# [jPlayer](http://jplayer.org/) : HTML5 Audio & Video for [jQuery](http://jquery.com/)
Support for [Zepto](http://zeptojs.com/) 1.0+ compiled with the data module.
## What is jPlayer?
### jPlayer is a jQuery/Zepto plugin that allows you to:
* **play and control media** files in your webpage.
* create a **consistent interface** and experience across all browsers.
* create and style a media player using **just HTML and CSS**.
* add **audio** and **video** to your jQuery/Zepto projects.
* support more devices using **HTML5**.
* support older browsers using a Flash _fall-back/forward_.
* control media on your website using a [JavaScript API](http://www.jplayer.org/latest/developer-guide/).
### jPlayer supports:
* HTML5: **mp3, m4a (AAC), m4v (H.264),** ogv*, oga*, wav*, webm*
* Flash: **mp3, m4a (AAC), m4v (H.264),** rtmp, flv.
_(*) Optional counterpart formats to increase HTML5 cross-browser support._
## Bower Install
* simple install using `bower install jplayer`
* see for more information.
## License
[jPlayer](http://jplayer.org/) is licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
## More information:
* [jPlayer.org](http://jplayer.org/)
* [Quick Start Guide](http://www.jplayer.org/latest/quick-start-guide/)
* [Developer Guide and API Reference](http://www.jplayer.org/latest/developer-guide/)
## Author:
Mark J Panaghiston [@thepag](http://twitter.com/thepag)