{ "name": "@shoelace-style/shoelace", "description": "A forward-thinking library of web components.", "version": "2.0.0-beta.43", "author": "Cory LaViska", "homepage": "https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace", "license": "MIT", "components": [ { "className": "SlAlert", "tag": "sl-alert", "file": "src/components/alert/alert.ts", "since": "2.0", "status": "stable", "props": [ { "name": "closable", "description": "Makes the alert closable.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "duration", "description": "The length of time, in milliseconds, the alert will show before closing itself. If the user interacts with\nthe alert before it closes (e.g. moves the mouse over it), the timer will restart. Defaults to `Infinity`.", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "..." }, { "name": "open", "description": "Indicates whether or not the alert is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "type", "description": "The type of alert.", "type": "'primary' | 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger'", "values": [ "primary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger" ], "defaultValue": "'primary'" } ], "methods": [ { "name": "hide", "description": "Hides the alert", "params": [] }, { "name": "show", "description": "Shows the alert.", "params": [] }, { "name": "toast", "description": "Displays the alert as a toast notification. This will move the alert out of its position in the DOM and, when\ndismissed, it will be removed from the DOM completely. By storing a reference to the alert, you can reuse it by\ncalling this method again. The returned promise will resolve after the alert is hidden.", "params": [] } ], "events": [ { "name": "sl-after-hide", "description": "Emitted after the alert closes and all transitions are complete.", "details": "void" }, { "name": "sl-after-show", "description": "Emitted after the alert opens and all transitions are complete.", "details": "void" }, { "name": "sl-hide", "description": "Emitted when the alert closes.", "details": "void" }, { "name": "sl-show", "description": "Emitted when the alert opens.", "details": "void" } ], "slots": [ { "name": "", "description": "The alert's content." }, { "name": "icon", "description": "An icon to show in the alert.\n" } ], "cssCustomProperties": [ { "name": "--box-shadow", "description": "The alert's box shadow.\n" } ], "parts": [ { "name": "base", "description": "The component's base wrapper." }, { "name": "icon", "description": "The container that wraps the alert icon." }, { "name": "message", "description": "The alert message." }, { "name": "close-button", "description": "The close button.\n" } ], "dependencies": [ "sl-icon-button" ], "animations": [ { "name": "alert.show", "description": "The animation to use when showing the alert." }, { "name": "alert.hide", "description": "The animation to use when hiding the alert.\n" } ] }, { "className": "SlAnimation", "tag": "sl-animation", "file": "src/components/animation/animation.ts", "since": "2.0", "status": "stable", "props": [ { "name": "delay", "description": "The number of milliseconds to delay the start of the animation.", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "0" }, { "name": "direction", "description": "Determines the direction of playback as well as the behavior when reaching the end of an iteration.", "type": "PlaybackDirection", "defaultValue": "'normal'" }, { "name": "duration", "description": "The number of milliseconds each iteration of the animation takes to complete.", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "1000" }, { "name": "easing", "description": "The easing function to use for the animation. This can be a Shoelace easing function or a custom easing function\nsuch as `cubic-bezier(0, 1, .76, 1.14)`.", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "'linear'" }, { "name": "endDelay", "attribute": "end-delay", "description": "The number of milliseconds to delay after the active period of an animation sequence.", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "0" }, { "name": "fill", "description": "Sets how the animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.", "type": "FillMode", "defaultValue": "'auto'" }, { "name": "iterationStart", "attribute": "iteration-start", "description": "The offset at which to start the animation, usually between 0 (start) and 1 (end).", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "0" }, { "name": "iterations", "description": "The number of iterations to run before the animation completes. Defaults to `Infinity`, which loops.", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "..." }, { "name": "keyframes", "description": "The keyframes to use for the animation. If this is set, `name` will be ignored.", "type": "" }, { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the built-in animation to use. For custom animations, use the `keyframes` prop.", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "'none'" }, { "name": "pause", "description": "Pauses the animation. The animation will resume when this prop is removed.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "playbackRate", "attribute": "playback-rate", "description": "Sets the animation's playback rate. The default is `1`, which plays the animation at a normal speed. Setting this\nto `2`, for example, will double the animation's speed. A negative value can be used to reverse the animation. This\nvalue can be changed without causing the animation to restart.", "type": "number", "defaultValue": "1" } ], "methods": [ { "name": "cancel", "description": "Clears all KeyframeEffects caused by this animation and aborts its playback.", "params": [] }, { "name": "finish", "description": "Sets the playback time to the end of the animation corresponding to the current playback direction.", "params": [] }, { "name": "getCurrentTime", "description": "Gets the current time of the animation in milliseconds.", "params": [] }, { "name": "setCurrentTime", "description": "Sets the current time of the animation in milliseconds.", "params": [ { "name": "time", "type": "number" } ] } ], "events": [ { "name": "sl-cancel", "description": "Emitted when the animation is canceled.", "details": "void" }, { "name": "sl-finish", "description": "Emitted when the animation finishes.", "details": "void" }, { "name": "sl-start", "description": "Emitted when the animation starts or restarts.", "details": "void" } ], "slots": [ { "name": "", "description": "The element to animate. If multiple elements are to be animated, wrap them in a single container." } ], "cssCustomProperties": [], "parts": [], "dependencies": [], "animations": [] }, { "className": "SlAvatar", "tag": "sl-avatar", "file": "src/components/avatar/avatar.ts", "since": "2.0", "status": "stable", "props": [ { "name": "alt", "description": "Alternative text for the image.", "type": "string" }, { "name": "image", "description": "The image source to use for the avatar.", "type": "string" }, { "name": "initials", "description": "Initials to use as a fallback when no image is available (1-2 characters max recommended).", "type": "string" }, { "name": "shape", "description": "The shape of the avatar.", "type": "'circle' | 'square' | 'rounded'", "values": [ "circle", "square", "rounded" ], "defaultValue": "'circle'" } ], "methods": [], "events": [], "slots": [ { "name": "icon", "description": "The default icon to use when no image or initials are present.\n" } ], "cssCustomProperties": [ { "name": "--size", "description": "The size of the avatar.\n" } ], "parts": [ { "name": "base", "description": "The component's base wrapper." }, { "name": "icon", "description": "The container that wraps the avatar icon." }, { "name": "initials", "description": "The container that wraps the avatar initials." }, { "name": "image", "description": "The avatar image.\n" } ], "dependencies": [ "sl-icon" ], "animations": [] }, { "className": "SlBadge", "tag": "sl-badge", "file": "src/components/badge/badge.ts", "since": "2.0", "status": "stable", "props": [ { "name": "pill", "description": "Draws a pill-style badge with rounded edges.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "pulse", "description": "Makes the badge pulsate to draw attention.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "type", "description": "The badge's type.", "type": "'primary' | 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger'", "values": [ "primary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger" ], "defaultValue": "'primary'" } ], "methods": [], "events": [], "slots": [ { "name": "", "description": "The badge's content." } ], "cssCustomProperties": [], "parts": [ { "name": "base", "description": "The base wrapper\n" } ], "dependencies": [], "animations": [] }, { "className": "SlButton", "tag": "sl-button", "file": "src/components/button/button.ts", "since": "2.0", "status": "stable", "props": [ { "name": "caret", "description": "Draws the button with a caret for use with dropdowns, popovers, etc.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "circle", "description": "Draws a circle button.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "disabled", "description": "Disables the button.", "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "false" }, { "name": "download", "description": "Tells the browser to download the linked file as this filename. Only used when `href` is set.", "type": "string" }, { "name": "href", "description": "When set, the underlying button will be rendered as an `` with this `href` instead of a `