/*global define*/ define([ '../Core/Cartesian3', '../Core/Cartographic', '../Core/combine', '../Core/Credit', '../Core/defaultValue', '../Core/defined', '../Core/defineProperties', '../Core/DeveloperError', '../Core/Event', '../Core/freezeObject', '../Core/GeographicTilingScheme', '../Core/loadJson', '../Core/loadXML', '../Core/Math', '../Core/objectToQuery', '../Core/queryToObject', '../Core/Rectangle', '../Core/WebMercatorTilingScheme', '../ThirdParty/Uri', '../ThirdParty/when', './ImageryLayerFeatureInfo', './ImageryProvider' ], function( Cartesian3, Cartographic, combine, Credit, defaultValue, defined, defineProperties, DeveloperError, Event, freezeObject, GeographicTilingScheme, loadJson, loadXML, CesiumMath, objectToQuery, queryToObject, Rectangle, WebMercatorTilingScheme, Uri, when, ImageryLayerFeatureInfo, ImageryProvider) { "use strict"; function objectToLowercase(obj) { var result = {}; for ( var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result[key.toLowerCase()] = obj[key]; } } return result; } /** * Provides tiled imagery hosted by a Web Map Service (WMS) server. * * @alias WebMapServiceImageryProvider * @constructor * * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties: * @param {String} options.url The URL of the WMS service. * @param {String} options.layers The layers to include, separated by commas. * @param {Object} [options.parameters=WebMapServiceImageryProvider.DefaultParameters] Additional parameters * to pass to the WMS server in the GetMap URL. * @param {Object} [options.getFeatureInfoParameters=WebMapServiceImageryProvider.GetFeatureInfoDefaultParameters] Additional * parameters to pass to the WMS server in the GetFeatureInfo URL. * @param {Boolean} [options.enablePickFeatures=true] If true, {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#pickFeatures} will invoke * the GetFeatureInfo operation on the WMS server and return the features included in the response. If false, * {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#pickFeatures} will immediately return undefined (indicating no pickable features) * without communicating with the server. Set this property to false if you know your WMS server does not support * GetFeatureInfo or if you don't want this provider's features to be pickable. * @param {Boolean} [options.getFeatureInfoAsGeoJson=true] true if {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#pickFeatures} should * try requesting feature info in GeoJSON format. If getFeatureInfoAsXml is true as well, feature information will be * requested first as GeoJSON, and then as XML if the GeoJSON request fails. If both are false, this instance will * not support feature picking at all. * @param {Boolean} [options.getFeatureInfoAsXml=true] true if {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#pickFeatures} should try * requesting feature info in XML format. If getFeatureInfoAsGeoJson is true as well, feature information will be * requested first as GeoJSON, and then as XML if the GeoJSON request fails. If both are false, this instance * will not support feature picking at all. * @param {Rectangle} [options.rectangle=Rectangle.MAX_VALUE] The rectangle of the layer. * @param {TilingScheme} [options.tilingScheme=new GeographicTilingScheme()] The tiling scheme to use to divide the world into tiles. * @param {Number} [options.tileWidth=256] The width of each tile in pixels. * @param {Number} [options.tileHeight=256] The height of each tile in pixels. * @param {Number} [options.minimumLevel=0] The minimum level-of-detail supported by the imagery provider. Take care when * specifying this that the number of tiles at the minimum level is small, such as four or less. A larger number is * likely to result in rendering problems. * @param {Number} [options.maximumLevel] The maximum level-of-detail supported by the imagery provider. * If not specified, there is no limit. * @param {Credit|String} [options.credit] A credit for the data source, which is displayed on the canvas. * @param {Object} [options.proxy] A proxy to use for requests. This object is * expected to have a getURL function which returns the proxied URL, if needed. * * @see ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider * @see BingMapsImageryProvider * @see GoogleEarthImageryProvider * @see SingleTileImageryProvider * @see TileMapServiceImageryProvider * @see OpenStreetMapImageryProvider * * @see {@link http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/arcgisserver/apis/rest/|ArcGIS Server REST API} * @see {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing} * * @example * var provider = new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({ * url: '//sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/services/Specialty/ESRI_StatesCitiesRivers_USA/MapServer/WMSServer', * layers : '0', * proxy: new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/') * }); * * viewer.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(provider); */ var WebMapServiceImageryProvider = function WebMapServiceImageryProvider(options) { options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT); //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(options.url)) { throw new DeveloperError('options.url is required.'); } if (!defined(options.layers)) { throw new DeveloperError('options.layers is required.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); this._url = options.url; this._tileDiscardPolicy = options.tileDiscardPolicy; this._proxy = options.proxy; this._layers = options.layers; this._enablePickFeatures = defaultValue(options.enablePickFeatures, true); this._getFeatureInfoAsGeoJson = defaultValue(options.getFeatureInfoAsGeoJson, true); this._getFeatureInfoAsXml = defaultValue(options.getFeatureInfoAsXml, true); // Merge the parameters with the defaults, and make all parameter names lowercase this._parameters = combine(objectToLowercase(defaultValue(options.parameters, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)), WebMapServiceImageryProvider.DefaultParameters); this._getFeatureInfoParameters = combine(objectToLowercase(defaultValue(options.getFeatureInfoParameters, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)), WebMapServiceImageryProvider.GetFeatureInfoDefaultParameters); this._tileWidth = defaultValue(options.tileWidth, 256); this._tileHeight = defaultValue(options.tileHeight, 256); this._minimumLevel = defaultValue(options.minimumLevel, 0); this._maximumLevel = options.maximumLevel; // undefined means no limit this._rectangle = defaultValue(options.rectangle, Rectangle.MAX_VALUE); this._tilingScheme = defined(options.tilingScheme) ? options.tilingScheme : new GeographicTilingScheme(); this._rectangle = Rectangle.intersection(this._rectangle, this._tilingScheme.rectangle); var credit = options.credit; if (typeof credit === 'string') { credit = new Credit(credit); } this._credit = credit; this._errorEvent = new Event(); this._ready = true; }; defineProperties(WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype, { /** * Gets the URL of the WMS server. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {String} * @readonly */ url : { get : function() { return this._url; } }, /** * Gets the proxy used by this provider. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Proxy} * @readonly */ proxy : { get : function() { return this._proxy; } }, /** * Gets the names of the WMS layers, separated by commas. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {String} * @readonly */ layers : { get : function() { return this._layers; } }, /** * Gets the width of each tile, in pixels. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ tileWidth : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('tileWidth must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._tileWidth; } }, /** * Gets the height of each tile, in pixels. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ tileHeight : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('tileHeight must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._tileHeight; } }, /** * Gets the maximum level-of-detail that can be requested. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ maximumLevel : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('maximumLevel must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._maximumLevel; } }, /** * Gets the minimum level-of-detail that can be requested. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ minimumLevel : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('minimumLevel must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._minimumLevel; } }, /** * Gets the tiling scheme used by this provider. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {TilingScheme} * @readonly */ tilingScheme : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('tilingScheme must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._tilingScheme; } }, /** * Gets the rectangle, in radians, of the imagery provided by this instance. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Rectangle} * @readonly */ rectangle : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('rectangle must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._rectangle; } }, /** * Gets the tile discard policy. If not undefined, the discard policy is responsible * for filtering out "missing" tiles via its shouldDiscardImage function. If this function * returns undefined, no tiles are filtered. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {TileDiscardPolicy} * @readonly */ tileDiscardPolicy : { get : function() { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('tileDiscardPolicy must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); return this._tileDiscardPolicy; } }, /** * Gets an event that is raised when the imagery provider encounters an asynchronous error. By subscribing * to the event, you will be notified of the error and can potentially recover from it. Event listeners * are passed an instance of {@link TileProviderError}. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Event} * @readonly */ errorEvent : { get : function() { return this._errorEvent; } }, /** * Gets a value indicating whether or not the provider is ready for use. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ ready : { get : function() { return this._ready; } }, /** * Gets the credit to display when this imagery provider is active. Typically this is used to credit * the source of the imagery. This function should not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Credit} * @readonly */ credit : { get : function() { return this._credit; } }, /** * Gets a value indicating whether or not the images provided by this imagery provider * include an alpha channel. If this property is false, an alpha channel, if present, will * be ignored. If this property is true, any images without an alpha channel will be treated * as if their alpha is 1.0 everywhere. When this property is false, memory usage * and texture upload time are reduced. * @memberof WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ hasAlphaChannel : { get : function() { return true; } } }); /** * Gets the credits to be displayed when a given tile is displayed. * * @param {Number} x The tile X coordinate. * @param {Number} y The tile Y coordinate. * @param {Number} level The tile level; * @returns {Credit[]} The credits to be displayed when the tile is displayed. * * @exception {DeveloperError} getTileCredits must not be called before the imagery provider is ready. */ WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype.getTileCredits = function(x, y, level) { return undefined; }; /** * Requests the image for a given tile. This function should * not be called before {@link WebMapServiceImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * * @param {Number} x The tile X coordinate. * @param {Number} y The tile Y coordinate. * @param {Number} level The tile level. * @returns {Promise} A promise for the image that will resolve when the image is available, or * undefined if there are too many active requests to the server, and the request * should be retried later. The resolved image may be either an * Image or a Canvas DOM object. * * @exception {DeveloperError} requestImage must not be called before the imagery provider is ready. */ WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype.requestImage = function(x, y, level) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('requestImage must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); var url = buildImageUrl(this, x, y, level); return ImageryProvider.loadImage(this, url); }; var cartographicScratch = new Cartographic(); var cartesian3Scratch = new Cartesian3(); /** * Asynchronously determines what features, if any, are located at a given longitude and latitude within * a tile. This function should not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * * @param {Number} x The tile X coordinate. * @param {Number} y The tile Y coordinate. * @param {Number} level The tile level. * @param {Number} longitude The longitude at which to pick features. * @param {Number} latitude The latitude at which to pick features. * @return {Promise} A promise for the picked features that will resolve when the asynchronous * picking completes. The resolved value is an array of {@link ImageryLayerFeatureInfo} * instances. The array may be empty if no features are found at the given location. * * @exception {DeveloperError} pickFeatures must not be called before the imagery provider is ready. */ WebMapServiceImageryProvider.prototype.pickFeatures = function(x, y, level, longitude, latitude) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!this._ready) { throw new DeveloperError('pickFeatures must not be called before the imagery provider is ready.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); if (!this._enablePickFeatures) { return undefined; } var rectangle = this._tilingScheme.tileXYToNativeRectangle(x, y, level); var projected; if (this._tilingScheme instanceof GeographicTilingScheme) { projected = cartesian3Scratch; projected.x = CesiumMath.toDegrees(longitude); projected.y = CesiumMath.toDegrees(latitude); } else { var cartographic = cartographicScratch; cartographic.longitude = longitude; cartographic.latitude = latitude; projected = this._tilingScheme.projection.project(cartographic, cartesian3Scratch); } var i = (this._tileWidth * (projected.x - rectangle.west) / rectangle.width) | 0; var j = (this._tileHeight * (rectangle.north - projected.y) / rectangle.height) | 0; var url; if (this._getFeatureInfoAsGeoJson) { url = buildGetFeatureInfoUrl(this, 'application/json', x, y, level, i, j); var that = this; return when(loadJson(url), function(json) { return geoJsonToFeatureInfo(json); }, function(e) { // GeoJSON failed, try XML. if (!that._getFeatureInfoAsXml) { return when.reject(e); } url = buildGetFeatureInfoUrl(that, 'text/xml', x, y, level, i, j); return when(loadXML(url), function(xml) { return xmlToFeatureInfo(xml); }); }); } else if (this._getFeatureInfoAsXml) { url = buildGetFeatureInfoUrl(this, 'text/xml', x, y, level, i, j); return when(loadXML(url), function(xml) { return xmlToFeatureInfo(xml); }); } else { return undefined; } }; /** * The default parameters to include in the WMS URL to obtain images. The values are as follows: * service=WMS * version=1.1.1 * request=GetMap * styles= * format=image/jpeg * * @constant */ WebMapServiceImageryProvider.DefaultParameters = freezeObject({ service : 'WMS', version : '1.1.1', request : 'GetMap', styles : '', format : 'image/jpeg' }); /** * The default parameters to include in the WMS URL to get feature information. The values are as follows: * service=WMS * version=1.1.1 * request=GetFeatureInfo * * @constant */ WebMapServiceImageryProvider.GetFeatureInfoDefaultParameters = freezeObject({ service : 'WMS', version : '1.1.1', request : 'GetFeatureInfo' }); function buildImageUrl(imageryProvider, x, y, level) { var uri = new Uri(imageryProvider._url); var queryOptions = queryToObject(defaultValue(uri.query, '')); queryOptions = combine(imageryProvider._parameters, queryOptions); if (!defined(queryOptions.layers)) { queryOptions.layers = imageryProvider._layers; } if (!defined(queryOptions.srs)) { queryOptions.srs = imageryProvider._tilingScheme instanceof WebMercatorTilingScheme ? 'EPSG:3857' : 'EPSG:4326'; } if (!defined(queryOptions.bbox)) { var nativeRectangle = imageryProvider._tilingScheme.tileXYToNativeRectangle(x, y, level); queryOptions.bbox = nativeRectangle.west + ',' + nativeRectangle.south + ',' + nativeRectangle.east + ',' + nativeRectangle.north; } if (!defined(queryOptions.width)) { queryOptions.width = imageryProvider._tileWidth; } if (!defined(queryOptions.height)) { queryOptions.height = imageryProvider._tileHeight; } uri.query = objectToQuery(queryOptions); var url = uri.toString(); var proxy = imageryProvider._proxy; if (defined(proxy)) { url = proxy.getURL(url); } return url; } function buildGetFeatureInfoUrl(imageryProvider, infoFormat, x, y, level, i, j) { var uri = new Uri(imageryProvider._url); var queryOptions = queryToObject(defaultValue(uri.query, '')); queryOptions = combine(imageryProvider._getFeatureInfoParameters, queryOptions); if (!defined(queryOptions.layers)) { queryOptions.layers = imageryProvider._layers; } if (!defined(queryOptions.query_layers)) { queryOptions.query_layers = imageryProvider._layers; } if (!defined(queryOptions.srs)) { queryOptions.srs = imageryProvider._tilingScheme instanceof WebMercatorTilingScheme ? 'EPSG:3857' : 'EPSG:4326'; } if (!defined(queryOptions.bbox)) { var nativeRectangle = imageryProvider._tilingScheme.tileXYToNativeRectangle(x, y, level); queryOptions.bbox = nativeRectangle.west + ',' + nativeRectangle.south + ',' + nativeRectangle.east + ',' + nativeRectangle.north; } if (!defined(queryOptions.x)) { queryOptions.x = i; } if (!defined(queryOptions.y)) { queryOptions.y = j; } if (!defined(queryOptions.width)) { queryOptions.width = imageryProvider._tileWidth; } if (!defined(queryOptions.height)) { queryOptions.height = imageryProvider._tileHeight; } if (!defined(queryOptions.info_format)) { queryOptions.info_format = infoFormat; } uri.query = objectToQuery(queryOptions); var url = uri.toString(); var proxy = imageryProvider._proxy; if (defined(proxy)) { url = proxy.getURL(url); } return url; } function geoJsonToFeatureInfo(json) { var result = []; var features = json.features; for (var i = 0; i < features.length; ++i) { var feature = features[i]; var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo(); featureInfo.data = feature; featureInfo.configureNameFromProperties(feature.properties); featureInfo.configureDescriptionFromProperties(feature.properties); // If this is a point feature, use the coordinates of the point. if (feature.geometry.type === 'Point') { var longitude = feature.geometry.coordinates[0]; var latitude = feature.geometry.coordinates[1]; featureInfo.position = Cartographic.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude); } result.push(featureInfo); } return result; } var mapInfoMxpNamespace = 'http://www.mapinfo.com/mxp'; var esriWmsNamespace = 'http://www.esri.com/wms'; function xmlToFeatureInfo(xml) { var documentElement = xml.documentElement; if (documentElement.localName === 'MultiFeatureCollection' && documentElement.namespaceURI === mapInfoMxpNamespace) { // This looks like a MapInfo MXP response return mapInfoXmlToFeatureInfo(xml); } else if (documentElement.localName === 'FeatureInfoResponse' && documentElement.namespaceURI === esriWmsNamespace) { // This looks like an Esri WMS response return esriXmlToFeatureInfo(xml); } else if (documentElement.localName === 'ServiceExceptionReport') { // This looks like a WMS server error, so no features picked. return undefined; } else { // Unknown response type, so just dump the XML itself into the description. return unknownXmlToFeatureInfo(xml); } } function mapInfoXmlToFeatureInfo(xml) { var result = []; var multiFeatureCollection = xml.documentElement; var features = multiFeatureCollection.getElementsByTagNameNS(mapInfoMxpNamespace, 'Feature'); for (var featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < features.length; ++featureIndex) { var feature = features[featureIndex]; var properties = {}; var propertyElements = feature.getElementsByTagNameNS(mapInfoMxpNamespace, 'Val'); for (var propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < propertyElements.length; ++propertyIndex) { var propertyElement = propertyElements[propertyIndex]; if (propertyElement.hasAttribute('ref')) { var name = propertyElement.getAttribute('ref'); var value = propertyElement.textContent.trim(); properties[name] = value; } } var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo(); featureInfo.data = feature; featureInfo.configureNameFromProperties(properties); featureInfo.configureDescriptionFromProperties(properties); result.push(featureInfo); } return result; } function esriXmlToFeatureInfo(xml) { var result = []; var featureInfoResponse = xml.documentElement; var features = featureInfoResponse.getElementsByTagNameNS(esriWmsNamespace, 'FIELDS'); for (var featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < features.length; ++featureIndex) { var feature = features[featureIndex]; var properties = {}; var propertyAttributes = feature.attributes; for (var attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < propertyAttributes.length; ++attributeIndex) { var attribute = propertyAttributes[attributeIndex]; properties[attribute.name] = attribute.value; } var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo(); featureInfo.data = feature; featureInfo.configureNameFromProperties(properties); featureInfo.configureDescriptionFromProperties(properties); result.push(featureInfo); } return result; } function unknownXmlToFeatureInfo(xml) { var xmlText = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xml); var element = document.createElement('div'); var pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.textContent = xmlText; element.appendChild(pre); var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo(); featureInfo.data = xml; featureInfo.description = element.innerHTML; return [featureInfo]; } return WebMapServiceImageryProvider; });