/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) */ /* * Cell widgets */ class Widgets { constructor() { console.log("widget constructor") } get divider(){ return { $cell: true, $type: "hr", class: "mdc-list-divider" } } get emptyDiv(){ return { $type: "div", style: "padding-bottom: 30px;" } } get break(){ return { $type: "br" } } get space() { return { $type: "span", $text: " " } } get p(){ return { $type: "p" } } inputTextFieldOutlined(obj){ function initFunc() { new mdc.textField.MDCTextField.attachTo(this); } let inputType = obj.type ? obj.type: 'text'; let init = obj.init ? obj.init: initFunc; let style = obj.style ? obj.style: ""; let fieldStyle = obj.fieldStyle ? obj.fieldStyle: ""; return { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-text-field mdc-text-field--outlined mdc-text-field--dense", style: style, $init: init, $components:[ { $type: "input", type: inputType, id: obj.id, class: "mdc-text-field__input", value: obj.value, onchange: obj.change, style: obj.fieldStyle }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-notched-outline", $components:[ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-notched-outline__leading" }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-notched-outline__notch", $components:[ { $type: "label", class: "mdc-floating-label", for: obj.id, $text: obj.label } ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-notched-outline__trailing" } ] } ] //onclick: obj.onclick } } inputTextFieldStandart(obj){ var propValue = obj.value; if (_app.helpers.testJSON(obj.value)){ propValue = JSON.parse(obj.value); } else { propValue = obj.value; } return { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-text-field text-field mdc-ripple-upgraded", _mdc: null, $init: function(){ //new mdc.mdc.notchedOutline.MDCNotchedOutline(document.querySelector('.mdc-notched-outline')); this._mdc = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField.attachTo(this); }, $components:[ { $type: "input", type: "text", id: obj.id, class: "mdc-text-field__input", value: propValue, onchange: obj.change }, { $type: "label", class: "mdc-floating-label", for: obj.id, $text: obj.label }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-line-ripple" } ] //onclick: obj.onclick } } headerH3(headertype, label, cssclass) { return { $cell: true, $type: headertype, class: cssclass, $text: label } } simpleCard(obj){ let style = 'background-image: url(' + obj.imgSrc + '); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; height:' + obj.imgHeight + ';'; var addonClass = obj.addonClass; if (!addonClass){ addonClass = '' } return { $cell: true, $type: "div", $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-card" +' '+ addonClass, onclick: obj.onclickfunc, $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "section", class: "mdc-card__media", style: style }, { $cell: true, $type: "section", class: "mdc-card__supporting-text", $text: obj.text } ] } ] } } listDivider() { return { $cell: true, $type: "hr", class: "mdc-list-divider mdc-list-divider--inset" } } createListItem(obj) { return { $cell: true, $type: "li", class: "mdc-list-item", $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "span", class: "mdc-list-item__graphic", $components: [ { $cell: true, class: "createItems", $type: "img", src: obj.imgSrc, onclick: obj.onclickfunc } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "span", class: "mdc-list-item__text", $text: obj.title // $components: [ // { // $text: obj.title // }, // { // $cell: true, // $type: "span", // class: "mdc-list-item__secondary-text", // $text: obj.subTitle // } // ] } ] } } createCard(obj){ return { $cell: true, $type: "div", $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-card", $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-card__horizontal-block", $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "section", class: "mdc-card__primary", $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "h1", class: "mdc-card__title mdc-card__title--large", $text: obj.title }, { $cell: true, $type: "h2", class: "mdc-card__subtitle", $text: obj.subTitle } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "img", class: "", src: obj.imgSrc } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "section", class: "mdc-card__actions", $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--compact mdc-card__action", $text: obj.actionLabel } ] } ] } ] } } buttonStroked(obj){ let initFun = obj.init ? obj.init: function(){} return { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--outlined", $text: obj.label, onclick: obj.onclick, $init: initFun } } buttonRaised(obj){ let initFun = obj.init ? obj.init: function(){} return { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-ripple-upgraded", $text: obj.label, onclick: obj.onclick, $init: initFun } } buttonSimple(obj){ return { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-button", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-button__label", $text: obj.label } ], onclick: obj.onclick } } sliderDiscrete(obj) { return { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider mdc-slider--discrete", role: "slider", 'aria-valuemin': obj.min, 'aria-valuemax': obj.max, 'aria-label': obj.label, $init: obj.init, $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__track-container", $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__track", } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__thumb-container", $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__pin", $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "span", class: "mdc-slider__pin-value-marker", } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "svg", class: "mdc-slider__thumb", width: 21, height: 21, $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "circle", cx: 10.5, cy: 10.5, r: 7.875 } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__focus-ring" } ] } ] } } sliderContinuous(obj) { return { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider", role: "slider", tabindex: 0, 'id': obj.id, 'aria-valuemin': obj.min, 'aria-valuemax': obj.max, 'aria-label': obj.label, 'aria-valuenow': obj.value, 'data-step': obj.step, $init: obj.init, $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__track-container", $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__track", } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__thumb-container", $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "svg", class: "mdc-slider__thumb", width: 21, height: 21, $components: [ { $cell: true, $type: "circle", cx: 10.5, cy: 10.5, r: 7.875 } ] }, { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-slider__focus-ring" } ] } ] } } textField(obj) { return { class: "mdc-text-field", style: "width: 100%", $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [ { class: "mdc-text-field__input prop-text-field-input", id: obj.id, $cell: true, $type: "input", type: "text", value: obj.value, onchange: obj.funconchange } ] } } icontoggle(obj) { var addClass = ""; if (obj.styleClass){ addClass = obj.styleClass; } return { $type: "button", class: addClass + " mdc-icon-button", //$text: obj.label, id: obj.id, //'data-toggle-on': obj.on, // 'data-toggle-off': obj.off, 'aria-pressed': obj.state, 'aria-hidden': true, $init: obj.init, $components:[ { $type: "i", class: "material-icons mdc-icon-button__icon mdc-icon-button__icon--on", $text: JSON.parse(obj.on).content }, { $type: "i", class: "material-icons mdc-icon-button__icon", $text: JSON.parse(obj.off).content }, ] } } floatActionButton(obj) { var addClass = ""; if (obj.styleClass){ addClass = obj.styleClass; } return { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-fab material-icons " + addClass, onclick: obj.onclickfunc, $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "span", class: "mdc-fab__icon", $text: obj.label } ] } } iconButton(obj) { var addClass = ""; if (obj.styleClass){ addClass = obj.styleClass; } return { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-button " + addClass, onclick: obj.onclick, $components:[ { $cell: true, $type: "i", class: "material-icons mdc-button__icon", $text: obj.label } ] } } imageButton(obj){ return { $cell: true, $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--compact", onclick: obj.onclickfunc, $components:[ { $cell: true, class: obj.styleClass, $type: "img", src: obj.imgSrc } ] } } listTitle(obj){ return { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner", $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell", $components: [ { $type: "h3", class: "", $text: obj.text } ] } ] } } gridListItem(obj) { return { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-2 tooltip " + obj.styleClass, $components:[ { class: "tooltiptext", $type: "span", $text: obj.title }, { $type: "div", style: "background-color: transparent;", $components:[ { class: "", $type: "div", 'aria-label': obj.title, alt: obj.title, style: "background-image: url("+ obj.imgSrc + "); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: "+ obj.imgSize + "; width: " + obj.imgSize + ";", onclick: obj.onclickfunc, } ] } ] } } switch(obj) { return { $cell: true, $type: "div", class: "mdc-switch", _switch: null, id: obj.id, $init: obj.init, //function(){ // new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); // }, $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-switch__track", }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-switch__thumb-underlay", $components:[ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-switch__thumb", $components:[ { $type: "input", type: "checkbox", class: "mdc-switch__native-control", id: 'input-' + obj.id, //$init: obj.init, //id: "basic-switch", onchange: obj.onchange, role: "switch" } ] } ] } // { // $type: "div", // class: "mdc-switch__background", // $components: [ // { // $type: "div", // class: "mdc-switch__knob" // } // ] // } ] } } connectionSettingsGUI() { let connectionSettings = { id: 'connectionSettings', $type: 'div', $components: [ _app.widgets.emptyDiv, window._app.widgets.buttonRaised( { "label": 'Connection settings', "onclick": function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.location.pathname = '/settings'; } }), _app.widgets.emptyDiv ] } return connectionSettings } debugGUI() { let self = this; let debug6DoF = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Debug 6DoF mode (for using with WebXR emulator)" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceDebug6DoF', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).d6DoF; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.d6DoF = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.d6DoF = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceDebug6DoF', $text: 'On / Off' } ] } let debug3DoF = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Debug 3DoF mode (for using with WebXR emulator)" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceDebug3DoF', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).d3DoF; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.d3DoF = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.d3DoF = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceDebug3DoF', $text: 'On / Off' } ] } let allGUI = { $type: "div", id: "allGUI", //style:"background-color: #efefef", class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left", _d3DoF: null, _d6DoF: null, _initData: function () { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); if (config.d3DoF) { this._d3DoF = config.d3DoF } if (config.d6DoF) { this._d6DoF =config.d6DoF } this._refresh(); }, $init: function () { this._initData(); }, _refresh: function () { this.$components = [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner", $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "h4", class: "mdc-typography--headline4", $text: "Debug settings" } ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [debug6DoF ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [_app.widgets.divider] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [debug3DoF] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ // window._app.widgets.buttonRaised( // { // "label": 'Update', // "onclick": function (e) { // e.preventDefault(); // let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); // config.reflector = this._refHostField.value; // config.dbhost = this._dbHostField.value; // config.luminaryPath = this._lpathField.value; // config.luminaryGlobalHBPath = this._hbpathField.value; // localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); // window.location.reload(true); // } // }), { $type: 'span', $text: " " }, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Close", onclick: function (e) { window.history.back(); //window.location.pathname = '/' } } ] } ] } ] } } document.querySelector("#appGUI").$cell({ id: "appGUI", $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [allGUI] } ); } reflectorGUI() { let self = this; let webrtcConnection = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Use WebRTC for connection" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceWebRTC', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).webrtc; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.webrtc = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.webrtc = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceWebRTC', $text: 'On / Off' } ] } let streamMsgConfig = { $cell: true, _streamMsgConfig: null, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Use Stream of Messages" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'streamMsgConfig', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).streamMsg; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.streamMsg = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.streamMsg = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-streamMsgConfig', $text: 'On / Off' } ] } let multiSocket = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Use Rooms & Gun DB MultiSocket (no mem)" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'multisocket', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).multisocket; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.multisocket = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.multisocket = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-multisocket', $text: 'On / Off' } ] } let luminaryGlobalHB = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Use Global Heartbeat" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceLuminary', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).luminaryGlobalHB; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.luminaryGlobalHB = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.luminaryGlobalHB = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceLuminary', $text: 'On / Off' } ] } let luminaryFeature = { $type: 'div', $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline4", $text: "Use Krestianstvo Luminary (experimental)" }, { $type: 'p' }, _app.widgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceLuminary', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).luminary; // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; }, 'onchange': function (e) { if (this._switch) { let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked'); if (chkAttr) { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.luminary = true; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); window.location.reload(true); //this._switch.checked = false; } else { let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.luminary = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); window.location.reload(true); } } } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceLuminary', $text: 'Off / On' }, _app.widgets.p ] } let reflectorGUI = { $type: "div", id: "reflectorGUI", //style:"background-color: #efefef", class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left", _reflectorHost: null, _dbHost: null, _refHostField: null, _dbHostField: null, _lpath: null, _lpathField: null, _hbpath: null, _hbpathField: null, //_debug: null, _initData: function () { this._reflectorHost = ''; this._dbHost = ''; let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); if (config.reflector) { this._reflectorHost = config.reflector } if (config.dbhost) { this._dbHost =config.dbhost } if (config.luminaryPath) { this._lpath = config.luminaryPath } if (config.luminaryGlobalHBPath) { this._hbpath = config.luminaryGlobalHBPath } // if (config.debug) { // this._debug = config.debug // } }, $init: function () { this._initData(); }, $update: function () { this.$components = [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner", $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "h4", class: "mdc-typography--headline4", $text: "Gun DB settings" } ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "DB Host: " }, window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({ "id": 'dbhostInput', "label": "DB Host", "value": this._dbHost, "type": "text", "init": function() { this._dbHostField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this); }, "style": 'width: 400px;' }), ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "h4", class: "mdc-typography--headline4", $text: "Reflector settings" } ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Reflector: " }, window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({ "id": 'reflectorInput', "label": "Reflector", "value": this._reflectorHost, "type": "text", "init": function() { this._refHostField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this); }, "style": 'width: 400px;' }), ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [webrtcConnection ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [_app.widgets.divider] }, // { // $type: "div", // class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", // $components: [ // { // $type: "h4", // class: "mdc-typography--headline4", // $text: "Krestianstvo Luminary settings (experimental)" // } // ] // }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ luminaryFeature ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [multiSocket] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Multisocket Rooms Host: " }, window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({ "id": 'lpathInput', "label": "Multisocket Rooms Host", "value": this._lpath, "type": "text", "init": function() { this._lpathField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this); }, "style": 'width: 400px;' }), ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "Global Heartbeat Path: " }, window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({ "id": 'hbpathInput', "label": "Global Heartbeat Path", "value": this._hbpath, "type": "text", "init": function() { this._hbpathField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this); }, "style": 'width: 400px;' }), ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [luminaryGlobalHB ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [_app.widgets.divider] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [streamMsgConfig ] }, // { // $type: "div", // class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", // $components: [debugGUI] // }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ window._app.widgets.buttonRaised( { "label": 'Update', "onclick": function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); config.reflector = this._refHostField.value; config.dbhost = this._dbHostField.value; config.luminaryPath = this._lpathField.value; config.luminaryGlobalHBPath = this._hbpathField.value; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); window.location.reload(true); } }), { $type: 'span', $text: " " }, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Close", onclick: function (e) { window.history.back(); //window.location.pathname = '/' } } ] } ] } ] } } document.querySelector("#appGUI").$cell({ id: "appGUI", $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [reflectorGUI] } ); } getLoginGUI(){ let loginGUI = { $type: "div", id: "loginGUI", //style:"background-color: #efefef", class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left", _alias: null, _pass: null, _passField: null, _aliasField: null, _initData: function () { this._alias = ''; this._pass = ''; // if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('alias')) { // this._alias = window.sessionStorage.getItem('alias') // } // if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('tmp')) { // this._pass = window.sessionStorage.getItem('tmp') // } }, $init: function () { this._initData(); }, $update: function () { this.$components = [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner", $components: [ { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: _l.t("login") + ": " }, window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({ "id": 'aliasInput', "label": _l.t("login"), "value": this._alias, "type": "text", "init": function () { this._aliasField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this); } }), ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ { $type: "span", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: _l.t("password") + ": " }, window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({ "id": 'passwordInput', "label": _l.t("password"), "value": this._pass, "type": "password", "init": function () { this._passField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this); } }), ] }, { $type: "div", class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12", $components: [ window._app.widgets.buttonRaised( { "label": _l.t("sign up"), "onclick": function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let alias = this._aliasField.value; let pass = this._passField.value if (pass.length < 7) { new Noty({ text: "Your passphrase needs to be longer than 7 letters", timeout: 2000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'error' }).show(); } else { // _LCSDB.user().create(alias, pass, function (ack) { if (!ack.wait) { } if (ack.err) { console.log(ack.err) return ack.err }; if (ack.pub) { let userObj = { 'alias': alias, 'pub': ack.pub }; _LCSDB.get('users').get(alias).put(userObj); } _LCSDB.user().auth(alias, pass); }); } } }), _app.widgets.space, window._app.widgets.buttonRaised( { "label": _l.t("sign in"), "onclick": function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let alias = this._aliasField.value; let pass = this._passField.value _app.helpers.authUser(alias, pass); // _LCSDB.user().auth.call(_LCSDB, alias, pass // // , function(ack) { // // if (ack.err) { // // new Noty({ // // text: ack.err, // // timeout: 2000, // // theme: 'mint', // // layout: 'bottomRight', // // type: 'error' // // }).show(); // // } // //} // ); } }) ] } ] } ] } } return loginGUI } } export { Widgets }