this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration){ //console.log("DO on animation update") } this.translateBy = function(translation, duration){ this.startTranslationSIM = this.position || goog.vec.Vec3.create(); var deltaTranslation = this.translationFromValue( translation ); this.stopTranslationSIM = goog.vec.Vec3.add( this.startTranslationSIM, deltaTranslation, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); if(duration > 0) { this.animationDuration = duration; this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { this.position = goog.vec.Vec3.lerp( this.startTranslationSIM, this.stopTranslationSIM, time >= duration ? 1 : time / duration, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { this.position = this.stopTranslationSIM; } //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.translateBy.vwf } this.translateTo = function(translation, duration){ this.startTranslationSIM = this.position || goog.vec.Vec3.create(); this.stopTranslationSIM = this.translationFromValue( translation ); if(duration > 0) { this.animationDuration = duration; this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { this.position = goog.vec.Vec3.lerp( this.startTranslationSIM, this.stopTranslationSIM, duration == 0 ? duration : time / duration, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { this.position = this.stopTranslationSIM; } //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.translateTo.vwf } this.rotateBy = function(rotation, duration, frame) { let rotationValue = this.translationFromValue(rotation); let deltaQuaternion = (new THREE.Quaternion()).setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler( (THREE.Math.degToRad(rotationValue.x)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(rotationValue.y)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(rotationValue.z)), 'XYZ' )); this.quaterniateBy( deltaQuaternion, duration, frame ); //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.rotateBy.vwf } this.rotateTo = function(rotation, duration){ let rotationValue = this.translationFromValue(rotation); let stopQuaternion = (new THREE.Quaternion()).setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler( (THREE.Math.degToRad(rotationValue.x)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(rotationValue.y)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(rotationValue.z)), 'XYZ' )); this.quaterniateTo( stopQuaternion, duration ); //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.rotateTo.vwf } this.quaterniateBy = function(quaternion, duration, frame) { this.startQuaternionSIM = (new THREE.Quaternion()).setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler( (THREE.Math.degToRad(this.rotation.x)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(this.rotation.y)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(this.rotation.z)), 'XYZ' )); var deltaQuaternion = (new THREE.Quaternion).copy(quaternion); if ( ! frame || frame == "rotated" ) { this.stopQuaternionSIM = (new THREE.Quaternion()).multiplyQuaternions(deltaQuaternion, this.startQuaternionSIM); } else if ( frame == "scaled" ) { this.stopQuaternionSIM = (new THREE.Quaternion()).multiplyQuaternions(this.startQuaternionSIM, deltaQuaternion); } //this.stopQuaternionSIM = (new THREE.Quaternion()).copy(quaternion); if(duration > 0) { this.animationDuration = duration; this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { let q = new THREE.Quaternion(); let e = new THREE.Euler(); let step = (time >= duration) ? 1 : time / duration; THREE.Quaternion.slerp(this.startQuaternionSIM, this.stopQuaternionSIM, q, step || 0); let interp = e.setFromQuaternion(q, 'XYZ'); this.rotation = [THREE.Math.radToDeg(interp.x), THREE.Math.radToDeg(interp.y), THREE.Math.radToDeg(interp.z)]; } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { let eE = new THREE.Euler(); let eQ = (new THREE.Quaternion).copy(this.stopQuaternionSIM); let interpE = eE.setFromQuaternion(eQ, 'XYZ'); this.rotation = [THREE.Math.radToDeg(interpE.x),THREE.Math.radToDeg(interpE.y), THREE.Math.radToDeg(interpE.z)]; //this.quaternion = this.stopQuaternionSIM; } //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.quaterniateBy.vwf } this.quaterniateTo = function(quaternion, duration) { this.startQuaternionSIM = (new THREE.Quaternion()).setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler( (THREE.Math.degToRad(this.rotation.x)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(this.rotation.y)), (THREE.Math.degToRad(this.rotation.z)), 'XYZ' )); this.stopQuaternionSIM = (new THREE.Quaternion).copy(quaternion); if(duration > 0) { this.animationDuration = duration; this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { let q = new THREE.Quaternion(); let e = new THREE.Euler(); let step = (time >= duration) ? 1 : time / duration; THREE.Quaternion.slerp(this.startQuaternionSIM, this.stopQuaternionSIM, q, step || 0); let interp = e.setFromQuaternion(q, 'XYZ'); this.rotation = [THREE.Math.radToDeg(interp.x), THREE.Math.radToDeg(interp.y), THREE.Math.radToDeg(interp.z)]; } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { let eE = new THREE.Euler(); let eQ = (new THREE.Quaternion).copy(this.stopQuaternionSIM); let interpE = eE.setFromQuaternion(eQ, 'XYZ'); this.rotation = [THREE.Math.radToDeg(interpE.x),THREE.Math.radToDeg(interpE.y), THREE.Math.radToDeg(interpE.z)]; //this.quaternion = this.stopQuaternionSIM; } //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.quaterniateTo.vwf } this.scaleBy = function(scale, duration){ this.startScaleSIM = this.scale || goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues( 1, 1, 1 ); var deltaScale = this.translationFromValue( scale ); this.stopScaleSIM = goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues( this.startScaleSIM[0] * deltaScale[0], this.startScaleSIM[1] * deltaScale[1], this.startScaleSIM[2] * deltaScale[2] ); if(duration > 0) { this.animationDuration = duration; this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { this.scale = goog.vec.Vec3.lerp( // TODO: should be geometric interpolation this.startScaleSIM, this.stopScaleSIM, duration == 0 ? duration : time / duration, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { this.scale = this.stopScaleSIM; } //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.scaleBy.vwf } this.scaleTo = function(scale, duration){ this.startScaleSIM = this.scale || goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues( 1, 1, 1 ); this.stopScaleSIM = this.translationFromValue( scale ); if(duration > 0) { this.animationDuration = duration; this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { this.scale = goog.vec.Vec3.lerp( // TODO: should be geometric interpolation this.startScaleSIM, this.stopScaleSIM, duration == 0 ? duration : time / duration, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { this.scale = this.stopScaleSIM; }//@ sourceURL=node3.animation.scaleTo.vwf } this.transformBy = function(transform, duration){ var startTransform = this.transform || goog.vec.Vec3.create(); var deltaTransform = this.transformFromValue( transform ); // Left multiply by the delta var stopTransform = goog.vec.Mat4.multMat( deltaTransform, startTransform, goog.vec.Mat4.createFloat32() ); this.transformTo( stopTransform, duration ); //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.transformBy.vwf } this.transformTo = function(transform, duration){ var stopTransform = this.transformFromValue( transform ) || goog.vec.Mat4.createIdentity(); if ( duration > 0 ) { // Calculate the start and stop translations this.startTranslationSIM = this.translation || goog.vec.Vec3.create(); this.stopTranslationSIM = goog.vec.Vec3.create(); goog.vec.Mat4.getColumn( stopTransform, 3, this.stopTranslationSIM ); // Calculate the start and stop quaternion and scale this.startScaleSIM = this.scale || goog.vec.Vec3.createFromValues( 1, 1, 1 ); this.stopScaleSIM = goog.vec.Vec3.create(); this.startQuaternionSIM = this.quaternion || goog.vec.Quaternion.createFromValues( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); this.stopQuaternionSIM = goog.vec.Quaternion.fromRotationMatrix4( this.unscaledTransform( stopTransform || goog.vec.Mat4.createIdentity(), this.stopScaleSIM, goog.vec.Mat4.create() ), goog.vec.Quaternion.create() ); this.animationDuration = duration; // Call the appropriate functions to do the translation and quaterniation (that is totally a word) this.animationUpdate = function(time, duration) { this.translation = goog.vec.Vec3.lerp( this.startTranslationSIM, this.stopTranslationSIM, duration == 0 ? duration : time / duration, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); this.quaternion = goog.vec.Quaternion.slerp( this.startQuaternionSIM, this.stopQuaternionSIM, duration == 0 ? duration : time / duration, goog.vec.Quaternion.create() ); this.scale = goog.vec.Vec3.lerp( // TODO: should be geometric interpolation this.startScaleSIM, this.stopScaleSIM, duration == 0 ? duration : time / duration, goog.vec.Vec3.create() ); } this.animationPlay(0, duration); } else { this.transform = stopTransform; } //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.transformTo.vwf } this.worldTransformBy = function(transform, duration){ var startWorldTransform = this.worldTransform || goog.vec.Mat4.create(); var deltaTransform = this.transformFromValue( transform ); // Left multiply by the delta var stopWorldTransform = goog.vec.Mat4.multMat( deltaTransform, startWorldTransform, goog.vec.Mat4.createFloat32() ); this.worldTransformTo( stopWorldTransform, duration ) //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.worldTransformBy.vwf } this.worldTransformTo = function(transform, duration){ var stopWorldTransform = this.transformFromValue( transform ); var stopTransform; if ( this.parent && this.parent.worldTransform ) { // We need to find the local transform that will bring about the desired world transform // The math for this looks like - // (new worldTransform) = (parentWorldTransform) * (transform) // So, if we left multiply both sides by the inverse of the parentWorldTransform... // inv(parentWorldTransform) * (new worldTransform) = (transform) // Find the inverse parent worldTransform var inverseParentWorldTransform = goog.vec.Mat4.createFloat32(); if ( goog.vec.Mat4.invert( this.parent.worldTransform, inverseParentWorldTransform ) ) { // Left multiply the new worldTransform by the inverse parent worldTransform stopTransform = goog.vec.Mat4.multMat( inverseParentWorldTransform, stopWorldTransform, goog.vec.Mat4.createFloat32() ); } else { stopTransform = goog.vec.Mat4.createIdentity(); this.logger.error( "Parent '" + + "' transform matrix is not invertible: " + this.parent.transform ); } } else { stopTransform = stopWorldTransform; } this.transformTo( stopTransform, duration ); //@ sourceURL=node3.animation.worldTransformTo.vwf }