;(function(){ /* UNBUILD */ var root; if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ root = window } if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ root = global } root = root || {}; var console = root.console || {log: function(){}}; function USE(arg, req){ return req? require(arg) : arg.slice? USE[R(arg)] : function(mod, path){ arg(mod = {exports: {}}); USE[R(path)] = mod.exports; } function R(p){ return p.split('/').slice(-1).toString().replace('.js',''); } } if(typeof module !== "undefined"){ var common = module } /* UNBUILD */ ;USE(function(module){ // Security, Encryption, and Authorization: SEA.js // MANDATORY READING: https://gun.eco/explainers/data/security.html // IT IS IMPLEMENTED IN A POLYFILL/SHIM APPROACH. // THIS IS AN EARLY ALPHA! if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ module.window = window } var tmp = module.window || module; var SEA = tmp.SEA || {}; if(SEA.window = module.window){ SEA.window.SEA = SEA } try{ if(typeof common !== "undefined"){ common.exports = SEA } }catch(e){} module.exports = SEA; })(USE, './root'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); try{ if(SEA.window){ if(location.protocol.indexOf('s') < 0 && location.host.indexOf('localhost') < 0 && location.protocol.indexOf('file:') < 0){ location.protocol = 'https:'; // WebCrypto does NOT work without HTTPS! } } }catch(e){} })(USE, './https'); ;USE(function(module){ // This is Array extended to have .toString(['utf8'|'hex'|'base64']) function SeaArray() {} Object.assign(SeaArray, { from: Array.from }) SeaArray.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype) SeaArray.prototype.toString = function(enc, start, end) { enc = enc || 'utf8'; start = start || 0; const length = this.length if (enc === 'hex') { const buf = new Uint8Array(this) return [ ...Array(((end && (end + 1)) || length) - start).keys()] .map((i) => buf[ i + start ].toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('') } if (enc === 'utf8') { return Array.from( { length: (end || length) - start }, (_, i) => String.fromCharCode(this[ i + start]) ).join('') } if (enc === 'base64') { return btoa(this) } } module.exports = SeaArray; })(USE, './array'); ;USE(function(module){ // This is Buffer implementation used in SEA. Functionality is mostly // compatible with NodeJS 'safe-buffer' and is used for encoding conversions // between binary and 'hex' | 'utf8' | 'base64' // See documentation and validation for safe implementation in: // https://github.com/feross/safe-buffer#update var SeaArray = USE('./array'); function SafeBuffer(...props) { console.warn('new SafeBuffer() is depreciated, please use SafeBuffer.from()') return SafeBuffer.from(...props) } SafeBuffer.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype) Object.assign(SafeBuffer, { // (data, enc) where typeof data === 'string' then enc === 'utf8'|'hex'|'base64' from() { if (!Object.keys(arguments).length) { throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.') } const input = arguments[0] let buf if (typeof input === 'string') { const enc = arguments[1] || 'utf8' if (enc === 'hex') { const bytes = input.match(/([\da-fA-F]{2})/g) .map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)) if (!bytes || !bytes.length) { throw new TypeError('Invalid first argument for type \'hex\'.') } buf = SeaArray.from(bytes) } else if (enc === 'utf8') { const length = input.length const words = new Uint16Array(length) Array.from({ length: length }, (_, i) => words[i] = input.charCodeAt(i)) buf = SeaArray.from(words) } else if (enc === 'base64') { const dec = atob(input) const length = dec.length const bytes = new Uint8Array(length) Array.from({ length: length }, (_, i) => bytes[i] = dec.charCodeAt(i)) buf = SeaArray.from(bytes) } else if (enc === 'binary') { buf = SeaArray.from(input) } else { console.info('SafeBuffer.from unknown encoding: '+enc) } return buf } const byteLength = input.byteLength // what is going on here? FOR MARTTI const length = input.byteLength ? input.byteLength : input.length if (length) { let buf if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buf = new Uint8Array(input) } return SeaArray.from(buf || input) } }, // This is 'safe-buffer.alloc' sans encoding support alloc(length, fill = 0 /*, enc*/ ) { return SeaArray.from(new Uint8Array(Array.from({ length: length }, () => fill))) }, // This is normal UNSAFE 'buffer.alloc' or 'new Buffer(length)' - don't use! allocUnsafe(length) { return SeaArray.from(new Uint8Array(Array.from({ length : length }))) }, // This puts together array of array like members concat(arr) { // octet array if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { throw new TypeError('First argument must be Array containing ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array instances.') } return SeaArray.from(arr.reduce((ret, item) => ret.concat(Array.from(item)), [])) } }) SafeBuffer.prototype.from = SafeBuffer.from SafeBuffer.prototype.toString = SeaArray.prototype.toString module.exports = SafeBuffer; })(USE, './buffer'); ;USE(function(module){ const SEA = USE('./root') const Buffer = USE('./buffer') const api = {Buffer: Buffer} var o = {}; if(SEA.window){ api.crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto; api.subtle = (api.crypto||o).subtle || (api.crypto||o).webkitSubtle; api.TextEncoder = window.TextEncoder; api.TextDecoder = window.TextDecoder; api.random = (len) => Buffer.from(api.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Buffer.alloc(len)))) } if(!api.crypto){try{ var crypto = USE('crypto', 1); const { subtle } = USE('@trust/webcrypto', 1) // All but ECDH const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = USE('text-encoding', 1) Object.assign(api, { crypto, subtle, TextEncoder, TextDecoder, random: (len) => Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(len)) }); //try{ const WebCrypto = USE('node-webcrypto-ossl', 1) api.ossl = new WebCrypto({directory: 'ossl'}).subtle // ECDH //}catch(e){ //console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl is optionally needed for ECDH, please install if needed."); //} }catch(e){ console.log("@trust/webcrypto and text-encoding are not included by default, you must add it to your package.json!"); console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl is temporarily needed for ECDSA signature verification, and optionally needed for ECDH, please install if needed (currently necessary so add them to your package.json for now)."); TRUST_WEBCRYPTO_OR_TEXT_ENCODING_NOT_INSTALLED; }} module.exports = api })(USE, './shim'); ;USE(function(module){ const SEA = USE('./root'); const Buffer = USE('./buffer') const settings = {} // Encryption parameters const pbkdf2 = { hash: 'SHA-256', iter: 100000, ks: 64 } const ecdsaSignProps = { name: 'ECDSA', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } } const ecdsaKeyProps = { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' } const ecdhKeyProps = { name: 'ECDH', namedCurve: 'P-256' } const _initial_authsettings = { validity: 12 * 60 * 60, // internally in seconds : 12 hours hook: (props) => props // { iat, exp, alias, remember } // or return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(props) } // These are used to persist user's authentication "session" const authsettings = Object.assign({}, _initial_authsettings) // This creates Web Cryptography API compliant JWK for sign/verify purposes const keysToEcdsaJwk = (pub, d) => { // d === priv //const [ x, y ] = Buffer.from(pub, 'base64').toString('utf8').split(':') // old const [ x, y ] = pub.split('.') // new var jwk = { kty: "EC", crv: "P-256", x: x, y: y, ext: true } jwk.key_ops = d ? ['sign'] : ['verify']; if(d){ jwk.d = d } return jwk; } Object.assign(settings, { pbkdf2: pbkdf2, ecdsa: { pair: ecdsaKeyProps, sign: ecdsaSignProps }, ecdh: ecdhKeyProps, jwk: keysToEcdsaJwk, recall: authsettings }) SEA.opt = settings; module.exports = settings })(USE, './settings'); ;USE(function(module){ module.exports = (props) => { try { if(props.slice && 'SEA{' === props.slice(0,4)){ props = props.slice(3); } return props.slice ? JSON.parse(props) : props } catch (e) {} //eslint-disable-line no-empty return props } })(USE, './parse'); ;USE(function(module){ const shim = USE('./shim'); const Buffer = USE('./buffer') const parse = USE('./parse') const { pbkdf2 } = USE('./settings') // This internal func returns SHA-256 hashed data for signing const sha256hash = async (mm) => { const m = parse(mm) const hash = await shim.subtle.digest({name: pbkdf2.hash}, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(m)) return Buffer.from(hash) } module.exports = sha256hash })(USE, './sha256'); ;USE(function(module){ // This internal func returns SHA-1 hashed data for KeyID generation const __shim = USE('./shim') const subtle = __shim.subtle const ossl = __shim.ossl ? __shim.ossl : subtle const sha1hash = (b) => ossl.digest({name: 'SHA-1'}, new ArrayBuffer(b)) module.exports = sha1hash })(USE, './sha1'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); var sha = USE('./sha256'); var u; SEA.work = SEA.work || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try { // used to be named `proof` var salt = (pair||{}).epub || pair; // epub not recommended, salt should be random! var opt = opt || {}; if(salt instanceof Function){ cb = salt; salt = u; } salt = salt || shim.random(9); if('SHA-256' === opt.name){ var rsha = shim.Buffer.from(await sha(data), 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64') if(cb){ try{ cb(rsha) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return rsha; } const key = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey( 'raw', new shim.TextEncoder().encode(data), { name: opt.name || 'PBKDF2' }, false, ['deriveBits'] ) const result = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).deriveBits({ name: opt.name || 'PBKDF2', iterations: opt.iterations || S.pbkdf2.iter, salt: new shim.TextEncoder().encode(opt.salt || salt), hash: opt.hash || S.pbkdf2.hash, }, key, opt.length || (S.pbkdf2.ks * 8)) data = shim.random(data.length) // Erase data in case of passphrase const r = shim.Buffer.from(result, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64') if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); module.exports = SEA.work; })(USE, './work'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); var Buff = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined')? Buffer : shim.Buffer; SEA.name = SEA.name || (async (cb, opt) => { try { if(cb){ try{ cb() }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return; } catch(e) { console.log(e); SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); //SEA.pair = async (data, proof, cb) => { try { SEA.pair = SEA.pair || (async (cb, opt) => { try { const ecdhSubtle = shim.ossl || shim.subtle // First: ECDSA keys for signing/verifying... var sa = await shim.subtle.generateKey(S.ecdsa.pair, true, [ 'sign', 'verify' ]) .then(async (keys) => { // privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here! //const { d: priv } = await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.privateKey) const key = {}; key.priv = (await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.privateKey)).d; const pub = await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.publicKey) //const pub = Buff.from([ x, y ].join(':')).toString('base64') // old key.pub = pub.x+'.'+pub.y // new // x and y are already base64 // pub is UTF8 but filename/URL safe (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt) // but split on a non-base64 letter. return key; }) // To include PGPv4 kind of keyId: // const pubId = await SEA.keyid(keys.pub) // Next: ECDH keys for encryption/decryption... try{ var dh = await ecdhSubtle.generateKey(S.ecdh, true, ['deriveKey']) .then(async (keys) => { // privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here! const key = {}; key.epriv = (await ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.privateKey)).d; const pub = await ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.publicKey) //const epub = Buff.from([ ex, ey ].join(':')).toString('base64') // old key.epub = pub.x+'.'+pub.y // new // ex and ey are already base64 // epub is UTF8 but filename/URL safe (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt) // but split on a non-base64 letter. return key; }) }catch(e){ if(SEA.window){ throw e } if(e == 'Error: ECDH is not a supported algorithm'){ console.log('Ignoring ECDH...') } else { throw e } } dh = dh || {}; const r = { pub: sa.pub, priv: sa.priv, /* pubId, */ epub: dh.epub, epriv: dh.epriv } if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { console.log(e); SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); module.exports = SEA.pair; })(USE, './pair'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); var sha256hash = USE('./sha256'); var u; SEA.sign = SEA.sign || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try { opt = opt || {}; if(!(pair||opt).priv){ pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: data, how: 'sign', why: opt.why}); } const pub = pair.pub const priv = pair.priv const jwk = S.jwk(pub, priv) const hash = await sha256hash(JSON.stringify(data)) const sig = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('jwk', jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ['sign']) .then((key) => (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).sign(S.ecdsa.sign, key, new Uint8Array(hash))) // privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here! const r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify({m: data, s: shim.Buffer.from(sig, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')}); if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { console.log(e); SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); module.exports = SEA.sign; })(USE, './sign'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); var sha256hash = USE('./sha256'); var parse = USE('./parse'); var u; SEA.verify = SEA.verify || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try { const json = parse(data) if(false === pair){ // don't verify! const raw = (json !== data)? (json.s && json.m)? parse(json.m) : data : json; if(cb){ try{ cb(raw) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return raw; } opt = opt || {}; // SEA.I // verify is free! Requires no user permission. if(json === data){ throw "No signature on data." } const pub = pair.pub || pair const jwk = S.jwk(pub) const key = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('jwk', jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ['verify']) const hash = await sha256hash(json.m) var buf; var sig; var check; try{ buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT! sig = new Uint8Array(buf) check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash)) if(!check){ throw "Signature did not match." } }catch(e){ buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, 'utf8') // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA! sig = new Uint8Array(buf) check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash)) if(!check){ throw "Signature did not match." } } const r = check? parse(json.m) : u; if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { console.log(e); // mismatched owner FOR MARTTI SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); module.exports = SEA.verify; })(USE, './verify'); ;USE(function(module){ var shim = USE('./shim'); var sha256hash = USE('./sha256'); const importGen = async (key, salt, opt) => { //const combo = shim.Buffer.concat([shim.Buffer.from(key, 'utf8'), salt || shim.random(8)]).toString('utf8') // old var opt = opt || {}; const combo = key + (salt || shim.random(8)).toString('utf8'); // new const hash = shim.Buffer.from(await sha256hash(combo), 'binary') return await shim.subtle.importKey('raw', new Uint8Array(hash), opt.name || 'AES-GCM', false, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) } module.exports = importGen; })(USE, './aeskey'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); var aeskey = USE('./aeskey'); SEA.encrypt = SEA.encrypt || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try { opt = opt || {}; var key = (pair||opt).epriv || pair; if(!key){ pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: data, how: 'encrypt', why: opt.why}); key = pair.epriv || pair; } const msg = JSON.stringify(data) const rand = {s: shim.random(8), iv: shim.random(16)}; const ct = await aeskey(key, rand.s, opt) .then((aes) => (/*shim.ossl ||*/ shim.subtle).encrypt({ // Keeping the AES key scope as private as possible... name: opt.name || 'AES-GCM', iv: new Uint8Array(rand.iv) }, aes, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(msg))) const r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify({ ct: shim.Buffer.from(ct, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64'), iv: rand.iv.toString(opt.encode || 'base64'), s: rand.s.toString(opt.encode || 'base64') }); if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); module.exports = SEA.encrypt; })(USE, './encrypt'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); var aeskey = USE('./aeskey'); var parse = USE('./parse'); SEA.decrypt = SEA.decrypt || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try { opt = opt || {}; var key = (pair||opt).epriv || pair; if(!key){ pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: data, how: 'decrypt', why: opt.why}); key = pair.epriv || pair; } const json = parse(data) var buf; try{buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT! }catch(e){buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, 'utf8')} // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA! var bufiv; try{bufiv = shim.Buffer.from(json.iv, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT! }catch(e){bufiv = shim.Buffer.from(json.iv, 'utf8')} // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA! var bufct; try{bufct = shim.Buffer.from(json.ct, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT! }catch(e){bufct = shim.Buffer.from(json.ct, 'utf8')} // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA! const ct = await aeskey(key, buf, opt) .then((aes) => (/*shim.ossl ||*/ shim.subtle).decrypt({ // Keeping aesKey scope as private as possible... name: opt.name || 'AES-GCM', iv: new Uint8Array(bufiv) }, aes, new Uint8Array(bufct))) const r = parse(new shim.TextDecoder('utf8').decode(ct)) if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); module.exports = SEA.decrypt; })(USE, './decrypt'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./root'); var shim = USE('./shim'); var S = USE('./settings'); // Derive shared secret from other's pub and my epub/epriv SEA.secret = SEA.secret || (async (key, pair, cb, opt) => { try { opt = opt || {}; if(!pair || !pair.epriv || !pair.epub){ pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: key, how: 'secret', why: opt.why}); } const pub = key.epub || key const epub = pair.epub const epriv = pair.epriv const ecdhSubtle = shim.ossl || shim.subtle const pubKeyData = keysToEcdhJwk(pub) const props = Object.assign( S.ecdh, { public: await ecdhSubtle.importKey(...pubKeyData, true, []) } ) const privKeyData = keysToEcdhJwk(epub, epriv) const derived = await ecdhSubtle.importKey(...privKeyData, false, ['deriveKey']) .then(async (privKey) => { // privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here! const derivedKey = await ecdhSubtle.deriveKey(props, privKey, { name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, true, [ 'encrypt', 'decrypt' ]) return ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', derivedKey).then(({ k }) => k) }) const r = derived; if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} } return r; } catch(e) { SEA.err = e; if(SEA.throw){ throw e } if(cb){ cb() } return; }}); const keysToEcdhJwk = (pub, d) => { // d === priv //const [ x, y ] = Buffer.from(pub, 'base64').toString('utf8').split(':') // old const [ x, y ] = pub.split('.') // new const jwk = d ? { d: d } : {} return [ // Use with spread returned value... 'jwk', Object.assign( jwk, { x: x, y: y, kty: 'EC', crv: 'P-256', ext: true } ), // ??? refactor S.ecdh ] } module.exports = SEA.secret; })(USE, './secret'); ;USE(function(module){ var shim = USE('./shim'); // Practical examples about usage found from ./test/common.js var SEA = USE('./root'); SEA.work = USE('./work'); SEA.sign = USE('./sign'); SEA.verify = USE('./verify'); SEA.encrypt = USE('./encrypt'); SEA.decrypt = USE('./decrypt'); SEA.random = SEA.random || shim.random; // This is Buffer used in SEA and usable from Gun/SEA application also. // For documentation see https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html SEA.Buffer = SEA.Buffer || USE('./buffer'); // These SEA functions support now ony Promises or // async/await (compatible) code, use those like Promises. // // Creates a wrapper library around Web Crypto API // for various AES, ECDSA, PBKDF2 functions we called above. // Calculate public key KeyID aka PGPv4 (result: 8 bytes as hex string) SEA.keyid = SEA.keyid || (async (pub) => { try { // base64('base64(x):base64(y)') => Buffer(xy) const pb = Buffer.concat( pub.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').split('.') .map((t) => Buffer.from(t, 'base64')) ) // id is PGPv4 compliant raw key const id = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from([0x99, pb.length / 0x100, pb.length % 0x100]), pb ]) const sha1 = await sha1hash(id) const hash = Buffer.from(sha1, 'binary') return hash.toString('hex', hash.length - 8) // 16-bit ID as hex } catch (e) { console.log(e) throw e } }); // all done! // Obviously it is missing MANY necessary features. This is only an alpha release. // Please experiment with it, audit what I've done so far, and complain about what needs to be added. // SEA should be a full suite that is easy and seamless to use. // Again, scroll naer the top, where I provide an EXAMPLE of how to create a user and sign in. // Once logged in, the rest of the code you just read handled automatically signing/validating data. // But all other behavior needs to be equally easy, like opinionated ways of // Adding friends (trusted public keys), sending private messages, etc. // Cheers! Tell me what you think. var Gun = (SEA.window||{}).Gun || USE('./gun', 1); Gun.SEA = SEA; SEA.GUN = SEA.Gun = Gun; module.exports = SEA })(USE, './sea'); ;USE(function(module){ var Gun = USE('./sea').Gun; Gun.chain.then = function(cb){ var gun = this, p = (new Promise(function(res, rej){ gun.once(res); })); return cb? p.then(cb) : p; } })(USE, './then'); ;USE(function(module){ var SEA = USE('./sea'); var Gun = SEA.Gun; var then = USE('./then'); function User(root){ this._ = {$: this}; } User.prototype = (function(){ function F(){}; F.prototype = Gun.chain; return new F() }()) // Object.create polyfill User.prototype.constructor = User; // let's extend the gun chain with a `user` function. // only one user can be logged in at a time, per gun instance. Gun.chain.user = function(pub){ var gun = this, root = gun.back(-1), user; if(pub){ return root.get('~'+pub) } if(user = root.back('user')){ return user } var root = (root._), at = root, uuid = at.opt.uuid || Gun.state.lex; (at = (user = at.user = gun.chain(new User))._).opt = {}; at.opt.uuid = function(cb){ var id = uuid(), pub = root.user; if(!pub || !(pub = pub.is) || !(pub = pub.pub)){ return id } id = id + '~' + pub + '.'; if(cb && cb.call){ cb(null, id) } return id; } return user; } Gun.User = User; module.exports = User; })(USE, './user'); ;USE(function(module){ // TODO: This needs to be split into all separate functions. // Not just everything thrown into 'create'. var SEA = USE('./sea'); var User = USE('./user'); var authsettings = USE('./settings'); var Gun = SEA.Gun; var noop = function(){}; // Well first we have to actually create a user. That is what this function does. User.prototype.create = function(alias, pass, cb, opt){ var gun = this, cat = (gun._), root = gun.back(-1); cb = cb || noop; if(cat.ing){ cb({err: Gun.log("User is already being created or authenticated!"), wait: true}); return gun; } cat.ing = true; opt = opt || {}; var act = {}, u; act.a = function(pubs){ act.pubs = pubs; if(pubs && !opt.already){ // If we can enforce that a user name is already taken, it might be nice to try, but this is not guaranteed. var ack = {err: Gun.log('User already created!')}; cat.ing = false; cb(ack); gun.leave(); return; } act.salt = Gun.text.random(64); // pseudo-randomly create a salt, then use PBKDF2 function to extend the password with it. SEA.work(pass, act.salt, act.b); // this will take some short amount of time to produce a proof, which slows brute force attacks. } act.b = function(proof){ act.proof = proof; SEA.pair(act.c); // now we have generated a brand new ECDSA key pair for the user account. } act.c = function(pair){ var tmp; act.pair = pair || {}; if(tmp = cat.root.user){ tmp._.sea = pair; tmp.is = {pub: pair.pub, epub: pair.epub, alias: alias}; } // the user's public key doesn't need to be signed. But everything else needs to be signed with it! // we have now automated it! clean up these extra steps now! act.data = {pub: pair.pub}; SEA.sign(alias, pair, act.d); } act.d = function(sig){ act.data.alias = alias || sig; SEA.sign(act.pair.epub, act.pair, act.e); } act.e = function(epub){ act.data.epub = act.pair.epub || epub; SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, act.proof, act.f); // to keep the private key safe, we AES encrypt it with the proof of work! } act.f = function(auth){ act.data.auth = JSON.stringify({ek: auth, s: act.salt}); SEA.sign({ek: auth, s: act.salt}, act.pair, act.g); } act.g = function(auth){ var tmp; act.data.auth = act.data.auth || auth; root.get(tmp = '~'+act.pair.pub).put(act.data); // awesome, now we can actually save the user with their public key as their ID. root.get('~@'+alias).put(Gun.obj.put({}, tmp, Gun.val.link.ify(tmp))); // next up, we want to associate the alias with the public key. So we add it to the alias list. setTimeout(function(){ // we should be able to delete this now, right? cat.ing = false; cb({ok: 0, pub: act.pair.pub}); // callback that the user has been created. (Note: ok = 0 because we didn't wait for disk to ack) if(noop === cb){ gun.auth(alias, pass) } // if no callback is passed, auto-login after signing up. },10); } root.get('~@'+alias).once(act.a); return gun; } // now that we have created a user, we want to authenticate them! User.prototype.auth = function(alias, pass, cb, opt){ var gun = this, cat = (gun._), root = gun.back(-1); cb = cb || function(){}; if(cat.ing){ cb({err: Gun.log("User is already being created or authenticated!"), wait: true}); return gun; } cat.ing = true; opt = opt || {}; var pair = (alias && (alias.pub || alias.epub))? alias : (pass && (pass.pub || pass.epub))? pass : null; var act = {}, u; act.a = function(data){ if(!data){ return act.b() } if(!data.pub){ var tmp = []; Gun.node.is(data, function(v){ tmp.push(v) }) return act.b(tmp); } if(act.name){ return act.f(data) } act.c((act.data = data).auth); } act.b = function(list){ var get = (act.list = (act.list||[]).concat(list||[])).shift(); if(u === get){ if(act.name){ return act.err('Your user account is not published for dApps to access, please consider syncing it online, or allowing local access by adding your device as a peer.') } return act.err('Wrong user or password.') } root.get(get).once(act.a); } act.c = function(auth){ if(u === auth){ return act.b() } if(Gun.text.is(auth)){ return act.c(Gun.obj.ify(auth)) } // new format SEA.work(pass, (act.auth = auth).s, act.d, act.enc); // the proof of work is evidence that we've spent some time/effort trying to log in, this slows brute force. } act.d = function(proof){ SEA.decrypt(act.auth.ek, proof, act.e, act.enc); } act.e = function(half){ if(u === half){ if(!act.enc){ // try old format act.enc = {encode: 'utf8'}; return act.c(act.auth); } act.enc = null; // end backwards return act.b(); } act.half = half; act.f(act.data); } act.f = function(data){ if(!data || !data.pub){ return act.b() } var tmp = act.half || {}; act.g({pub: data.pub, epub: data.epub, priv: tmp.priv, epriv: tmp.epriv}); } act.g = function(pair){ act.pair = pair; var user = (root._).user, at = (user._); var tmp = at.tag; var upt = at.opt; at = user._ = root.get('~'+pair.pub)._; at.opt = upt; // add our credentials in-memory only to our root user instance user.is = {pub: pair.pub, epub: pair.epub, alias: alias}; at.sea = act.pair; cat.ing = false; if(pass && !Gun.text.is(act.data.auth)){ opt.shuffle = opt.change = pass; } // migrate UTF8 + Shuffle! Test against NAB alias test_sea_shuffle + passw0rd opt.change? act.z() : cb(at); if(SEA.window && ((gun.back('user')._).opt||opt).remember){ // TODO: this needs to be modular. try{var sS = {}; sS = window.sessionStorage; sS.recall = true; sS.alias = alias; sS.tmp = pass; }catch(e){} } try{ (root._).on('auth', at) // TODO: Deprecate this, emit on user instead! Update docs when you do. //at.on('auth', at) // Arrgh, this doesn't work without event "merge" code, but "merge" code causes stack overflow and crashes after logging in & trying to write data. }catch(e){ Gun.log("Your 'auth' callback crashed with:", e); } } act.z = function(){ // password update so encrypt private key using new pwd + salt act.salt = Gun.text.random(64); // pseudo-random SEA.work(opt.change, act.salt, act.y); } act.y = function(proof){ SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, proof, act.x); } act.x = function(auth){ act.w(JSON.stringify({ek: auth, s: act.salt})); //SEA.sign({ek: auth, s: act.salt}, act.pair, act.w); } act.w = function(auth){ if(opt.shuffle){ // delete in future! var tmp = Gun.obj.to(act.data); Gun.obj.del(tmp, '_'); tmp.auth = auth; console.log('migrate core account from UTF8 & shuffle', tmp); root.get('~'+act.pair.pub).put(tmp); } // end delete root.get('~'+act.pair.pub).get('auth').put(auth, cb); } act.err = function(e){ var ack = {err: Gun.log(e || 'User cannot be found!')}; cat.ing = false; cb(ack); } act.plugin = function(name){ if(!(act.name = name)){ return act.err() } var tmp = [name]; if('~' !== name[0]){ tmp[1] = '~'+name; tmp[2] = '~@'+name; } act.b(tmp); } if(pair){ act.g(pair); } else if(alias){ root.get('~@'+alias).once(act.a); } else if(!alias && !pass){ SEA.name(act.plugin); } return gun; } User.prototype.pair = function(){ console.log("user.pair() IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE DELETED!!!"); var user = this; if(!user.is){ return false } return user._.sea; } User.prototype.leave = function(opt, cb){ var gun = this, user = (gun.back(-1)._).user; if(user){ delete user.is; delete user._.is; delete user._.sea; } if(SEA.window){ try{var sS = {}; sS = window.sessionStorage; delete sS.alias; delete sS.tmp; delete sS.recall; }catch(e){}; } return gun; } // If authenticated user wants to delete his/her account, let's support it! User.prototype.delete = async function(alias, pass, cb){ var gun = this, root = gun.back(-1), user = gun.back('user'); try { user.auth(alias, pass, function(ack){ var pub = (user.is||{}).pub; // Delete user data user.map().once(function(){ this.put(null) }); // Wipe user data from memory user.leave(); (cb || noop)({ok: 0}); }); } catch (e) { Gun.log('User.delete failed! Error:', e); } return gun; } User.prototype.recall = function(opt, cb){ var gun = this, root = gun.back(-1), tmp; opt = opt || {}; if(opt && opt.sessionStorage){ if(SEA.window){ try{var sS = {}; sS = window.sessionStorage; if(sS){ (root._).opt.remember = true; ((gun.back('user')._).opt||opt).remember = true; if(sS.recall || (sS.alias && sS.tmp)){ root.user().auth(sS.alias, sS.tmp, cb); } } }catch(e){} } return gun; } /* TODO: copy mhelander's expiry code back in. Although, we should check with community, should expiry be core or a plugin? */ return gun; } User.prototype.alive = async function(){ const gunRoot = this.back(-1) try { // All is good. Should we do something more with actual recalled data? await authRecall(gunRoot) return gunRoot._.user._ } catch (e) { const err = 'No session!' Gun.log(err) throw { err } } } User.prototype.trust = async function(user){ // TODO: BUG!!! SEA `node` read listener needs to be async, which means core needs to be async too. //gun.get('alice').get('age').trust(bob); if (Gun.is(user)) { user.get('pub').get((ctx, ev) => { console.log(ctx, ev) }) } } User.prototype.grant = function(to, cb){ console.log("`.grant` API MAY BE DELETED OR CHANGED OR RENAMED, DO NOT USE!"); var gun = this, user = gun.back(-1).user(), pair = user.pair(), path = ''; gun.back(function(at){ if(at.is){ return } path += (at.get||'') }); (async function(){ var enc, sec = await user.get('trust').get(pair.pub).get(path).then(); sec = await SEA.decrypt(sec, pair); if(!sec){ sec = SEA.random(16).toString(); enc = await SEA.encrypt(sec, pair); user.get('trust').get(pair.pub).get(path).put(enc); } var pub = to.get('pub').then(); var epub = to.get('epub').then(); pub = await pub; epub = await epub; var dh = await SEA.secret(epub, pair); enc = await SEA.encrypt(sec, dh); user.get('trust').get(pub).get(path).put(enc, cb); }()); return gun; } User.prototype.secret = function(data, cb){ console.log("`.secret` API MAY BE DELETED OR CHANGED OR RENAMED, DO NOT USE!"); var gun = this, user = gun.back(-1).user(), pair = user.pair(), path = ''; gun.back(function(at){ if(at.is){ return } path += (at.get||'') }); (async function(){ var enc, sec = await user.get('trust').get(pair.pub).get(path).then(); sec = await SEA.decrypt(sec, pair); if(!sec){ sec = SEA.random(16).toString(); enc = await SEA.encrypt(sec, pair); user.get('trust').get(pair.pub).get(path).put(enc); } enc = await SEA.encrypt(data, sec); gun.put(enc, cb); }()); return gun; } module.exports = User })(USE, './create'); ;USE(function(module){ const SEA = USE('./sea') const Gun = SEA.Gun; // After we have a GUN extension to make user registration/login easy, we then need to handle everything else. // We do this with a GUN adapter, we first listen to when a gun instance is created (and when its options change) Gun.on('opt', function(at){ if(!at.sea){ // only add SEA once per instance, on the "at" context. at.sea = {own: {}}; at.on('in', security, at); // now listen to all input data, acting as a firewall. at.on('out', signature, at); // and output listeners, to encrypt outgoing data. at.on('node', each, at); } this.to.next(at); // make sure to call the "next" middleware adapter. }); // Alright, this next adapter gets run at the per node level in the graph database. // This will let us verify that every property on a node has a value signed by a public key we trust. // If the signature does not match, the data is just `undefined` so it doesn't get passed on. // If it does match, then we transform the in-memory "view" of the data into its plain value (without the signature). // Now NOTE! Some data is "system" data, not user data. Example: List of public keys, aliases, etc. // This data is self-enforced (the value can only match its ID), but that is handled in the `security` function. // From the self-enforced data, we can see all the edges in the graph that belong to a public key. // Example: ~ASDF is the ID of a node with ASDF as its public key, signed alias and salt, and // its encrypted private key, but it might also have other signed values on it like `profile = ` edge. // Using that directed edge's ID, we can then track (in memory) which IDs belong to which keys. // Here is a problem: Multiple public keys can "claim" any node's ID, so this is dangerous! // This means we should ONLY trust our "friends" (our key ring) public keys, not any ones. // I have not yet added that to SEA yet in this alpha release. That is coming soon, but beware in the meanwhile! function each(msg){ // TODO: Warning: Need to switch to `gun.on('node')`! Do not use `Gun.on('node'` in your apps! // NOTE: THE SECURITY FUNCTION HAS ALREADY VERIFIED THE DATA!!! // WE DO NOT NEED TO RE-VERIFY AGAIN, JUST TRANSFORM IT TO PLAINTEXT. var to = this.to, vertex = (msg.$._).put, c = 0, d; Gun.node.is(msg.put, function(val, key, node){ c++; // for each property on the node // TODO: consider async/await use here... SEA.verify(val, false, function(data){ c--; // false just extracts the plain data. var tmp = data; data = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node); node[key] = val = data; // transform to plain value. if(d && !c && (c = -1)){ to.next(msg) } }); }); d = true; if(d && !c){ to.next(msg) } return; } // signature handles data output, it is a proxy to the security function. function signature(msg){ if(msg.user){ return this.to.next(msg); } var ctx = this.as; msg.user = ctx.user; security.call(this, msg); } // okay! The security function handles all the heavy lifting. // It needs to deal read and write of input and output of system data, account/public key data, and regular data. // This is broken down into some pretty clear edge cases, let's go over them: function security(msg){ var at = this.as, sea = at.sea, to = this.to; if(msg.get){ // if there is a request to read data from us, then... var soul = msg.get['#']; if(soul){ // for now, only allow direct IDs to be read. if(typeof soul !== 'string'){ return to.next(msg) } // do not handle lexical cursors. if('alias' === soul){ // Allow reading the list of usernames/aliases in the system? return to.next(msg); // yes. } else if('~@' === soul.slice(0,2)){ // Allow reading the list of public keys associated with an alias? return to.next(msg); // yes. } else { // Allow reading everything? return to.next(msg); // yes // TODO: No! Make this a callback/event that people can filter on. } } } if(msg.put){ // potentially parallel async operations!!! var check = {}, each = {}, u; each.node = function(node, soul){ if(Gun.obj.empty(node, '_')){ return check['node'+soul] = 0 } // ignore empty updates, don't reject them. Gun.obj.map(node, each.way, {soul: soul, node: node}); }; each.way = function(val, key){ var soul = this.soul, node = this.node, tmp; if('_' === key){ return } // ignore meta data if('~@' === soul){ // special case for shared system data, the list of aliases. each.alias(val, key, node, soul); return; } if('~@' === soul.slice(0,2)){ // special case for shared system data, the list of public keys for an alias. each.pubs(val, key, node, soul); return; } if('~' === soul.slice(0,1) && 2 === (tmp = soul.slice(1)).split('.').length){ // special case, account data for a public key. each.pub(val, key, node, soul, tmp, msg.user); return; } each.any(val, key, node, soul, msg.user); return; return each.end({err: "No other data allowed!"}); }; each.alias = function(val, key, node, soul){ // Example: {_:#~@, ~@alice: {#~@alice}} if(!val){ return each.end({err: "Data must exist!"}) } // data MUST exist if('~@'+key === Gun.val.link.is(val)){ return check['alias'+key] = 0 } // in fact, it must be EXACTLY equal to itself each.end({err: "Mismatching alias."}); // if it isn't, reject. }; each.pubs = function(val, key, node, soul){ // Example: {_:#~@alice, ~asdf: {#~asdf}} if(!val){ return each.end({err: "Alias must exist!"}) } // data MUST exist if(key === Gun.val.link.is(val)){ return check['pubs'+soul+key] = 0 } // and the ID must be EXACTLY equal to its property each.end({err: "Alias must match!"}); // that way nobody can tamper with the list of public keys. }; each.pub = function(val, key, node, soul, pub, user){ // Example: {_:#~asdf, hello:SEA{'world',fdsa}} if('pub' === key){ if(val === pub){ return (check['pub'+soul+key] = 0) } // the account MUST match `pub` property that equals the ID of the public key. return each.end({err: "Account must match!"}); } check['user'+soul+key] = 1; if(user && user.is && pub === user.is.pub){ //var id = Gun.text.random(3); SEA.sign([soul, key, val, Gun.state.is(node, key)], (user._).sea, function(data){ var rel; if(u === data){ return each.end({err: SEA.err || 'Pub signature fail.'}) } if(rel = Gun.val.link.is(val)){ (at.sea.own[rel] = at.sea.own[rel] || {})[pub] = true; } node[key] = data; check['user'+soul+key] = 0; each.end({ok: 1}); }); // TODO: Handle error!!!! return; } SEA.verify(val, pub, function(data){ var rel, tmp; data = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node); if(u === data){ // make sure the signature matches the account it claims to be on. return each.end({err: "Unverified data."}); // reject any updates that are signed with a mismatched account. } if((rel = Gun.val.link.is(data)) && pub === relpub(rel)){ (at.sea.own[rel] = at.sea.own[rel] || {})[pub] = true; } check['user'+soul+key] = 0; each.end({ok: 1}); }); }; function relpub(s){ if(!s){ return } s = s.split('~'); if(!s || !(s = s[1])){ return } s = s.split('.'); if(!s || 2 > s.length){ return } s = s.slice(0,2).join('.'); return s; } each.any = function(val, key, node, soul, user){ var tmp, pub; if(!user || !user.is){ if(tmp = relpub(soul)){ check['any'+soul+key] = 1; SEA.verify(val, pub = tmp, function(data){ var rel; data = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node); if(u === data){ return each.end({err: "Mismatched owner on '" + key + "'."}) } // thanks @rogowski ! if((rel = Gun.val.link.is(data)) && pub === relpub(rel)){ (at.sea.own[rel] = at.sea.own[rel] || {})[pub] = true; } check['any'+soul+key] = 0; each.end({ok: 1}); }); return; } check['any'+soul+key] = 1; at.on('secure', function(msg){ this.off(); check['any'+soul+key] = 0; if(at.opt.secure){ msg = null } each.end(msg || {err: "Data cannot be modified."}); }).on.on('secure', msg); //each.end({err: "Data cannot be modified."}); return; } if(!(tmp = relpub(soul))){ if(at.opt.secure){ each.end({err: "Soul is missing public key at '" + key + "'."}); return; } if(val && val.slice && 'SEA{' === (val).slice(0,4)){ check['any'+soul+key] = 0; each.end({ok: 1}); return; } //check['any'+soul+key] = 1; //SEA.sign(val, user, function(data){ // if(u === data){ return each.end({err: 'Any signature failed.'}) } // node[key] = data; check['any'+soul+key] = 0; each.end({ok: 1}); //}); return; } if(!msg.I || (pub = tmp) !== (user.is||noop).pub){ each.any(val, key, node, soul); return; } /*var other = Gun.obj.map(at.sea.own[soul], function(v, p){ if((user.is||{}).pub !== p){ return p } }); if(other){ each.any(val, key, node, soul); return; }*/ check['any'+soul+key] = 1; SEA.sign([soul, key, val, Gun.state.is(node, key)], (user._).sea, function(data){ if(u === data){ return each.end({err: 'My signature fail.'}) } node[key] = data; check['any'+soul+key] = 0; each.end({ok: 1}); }); } each.end = function(ctx){ // TODO: Can't you just switch this to each.end = cb? if(each.err){ return } if((each.err = ctx.err) || ctx.no){ console.log('NO!', each.err, msg.put); // 451 mistmached data FOR MARTTI return; } if(!each.end.ed){ return } if(Gun.obj.map(check, function(no){ if(no){ return true } })){ return } to.next(msg); }; Gun.obj.map(msg.put, each.node); each.end({end: each.end.ed = true}); return; // need to manually call next after async. } to.next(msg); // pass forward any data we do not know how to handle or process (this allows custom security protocols). } SEA.opt.unpack = function(data, key, node){ if(u === data){ return } var tmp = data, soul = Gun.node.soul(node), s = Gun.state.is(node, key); if(tmp && 4 === tmp.length && soul === tmp[0] && key === tmp[1] && s === tmp[3]){ return tmp[2]; } if(s < SEA.opt.shuffle_attack){ return data; } } //SEA.opt.shuffle_attack = 1546329600000; // Jan 1, 2019 SEA.opt.shuffle_attack = 1555623324344 var noop = {}, u; })(USE, './index'); }());