// file-cache.js // This file contains the implementation of the file cache system used by the VWF nodeJS server. var fs = require( 'fs' ), mime = require( 'mime' ), zlib = require( 'zlib' ); // Helper function to generate a hash for a string. function hash( str ) { return require( 'crypto' ).createHash( 'md5' ).update( str ).digest( "hex" ); } function _FileCache( ) { this.files = [ ]; this.enabled = true; this.clear = function ( ) { this.files.length = 0; }; // Function for determining whether to treat file as binary or text // based on file extentsion. this.getDataType = function ( file ) { var type = file.substr( file.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ).toLowerCase( ); if ( type === 'js' || type === 'html' || type === 'xml' || type === 'txt' || type === 'xhtml' || type === 'css' ) { return "utf8"; } else return "binary"; }; // Function for getting a file from the file cache. // Asynchronous, returns file to the callback function. // Passes null to the callback function if there is no such file. this.getFile = function ( path, callback ) { //First, check if we have already served this file // and have it already cached, if so, return the // already cached file. for ( var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++ ) { if( this.files[ i ].path == path ) { global.log( 'serving from cache: ' + path, 2 ); callback( this.files[ i ] ); return; } } // if got here, have no record of this file yet. var datatype = this.getDataType( path ); var file = fs.readFileSync( path ); var stats = fs.statSync( path ); if ( file ) { // The file was not already in the cache, but does exist. // Gzip the file, which is an async process, and callback // with the gzipped file entry when finished. var self = this; zlib.gzip( file, function ( _, zippeddata ) { var newentry = { }; newentry.path = path; newentry.data = file; newentry.stats = stats; newentry.zippeddata = zippeddata; newentry.contentlength = file.length; newentry.datatype = datatype; newentry.hash = hash( file ); global.log( newentry.hash, 2 ); global.log( 'loading into cache: ' + path, 2 ); if ( self.enabled == true ) { self.files.push( newentry ); var watcher = fs.watchFile( path, { }, function ( event, filename ) { global.log( this.entry.path + ' has changed on disk', 2 ); self.files.splice( self.files.indexOf( this.entry ), 1 ); fs.unwatchFile(path); //make sure not to create new watchers at every reload } ); watcher.entry = newentry; } callback( newentry ); return; } ); // Just returning since we're waiting on the async gzip process. return; } // File was not in cache, and did not exists, return null. callback( null ); }; // Function to serve a file out of the filecache. this.ServeFile = function ( request, filename, response, URL ) { FileCache.getFile( filename, function ( file ) { if ( !file ) { response.writeHead( 500, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" } ); response.write( 'file load error' + '\n'); response.end( ); return; } var type = mime.lookup( filename ); if ( request.headers[ 'if-none-match' ] === file.hash ) { response.writeHead( 304, { "Content-Type": type, "Last-Modified": encodeURIComponent(file.stats.mtime), "ETag": file.hash, "Cache-Control":"public; max-age=31536000" , } ); response.end( ); return; } if ( request.headers[ 'accept-encoding' ] && request.headers[ 'accept-encoding' ].indexOf( 'gzip' ) >= 0 ) { response.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": type, "Last-Modified": encodeURIComponent(file.stats.mtime), "ETag": file.hash, "Cache-Control":"public; max-age=31536000" , 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip' } ); response.write(file.zippeddata, file.datatype); } else if ( request.headers['range'] ) { // To support the HTML 5 audio tag, the server needs to respond with the Content-Range in the header var range = request.headers['range']; range = range.split('=')[1]; var ranges = range.split('-'); var start = parseInt(ranges[0]); var end = parseInt(ranges[1]) || (file.contentlength - 1); var bytesheader = 'bytes ' + start + '-' + end + '/' + file.contentlength; response.writeHead(206, { "Content-Type": type, "Content-Length": (end - start) + 1, "Last-Modified": encodeURIComponent(file.stats.mtime), "ETag": file.hash, "Cache-Control": "public; max-age=31536000", "Accept-Ranges": "bytes", "Content-Range": bytesheader }); var newdata = file.data.slice(start, end + 1); response.write(newdata, file.datatype); } else { response.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": type, "Last-Modified": encodeURIComponent(file.stats.mtime), "ETag": file.hash, "Cache-Control":"public; max-age=31536000" } ); response.write( file.data, file.datatype ); } response.end( ); } ); }; } exports._FileCache = _FileCache;