing bandwidth lines sdp = sdp.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, ''); if ( this.bandwidth.audio ) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:audio\r\n/g, 'a=mid:audio\r\nb=AS:' + this.bandwidth.audio + '\r\n'); } if ( this.bandwidth.video ) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + this.bandwidth.video + '\r\n'); } if ( this.bandwidth.data /*&& !options.preferSCTP */ ) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:data\r\n/g, 'a=mid:data\r\nb=AS:' + this.bandwidth.data + '\r\n'); } return sdp; } this.getStats = function(){ if ( this.pc && this.pc.getStats ) { console.info( "pc.iceConnectionState = " + this.pc.iceConnectionState ); console.info( " pc.iceGatheringState = " + this.pc.iceGatheringState ); console.info( " pc.readyState = " + this.pc.readyState ); console.info( " pc.signalingState = " + this.pc.signalingState ); var consoleStats = function( obj ) { console.info( ' Timestamp:' + obj.timestamp ); if ( obj.id ) { console.info( ' id: ' + obj.id ); } if ( obj.type ) { console.info( ' type: ' + obj.type ); } if ( obj.names ) { var names = obj.names(); for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i ) { console.info( " "+names[ i ]+": " + obj.stat( names[ i ] ) ); } } else { if ( obj.stat && obj.stat( 'audioOutputLevel' ) ) { console.info( " audioOutputLevel: " + obj.stat( 'audioOutputLevel' ) ); } } }; // local function var readStats = function( stats ) { var results = stats.result(); var bitrateText = 'No bitrate stats'; for ( var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i ) { var res = results[ i ]; console.info( 'Report ' + i ); if ( !res.local || res.local === res ) { consoleStats( res ); // The bandwidth info for video is in a type ssrc stats record // with googFrameHeightReceived defined. // Should check for mediatype = video, but this is not // implemented yet. if ( res.type == 'ssrc' && res.stat( 'googFrameHeightReceived' ) ) { var bytesNow = res.stat( 'bytesReceived' ); if ( timestampPrev > 0) { var bitRate = Math.round( ( bytesNow - bytesPrev ) * 8 / ( res.timestamp - timestampPrev ) ); bitrateText = bitRate + ' kbits/sec'; } timestampPrev = res.timestamp; bytesPrev = bytesNow; } } else { // Pre-227.0.1445 (188719) browser if ( res.local ) { console.info( " Local: " ); consoleStats( res.local ); } if ( res.remote ) { console.info( " Remote: " ); consoleStats( res.remote ); } } } console.info( " bitrate: " + bitrateText ) } this.pc.getStats( readStats ); } } this.hangup = function() { if ( this.view.debug ) console.log( "PC.hangup " + this.id ); if ( this.pc ) { this.pc.close(); this.pc = undefined; } }; this.mergeConstraints = function( cons1, cons2 ) { var merged = cons1; for (var name in cons2.mandatory) { merged.mandatory[ name ] = cons2.mandatory[ name ]; } merged.optional.concat( cons2.optional ); return merged; } // Set Opus as the default audio codec if it's present. this.preferOpus = function( sdp ) { var sdpLines = sdp.split( '\r\n' ); // Search for m line. for ( var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++ ) { if ( sdpLines[i].search( 'm=audio' ) !== -1 ) { var mLineIndex = i; break; } } if ( mLineIndex === null ) { return sdp; } // for ( var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++ ) { // if ( i == 0 ) console.info( "=============================================" ); // console.info( "sdpLines["+i+"] = " + sdpLines[i] ); // } // If Opus is available, set it as the default in m line. for ( var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++ ) { if ( sdpLines[i].search( 'opus/48000' ) !== -1 ) { var opusPayload = this.extractSdp( sdpLines[i], /:(\d+) opus\/48000/i ); if ( opusPayload) { sdpLines[ mLineIndex ] = this.setDefaultCodec( sdpLines[ mLineIndex ], opusPayload ); } break; } } // Remove CN in m line and sdp. sdpLines = this.removeCN( sdpLines, mLineIndex ); sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); return sdp; } // Set Opus in stereo if stereo is enabled. function addStereo( sdp ) { var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n'); // Find opus payload. for (var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) { if (sdpLines[i].search('opus/48000') !== -1) { var opusPayload = extractSdp(sdpLines[i], /:(\d+) opus\/48000/i); break; } } // Find the payload in fmtp line. for (var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) { if (sdpLines[i].search('a=fmtp') !== -1) { var payload = extractSdp(sdpLines[i], /a=fmtp:(\d+)/ ); if (payload === opusPayload) { var fmtpLineIndex = i; break; } } } // No fmtp line found. if (fmtpLineIndex === null) return sdp; // Append stereo=1 to fmtp line. sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex] = sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex].concat(' stereo=1'); sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); return sdp; } // Strip CN from sdp before CN constraints is ready. this.removeCN = function( sdpLines, mLineIndex ) { var mLineElements = sdpLines[mLineIndex].split( ' ' ); // Scan from end for the convenience of removing an item. for ( var i = sdpLines.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { var payload = this.extractSdp( sdpLines[i], /a=rtpmap:(\d+) CN\/\d+/i ); if ( payload ) { var cnPos = mLineElements.indexOf( payload ); if ( cnPos !== -1 ) { // Remove CN payload from m line. mLineElements.splice( cnPos, 1 ); } // Remove CN line in sdp sdpLines.splice( i, 1 ); } } sdpLines[ mLineIndex ] = mLineElements.join( ' ' ); return sdpLines; } this.extractSdp = function( sdpLine, pattern ) { var result = sdpLine.match( pattern ); return ( result && result.length == 2 ) ? result[ 1 ] : null; } // Set the selected codec to the first in m line. this.setDefaultCodec = function( mLine, payload ) { var elements = mLine.split( ' ' ); var newLine = new Array(); var index = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) { if ( index === 3 ) // Format of media starts from the fourth. newLine[ index++ ] = payload; // Put target payload to the first. if ( elements[ i ] !== payload ) newLine[ index++ ] = elements[ i ]; } return newLine.join( ' ' ); } } } );