{ "extends": "proxy/aframe/ascene.vwf", "methods": { "initialize": { "body": " var calc = vwf_view.kernel.find(\"\", \"/calcText\")[0];\n console.log(calc);\n vwf_view.kernel.callMethod(calc, \"calcMe\");\n", "type": "application/javascript" } }, "children": { "assetBG2": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/a-asset-image-item.vwf", "properties": { "itemID": "bg2", "itemSrc": "/defaults/assets/checker.jpg" } }, "light1": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/alight.vwf", "properties": { "type": "ambient", "color": "#BBB" } }, "light2": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/alight.vwf", "properties": { "type": "directional", "color": "#FFF", "intensity": "0.6", "position": [ -0.5, 1, 1 ] } }, "groundPlane": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aplane.vwf", "properties": { "height": "50", "width": "50", "rotation": [ -90, 0, 0 ] }, "children": { "material": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aMaterialComponent.vwf", "properties": { "wireframe": false, "src": "#bg2", "repeat": "10 10" } } } }, "calcResult": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/atext.vwf", "properties": { "value": "", "color": "#1d7027", "position": [ 1, 2.5, -2 ], "scale": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "side": "double" } }, "calcText": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/atext.vwf", "properties": { "value": { "set": "this.value = value; this.calcMe()", "get": "return this.value", "value": "1 * pi" }, "color": "#b74217", "position": [ -1, 2.5, -2 ], "scale": [ 2, 2, 2 ], "side": "double" }, "methods": { "calcMe": { "body": " let match = this.calcLang.grammar.match(this.value);\n if (match.succeeded()){\n if (typeof this.calcLang.semantics === 'function'){\n let result = this.calcLang.semantics(match).interpret(); \n if (this.parent.calcResult && (typeof this.parent.calcResult.value == 'string')) {\n this.parent.calcResult.value = result \n} \n }}\n //this.future( 0.1 ).calcMe();\n", "type": "application/javascript" } }, "children": { "calcLang": { "extends": "proxy/ohm/node.vwf", "properties": { "ohmLang": "Arithmetic {\n Exp\n = AddExp\n\n AddExp\n = AddExp \"+\" MulExp -- plus\n | AddExp \"-\" MulExp -- minus\n | MulExp\n\n MulExp\n = MulExp \"*\" ExpExp -- times\n | MulExp \"/\" ExpExp -- divide\n | ExpExp\n\n ExpExp\n = PriExp \"^\" ExpExp -- power\n | PriExp\n\n PriExp\n = \"(\" Exp \")\" -- paren\n | \"+\" PriExp -- pos\n | \"-\" PriExp -- neg\n | ident\n | number\n ident (an identifier)\n = letter alnum*\n\n number (a number)\n = digit* \".\" digit+ -- fract\n | digit+ -- whole\n }\n" }, "methods": { "initLang": { "body": " console.log(\"add operations to semantics\")\n this.addOperationLang();\n", "type": "application/javascript" }, "addOperationLang": { "body": " var constants = {pi: Math.PI, e: Math.E};\n this.semantics.addOperation('interpret', {\n Exp: function(e) {\n return e.interpret(); \n },\n AddExp: function(e) {\n return e.interpret();\n },\n AddExp_plus: function(x, _, y) {\n return x.interpret() + y.interpret();\n },\n AddExp_minus: function(x, _, y) {\n return x.interpret() - y.interpret();\n },\n MulExp: function(e) { return e.interpret(); },\n MulExp_times: function(x, _, y) { return x.interpret() * y.interpret(); },\n MulExp_divide: function(x, _, y) { return x.interpret() / y.interpret(); },\n ExpExp: function(e) { return e.interpret(); },\n ExpExp_power: function(x, _, y) { return Math.pow(x.interpret(), y.interpret()); },\n PriExp: function(e) { return e.interpret(); },\n PriExp_paren: function(_l, e, _r) { return e.interpret(); },\n PriExp_pos: function(_, e) { return e.interpret(); },\n PriExp_neg: function(_, e) { return -e.interpret(); },\n ident: function(_l, _ns) {\n // Look up the value of a named constant, e.g., 'pi'.\n return constants[this.sourceString] || 0;\n },\n number: function(_) {\n // Use `parseFloat` to convert (e.g.) the string '123' to the number 123.\n return parseFloat(this.sourceString);\n }\n })\n", "type": "application/javascript" }, "testLang": { "body": " var match = this.grammar.match('2+2');\n console.log(match);\n var res = this.semantics(match).interpret();\n console.log(res);\n", "type": "application/javascript" } } } } }, "sky": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/asky.vwf", "children": { "material": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aMaterialComponent.vwf", "properties": { "color": "#ECECEC", "side": "back" } } } } } }