//"use strict"; /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Virtual World Framework Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/licenses/LICENSE_VWF.md) */ import {Fabric} from '/core/vwf/fabric.js'; class VWFDocument extends Fabric { constructor(module) { console.log("Document constructor"); super(module, 'View'); } factory() { let _self_ = this; return this.load(this.module, { // == Module Definition ==================================================================== initialize: function () { window.vwf_view = this; this.fabric = _self_; }, // == Model API ============================================================================ createdNode: function (nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childURI, childName, callback /* ( ready ) */ ) { let self = this; // At the root node of the application, load the UI chrome if available. if (childID == this.kernel.application() && (window.location.protocol == "http:" || window.location.protocol == "https:")) { // Suspend the queue. callback(false); let moduleData = vwf.doc; if (moduleData) { var source; if(moduleData.startsWith('{')){ //EXAMPLE: {"url": "/defaults/worlds/pure/driver.js"} source = JSON.parse(moduleData).url; } else { //LOAD MODULE from string let data = _self_.helpers.replaceSubStringALL(moduleData, '$host', window.location.origin); source = "data:text/javascript;base64," + btoa(data); } import(source).then(res => { if (self.createdNode !== Object.getPrototypeOf(self).createdNode) { self.createdNode(nodeID, childID, childExtendsID, childImplementsIDs, childSource, childType, childURI, childName); } this.userView = new res.default; callback(true); }) } else { setTimeout(() => { callback(true); }, 0); } } }, }, function (viewFunctionName) { // == View API ============================================================================= }); } } export { VWFDocument as default}