const SEA = require('./root') const Buffer = require('./buffer') const api = {Buffer: Buffer} var o = {}; if(SEA.window){ api.crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto; api.subtle = (api.crypto||o).subtle || (api.crypto||o).webkitSubtle; api.TextEncoder = window.TextEncoder; api.TextDecoder = window.TextDecoder; api.random = (len) => Buffer.from(api.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Buffer.alloc(len)))) } if(!api.crypto){try{ var crypto = require('crypto', 1); const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = require('text-encoding', 1) Object.assign(api, { crypto, //subtle, TextEncoder, TextDecoder, random: (len) => Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(len)) }); //try{ const WebCrypto = require('node-webcrypto-ossl', 1); api.ossl = api.subtle = new WebCrypto({directory: 'ossl'}).subtle // ECDH //}catch(e){ //console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl is optionally needed for ECDH, please install if needed."); //} }catch(e){ console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl and text-encoding may not be included by default, please add it to your package.json!"); OSSL_WEBCRYPTO_OR_TEXT_ENCODING_NOT_INSTALLED; }} module.exports = api