{ "aframe":{ "title":"Simple VWF & A-Frame app", "imgUrl": "./aframe/webimg.jpg", "text": "Example application showing Virtual World Framework & A-Frame integration", "featured": false }, "aframe2":{ "title":"Textures and Models in VWF & A-Frame", "imgUrl": "./aframe2/webimg.jpg", "text": "Example app with loaded textures and models", "featured": true }, "ohmlang-calc":{ "title":"Calculator in Ohm and VWF", "imgUrl": "./ohmlang-calc/webimg.jpg", "text": "Example calc app with simple Ohm grammar", "featured": true }, "ohmlang-lsys":{ "title":"L-System parser example in Ohm and VWF", "imgUrl": "./ohmlang-lsys/webimg.jpg", "text": "Example app with L-System grammar", "featured": true }, "osc-example":{ "title":"Simple app with Ohm & OSC control", "imgUrl": "./osc-example/webimg.jpg", "text": "Example app with OSC control", "featured": false }, "webrtc":{ "title":" WebRTC app", "imgUrl": "./webrtc/webimg.jpg", "text": "Audio and video streaming for Avatars", "featured": false }, "gearvr":{ "title":"Control in VR app", "imgUrl": "./gearvr/webimg.jpg", "text": "VR controler example", "featured": false }, "multicamera":{ "title":"Multi-Camera", "imgUrl": "./multicamera/webimg.jpg", "text": "Multi-camera example", "featured": false }, "multipixel":{ "title":"Multi-Pixel", "imgUrl": "./multipixel/webimg.jpg", "text": "Multi-Pixel example", "featured": false } }