// persistence.js // Helper functions for VWF node server that handles all persitence related requests var helpers = require( './helpers' ), serve = require( './serve' ), storage = require( './storagefs' ), fs = require( 'fs' ), url = require( 'url' ), libpath = require( 'path' ), querystring = require( 'querystring' ); function CreateSaveDirectory( application_path, save_name, save_revision ) { var application_segments = helpers.GenerateSegments( application_path ); var current_directory = "./documents"; while ( application_segments.length > 0 ) { current_directory = helpers.JoinPath( current_directory, application_segments.shift() ); if ( ! helpers.IsDirectory( current_directory ) ) { fs.mkdirSync( current_directory ); } } current_directory = helpers.JoinPath( current_directory, save_name ); if ( ! helpers.IsDirectory( current_directory ) ) { fs.mkdirSync( current_directory ); } } // LoadSaveObject function is designed to take the load information provided by the // GetLoadInformation function, load and parse the specified file, and return that object // (or undefined, if there is no such file ). function LoadSaveObject( loadInfo ) { if ( loadInfo[ 'save_name' ] ) { var fileName = helpers.JoinPath( "./documents", loadInfo[ 'application_path' ], loadInfo[ 'save_name' ], "saveState_" + loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ] + ".vwf.json" ); if ( helpers.IsFile( fileName ) ) { var fileContents = fs.readFileSync( fileName, "utf8" ); return JSON.parse( fileContents ); } } return undefined; } // LookupSaveRevisions takes the public path and the name of a save, and provides // an array of all revisions for that save. (If the save does not exist, this will be // an empty array). function LookupSaveRevisions( public_path, save_name ) { var result = [ ]; var directoryName = helpers.JoinPath( "./documents/", public_path, save_name ); if ( helpers.IsDirectory( directoryName ) ) { var potentialSaves = fs.readdirSync( directoryName.replace( /\//g, libpath.sep ) ); for ( var index = 0; index < potentialSaves.length; index++ ) { if ( potentialSaves[ index ].match( /^saveState_\d+\.vwf\.json$/ ) ) { result.push( parseInt( potentialSaves[ index ].slice( 10, potentialSaves[ index ].length - 9 ) ) ); } } } return result; } // GetLoadInformation receives a parsed request {private_path, public_path, instance, application} and returns the // details of the save that is designated by the initial request. The details are returned in an object // composed of: save_name (name of the save) save_revision (revision of the save), explicit_revision (boolean, true if the request // explicitly specified the revision, false if it did not), and application_path (the public_path of the application this is a save for). function GetLoadInformation( parsedRequest ) { var result = {'save_name': undefined, 'save_revision': undefined, 'explicit_revision': undefined, 'application_path': undefined }; if ( parsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] ) { var segments = helpers.GenerateSegments( parsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] ); if ( ( segments.length > 1 ) && ( segments[ 0 ] == "load" ) ) { var potentialRevisions = LookupSaveRevisions( parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], segments[ 1 ] ); if ( potentialRevisions.length > 0 ) { result[ 'save_name' ] = segments[ 1 ]; if ( segments.length > 2 ) { var requestedRevision = parseInt( segments[ 2 ] ); if ( requestedRevision ) { if ( potentialRevisions.indexOf( requestedRevision ) > -1 ) { result[ 'save_revision' ] = requestedRevision; result[ 'explicit_revision' ] = true; result[ 'application_path' ] = parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ]; } } } if ( result[ 'explicit_revision' ] == undefined ) { result[ 'explicit_revision' ] = false; potentialRevisions.sort( ); result[ 'save_revision' ] = potentialRevisions.pop(); result[ 'application_path' ] = parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ]; } } } } return result; } // GetSaveInformation is a helper function that takes a NodeJS request, a NodeJS response, // and the application_path (/path/to/application). It returns an array of all saves found for that // application (including separate entries for individual revisions of saves ). function GetSaveInformation( request, response, application_path ) { var result = [ ]; var potentialSaveNames = fs.readdirSync( helpers.JoinPath("./documents", application_path ) ); for ( var index = 0; index < potentialSaveNames.length; index++ ) { if ( helpers.IsDirectory( helpers.JoinPath( "./documents", application_path, potentialSaveNames[ index ] ) ) ) { var revisionList = LookupSaveRevisions( application_path, potentialSaveNames[ index ] ); var latestsave = true; revisionList.sort(); while ( revisionList.length > 0 ) { var newEntry = {}; newEntry[ 'applicationpath' ] = application_path; newEntry[ 'savename' ] = potentialSaveNames[ index ]; newEntry[ 'revision' ] = revisionList.pop().toString(); newEntry[ 'latestsave' ] = latestsave; if ( latestsave ) { newEntry[ 'url' ] = helpers.JoinPath( "http://" + request.headers.host, application_path, "load", potentialSaveNames[ index ] + "/" ); } else { newEntry[ 'url' ] = helpers.JoinPath( "http://" + request.headers.host, application_path, "load", potentialSaveNames[ index ] + "/", newEntry[ 'revision' ] + "/" ); } latestsave = false; result.push( newEntry ); } } } return result; } // GetSaveInformationRecursive is a helper function that recursively calls the // GetSaveInformation function on a directory, and all directories within it (and within those, and so on). function GetSaveInformationRecursive( request, response, application_path ) { var result = []; var subDirectories = fs.readdirSync( helpers.JoinPath("./documents", application_path ) ); for ( var index = 0; index < subDirectories.length; index++ ) { if ( helpers.IsDirectory( helpers.JoinPath( "./documents", application_path, subDirectories[ index ] ) ) ) { result = result.concat( GetSaveInformationRecursive( request, response, helpers.JoinPath( application_path, subDirectories[ index ] ) ) ); } } result = result.concat( GetSaveInformation( request, response, application_path ) ); return result; } // HandlePersistenceLoad attempts to deal with a request which contains load arguments in the // private_path. // If the URL is properly formed, it will either (if the load portion of the URL is the last // portion of the URL, and there is no trailing slash) redirect to the same URL with a trailing // slash added, or if the URL is otherwise properly formed, it will remove the load specific // portions of the private_path, and pass this updated parsedRequest on to the normal application // level Serve function (effectively, load URL's are treated as if all load specific portions // of the URL don't exist, except for the websocket connection, which uses it to load the initial // state for the first client. ). function HandlePersistenceLoad( request, response, parsedRequest, segments ) { var loadInformation = GetLoadInformation( parsedRequest ); if ( loadInformation[ 'save_name' ] != undefined ) { segments.shift(); segments.shift(); if ( loadInformation[ 'explicit_revision' ] ) { segments.shift(); } var subParsedRequest = { }; subParsedRequest[ 'public_path' ] = parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ]; subParsedRequest[ 'application' ] = parsedRequest[ 'application' ]; if ( segments.length > 0 ) { subParsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] = segments.join("/"); } else { subParsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] = undefined; } subParsedRequest[ 'instance' ] = parsedRequest[ 'instance' ]; if ( subParsedRequest[ 'instance' ] ) { return global.application.Serve( request, response, subParsedRequest ); } else if ( request.method == "GET" ) { var redirectPath = parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ]; if ( parsedRequest[ 'application' ] ) { redirectPath = helpers.JoinPath( redirectPath, parsedRequest[ 'application' ] ); } redirectPath = helpers.JoinPath( redirectPath, helpers.GenerateInstanceID( ), parsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] ); if ( segments.length == 0 ) { redirectPath = helpers.JoinPath( redirectPath, "/"); } serve.Redirect( redirectPath, response ); return true; } } return false; } function GenerateSaveObject( request, public_path, application, instance, save_name ) { var result = {}; result[ "name" ] = save_name; result[ "url" ] = helpers.JoinPath( "http://" + request.headers.host, public_path, application, instance, "saves", save_name ); result[ "vwf_info" ] = {}; result[ "vwf_info" ][ "public_path" ] = public_path; result[ "vwf_info" ][ "application" ] = application; result[ "vwf_info" ][ "path_to_application" ] = helpers.JoinPath( public_path, application ); result[ "vwf_info" ][ "instance" ] = instance; var metadata = storage.GetSaveMetadata( public_path, application, instance, save_name ); if ( metadata ) { result[ "metadata" ] = metadata; } else { result[ "metadata" ] = {} } return result; } function HandleSavesLoad( request, response, parsedRequest, segments ) { // Saves are listed/loaded via GET, and saved via POST if ( request.method == "GET" ) { //Dealing with either loading a save state, or listing save states, // or a malformed request. if ( segments.length == 1 ) { //No arguments beyond saves, must be listing save states. // If instance was set, listing saves for that instance, // otherwise listing saves for all instances of this application. if ( parsedRequest[ 'instance' ] ) { //Listing for specific instance. var save_name_list = storage.ListInstanceSaveStates( parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], parsedRequest[ 'application' ], parsedRequest[ 'instance' ] ); var save_objects = [ ]; for ( var index = 0; index < save_name_list.length; index++ ) { save_objects.push( GenerateSaveObject( request, parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], parsedRequest[ 'application' ], parsedRequest[ 'instance' ], save_name_list[ index ] ) ); } serve.JSON( save_objects, response, url.parse( request.url, true ) ); return true; } else { var save_hash = storage.ListApplicationSaveStates( parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], parsedRequest[ 'application' ] ); var instance_hash = { }; for ( instance_id in save_hash ) { var save_objects = [ ]; for ( var index = 0; index < save_hash[ instance_id ].length; index++ ) { save_objects.push( GenerateSaveObject( request, parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], parsedRequest[ 'application' ], instance_id, save_hash[ instance_id ][ index ] ) ); } instance_hash[ instance_id ] = save_objects; } serve.JSON( instance_hash, response, url.parse( request.url, true ) ); return true; } } else if ( segements.length == 2 ) { } } else if ( request.method == "POST" ) { } return false; } function HandlePersistenceSave( request, response, parsedRequest, segments ) { if ( segments.length == 2 ) { var saveName = segments[ 1 ]; var saveRevision = new Date().valueOf(); CreateSaveDirectory( parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], saveName, saveRevision ); var persistenceData = ""; var persistenceLength = 0; request.on( 'data', function ( data ) { persistenceData += data; if ( persistenceData.length > 50000000 ) { persistenceData = ""; response.writeHead( 413, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } ).end( ); request.connection.destroy(); } } ); request.on( 'end', function( ) { if ( persistenceData.length > 0 ) { var processedPost = querystring.parse( persistenceData ); fs.writeFileSync( helpers.JoinPath( './documents', parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], saveName, 'saveState' + processedPost[ "extension" ] ), processedPost[ "jsonState" ] ); fs.writeFileSync( helpers.JoinPath( './documents', parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ], saveName, 'saveState_' + saveRevision + processedPost[ "extension" ] ), processedPost[ "jsonState" ] ); } } ); return true; } return false; } // The Serve function takes the nodeJS request, nodeJS response and the parsedRequest, and // attempts to see if it is a properly formed persistence related request. // If so, it serves the request, and returns true. // If it is an incorrectly formed persistence request, or not a persistence request // at all, then false will be returned. function Serve( request, response, parsedRequest ) { if ( parsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] ) { var segments = helpers.GenerateSegments( parsedRequest[ 'private_path' ] ); if ( segments.length > 0 ) { switch ( segments[ 0 ] ) { case "namespaceURL": if ( request.method == "GET" ) { var saveInfo = parsedRequest; serve.JSON( saveInfo, response, url.parse( request.url, true ) ); return true; } case "listallsaves": if ( request.method == "GET" ) { var saveInfo = GetSaveInformationRecursive( request, response, "/" ); serve.JSON( saveInfo, response, url.parse( request.url, true ) ); return true; } return false; case "listsaves": if ( request.method == "GET" ) { var saveInfo = GetSaveInformation( request, response, parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ] ); serve.JSON( saveInfo, response, url.parse( request.url, true ) ); return true; } return false; case "listdescendentsaves": if ( request.method == "GET" ) { var saveInfo = GetSaveInformationRecursive( request, response, parsedRequest[ 'public_path' ] ); serve.JSON( saveInfo, response, url.parse( request.url, true ) ); return true; } return false; case "load": return HandlePersistenceLoad( request, response, parsedRequest, segments ); case "saves": return HandleSavesLoad( request, response, parsedRequest, segments ); case "save": if ( ( request.method == "POST" ) && ( segments.length > 1 ) ) { return HandlePersistenceSave( request, response, parsedRequest, segments ); } } } } return false; } exports.GetLoadInformation = GetLoadInformation; exports.Serve = Serve; exports.LoadSaveObject = LoadSaveObject;