describe("S() with subcomputations", function () { it("does not register a dependency on the subcomputation", function () { S.root(function () { var d =, spy = jasmine.createSpy("spy"), gspy = jasmine.createSpy("gspy"), f = S(function () { spy(); var g = S(function () { gspy(); return d(); }); }) spy.calls.reset(); gspy.calls.reset(); d(2); expect(gspy.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(0); }); }); describe("with child", function () { var d, e, fspy, f, gspy, g, h; function init() { d =; e =; fspy = jasmine.createSpy("fspy"); gspy = jasmine.createSpy("gspy"); f = S(function () { fspy(); d(); g = S(function () { gspy(); return e(); }); }); h = g; h(); } it("creates child on initialization", function () { S.root(function () { init(); expect(h).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(h()).toBe(2); }); }); it("does not depend on child's dependencies", function () { S.root(function () { init(); e(3); expect(fspy.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect(gspy.calls.count()).toBe(2); }); }); it("disposes old child when updated", function () { S.root(function () { init(); // re-evalue parent, thereby disposing stale g, which we've stored at h d(2); e(3); // h is now disposed expect(h()).toBe(2); }); }); it("disposes child when it is disposed", function () { S.root(function (dispose) { init(); dispose(); e(3); expect(g()).toBe(2); }); }); }); describe("which disposes sub that's being updated", function () { it("propagates successfully", function () { S.root(function () { var a =, b = S(function () { var c = S(function () { return a(); }); a(); return { c: c }; }), d = S(function () { return b().c(); }); expect(d()).toBe(1); a(2); expect(d()).toBe(2); a(3); expect(d()).toBe(3); }); }); }); describe("which disposes a sub with a dependee with a sub", function () { it("propagates successfully", function () { S.root(function () { var a =, c, b = S(function () { c = S(function () { return a(); }); a(); return { c : c }; }), d = S(function () { c(); var e = S(function () { return a(); }); return { e : e }; }); expect(d().e()).toBe(1); a(2); expect(d().e()).toBe(2); a(3); expect(d().e()).toBe(3); }); }); }); });