(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o t; t++) { i.push(this._createVertex(t)); }for (this.cellShape = new THREE.Shape(), this.cellShape.moveTo(i[0].x, i[0].y), t = 1; 6 > t; t++) { this.cellShape.lineTo(i[t].x, i[t].y); }this.cellShape.lineTo(i[0].x, i[0].y), this.cellShape.autoClose = !0, this.cellGeo = new THREE.Geometry(), this.cellGeo.vertices = i, this.cellGeo.verticesNeedUpdate = !0, this.cellShapeGeo = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(this.cellShape), this._cellWidth = 2 * this.cellSize, this._cellLength = .5 * vg.SQRT3 * this._cellWidth, this._hashDelimeter = ".", this._directions = [new vg.Cell(1, -1, 0), new vg.Cell(1, 0, -1), new vg.Cell(0, 1, -1), new vg.Cell(-1, 1, 0), new vg.Cell(-1, 0, 1), new vg.Cell(0, -1, 1)], this._diagonals = [new vg.Cell(2, -1, -1), new vg.Cell(1, 1, -2), new vg.Cell(-1, 2, -1), new vg.Cell(-2, 1, 1), new vg.Cell(-1, -1, 2), new vg.Cell(1, -2, 1)], this._list = [], this._vec3 = new THREE.Vector3(), this._cel = new vg.Cell(), this._conversionVec = new THREE.Vector3(), this._geoCache = [], this._matCache = []; }, vg.HexGrid.TWO_THIRDS = 2 / 3, vg.HexGrid.prototype = { cellToPixel: function cellToPixel(e) { return this._vec3.x = e.q * this._cellWidth * .75, this._vec3.y = e.h, this._vec3.z = -((e.s - e.r) * this._cellLength * .5), this._vec3; }, pixelToCell: function pixelToCell(e) { var t = e.x * (vg.HexGrid.TWO_THIRDS / this.cellSize), i = (-e.x / 3 + vg.SQRT3 / 3 * e.z) / this.cellSize;return this._cel.set(t, i, -t - i), this._cubeRound(this._cel); }, getCellAt: function getCellAt(e) { var t = e.x * (vg.HexGrid.TWO_THIRDS / this.cellSize), i = (-e.x / 3 + vg.SQRT3 / 3 * e.z) / this.cellSize;return this._cel.set(t, i, -t - i), this._cubeRound(this._cel), this.cells[this.cellToHash(this._cel)]; }, getNeighbors: function getNeighbors(e, t, i) { var s, n, l = this._directions.length;for (this._list.length = 0, s = 0; l > s; s++) { this._cel.copy(e), this._cel.add(this._directions[s]), n = this.cells[this.cellToHash(this._cel)], !n || i && !i(e, n) || this._list.push(n); }if (t) for (s = 0; l > s; s++) { this._cel.copy(e), this._cel.add(this._diagonals[s]), n = this.cells[this.cellToHash(this._cel)], !n || i && !i(e, n) || this._list.push(n); }return this._list; }, getRandomCell: function getRandomCell() { var e, t = 0, i = vg.Tools.randomInt(0, this.numCells);for (e in this.cells) { if (t === i) return this.cells[e];t++; }return this.cells[e]; }, cellToHash: function cellToHash(e) { return e.q + this._hashDelimeter + e.r + this._hashDelimeter + e.s; }, distance: function distance(e, t) { var i = Math.max(Math.abs(e.q - t.q), Math.abs(e.r - t.r), Math.abs(e.s - t.s));return i += t.h - e.h; }, clearPath: function clearPath() { var e, t;for (e in this.cells) { t = this.cells[e], t._calcCost = 0, t._priority = 0, t._parent = null, t._visited = !1; } }, traverse: function traverse(e) { var t;for (t in this.cells) { e(this.cells[t]); } }, generateTile: function generateTile(e, t, i) { var s = Math.abs(e.h);1 > s && (s = 1);var n = this._geoCache[s];n || (this.extrudeSettings.amount = s, n = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(this.cellShape, this.extrudeSettings), this._geoCache[s] = n);var l = new vg.Tile({ size: this.cellSize, scale: t, cell: e, geometry: n, material: i });return e.tile = l, l; }, generateTiles: function generateTiles(e) { e = e || {};var t = [], i = { tileScale: .95, cellSize: this.cellSize, material: null, extrudeSettings: { amount: 1, bevelEnabled: !0, bevelSegments: 1, steps: 1, bevelSize: .5, bevelThickness: .5 } };i = vg.Tools.merge(i, e), this.cellSize = i.cellSize, this._cellWidth = 2 * this.cellSize, this._cellLength = .5 * vg.SQRT3 * this._cellWidth, this.autogenerated = !0, this.extrudeSettings = i.extrudeSettings;var s, n, l;for (s in this.cells) { l = this.cells[s], n = this.generateTile(l, i.tileScale, i.material), n.position.copy(this.cellToPixel(l)), n.position.y = 0, t.push(n); }return t; }, generateTilePoly: function generateTilePoly(e) { e || (e = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 2405631 }));var t = new THREE.Mesh(this.cellShapeGeo, e);return this._vec3.set(1, 0, 0), t.rotateOnAxis(this._vec3, vg.PI / 2), t; }, generate: function generate(e) { e = e || {}, this.size = "undefined" == typeof e.size ? this.size : e.size;var t, i, s, n;for (t = -this.size; t < this.size + 1; t++) { for (i = -this.size; i < this.size + 1; i++) { s = -t - i, Math.abs(t) <= this.size && Math.abs(i) <= this.size && Math.abs(s) <= this.size && (n = new vg.Cell(t, i, s), this.add(n)); } } }, generateOverlay: function generateOverlay(e, t, i) { var s, n, l, r = this.cellShape.createPointsGeometry();for (s = -e; e + 1 > s; s++) { for (n = -e; e + 1 > n; n++) { if (l = -s - n, Math.abs(s) <= e && Math.abs(n) <= e && Math.abs(l) <= e) { this._cel.set(s, n, l);var h = new THREE.Line(r, i);h.position.copy(this.cellToPixel(this._cel)), h.rotation.x = 90 * vg.DEG_TO_RAD, t.add(h); } } } }, add: function add(e) { var t = this.cellToHash(e);if (!this.cells[t]) return this.cells[t] = e, this.numCells++, e; }, remove: function remove(e) { var t = this.cellToHash(e);this.cells[t] && (delete this.cells[t], this.numCells--); }, dispose: function dispose() { this.cells = null, this.numCells = 0, this.cellShape = null, this.cellGeo.dispose(), this.cellGeo = null, this.cellShapeGeo.dispose(), this.cellShapeGeo = null, this._list = null, this._vec3 = null, this._conversionVec = null, this._geoCache = null, this._matCache = null; }, load: function load(e, t, i) { var s = this;vg.Tools.getJSON({ url: e, callback: function callback(e) { s.fromJSON(e), t.call(i || null, e); }, cache: !1, scope: s }); }, fromJSON: function fromJSON(e) { var t, i, s = e.cells;for (this.cells = {}, this.numCells = 0, this.size = e.size, this.cellSize = e.cellSize, this._cellWidth = 2 * this.cellSize, this._cellLength = .5 * vg.SQRT3 * this._cellWidth, this.extrudeSettings = e.extrudeSettings, this.autogenerated = e.autogenerated, t = 0; t < s.length; t++) { i = new vg.Cell(), i.copy(s[t]), this.add(i); } }, toJSON: function toJSON() { var e, t, i = { size: this.size, cellSize: this.cellSize, extrudeSettings: this.extrudeSettings, autogenerated: this.autogenerated }, s = [];for (t in this.cells) { e = this.cells[t], s.push({ q: e.q, r: e.r, s: e.s, h: e.h, walkable: e.walkable, userData: e.userData }); }return i.cells = s, i; }, _createVertex: function _createVertex(e) { var t = vg.TAU / 6 * e;return new THREE.Vector3(this.cellSize * Math.cos(t), this.cellSize * Math.sin(t), 0); }, _cubeRound: function _cubeRound(e) { var t = Math.round(e.q), i = Math.round(e.r), s = Math.round(e.s), n = Math.abs(t - e.q), l = Math.abs(i - e.r), r = Math.abs(s - e.s);return n > l && n > r ? t = -i - s : l > r ? i = -t - s : s = -t - i, this._cel.set(t, i, s); } }, vg.HexGrid.prototype.constructor = vg.HexGrid, vg.SqrGrid = function (e) { e = e || {}, this.type = vg.SQR, this.size = 5, this.cellSize = "undefined" == typeof e.cellSize ? 10 : e.cellSize, this.cells = {}, this.numCells = 0, this.extrudeSettings = null, this.autogenerated = !1;var t = [];t.push(new THREE.Vector3()), t.push(new THREE.Vector3(-this.cellSize, this.cellSize)), t.push(new THREE.Vector3(this.cellSize, this.cellSize)), t.push(new THREE.Vector3(this.cellSize, -this.cellSize)), this.cellShape = new THREE.Shape(), this.cellShape.moveTo(-this.cellSize, -this.cellSize), this.cellShape.lineTo(-this.cellSize, this.cellSize), this.cellShape.lineTo(this.cellSize, this.cellSize), this.cellShape.lineTo(this.cellSize, -this.cellSize), this.cellShape.lineTo(-this.cellSize, -this.cellSize), this.cellGeo = new THREE.Geometry(), this.cellGeo.vertices = t, this.cellGeo.verticesNeedUpdate = !0, this.cellShapeGeo = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(this.cellShape), this._fullCellSize = 2 * this.cellSize, this._hashDelimeter = ".", this._directions = [new vg.Cell(1, 0, 0), new vg.Cell(0, -1, 0), new vg.Cell(-1, 0, 0), new vg.Cell(0, 1, 0)], this._diagonals = [new vg.Cell(-1, -1, 0), new vg.Cell(-1, 1, 0), new vg.Cell(1, 1, 0), new vg.Cell(1, -1, 0)], this._list = [], this._vec3 = new THREE.Vector3(), this._cel = new vg.Cell(), this._conversionVec = new THREE.Vector3(), this._geoCache = [], this._matCache = []; }, vg.SqrGrid.prototype = { cellToPixel: function cellToPixel(e) { return this._vec3.x = e.q * this._fullCellSize, this._vec3.y = e.h, this._vec3.z = e.r * this._fullCellSize, this._vec3; }, pixelToCell: function pixelToCell(e) { var t = Math.round(e.x / this._fullCellSize), i = Math.round(e.z / this._fullCellSize);return this._cel.set(t, i, 0); }, getCellAt: function getCellAt(e) { var t = Math.round(e.x / this._fullCellSize), i = Math.round(e.z / this._fullCellSize);return this._cel.set(t, i), this.cells[this.cellToHash(this._cel)]; }, getNeighbors: function getNeighbors(e, t, i) { var s, n, l = this._directions.length;for (this._list.length = 0, s = 0; l > s; s++) { this._cel.copy(e), this._cel.add(this._directions[s]), n = this.cells[this.cellToHash(this._cel)], !n || i && !i(e, n) || this._list.push(n); }if (t) for (s = 0; l > s; s++) { this._cel.copy(e), this._cel.add(this._diagonals[s]), n = this.cells[this.cellToHash(this._cel)], !n || i && !i(e, n) || this._list.push(n); }return this._list; }, getRandomCell: function getRandomCell() { var e, t = 0, i = vg.Tools.randomInt(0, this.numCells);for (e in this.cells) { if (t === i) return this.cells[e];t++; }return this.cells[e]; }, cellToHash: function cellToHash(e) { return e.q + this._hashDelimeter + e.r; }, distance: function distance(e, t) { var i = Math.max(Math.abs(e.q - t.q), Math.abs(e.r - t.r));return i += t.h - e.h; }, clearPath: function clearPath() { var e, t;for (e in this.cells) { t = this.cells[e], t._calcCost = 0, t._priority = 0, t._parent = null, t._visited = !1; } }, traverse: function traverse(e) { var t;for (t in this.cells) { e(this.cells[t]); } }, generateTile: function generateTile(e, t, i) { var s = Math.abs(e.h);1 > s && (s = 1);var n = this._geoCache[s];n || (this.extrudeSettings.amount = s, n = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(this.cellShape, this.extrudeSettings), this._geoCache[s] = n);var l = new vg.Tile({ size: this.cellSize, scale: t, cell: e, geometry: n, material: i });return e.tile = l, l; }, generateTiles: function generateTiles(e) { e = e || {};var t = [], i = { tileScale: .95, cellSize: this.cellSize, material: null, extrudeSettings: { amount: 1, bevelEnabled: !0, bevelSegments: 1, steps: 1, bevelSize: .5, bevelThickness: .5 } };i = vg.Tools.merge(i, e), this.cellSize = i.cellSize, this._fullCellSize = 2 * this.cellSize, this.autogenerated = !0, this.extrudeSettings = i.extrudeSettings;var s, n, l;for (s in this.cells) { l = this.cells[s], n = this.generateTile(l, i.tileScale, i.material), n.position.copy(this.cellToPixel(l)), n.position.y = 0, t.push(n); }return t; }, generateTilePoly: function generateTilePoly(e) { e || (e = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 2405631 }));var t = new THREE.Mesh(this.cellShapeGeo, e);return this._vec3.set(1, 0, 0), t.rotateOnAxis(this._vec3, vg.PI / 2), t; }, generate: function generate(e) { e = e || {}, this.size = "undefined" == typeof e.size ? this.size : e.size;var t, i, s, n = Math.ceil(this.size / 2);for (t = -n; n > t; t++) { for (i = -n; n > i; i++) { s = new vg.Cell(t, i + 1), this.add(s); } } }, generateOverlay: function generateOverlay(e, t, i) { var s, n, l = Math.ceil(e / 2);for (s = -l; l > s; s++) { for (n = -l; l > n; n++) { this._cel.set(s, n);var r = new THREE.Line(this.cellGeo, i);r.position.copy(this.cellToPixel(this._cel)), r.rotation.x = 90 * vg.DEG_TO_RAD, t.add(r); } } }, add: function add(e) { var t = this.cellToHash(e);if (!this.cells[t]) return this.cells[t] = e, this.numCells++, e; }, remove: function remove(e) { var t = this.cellToHash(e);this.cells[t] && (delete this.cells[t], this.numCells--); }, dispose: function dispose() { this.cells = null, this.numCells = 0, this.cellShape = null, this.cellGeo.dispose(), this.cellGeo = null, this.cellShapeGeo.dispose(), this.cellShapeGeo = null, this._list = null, this._vec3 = null, this._conversionVec = null, this._geoCache = null, this._matCache = null; }, load: function load(e, t, i) { vg.Tools.getJSON({ url: e, callback: function callback(e) { this.fromJSON(e), t.call(i || null, e); }, cache: !1, scope: this }); }, fromJSON: function fromJSON(e) { var t, i, s = e.cells;for (this.cells = {}, this.numCells = 0, this.size = e.size, this.cellSize = e.cellSize, this._fullCellSize = 2 * this.cellSize, this.extrudeSettings = e.extrudeSettings, this.autogenerated = e.autogenerated, t = 0; t < s.length; t++) { i = new vg.Cell(), i.copy(s[t]), this.add(i); } }, toJSON: function toJSON() { var e, t, i = { size: this.size, cellSize: this.cellSize, extrudeSettings: this.extrudeSettings, autogenerated: this.autogenerated }, s = [];for (t in this.cells) { e = this.cells[t], s.push({ q: e.q, r: e.r, s: e.s, h: e.h, walkable: e.walkable, userData: e.userData }); }return i.cells = s, i; } }, vg.SqrGrid.prototype.constructor = vg.SqrGrid, vg.Tile = function (e) { e = e || {};var t = { cell: null, geometry: null, material: null };if (t = vg.Tools.merge(t, e), !t.cell || !t.geometry) throw new Error("Missing vg.Tile configuration");this.cell = t.cell, this.cell.tile && this.cell.tile !== this && this.cell.tile.dispose(), this.cell.tile = this, this.uniqueID = vg.Tools.generateID(), this.geometry = t.geometry, this.material = t.material, this.material || (this.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: vg.Tools.randomizeRGB("30, 30, 30", 13) })), this.objectType = vg.TILE, this.entity = null, this.userData = {}, this.selected = !1, this.highlight = "0x0084cc", this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material), this.mesh.userData.structure = this, this.position = this.mesh.position, this.rotation = this.mesh.rotation, this.rotation.x = -90 * vg.DEG_TO_RAD, this.mesh.scale.set(t.scale, t.scale, 1), this.material.emissive ? this._emissive = this.material.emissive.getHex() : this._emissive = null; }, vg.Tile.prototype = { select: function select() { return this.material.emissive && this.material.emissive.setHex(this.highlight), this.selected = !0, this; }, deselect: function deselect() { return null !== this._emissive && this.material.emissive && this.material.emissive.setHex(this._emissive), this.selected = !1, this; }, toggle: function toggle() { return this.selected ? this.deselect() : this.select(), this; }, dispose: function dispose() { this.cell && this.cell.tile && (this.cell.tile = null), this.cell = null, this.position = null, this.rotation = null, this.mesh.parent && this.mesh.parent.remove(this.mesh), this.mesh.userData.structure = null, this.mesh = null, this.material = null, this.userData = null, this.entity = null, this.geometry = null, this._emissive = null; } }, vg.Tile.prototype.constructor = vg.Tile, function () { var e = function e() { this.obj = null, this.next = null, this.prev = null, this.free = !0; }, t = function t() { this.first = null, this.last = null, this.length = 0, this.objToNodeMap = {}, this.uniqueID = Date.now() + "" + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()), this.sortArray = []; };t.generateID = function () { return Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) + Date.now(); }, t.prototype = { getNode: function getNode(e) { return this.objToNodeMap[e.uniqueID]; }, addNode: function addNode(i) { var s = new e();if (!i.uniqueID) try { i.uniqueID = t.generateID(); } catch (n) { return console.error("[LinkedList.addNode] obj passed is immutable: cannot attach necessary identifier"), null; }return s.obj = i, s.free = !1, this.objToNodeMap[i.uniqueID] = s, s; }, swapObjects: function swapObjects(e, t) { this.objToNodeMap[e.obj.uniqueID] = null, this.objToNodeMap[t.uniqueID] = e, e.obj = t; }, add: function add(e) { var t = this.objToNodeMap[e.uniqueID];if (t) { if (t.free === !1) return;t.obj = e, t.free = !1, t.next = null, t.prev = null; } else t = this.addNode(e);if (this.first) { if (!this.last) throw new Error("[LinkedList.add] No last in the list -- that shouldn't happen here");this.last.next = t, t.prev = this.last, this.last = t, t.next = null; } else this.first = t, this.last = t, t.next = null, t.prev = null;this.length++, this.showDebug && this.dump("after add"); }, has: function has(e) { return !!this.objToNodeMap[e.uniqueID]; }, moveUp: function moveUp(e) { this.dump("before move up");var t = this.getNode(e);if (!t) throw "Oops, trying to move an object that isn't in the list";if (t.prev) { var i = t.prev, s = i.prev;t == this.last && (this.last = i);var n = t.next;s && (s.next = t), t.next = i, t.prev = i.prev, i.next = n, i.prev = t, this.first == i && (this.first = t); } }, moveDown: function moveDown(e) { var t = this.getNode(e);if (!t) throw "Oops, trying to move an object that isn't in the list";if (t.next) { var i = t.next;this.moveUp(i.obj), this.last == i && (this.last = t); } }, sort: function sort(e) { var t, i, s = this.sortArray, n = this.first;for (s.length = 0; n;) { s.push(n.obj), n = n.next; }for (this.clear(), s.sort(e), i = s.length, t = 0; i > t; t++) { this.add(s[t]); } }, remove: function remove(e) { var t = this.getNode(e);return !t || t.free ? !1 : (t.prev && (t.prev.next = t.next), t.next && (t.next.prev = t.prev), t.prev || (this.first = t.next), t.next || (this.last = t.prev), t.free = !0, t.prev = null, t.next = null, this.length--, !0); }, shift: function shift() { var e = this.first;return 0 === this.length ? null : (e.prev && (e.prev.next = e.next), e.next && (e.next.prev = e.prev), this.first = e.next, e.next || (this.last = null), e.free = !0, e.prev = null, e.next = null, this.length--, e.obj); }, pop: function pop() { var e = this.last;return 0 === this.length ? null : (e.prev && (e.prev.next = e.next), e.next && (e.next.prev = e.prev), this.last = e.prev, e.prev || (this.first = null), e.free = !0, e.prev = null, e.next = null, this.length--, e.obj); }, concat: function concat(e) { for (var t = e.first; t;) { this.add(t.obj), t = t.next; } }, clear: function clear() { for (var e = this.first; e;) { e.free = !0, e = e.next; }this.first = null, this.length = 0; }, dispose: function dispose() { for (var e = this.first; e;) { e.obj = null, e = e.next; }this.first = null, this.objToNodeMap = null; }, dump: function dump(e) { console.log("====================" + e + "=====================");for (var t = this.first; t;) { console.log("{" + t.obj.toString() + "} previous=" + (t.prev ? t.prev.obj : "NULL")), t = t.next(); }console.log("==================================="), console.log("Last: {" + (this.last ? this.last.obj : "NULL") + "} First: {" + (this.first ? this.first.obj : "NULL") + "}"); } }, t.prototype.constructor = t, vg.LinkedList = t; }(), function () { var e = function e(_e, t, i, s, n) { this._listener = t, this.isOnce = i, this.context = s, this.signal = _e, this._priority = n || 0; };e.prototype = { active: !0, params: null, execute: function execute(e) { var t, i;return this.active && this._listener && (i = this.params ? this.params.concat(e) : e, t = this._listener.apply(this.context, i), this.isOnce && this.detach()), t; }, detach: function detach() { return this.isBound() ? this.signal.remove(this._listener, this.context) : null; }, isBound: function isBound() { return !!this.signal && !!this._listener; }, _destroy: function _destroy() { delete this.signal, delete this._listener, delete this.context; }, toString: function toString() { return "[SignalBinding isOnce:" + this.isOnce + ", isBound:" + this.isBound() + ", active:" + this.active + "]"; } }, e.prototype.constructor = e;var t = function t() { this._bindings = [], this._prevParams = null;var e = this;this.dispatch = function () { t.prototype.dispatch.apply(e, arguments); }; };t.prototype = { memorize: !1, _shouldPropagate: !0, active: !0, validateListener: function validateListener(e, t) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Error("Signal: listener is a required param of {fn}() and should be a Function.".replace("{fn}", t)); }, _registerListener: function _registerListener(t, i, s, n) { var l, r = this._indexOfListener(t, s);if (-1 !== r) { if (l = this._bindings[r], l.isOnce !== i) throw new Error("You cannot add" + (i ? "" : "Once") + "() then add" + (i ? "Once" : "") + "() the same listener without removing the relationship first."); } else l = new e(this, t, i, s, n), this._addBinding(l);return this.memorize && this._prevParams && l.execute(this._prevParams), l; }, _addBinding: function _addBinding(e) { var t = this._bindings.length;do { t--; } while (this._bindings[t] && e._priority <= this._bindings[t]._priority);this._bindings.splice(t + 1, 0, e); }, _indexOfListener: function _indexOfListener(e, t) { for (var i, s = this._bindings.length; s--;) { if (i = this._bindings[s], i._listener === e && i.context === t) return s; }return -1; }, has: function has(e, t) { return -1 !== this._indexOfListener(e, t); }, add: function add(e, t, i) { return this.validateListener(e, "add"), this._registerListener(e, !1, t, i); }, addOnce: function addOnce(e, t, i) { return this.validateListener(e, "addOnce"), this._registerListener(e, !0, t, i); }, remove: function remove(e, t) { this.validateListener(e, "remove");var i = this._indexOfListener(e, t);return -1 !== i && (this._bindings[i]._destroy(), this._bindings.splice(i, 1)), e; }, removeAll: function removeAll(e) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = null);for (var t = this._bindings.length; t--;) { e ? this._bindings[t].context === e && (this._bindings[t]._destroy(), this._bindings.splice(t, 1)) : this._bindings[t]._destroy(); }e || (this._bindings.length = 0); }, getNumListeners: function getNumListeners() { return this._bindings.length; }, halt: function halt() { this._shouldPropagate = !1; }, dispatch: function dispatch() { if (this.active) { var e, t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), i = this._bindings.length;if (this.memorize && (this._prevParams = t), i) { e = this._bindings.slice(), this._shouldPropagate = !0;do { i--; } while (e[i] && this._shouldPropagate && e[i].execute(t) !== !1); } } }, forget: function forget() { this._prevParams = null; }, dispose: function dispose() { this.removeAll(), delete this._bindings, delete this._prevParams; }, toString: function toString() { return "[Signal active:" + this.active + " numListeners:" + this.getNumListeners() + "]"; } }, t.prototype.constructor = t, vg.Signal = t; }(), vg.AStarFinder = function (e) { e = e || {};var t = { allowDiagonal: !1, heuristicFilter: null };t = vg.Tools.merge(t, e), this.allowDiagonal = t.allowDiagonal, this.heuristicFilter = t.heuristicFilter, this.list = new vg.LinkedList(); }, vg.AStarFinder.prototype = { findPath: function findPath(e, t, i, s) { var n, l, r, h, o, a;for (i = i || this.heuristicFilter, s.clearPath(), this.list.clear(), this.list.add(e); this.list.length > 0;) { if (this.list.sort(this.compare), n = this.list.shift(), n._visited = !0, n === t) return vg.PathUtil.backtrace(t);for (r = s.getNeighbors(n, this.allowDiagonal, i), o = 0, a = r.length; a > o; o++) { if (h = r[o], h.walkable && (l = n._calcCost + s.distance(n, h), !h._visited || l < h._calcCost)) { if (h._visited = !0, h._parent = n, h._calcCost = l, h._priority = l + s.distance(t, h), h === t) return vg.PathUtil.backtrace(t);this.list.add(h); } } }return null; }, compare: function compare(e, t) { return e._priority - t._priority; } }, vg.AStarFinder.prototype.constructor = vg.AStarFinder, vg.PathUtil = { backtrace: function backtrace(e) { for (var t = [e]; e._parent;) { e = e._parent, t.push(e); }return t.reverse(); }, biBacktrace: function biBacktrace(e, t) { var i = this.backtrace(e), s = this.backtrace(t);return i.concat(s.reverse()); }, pathLength: function pathLength(e) { var t, i, s, n, l, r = 0;for (t = 1; t < e.length; ++t) { i = e[t - 1], s = e[t], n = i[0] - s[0], l = i[1] - s[1], r += Math.sqrt(n * n + l * l); }return r; }, interpolate: function interpolate(e, t, i, s) { var n, l, r, h, o, a, c = Math.abs, u = [];for (r = c(i - e), h = c(s - t), n = i > e ? 1 : -1, l = s > t ? 1 : -1, o = r - h; e !== i || t !== s;) { u.push([e, t]), a = 2 * o, a > -h && (o -= h, e += n), r > a && (o += r, t += l); }return u; }, expandPath: function expandPath(e) { var t, i, s, n, l, r, h = [], o = e.length;if (2 > o) return h;for (l = 0; o - 1 > l; ++l) { for (t = e[l], i = e[l + 1], s = this.interpolate(t[0], t[1], i[0], i[1]), n = s.length, r = 0; n - 1 > r; ++r) { h.push(s[r]); } }return h.push(e[o - 1]), h; }, smoothenPath: function smoothenPath(e, t) { var i, s, n, l, r, h, o, a, c, u, d, g, p = t.length, v = t[0][0], f = t[0][1], m = t[p - 1][0], _ = t[p - 1][1];for (i = v, s = f, r = [[i, s]], o = 2; p > o; ++o) { for (c = t[o], n = c[0], l = c[1], u = this.interpolate(i, s, n, l), g = !1, a = 1; a < u.length; ++a) { if (d = u[a], !e.isWalkableAt(d[0], d[1])) { g = !0;break; } }g && (h = t[o - 1], r.push(h), i = h[0], s = h[1]); }return r.push([m, _]), r; }, compressPath: function compressPath(e) { if (e.length < 3) return e;var t, i, s, n, l, r, h = [], o = e[0][0], a = e[0][1], c = e[1][0], u = e[1][1], d = c - o, g = u - a;for (l = Math.sqrt(d * d + g * g), d /= l, g /= l, h.push([o, a]), r = 2; r < e.length; r++) { t = c, i = u, s = d, n = g, c = e[r][0], u = e[r][1], d = c - t, g = u - i, l = Math.sqrt(d * d + g * g), d /= l, g /= l, (d !== s || g !== n) && h.push([t, i]); }return h.push([c, u]), h; } }, vg.Loader = { manager: null, imageLoader: null, crossOrigin: !1, init: function init(e) { this.crossOrigin = e || !1, this.manager = new THREE.LoadingManager(function () {}, function () {}, function () { console.warn("Error loading images"); }), this.imageLoader = new THREE.ImageLoader(this.manager), this.imageLoader.crossOrigin = e; }, loadTexture: function loadTexture(e, t, i, s) { var n = new THREE.Texture(null, t);return this.imageLoader.load(e, function (e) { n.image = e, n.needsUpdate = !0, i && i(n); }, null, function (e) { s && s(e); }), n.sourceFile = e, n; } }, vg.MouseCaster = function (e, t, i) { this.down = !1, this.rightDown = !1, this.pickedObject = null, this.selectedObject = null, this.allHits = null, this.active = !0, this.shift = !1, this.ctrl = !1, this.wheel = 0, this.position = new THREE.Vector3(), this.screenPosition = new THREE.Vector2(), this.signal = new vg.Signal(), this.group = e, this._camera = t, this._raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(), this._preventDefault = !1, i = i || document, i.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onDocumentMouseMove.bind(this), !1), i.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onDocumentMouseDown.bind(this), !1), i.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onDocumentMouseUp.bind(this), !1), i.addEventListener("mousewheel", this._onMouseWheel.bind(this), !1), i.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this._onMouseWheel.bind(this), !1); }, vg.MouseCaster.OVER = "over", vg.MouseCaster.OUT = "out", vg.MouseCaster.DOWN = "down", vg.MouseCaster.UP = "up", vg.MouseCaster.CLICK = "click", vg.MouseCaster.WHEEL = "wheel", vg.MouseCaster.prototype = { update: function update() { if (this.active) { this._raycaster.setFromCamera(this.screenPosition, this._camera);var e, t, i = this._raycaster.intersectObject(this.group, !0);i.length > 0 ? (e = i[0], t = e.object.userData.structure, this.pickedObject != t && (this.pickedObject && this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.OUT, this.pickedObject), this.pickedObject = t, this.selectedObject = null, this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.OVER, this.pickedObject)), this.position.copy(e.point), this.screenPosition.z = e.distance) : (this.pickedObject && this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.OUT, this.pickedObject), this.pickedObject = null, this.selectedObject = null), this.allHits = i; } }, preventDefault: function preventDefault() { this._preventDefault = !0; }, _onDocumentMouseDown: function _onDocumentMouseDown(e) { return e = e || window.event, e.preventDefault(), this._preventDefault ? (this._preventDefault = !1, !1) : (this.pickedObject && (this.selectedObject = this.pickedObject), this.shift = e.shiftKey, this.ctrl = e.ctrlKey, this.down = 1 === e.which, this.rightDown = 3 === e.which, void this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.DOWN, this.pickedObject)); }, _onDocumentMouseUp: function _onDocumentMouseUp(e) { return e.preventDefault(), this._preventDefault ? (this._preventDefault = !1, !1) : (this.shift = e.shiftKey, this.ctrl = e.ctrlKey, this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.UP, this.pickedObject), this.selectedObject && this.pickedObject && this.selectedObject.uniqueID === this.pickedObject.uniqueID && this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.CLICK, this.pickedObject), this.down = 1 === e.which ? !1 : this.down, void (this.rightDown = 3 === e.which ? !1 : this.rightDown)); }, _onDocumentMouseMove: function _onDocumentMouseMove(e) { e.preventDefault(), this.screenPosition.x = e.clientX / window.innerWidth * 2 - 1, this.screenPosition.y = 2 * -(e.clientY / window.innerHeight) + 1; }, _onMouseWheel: function _onMouseWheel(e) { if (this.active) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation();var t = 0;void 0 !== e.wheelDelta ? t = e.wheelDelta : void 0 !== e.detail && (t = -e.detail), t > 0 ? this.wheel++ : this.wheel--, this.signal.dispatch(vg.MouseCaster.WHEEL, this.wheel); } } }, vg.MouseCaster.prototype.constructor = vg.MouseCaster, vg.Scene = function (e, t) { var i = { element: document.body, alpha: !0, antialias: !0, clearColor: "#fff", sortObjects: !1, fog: null, light: new THREE.DirectionalLight(16777215), lightPosition: null, cameraType: "PerspectiveCamera", cameraPosition: null, orthoZoom: 4 }, s = { minDistance: 100, maxDistance: 1e3, zoomSpeed: 2, noZoom: !1 };if (i = vg.Tools.merge(i, e), "boolean" != typeof t && (s = vg.Tools.merge(s, t)), this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: i.alpha, antialias: i.antialias }), this.renderer.setClearColor(i.clearColor, 0), this.renderer.sortObjects = i.sortObjects, this.width = window.innerWidth, this.height = window.innerHeight, this.orthoZoom = i.orthoZoom, this.container = new THREE.Scene(), this.container.fog = i.fog, this.container.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(14540253)), i.lightPosition || i.light.position.set(-1, 1, -1).normalize(), this.container.add(i.light), "OrthographicCamera" === i.cameraType) { var n = window.innerWidth / this.orthoZoom, l = window.innerHeight / this.orthoZoom;this.camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(n / -2, n / 2, l / 2, l / -2, 1, 5e3); } else this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, this.width / this.height, 1, 5e3);this.contolled = !!t, this.contolled && (this.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(this.camera, this.renderer.domElement), this.controls.minDistance = s.minDistance, this.controls.maxDistance = s.maxDistance, this.controls.zoomSpeed = s.zoomSpeed, this.controls.noZoom = s.noZoom), i.cameraPosition && this.camera.position.copy(i.cameraPosition), window.addEventListener("resize", function () { if (this.width = window.innerWidth, this.height = window.innerHeight, "OrthographicCamera" === this.camera.type) { var e = this.width / this.orthoZoom, t = this.height / this.orthoZoom;this.camera.left = e / -2, this.camera.right = e / 2, this.camera.top = t / 2, this.camera.bottom = t / -2; } else this.camera.aspect = this.width / this.height;this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(), this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); }.bind(this), !1), this.attachTo(i.element); }, vg.Scene.prototype = { attachTo: function attachTo(e) { e.style.width = this.width + "px", e.style.height = this.height + "px", this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio), this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height), e.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); }, add: function add(e) { this.container.add(e); }, remove: function remove(e) { this.container.remove(e); }, render: function render() { this.contolled && this.controls.update(), this.renderer.render(this.container, this.camera); }, updateOrthoZoom: function updateOrthoZoom() { if (this.orthoZoom <= 0) return void (this.orthoZoom = 0);var e = this.width / this.orthoZoom, t = this.height / this.orthoZoom;this.camera.left = e / -2, this.camera.right = e / 2, this.camera.top = t / 2, this.camera.bottom = t / -2, this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); }, focusOn: function focusOn(e) { this.camera.lookAt(e.position); } }, vg.Scene.prototype.constructor = vg.Scene, vg.SelectionManager = function (e) { this.mouse = e, this.onSelect = new vg.Signal(), this.onDeselect = new vg.Signal(), this.selected = null, this.toggleSelection = !1, this.mouse.signal.add(this.onMouse, this); }, vg.SelectionManager.prototype = { select: function select(e, t) { e && (t = t || !0, this.selected !== e && this.clearSelection(t), e.selected ? this.toggleSelection && (t && this.onDeselect.dispatch(e), e.deselect()) : e.select(), this.selected = e, t && this.onSelect.dispatch(e)); }, clearSelection: function clearSelection(e) { e = e || !0, this.selected && (e && this.onDeselect.dispatch(this.selected), this.selected.deselect()), this.selected = null; }, onMouse: function onMouse(e, t) { switch (e) {case vg.MouseCaster.DOWN: t || this.clearSelection();break;case vg.MouseCaster.CLICK: this.select(t);} } }, vg.SelectionManager.prototype.constructor = vg.SelectionManager, vg.Tools = { clamp: function clamp(e, t, i) { return Math.max(t, Math.min(i, e)); }, sign: function sign(e) { return e && e / Math.abs(e); }, random: function random(e, t) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Math.random() * e - .5 * e : Math.random() * (t - e) + e; }, randomInt: function randomInt(e, t) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Math.random() * e - .5 * e | 0 : Math.random() * (t - e + 1) + e | 0; }, normalize: function normalize(e, t, i) { return (e - t) / (i - t); }, getShortRotation: function getShortRotation(e) { return e %= this.TAU, e > this.PI ? e -= this.TAU : e < -this.PI && (e += this.TAU), e; }, generateID: function generateID() { return Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) + Date.now(); }, isPlainObject: function isPlainObject(e) { if ("object" != (typeof e === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(e)) || e.nodeType || e === e.window) return !1;try { if (e.constructor && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) return !1; } catch (t) { return !1; }return !0; }, merge: function merge(e, t) { var i = this, s = Array.isArray(t), n = s && [] || {};return s ? (e = e || [], n = n.concat(e), t.forEach(function (t, s) { "undefined" == typeof n[s] ? n[s] = t : i.isPlainObject(t) ? n[s] = i.merge(e[s], t) : -1 === e.indexOf(t) && n.push(t); }), n) : (e && i.isPlainObject(e) && Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { n[t] = e[t]; }), Object.keys(t).forEach(function (s) { t[s] && i.isPlainObject(t[s]) && e[s] ? n[s] = i.merge(e[s], t[s]) : n[s] = t[s]; }), n); }, now: function now() { return window.nwf ? window.nwf.system.Performance.elapsedTime : window.performance.now(); }, empty: function empty(e) { for (; e.lastChild;) { e.removeChild(e.lastChild); } }, radixSort: function radixSort(e, t, i, s) { if (t = t || 0, i = i || e.length, s = s || 31, !(t >= i - 1 || 0 > s)) { for (var n = t, l = i, r = 1 << s; l > n;) { if (e[n] & r) { --l;var h = e[n];e[n] = e[l], e[l] = h; } else ++n; }this.radixSort(e, t, l, s - 1), this.radixSort(e, l, i, s - 1); } }, randomizeRGB: function randomizeRGB(e, t) { var i, s, n = e.split(","), l = "rgb(";for (t = this.randomInt(t), i = 0; 3 > i; i++) { s = parseInt(n[i]) + t, 0 > s ? s = 0 : s > 255 && (s = 255), l += s + ","; }return l = l.substring(0, l.length - 1), l += ")"; }, getJSON: function getJSON(e) { var t = new XMLHttpRequest(), i = "undefined" == typeof e.cache ? !1 : e.cache, s = i ? e.url : e.url + "?t=" + Math.floor(1e4 * Math.random()) + Date.now();t.onreadystatechange = function () { if (200 === this.status) { var t = null;try { t = JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch (i) { return; }return void e.callback.call(e.scope || null, t); }0 !== this.status && console.warn("[Tools.getJSON] Error: " + this.status + " (" + this.statusText + ") :: " + e.url); }, t.open("GET", s, !0), t.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"), t.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"), t.send(""); } }; },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; /** * Flat grid. * * Defaults to 75x75. */ module.exports = AFRAME.registerPrimitive('a-grid', { defaultComponents: { geometry: { primitive: 'plane', width: 75, height: 75 }, rotation: { x: -90, y: 0, z: 0 }, material: { src: 'url(https://cdn.rawgit.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/v1.16.3/assets/grid.png)', repeat: '75 75' } }, mappings: { width: 'geometry.width', height: 'geometry.height', src: 'material.src' } }); },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var vg = require('../../lib/hex-grid.min.js'); var defaultHexGrid = require('../../lib/default-hex-grid'); /** * Hex grid. */ module.exports.Primitive = AFRAME.registerPrimitive('a-hexgrid', { defaultComponents: { 'hexgrid': {} }, mappings: { src: 'hexgrid.src' } }); module.exports.Component = AFRAME.registerComponent('hexgrid', { dependencies: ['material'], schema: { src: { type: 'asset' } }, init: function init() { var _this = this; var data = this.data; if (data.src) { fetch(data.src).then(function (response) { return response.json(); }).then(function (json) { return _this.addMesh(json); }); } else { this.addMesh(defaultHexGrid); } }, addMesh: function addMesh(json) { var grid = new vg.HexGrid(); grid.fromJSON(json); var board = new vg.Board(grid); board.generateTilemap(); this.el.setObject3D('mesh', board.group); this.addMaterial(); }, addMaterial: function addMaterial() { var materialComponent = this.el.components.material; var material = (materialComponent || {}).material; if (!material) return; this.el.object3D.traverse(function (node) { if (node.isMesh) { node.material = material; } }); }, remove: function remove() { this.el.removeObject3D('mesh'); } }); },{"../../lib/default-hex-grid":2,"../../lib/hex-grid.min.js":3}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; /** * Flat-shaded ocean primitive. * * Based on a Codrops tutorial: * http://tympanus.net/codrops/2016/04/26/the-aviator-animating-basic-3d-scene-threejs/ */ module.exports.Primitive = AFRAME.registerPrimitive('a-ocean', { defaultComponents: { ocean: {}, rotation: { x: -90, y: 0, z: 0 } }, mappings: { width: 'ocean.width', depth: 'ocean.depth', density: 'ocean.density', amplitude: 'ocean.amplitude', amplitudeVariance: 'ocean.amplitudeVariance', speed: 'ocean.speed', speedVariance: 'ocean.speedVariance', color: 'ocean.color', opacity: 'ocean.opacity' } }); module.exports.Component = AFRAME.registerComponent('ocean', { schema: { // Dimensions of the ocean area. width: { default: 10, min: 0 }, depth: { default: 10, min: 0 }, // Density of waves. density: { default: 10 }, // Wave amplitude and variance. amplitude: { default: 0.1 }, amplitudeVariance: { default: 0.3 }, // Wave speed and variance. speed: { default: 1 }, speedVariance: { default: 2 }, // Material. color: { default: '#7AD2F7', type: 'color' }, opacity: { default: 0.8 } }, /** * Use play() instead of init(), because component mappings – unavailable as dependencies – are * not guaranteed to have parsed when this component is initialized. */ play: function play() { var el = this.el, data = this.data; var material = el.components.material; var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(data.width, data.depth, data.density, data.density); geometry.mergeVertices(); this.waves = []; for (var v, i = 0, l = geometry.vertices.length; i < l; i++) { v = geometry.vertices[i]; this.waves.push({ z: v.z, ang: Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, amp: data.amplitude + Math.random() * data.amplitudeVariance, speed: (data.speed + Math.random() * data.speedVariance) / 1000 // radians / frame }); } if (!material) { material = {}; material.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: data.color, transparent: data.opacity < 1, opacity: data.opacity, shading: THREE.FlatShading }); } this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material.material); el.setObject3D('mesh', this.mesh); }, remove: function remove() { this.el.removeObject3D('mesh'); }, tick: function tick(t, dt) { if (!dt) return; var verts = this.mesh.geometry.vertices; for (var v, vprops, i = 0; v = verts[i]; i++) { vprops = this.waves[i]; v.z = vprops.z + Math.sin(vprops.ang) * vprops.amp; vprops.ang += vprops.speed * dt; } this.mesh.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; } }); },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; /** * Tube following a custom path. * * Usage: * * ```html * * ``` */ module.exports.Primitive = AFRAME.registerPrimitive('a-tube', { defaultComponents: { tube: {} }, mappings: { path: 'tube.path', segments: 'tube.segments', radius: 'tube.radius', radialSegments: 'tube.radialSegments', closed: 'tube.closed' } }); module.exports.Component = AFRAME.registerComponent('tube', { schema: { path: { default: [] }, segments: { default: 64 }, radius: { default: 1 }, radialSegments: { default: 8 }, closed: { default: false } }, init: function init() { var el = this.el, data = this.data; var material = el.components.material; if (!data.path.length) { console.error('[a-tube] `path` property expected but not found.'); return; } var curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(data.path.map(function (point) { point = point.split(' '); return new THREE.Vector3(Number(point[0]), Number(point[1]), Number(point[2])); })); var geometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(curve, data.segments, data.radius, data.radialSegments, data.closed); if (!material) { material = {}; material.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(); } this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material.material); this.el.setObject3D('mesh', this.mesh); }, remove: function remove() { if (this.mesh) this.el.removeObject3D('mesh'); } }); },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; require('./a-grid'); require('./a-hexgrid'); require('./a-ocean'); require('./a-tube'); },{"./a-grid":4,"./a-hexgrid":5,"./a-ocean":6,"./a-tube":7}]},{},[1]);