this.enter = function() { // If this task has a parent task, get the scene node from the parent // Else, search for it via the scenePath var parentTaskArray = this.find( "parent::element(*,'')" ); if ( parentTaskArray.length ) { var parentTask = parentTaskArray[ 0 ]; this.scene = parentTask.scene; } // If a camera pose has been specified for this task, move the camera to it if ( this.cameraPoseRef ) { var cameraPoseSearchResults = this.find( this.cameraPoseRef ); if ( cameraPoseSearchResults && cameraPoseSearchResults.length ) { var newCameraPose = cameraPoseSearchResults[ 0 ]; if ( newCameraPose.translation && newCameraPose.quaternion ) { if ( this.scene ) { var camera =; if ( camera ) { var duration = 2; camera.worldTransformTo( newCameraPose.worldTransform, duration);; } else { console.error( "Could not find camera - to move the 3D camera using cameraPose, make sure the " + "scene derives from navScene.vwf or another component that defines a valid camera" ); } } else { console.error( "Scene property is not set - must be set for task to find camera to move" ); } } else { console.error( "Camera pose '" + this.cameraPoseRef + "' is not a valid node3" ); } } else { console.error( "Could not find camera pose: " + this.cameraPoseRef + " - will not move camera" ); } } this.status = "entered"; // Fire the entering event which runs lesson-specific code this.entering( this.text ); // Activate subtasks if they exist this.taskIndex = null; if ( this.subtasks && this.subtasks.length ) {; } //@ sourceURL=task.enter } = function() { // If the first subtask has not been run yet (so taskIndex is null), initialize it // Else, exit the current subtask and increment taskIndex if ( this.taskIndex == null ) this.taskIndex = 0; else { var oldSubtask = this.subtasks[ this.taskIndex ]; oldSubtask.completed = this ); oldSubtask.exit(); this.taskIndex++; } // If there are subtasks still to run, enter the next one // Else, mark this task as complete if ( this.taskIndex < this.subtasks.length ) { var newSubtask = this.subtasks[ this.taskIndex ]; newSubtask.enter(); newSubtask.completed = function() {; }, this ); } else this.completed(); //@ } this.exit = function() { // TODO: Find the scene node properly to make this possible // this ); // Fire the exiting event this.exiting(); this.status = "inactive"; } this.completed = function() { this.status = "completed"; }