/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Virtual World Framework Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/licenses/LICENSE_VWF.md) */ // VWF & OSC driver define(["module", "vwf/view", "vwf/view/oscjs/dist/osc-module"], function(module, view, osc) { return view.load(module, { initialize: function() { self = this; this.osc = osc; this.portValue = '8081'; this.hostValue = 'localhost'; this.port = null; //window._osc = this.osc; window._OSCManager = this; }, /* * Receives incoming messages */ // calledMethod: function(id, name, params) { // }, setOSCHostAndPort: function(h,p) { this.hostValue = h; this.portValue = p; }, connect: function() { this.disconnect(); this.port = new osc.WebSocketPort({ url: 'ws://' + this.hostValue + ':' + this.portValue //url: "ws://localhost:8081" }); this.port.on("message", function (oscMessage) { console.log("message", oscMessage); findAllNodesWithOSC(oscMessage); }); this.port.open(); }, disconnect: function() { console.log('disconnect'); if (this.port !== null) this.port.close(1000, 'manual close'); }, getStatus: function() { if (this.port){ return this.port.socket.readyState } return 3 } }) function findAllNodesWithOSC(oscMessage){ let appID = vwf.application(); var oscSceneProp = vwf.getProperty(appID, 'osc'); if (oscSceneProp !== undefined){ if (oscSceneProp){ //console.log('now callMethod'); vwf_view.kernel.callMethod(appID, 'getOSC', [oscMessage]); } } var children = vwf.children(appID); children.forEach(function(child){ var oscprop = vwf.getProperty(child, 'osc'); if (oscprop !== undefined){ if (oscprop){ //console.log('now callMethod'); vwf_view.kernel.callMethod(child, 'getOSC', [oscMessage]); } } }) // var scene = _Editor.getNode(Engine.application()); // for (var i in scene.children) { // if (scene.children[i].properties.DisplayName.indexOf("leapmotion") > -1) { // this.leapHandsID = (scene.children[i].id); // } // } } });