/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Nikolai Suslov and the Krestianstvo.org project contributors. (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Virtual World Framework Apache 2.0 license (https://github.com/NikolaySuslov/livecodingspace/blob/master/licenses/LICENSE_VWF.md) */ import page from '/lib/page.mjs'; //import { Lang } from '/lib/polyglot/language.js'; //import { IndexApp } from '/web/index-app.js'; import { Helpers } from '/helpers.js'; import { WorldApp } from '/web/world-app.js'; import { Widgets } from '/lib/widgets.js'; import { ReflectorClient } from './reflector-client.js'; import { Luminary } from '/luminary.js'; class App { constructor() { console.log("app constructor"); this.widgets = new Widgets; //globals window._app = this; window._cellWidgets = this.widgets; // window._LangManager = new Lang; window._noty = new Noty; this.helpers = new Helpers; this.luminary = new Luminary; this.reflectorClient = new ReflectorClient; this.config = {}; this.initDB(); this.initUser(); import('/lib/polyglot/language.js').then(res => { window._LangManager = new res.default; _LangManager.setLanguage(); }).then(res => { return import ('/web/index-app.js'); }).then(res=>{ window.IndexApp = res.default; this.setPageRoutes(); }); } setPageRoutes() { //client routes page('/', this.HandleIndex); page('/setup', this.HandleSetupIndex); page('/settings', this.HandleSettingsIndex); page('/profile', this.HandleUserIndex); page('/worlds', this.HandleIndex); page('/:user/worlds', this.HandleUserWorlds); page('/:user/worlds/:type', this.HandleUserWorldsWithType); page('/:user/:type/:name/edit/:file', this.HandleFileEdit); page('/:user/:space', this.HandleParsableRequestGenID); page('/:user/:space/about', this.HandleWorldAbout); page('/:user/:space/:id', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/index.vwf/:id', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/load/:savename', this.HandleParsableLoadRequest); page('/:user/:space/load/:savename/about', this.HandleWorldAbout); page('/:user/:space/:id/load/:savename', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('/:user/:space/load/:savename/:rev', this.HandleParsableLoadRequestWithRev); page('/:user/:space/:id/load/:savename/:rev', this.HandleParsableRequestWithID); page('*', this.HandleNoPage); page(); } initDB() { var config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config')); if (!config) { config = { 'luminary': false, 'luminaryPath': 'luminary', 'luminaryGlobalHBPath': 'server/heartbeat', 'luminaryGlobalHB': false, 'dbhost': window.location.origin + '/gun', // 'https://' + window.location.hostname + ':8080/gun', //'http://localhost:8080/gun', 'reflector': 'https://' + window.location.hostname + ':3002', 'language': 'en' } localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } if(!config.luminaryPath){ config.luminaryPath = 'luminary'; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } if(!config.luminaryGlobalHBPath){ config.luminaryGlobalHBPath = 'server/heartbeat'; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } if(!config.luminaryGlobalHB){ config.luminaryGlobalHB = false; localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config)); } this.config = config; const opt = { peers: this.dbHost, localStorage: false, axe: false} //const opt = { peers: this.dbHost, localStorage: false, until: 1000, chunk: 5, axe: false} //until: 5000, chunk: 5 //opt.store = RindexedDB(opt); this.db = Gun(opt); this.user = this.db.user(); window._LCSDB = this.db; window._LCSUSER = this.user; window._LCS_SYS_USER = undefined; window._LCS_WORLD_USER = undefined; _LCSDB.get('lcs/app').load(); _LCSDB.get('users').load(); _LCSDB.get('lcs/app').get('pub').once(function (res) { if (res) { window._LCS_SYS_USER = _LCSDB.user(res); } }); _LCSDB.on('hi', function (peer) { let msg = peer.url ? 'Connected to DB at: ' + peer.url: 'Peer added!'; let noty = new Noty({ text: msg, timeout: 1000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'success' }); if (peer.url) { noty.show(); } console.log(msg) }) _LCSDB.on('bye', function (peer) { let msg = 'No connection to ' + peer.url; let noty = new Noty({ text: msg, timeout: 1000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'error' }); noty.show(); console.log(msg) }) } initUser() { _LCSDB.user().recall({ sessionStorage: 1 }); } async chooseConnection(data) { if (this.isLuminary){ return await _app.luminary.connect(data) //use Luminary } else { return data //use Reflector } } get isLuminary() { return this.config.luminary; } get isLuminaryGlobalHB() { return this.config.luminaryGlobalHB; } get luminaryGlobalHBPath() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).luminaryGlobalHBPath; } return res; } get luminaryPath() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).luminaryPath; } return res; } get reflectorHost() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).reflector; } return res; } get dbHost() { var res = ""; let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'); if (config) { res = JSON.parse(config).dbhost; } return res; } async loadProxyDefaults() { //load to DB default proxy files (VWF & A-Frame components) let proxyResponse = await fetch('/proxy-files', { method: 'get' }); let proxyFiles = await proxyResponse.json(); let filterProxyFiles = proxyFiles.filter(el => (el !== null)); console.log(filterProxyFiles); var origin = window.location.origin; //var userPub = this.db.user().is.pub; let proxyObj = {}; for (var index in filterProxyFiles) { let doc = filterProxyFiles[index]; if (doc) { var url = origin + doc; var entryName = url.replace(origin + '/defaults/', "").split(".").join("_"); let proxyFile = await fetch(url, { method: 'get' }); let responseText = await proxyFile.text(); if (responseText) { let created = new Date().valueOf(); let obj = { //'owner': userPub, 'file': responseText, 'modified': created, 'created': created } proxyObj[entryName] = obj; } } } console.log(proxyObj); let proxy = _LCSDB.user().get('proxy'); proxy.put(proxyObj); // for (const key of Object.keys(proxyObj)) { // let proxy = _LCSDB.user().get('proxy'); // let newDoc = proxy.get(key); // await newDoc.put(proxyObj[key]).then(); // } // Object.keys(proxyObj).forEach(res => { // let proxy = _LCSDB.user().get('proxy'); // let newDoc = proxy.get(res); // newDoc.put(proxyObj[res]); // }) } async loadWorldsDefaults(replace) { //load to DB default worlds let worldsResponse = await fetch('/world-files', { method: 'get' }); let worldFiles = await worldsResponse.json(); let filterworldFiles = worldFiles.filter(el => (el !== null)); console.log(filterworldFiles); let worldsObj = {}; for (var index in filterworldFiles) { let doc = filterworldFiles[index]; if (doc) { let url = window.location.origin + doc; var entryName = url.replace(window.location.origin + '/defaults/worlds/', "").split(".").join("_"); let worldName = entryName.split("/")[0]; let userPub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; let worldFile = await fetch(url, { method: 'get' }); let worldSource = await worldFile.text(); if (worldSource) { //let modified = new Date().valueOf(); let created = new Date().valueOf(); let obj = { 'file': worldSource, 'modified': created, 'created': created } if (!worldsObj[worldName]) { worldsObj[worldName] = { 'parent': '-', 'owner': userPub, 'featured': true, 'published': true } } let entry = entryName.replace(worldName + '/', ""); worldsObj[worldName][entry] = obj; } } } console.log(worldsObj); if (replace) { //force replace all default worlds let worlds = _LCSDB.user().get('worlds'); worlds.put(worldsObj); // Object.entries(worldsObj).forEach(res => { // let worldName = res[0]; // let files = res[1]; // Object.entries(files).forEach(file => { // _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).put(file[1]); // }) // }) } else { Object.entries(worldsObj).forEach(res => { let worldName = res[0]; let files = res[1]; Object.entries(files).forEach(file => { _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).not(function (res) { _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).put(file[1]); }) }) }) } } async loadEmptyDefaultProto() { //empty proto world let userPub = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; let worldsObj = {}; let emptyWorld = { "index_vwf_yaml": YAML.stringify( { "extends": "http://vwf.example.com/aframe/ascene.vwf" }, 4), "index_vwf_config_yaml": YAML.stringify( { "info": { "title": "Empty World" }, "model": { "vwf/model/aframe": null }, "view": { "vwf/view/aframe": null, "vwf/view/editor-new": null } }, 4), "assets_json": JSON.stringify({}), "index_vwf_html": JSON.stringify(""), "appui_js": JSON.stringify("//appui in JS"), "info_json": JSON.stringify({ "info": { "en": { "title": "Empty World", "imgUrl": "", "text": "Empty World" }, "ru": { "title": "Новый Мир", "imgUrl": "", "text": "Новый Мир" } } }, null, 4) } worldsObj['empty'] = { 'parent': '-', 'owner': userPub, 'featured': true, 'published': true } Object.keys(emptyWorld).forEach(el => { //let modified = new Date().valueOf(); let created = new Date().valueOf(); let obj = { 'file': emptyWorld[el], 'modified': created, 'created': created } worldsObj['empty'][el] = obj; }) console.log(worldsObj); Object.entries(worldsObj).forEach(el => { let worldName = el[0]; let files = el[1]; Object.entries(files).forEach(file => { _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(file[0]).put(file[1]); }) }) } //load defaults for first registered user running ./setup HandleSettingsIndex() { window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "appGUI"); document.body.appendChild(el); _cellWidgets.reflectorGUI(); } HandleWorldAbout(ctx) { console.log("about world"); let userAlias = ctx.params.user; let worldName = ctx.params.space; let saveName = ctx.params.savename; window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); if (!_app.indexApp) { _app.indexApp = new IndexApp; _app.indexApp.initHTML(); _app.indexApp.initApp(); } let worldApp = new WorldApp(userAlias, worldName, saveName); worldApp.initWorldGUI(); } HandleSetupIndex() { window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); _LCSDB.on('auth', function (ack) { let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "admin"); document.body.appendChild(el); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { let adminComponents = []; document.querySelector("#admin").$cell({ $cell: true, id: 'admin', $type: "div", $components: adminComponents, $update: function () { this.$components = adminComponents } }); let setPubKey = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "1. Set app system user PUB key" }, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Set app PUB key", onclick: function (e) { console.log("admin action"); _LCSDB.get('lcs/app').get('pub').put(_LCSDB.user().is.pub); } } ] } let defaultPub = _LCSDB.get('lcs/app').get('pub').once(res => { if (!res) { adminComponents.push(setPubKey); document.querySelector("#admin").$update(); } if (_LCSDB.user().is.pub == res) { let loadEmpty = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "3. Initialize empty World proto" }, { $type: "button", id: "loadDefaults", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Init empty world", onclick: function (e) { console.log("admin action"); window._app.loadEmptyDefaultProto(); } } ] } let loadDefaults = { $cell: true, _replaceSwitch: null, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "4. Load Sample Worlds protos from server (optional)" }, { $type: "button", id: "loadDefaults", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Load default worlds (from server)", onclick: function (e) { console.log("admin action"); let forceReplace = this._replaceSwitch.checked; //console.log(forceReplace); window._app.loadWorldsDefaults(forceReplace); } }, { $type: 'p' }, _cellWidgets.switch({ 'id': 'forceReplace', 'init': function () { this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this); this._replaceSwitch = this._switch; this._switch.checked = false; } } ), { $type: 'label', for: 'input-forceReplace', $text: 'Force replace' } ] } let loadDefaultsProxy = { $cell: true, $components: [ { $type: "p", class: "mdc-typography--headline5", $text: "2. Load VWF & A-Frame default components" }, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Load defaults Proxy", onclick: async function (e) { console.log("admin action"); await window._app.loadProxyDefaults(); } } ] } adminComponents.push(setPubKey, loadDefaultsProxy, loadEmpty, loadDefaults); document.querySelector("#admin").$update(); } }) } }) } //TODO: profile HandleUserIndex(ctx) { console.log("USER INDEX"); window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); _LCSDB.on('auth', async function (ack) { if (ack.sea.pub) { document.querySelector("#profile")._status = "User: " + _LCSDB.user().is.alias //+' pub: ' + this.db.user().is.pub; document.querySelector("#profile").$update(); } }) let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "userProfile"); document.body.appendChild(el); let userProfile = { $type: 'div', id: "profile", _status: "", $init: function () { this._status = "user is not signed in..." }, $update: function () { this.$components = [ { $type: "h1", class: "mdc-typography--headline4", $text: this._status //"Profile for: " + this.db.user().is.alias } ] } } document.querySelector("#userProfile").$cell({ $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [userProfile] }) } async HandleUserWorlds(ctx) { console.log("USER WORLDS INDEX"); console.log(ctx.params); let user = ctx.params.user; page.redirect('/' + user + '/worlds/protos'); } async HandleFileEdit(ctx) { console.log("USER WORLD FILE EDIT"); let user = ctx.params.user; let worldName = ctx.params.name; let fileOriginal = ctx.params.file; let type = ctx.params.type; window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); _LCSDB.on('auth', async function (ack) { if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == user) { var worldType = 'worlds'; var file = fileOriginal; if (type == 'state') { worldType = 'documents'; file = _app.helpers.replaceSubStringALL(fileOriginal, "~", '/'); } _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).load(worldFile => { if (worldFile) { var source = worldFile.file; if (type == 'state') { if (!file.includes('_info_vwf_json')) { source = worldFile.jsonState; var saveName = worldFile.filename; } } //console.log(source); //var source = (typeof(sourceToEdit) =="object") ? JSON.stringify(sourceToEdit): sourceToEdit; if (file.includes('_json') && (typeof source !== 'object')) { source = (typeof JSON.parse(source) == 'object') ? JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(source), null, '\t') : source //source = source;//JSON.stringify(source, null, '\t'); } else if (typeof source == 'object') { source = JSON.stringify(source, null, '\t') } let el = document.createElement("div"); el.setAttribute("id", "worldFILE"); document.body.appendChild(el); var saveGUI = {}; if (type == 'proto' || file.includes('_info_vwf_json')) { saveGUI = { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Save", onclick: async function (e) { console.log("save new info"); let editor = document.querySelector("#aceEditor").env.editor; let newInfo = editor.getValue(); _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).get('file').put(newInfo, function (res) { if (res) { let noty = new Noty({ text: 'Saved!', timeout: 2000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'success' }); noty.show(); let modified = new Date().valueOf(); _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).get('modified').put(modified); } }) } } } if (type == 'state' && !file.includes('_info_vwf_json')) { saveGUI = { $type: "div", class: "", $components: [ { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Replace state", onclick: async function (e) { console.log("fix state"); let editor = document.querySelector("#aceEditor").env.editor; let newInfo = editor.getValue(); let fixedState = newInfo; //_app.fixSaveState(newInfo, worldName, oldProtoName); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').promOnce()).data; let revs = await _app.lookupSaveRevisions(worldName, saveName, userPub); let lastRevision = revs.sort()[0]; var newFile = file.replace('savestate_', 'savestate_' + lastRevision.toString()); _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).get('revs').get(newFile).get('jsonState').put(fixedState); _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).get('jsonState').put(fixedState, function (res) { if (res) { let noty = new Noty({ text: 'Repalced!', timeout: 2000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'success' }); noty.show(); let modified = new Date().valueOf(); _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).get('modified').put(modified); } }) } } ] } } let aceEditorCell = { $type: "div", $components: [ { class: "aceEditor", id: "aceEditor", //style: "width:1200px; height: 800px", $type: "div", $text: source, $init: function () { var mode = "ace/mode/json"; if (file.includes('_yaml')) mode = "ace/mode/yaml" if (file.includes('_js')) mode = "ace/mode/javascript" var editor = ace.edit("aceEditor"); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); editor.setFontSize(16); editor.getSession().setMode(mode); editor.setOptions({ maxLines: Infinity }); editor.session.setUseWrapMode(true); } }, saveGUI, { $type: "button", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised", $text: "Close", onclick: function (e) { console.log("close"); //window.location.pathname = "/" + user + '/' + worldName + '/about' window.history.back(); // if (type == "proto") // window.location.pathname = "/" + user + '/' + worldName + '/about' // if (type == "state") // window.location.pathname = "/" + user + '/' + worldName + '/about' } } ] } document.querySelector("#worldFILE").$cell({ $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [aceEditorCell ] }) } }); } } }) } async HandleUserWorldsWithType(ctx) { console.log("USER WORLDS INDEX"); console.log(ctx.params); let user = ctx.params.user; let type = ctx.params.type; window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); if (!_app.indexApp) { _app.indexApp = new IndexApp; _app.indexApp.initHTML(); _app.indexApp.initApp(); } if (type == 'protos') { await _app.indexApp.initWorldsProtosListForUser(user)//.getWorldsProtosListForUser(user); } else if (type == 'states') { await _app.indexApp.initWorldsStatesListForUser(user); //await _app.indexApp.getWorldsFromUserDB(user); } } async HandleIndex() { console.log("INDEX"); window._app.hideProgressBar(); window._app.hideUIControl(); if (!_app.indexApp) { _app.indexApp = new IndexApp; await _app.indexApp.generateFrontPage(); _app.indexApp.initHTML(); } _app.indexApp.initApp(); _LCSDB.get('~@app').once(res=>{ if (res){ _app.indexApp.initWorldsProtosListForUser('app'); } }) //await _app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDB(); } HandleNoPage() { console.log("no such page") } //handle parcable requests HandleParsableLoadRequest(ctx) { let app = window._app; console.log(ctx.params); //var pathname = ctx.pathname; var spaceName = ctx.params.space; var saveName = ctx.params.savename; let user = ctx.params.user; page.redirect('/' + user + '/' + spaceName + '/' + app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID() + '/load/' + saveName); } HandleParsableLoadRequestWithRev(ctx) { let app = window._app; console.log(ctx.params); //var pathname = ctx.pathname; var spaceName = ctx.params.space; var saveName = ctx.params.savename; var rev = ctx.params.rev; let user = ctx.params.user; page.redirect('/' + user + '/' + spaceName + '/' + app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID() + '/load/' + saveName + '/' + rev); } async setUserPaths(user) { let users = _LCSDB.get('users'); await _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').then(function (res) { if (res) window._LCS_WORLD_USER = { alias: user, pub: res } }) // await _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').once(res => { // if (res) // window._LCS_WORLD_USER = _LCSDB.user(res); // }).then(); } HandleParsableRequestGenID(ctx) { let app = window._app; console.log(ctx.params); let user = ctx.params.user; var pathname = ctx.pathname; //await app.setUserPaths(user); _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').once(function (res) { if (res) window._LCS_WORLD_USER = { alias: user, pub: res } if (pathname[pathname.length - 1] == '/') { pathname = pathname.slice(0, -1) } let pathToParse = pathname.replace('/' + user, ""); app.helpers.Process(pathToParse).then(parsedRequest => { localStorage.setItem('lcs_app', JSON.stringify({ path: parsedRequest })); console.log(parsedRequest); if ((parsedRequest['instance'] == undefined) && (parsedRequest['private_path'] == undefined) && (parsedRequest['public_path'] !== "/") && (parsedRequest['application'] !== undefined)) { //page.redirect(pathname + '/' + app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID()); window.location.pathname = pathname + '/' + app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID() } }) }) } HandleParsableRequestWithID(ctx) { let app = window._app; console.log(ctx.params); var pathname = ctx.pathname; let user = ctx.params.user; if (pathname[pathname.length - 1] == '/') { pathname = pathname.slice(0, -1) } //await app.setUserPaths(user); _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').once(function (res) { if (res) window._LCS_WORLD_USER = { alias: user, pub: res } let pathToParse = pathname.replace('/' + user, ""); app.loadAppLibs() .then(libs => {return app.helpers.Process(pathToParse)}) //app.helpers.Process(pathToParse) .then(parsedRequest => { localStorage.setItem('lcs_app', JSON.stringify({ path: parsedRequest })); var userLibraries = { model: {}, view: {} }; var application; vwf.loadConfiguration(application, userLibraries, compatibilityCheck); }) }) } async loadAppLibs(){ await loadjs([ '/vwf/model/aframe/aframe-master.min.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/extras/aframe-extras.loaders.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/extras/aframe-extras.controls.min.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/kframe/aframe-aabb-collider-component.min.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/aframe-interpolation.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/aframe-sun-sky.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/SkyShader.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/BVHLoader.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/TransformControls.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/THREE.MeshLine.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/aframe-components.js', '/vwf/view/arjs/aframe-ar.js' ],{ async: false, returnPromise: true }); return loadjs([ '/lib/compatibilitycheck.js', '/vwf/view/webrtc/adapter-latest.js', '/lib/draggabilly/draggabilly.pkgd.js', '/vwf/model/aframe/addon/virtualgc/nipplejs.js', '/lib/lively.vm_standalone.js', '/lib/require.js', '/lib/crypto.js', '/lib/md5.js', '/lib/alea.js', '/lib/mash.js', '/vwf.js' ], { async: false, returnPromise: true }) } //get DB application state information for reflector (called from VWF) async getApplicationState() { let dataJson = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_app')); if (dataJson) { if (!dataJson.path['instance']) return undefined; } //let userAlias = await _LCS_WORLD_USER.get('alias').once().then(); // let userPub = await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userAlias).get('pub').once().then(); let userAlias = _LCS_WORLD_USER.alias; let userPub = _LCS_WORLD_USER.pub; let loadInfo = await this.getLoadInformation(dataJson); let saveInfo = await this.loadSaveObject(loadInfo); let loadObj = { loadInfo: loadInfo, path: dataJson.path, saveObject: saveInfo, user: userAlias } //dataJson.app = loadObj; localStorage.setItem('lcs_app', JSON.stringify(loadObj)); console.log(loadObj); //temporary solution for syncing DB replicas using Gun.load() // _LCS_SYS_USER.get('proxy').load(res=>{ // if (res) // {console.log('proxy loaded'); // _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(loadObj.path.public_path.slice(1)).load(w=>{ // if (w) { // console.log('world files loaded'); // vwf.ready( vwf.application, loadObj) // } // }); // } // }); return loadObj } // LookupSaveRevisions takes the public path and the name of a save, and provides // an array of all revisions for that save. (If the save does not exist, this will be // an empty array). async lookupSaveRevisions(public_path, save_name, userPub) { var pub = ""; if (!_LCS_WORLD_USER) { pub = userPub; } else { pub = _LCS_WORLD_USER.pub } let userDB = _LCSDB.user(pub); var result = []; var states = []; let docName = 'savestate_/' + public_path + '/' + save_name + '_vwf_json'; let revs = await userDB.get('documents').get(public_path).get(docName).get('revs').promOnce(); if (revs) { if(revs.data) { for (const res of Object.keys(revs.data)) { if (res !== '_') { let el = await userDB.get('documents').get(public_path).get(docName).get('revs').get(res).promOnce(); if (el) result.push(parseInt(el.data.revision)); } } return result } } } // GetLoadInformation receives a parsed request {private_path, public_path, instance, application} and returns the // details of the save that is designated by the initial request. The details are returned in an object // composed of: save_name (name of the save) save_revision (revision of the save), explicit_revision (boolean, true if the request // explicitly specified the revision, false if it did not), and application_path (the public_path of the application this is a save for). async getLoadInformation(response) { let parsedRequest = response.path; var result = { 'save_name': undefined, 'save_revision': undefined, 'explicit_revision': undefined, 'application_path': undefined }; if (parsedRequest['private_path']) { var segments = this.helpers.GenerateSegments(parsedRequest['private_path']); if ((segments.length > 1) && (segments[0] == "load")) { var potentialRevisions = await this.lookupSaveRevisions((parsedRequest['public_path']).slice(1), segments[1]); console.log('!!!!! - ', potentialRevisions); if (potentialRevisions.length > 0) { result['save_name'] = segments[1]; if (segments.length > 2) { var requestedRevision = parseInt(segments[2]); if (requestedRevision) { if (potentialRevisions.indexOf(requestedRevision) > -1) { result['save_revision'] = requestedRevision; result['explicit_revision'] = true; result['application_path'] = parsedRequest['public_path']; } } } if (result['explicit_revision'] == undefined) { result['explicit_revision'] = false; potentialRevisions.sort(); result['save_revision'] = potentialRevisions.pop(); result['application_path'] = parsedRequest['public_path']; } } } } return result; } async loadSaveObject(loadInfo) { //let objName = loadInfo[ 'save_name' ] +'/'+ "savestate_" + loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ]; let userDB = _LCSDB.user(_LCS_WORLD_USER.pub); if (!loadInfo.save_name) { return undefined } let objName = "savestate_" + loadInfo['application_path'] + '/' + loadInfo['save_name'] + '_vwf_json'; let objNameRev = "savestate_" + loadInfo['save_revision'] + loadInfo['application_path'] + '/' + loadInfo['save_name'] + '_vwf_json'; // if(loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ]){ // } let worldName = this.helpers.appPath //loadInfo[ 'application_path' ].slice(1); let saveObject = (await userDB.get('documents').get(worldName).get(objName).get('revs').get(objNameRev).promOnce()).data; var saveInfo = null; if (saveObject) { saveInfo = (typeof (saveObject.jsonState) == 'object') ? saveObject.jsonState : JSON.parse(saveObject.jsonState); } //typeof(saveObject == 'object') return saveInfo; } // GetSaveInformation is a helper function that takes the application_path (/path/to/application). // It returns an array of all saves found for that // application (including separate entries for individual revisions of saves ). async getSaveInformation(application_path, userPUB) { var result = []; let user = _LCSDB.user(userPUB); var docName = application_path.slice(1); let potentialSaveNames = (await user.get('documents').get(docName).promOnce()).data; if (potentialSaveNames) { for (const res of Object.keys(potentialSaveNames)) { if (res !== '_') { let el = (await user.get('documents').path(docName).get(res).promOnce()).data; let revisionList = await this.lookupSaveRevisions(application_path.slice(1), el.filename); var latestsave = true; revisionList.sort(); while (revisionList.length > 0) { var newEntry = {}; newEntry['applicationpath'] = application_path; newEntry['savename'] = el.filename; newEntry['revision'] = revisionList.pop().toString(); newEntry['latestsave'] = latestsave; if (latestsave) { newEntry['url'] = this.helpers.JoinPath(window.location.origin, application_path, "load", el.filename + "/"); } else { newEntry['url'] = this.helpers.JoinPath(window.location.origin, application_path, "load", el.filename + "/", newEntry['revision'] + "/"); } latestsave = false; result.push(newEntry); } } } } return result; } async getProtoWorldFiles(userPub, worldName, date) { let fileNamesAll = (await _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(worldName).promOnce()).data; let worldFileNames = Object.keys(fileNamesAll).filter(el => (el !== '_') && (el !== 'owner') && (el !== 'parent') && (el !== 'featured') && (el !== 'published') && (el !== 'info_json') && (el !== '_config_yaml') && (el !== '_yaml') && (el !== '_html')); let worldObj = {}; for (var doc in worldFileNames) { let fn = worldFileNames[doc]; let res = (await _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(worldName).get(fn).promOnce()).data; var data = { 'file': res.file, 'modified': res.modified, 'created': res.created } if (!date) { data = { 'file': res.file } } worldObj[fn] = data; } console.log(worldObj); return worldObj } async cloneWorldPrototype(worldName, userName, newWorldName, stateFileName) { let self = this; _app.showProgressBar(); //let users = await _LCSDB.get('users').then(); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userName).get('pub').promOnce()).data; let newOwner = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; let myWorlds = (await _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').promOnce()).data; //if (!myWorlds) _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').put({}); _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').not(res=>{ _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').put({}); }) if(myWorlds) { let checkExist = Object.keys(myWorlds).filter(el=> el == newWorldName); if (newWorldName) { //let worldProto = (await _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').get(newWorldName).promOnce()).data; if (checkExist.length > 0 && myWorlds[newWorldName]) { console.log('already exist!'); return } } } var worldID = window._app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID().toString(); if (newWorldName) { worldID = newWorldName } //let modified = new Date().valueOf(); console.log('clone: ' + worldName + 'to: ' + worldID); let created = new Date().valueOf(); let worldObj = { 'owner': newOwner, 'parent': userName + '/' + worldName, 'featured': true, 'published': true }; // let fileNamesAll = await _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(worldName).load(all=> { let worldFileNames = Object.keys(all).filter(el => (el !== '_') && (el !== 'owner') && (el !== 'parent') && (el !== 'featured') && (el !== 'published') && (el !== '_config_yaml') && (el !== '_yaml') && (el !== '_html')); for (var doc in worldFileNames) { let fn = worldFileNames[doc]; let res = all[fn]; //(await _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(worldName).get(fn).promOnce()).data; let fileData = (typeof res.file == 'object')? JSON.stringify(res.file):res.file; let data = { 'file': fileData, //JSON.stringify(res.file), 'modified': created } worldObj[fn] = data; } console.log(worldObj); // for (const obj of Object.keys(worldObj)) { // let myWorlds = _LCSDB.user().get('worlds'); // let myNewWorld = myWorlds.get(worldID); // myNewWorld.get(obj).put(worldObj[obj]); // } //let myWorlds = await _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').once().then(); let myWorld = _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').get(worldID).put({}); myWorld.put(worldObj, function (res) { if(stateFileName){ self.saveStateAsFile(stateFileName) } console.log(res) }); //.get(worldID) let myWorld = // let myWorld = _LCSDB.user().get(worldID).put(worldObj); // _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').set(myWorld); _app.hideProgressBar(); console.log('CLONED!!!'); let appEl = document.createElement("div"); appEl.setAttribute("id", 'cloneLink'); let entry = document.querySelector('#worldActionsGUI'); if (entry) { entry.appendChild(appEl); document.querySelector("#cloneLink").$cell({ id: 'cloneLink', $cell: true, $type: "div", $components: [ { $type: "a", class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action", $text: "Go to new cloned World!", onclick: function (e) { let myName = _LCSDB.user().is.alias; window.location.pathname = '/' + myName + '/' + worldID + '/about' } } ] }) } },{wait: 500}).then(); //window.location.pathname = '/' + userName + '/' + worldID + '/about' //page() // Object.keys(worldObj).forEach(el => { // this.db.user().get('worlds').get(worldID).get(el).put(worldObj[el]); // }) } async cloneWorldState(filename) { let myWorldProtos = (await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').promOnce()).data; let userName = this.helpers.worldUser; // let users = await _LCSDB.get('users').then(); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userName).get('pub').promOnce()).data; let protoUserRoot = this.helpers.getRoot(true).root; //let myName = this.db.user().is.alias; //let proto = Object.keys(myWorldProtos).filter(el => el == protoUserRoot); var protosKeys = []; if (myWorldProtos) protosKeys = Object.keys(myWorldProtos); if (protosKeys.includes(protoUserRoot) && myWorldProtos[protoUserRoot]) { let userProtoFiles = await this.getProtoWorldFiles(userPub, protoUserRoot); let myProtoFiles = await this.getProtoWorldFiles(_LCSDB.user().is.pub, protoUserRoot); let hashUP = await this.helpers.sha256(JSON.stringify(userProtoFiles)); let hashMP = await this.helpers.sha256(JSON.stringify(myProtoFiles)); if (hashUP == hashMP) { this.saveStateAsFile(filename); } else { let noty = new Noty({ text: 'world prototype is modified.. could not clone world state', timeout: 2000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'error' }); noty.show(); } } else { await this.cloneWorldPrototype(protoUserRoot, userName, protoUserRoot, filename); //this.saveStateAsFile(filename); } } //TODO: refactor and config save async saveStateAsFile(filename, otherProto) // invoke with the view as "this" { console.log("Saving: " + filename); //var clients = this.nodes["http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf"]; // Save State Information var state = vwf.getState(); state.nodes[0].children = {}; var timestamp = state["queue"].time; timestamp = Math.round(timestamp * 1000); let jsonValuePure = _app.helpers.replaceFloatArraysInNodeDef(state); //remove all Ohm generated grammarsfrom state let jsonValue = _app.helpers.removeGrammarObj(jsonValuePure); var jsonState = JSON.stringify(jsonValue, null, '\t'); //JSON.stringify(jsonValue); let rootPath = this.helpers.getRoot(true); var inst = rootPath.inst; if (filename == '') filename = inst; //if (root.indexOf('.vwf') != -1) root = root.substring(0, root.lastIndexOf('/')); var root = rootPath.root; var json = jsonState; if (otherProto) { console.log('need to modify state...'); json = this.helpers.replaceSubStringALL(jsonState, '/' + root + '/', '/' + otherProto + '/');//jsonState.replace(('/' + root + '/'), ('/' + otherProto +'/') ); root = otherProto; console.log(json); } //var documents = this.db.user().get('documents'); var saveRevision = new Date().valueOf(); var stateForStore = { "root": root, "filename": filename, "inst": inst, "timestamp": timestamp, "extension": ".vwf.json", "jsonState": json, "publish": true }; let rev = JSON.stringify(saveRevision); var docNameRev = 'savestate_' + rev + '/' + root + '/' + filename + '_vwf_json'; let stateWithRev = Object.assign({}, stateForStore); stateWithRev.revs = { [docNameRev]: stateForStore }; stateWithRev.revs[docNameRev].revision = saveRevision; //let objName = loadInfo[ 'save_name' ] +'/'+ "savestate_" + loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ]; // "savestate_" + loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ] + '/' + loadInfo[ 'save_name' ] + '_vwf_json' var docName = 'savestate_/' + root + '/' + filename + '_vwf_json'; let myNewWorldState = _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docName).put({}); //_LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docName).put(stateWithRev, function(res) { myNewWorldState.put(stateWithRev, function (res) { if (res) { let noty = new Noty({ text: 'Saved to ' + docName, timeout: 2000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'success' }); noty.show(); } }); // let docInfo = await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(root).get('info_json').get('file').then(); _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(root).get('info_json').get('file').once(function (file) { if (file) { let modified = saveRevision; let newOwner = _LCSDB.user().is.pub; let userName = _LCSDB.user().is.alias; let fileData = (typeof file == 'object')? JSON.stringify(file):file; let obj = { 'parent': userName + '/' + root, 'owner': newOwner, 'file': fileData, //file, //JSON.stringify(file), //'modified': modified, 'created': modified } let docInfoName = 'savestate_/' + root + '/' + filename + '_info_vwf_json'; _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docInfoName).get('file').not(function (res) { _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docInfoName).put(obj); }); _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docInfoName).get('created').not(function (res) { _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docInfoName).get('created').put(modified); }); _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(root).get(docInfoName).get('modified').put(modified); } }); // Save Config Information var config = { "info": {}, "model": {}, "view": {} }; // Save browser title config["info"]["title"] = document.title//$('title').html(); // Save model drivers Object.keys(vwf_view.kernel.kernel.models).forEach(function (modelDriver) { if (modelDriver.indexOf('vwf/model/') != -1) config["model"][modelDriver] = ""; }); // If neither glge or threejs model drivers are defined, specify nodriver if (config["model"]["vwf/model/glge"] === undefined && config["model"]["vwf/model/threejs"] === undefined) config["model"]["nodriver"] = ""; // Save view drivers and associated parameters, if any Object.keys(vwf_view.kernel.kernel.views).forEach(function (viewDriver) { if (viewDriver.indexOf('vwf/view/') != -1) { if (vwf_view.kernel.kernel.views[viewDriver].parameters) { config["view"][viewDriver] = vwf_view.kernel.kernel.views[viewDriver].parameters; } else config["view"][viewDriver] = ""; } }); //var jsonConfig = $.encoder.encodeForURL(JSON.stringify(config)); var jsonConfig = JSON.stringify(config); let configStateForStore = { "root": root, "filename": filename, "inst": inst, "timestamp": timestamp, "extension": "config.vwf.json", "jsonState": jsonConfig }; //let objName = loadInfo[ 'save_name' ] +'/'+ "savestate_" + loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ]; // "savestate_" + loadInfo[ 'save_revision' ] + '/' + loadInfo[ 'save_name' ] + '_vwf_json' // let configName = 'savestate_/' + root + '/' + filename + '_config_vwf_json'; // let documentSaveConfigState = this.db.user().get(configName).put(configStateForStore); // //documents.path(root).set(documentSaveConfigState); // let configNameRev = 'savestate_' + saveRevision.toString() + '/' + root + '/' + filename + '_config_vwf_json'; // this.db.user().get(configNameRev).put(configStateForStore); // this.db.user().get(configNameRev).path("revision").put(saveRevision); //documentSaveConfigState.path('revs').set(documentSaveStateRevision); // Save config file to server // var xhrConfig = new XMLHttpRequest(); // xhrConfig.open("POST", "/" + root + "/save/" + filename, true); // xhrConfig.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // xhrConfig.send("root=" + root + "/" + filename + "&filename=saveState&inst=" + inst + "×tamp=" + timestamp + "&extension=.vwf.config.json" + "&jsonState=" + jsonConfig); } fixSaveState(jsonState, otherProto, oldProtoName) { console.log('fix proto in state...'); let json = this.helpers.replaceSubStringALL(jsonState, '/' + oldProtoName + '/', '/' + otherProto + '/');//jsonState.replace(('/' + root + '/'), ('/' + otherProto +'/') ); console.log(json); return json } // LoadSavedState async loadSavedState(filename, applicationpath, revision) { console.log("Loading: " + filename); let userDB = _LCSDB.user(_LCS_WORLD_USER.pub); let userName = (await userDB.get('alias').promOnce()).data; if (revision) { window.location.pathname = '/' + userName + applicationpath + '/load/' + filename + '/' + revision + '/'; } else { // applicationpath + "/" + inst + '/load/' + filename + '/'; window.location.pathname = '/' + userName + applicationpath + '/load/' + filename + '/'; } } hideUIControl() { let el = document.getElementById("ui-controls"); if (el) { el.classList.remove("visible"); el.classList.add("not-visible"); } } showUIControl() { let el = document.getElementById("ui-controls"); if (el) { el.classList.remove("not-visible"); el.classList.add("visible"); } } hideProgressBar() { var progressbar = document.getElementById("load-progressbar"); if (progressbar) { progressbar.classList.remove("visible"); progressbar.classList.remove("mdc-linear-progress--indeterminate"); progressbar.classList.add("not-visible"); progressbar.classList.add("mdc-linear-progress--closed"); } } showProgressBar() { let progressbar = document.getElementById("load-progressbar"); if (progressbar) { progressbar.classList.remove("not-visible"); progressbar.classList.remove("mdc-linear-progress--closed"); progressbar.classList.add("visible"); progressbar.classList.add("mdc-linear-progress--indeterminate"); } } // SUPPORT of DELETE USER WORLDS & SAVE STATES (experimental) // TODO: manual garbage collection async deleteWorldState(worldName, indexState) { let revs = (await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).get('revs').promOnce()).data; if (revs) { for (const el of Object.keys(revs)) { if (el !== '_') { let doc = (await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).get('revs').get(el).promOnce()).data; for (const rev of Object.keys(doc)) { if (rev !== '_') { await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).get('revs').get(el).get(rev).put(null).promOnce(); } } await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).get('revs').get(el).put(null).promOnce(); } } } // clear all state params let stateDoc = (await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).promOnce()).data; for (const state of Object.keys(stateDoc)) { if (state !== '_' && state !== 'revs') { await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).get(state).put(null).promOnce(); } } await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).get('revs').put(null).promOnce(); await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).get(indexState).put(null).promOnce(); } async deleteWorld(name, type) { if (type == 'proto') { let worldName = name; //TODO check for states (ask for deleting all states first...) //delete states let documents = (await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').promOnce()).data; if (documents) { let states = (await _LCSDB.user().get('documents').get(worldName).promOnce()).data; if (states) { for (const st of Object.keys(states)) { if (st !== '_') { if (states[st]) { await this.deleteWorldState(worldName, st); } } } } } let worldFiles = (await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).promOnce()).data; if (worldFiles) { for (const el of Object.keys(worldFiles)) { if (el !== '_') { let doc = (await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(el).promOnce()).data; if (doc) { if (doc.file) { for (const fEl of Object.keys(doc)) { if (fEl !== '_') { await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(el).get(fEl).put(null).promOnce(); } } await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(el).put(null).promOnce(); } else { await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(el).put(null).promOnce() } } } } } // this.db.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).map((res, index) => { // if(typeof res == 'object'){ // this.db.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(index) // .get('file').put("null") // .back(1) // .get('modified').put("null") // .back(1) // .get('created').put("null") // .back(1).put("null") // } else { // this.db.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).get(index).put("null") // } // }) await _LCSDB.user().get('worlds').get(worldName).put(null).promOnce(); } else if (type == 'state') { let worldName = name.split('/')[0]; let stateName = name.split('/')[2]; let stateEntryInfo = 'savestate_/' + worldName + '/' + stateName + '_info_vwf_json'; let stateEntry = 'savestate_/' + worldName + '/' + stateName + '_vwf_json'; await this.deleteWorldState(worldName, stateEntryInfo); await this.deleteWorldState(worldName, stateEntry); } let noty = new Noty({ text: "World Deleted!", timeout: 2000, theme: 'mint', layout: 'bottomRight', type: 'success' }); noty.show(); } parseAppInstancesData(data) { let jsonObj = JSON.parse(data); var parsed = {}; let listData = {}; for (var prop in jsonObj) { var name = prop.split('/')[1]; if (parsed[name]) { parsed[name][prop] = jsonObj[prop]; } else { parsed[name] = {}; parsed[name][prop] = jsonObj[prop]; } } //console.log(parsed); for (var prop in parsed) { var name = prop; let obj = Object.entries(parsed[prop]); var lists = {}; obj.forEach(el => { if (el[1].loadInfo['save_name']) { let saveName = prop + '/load/' + el[1].loadInfo.save_name; if (!lists[saveName]) lists[saveName] = {}; lists[saveName][el[0]] = el[1] } else { if (!lists[name]) lists[name] = {}; lists[name][el[0]] = el[1] } }); // console.log(lists); Object.entries(lists).forEach(list => { listData[list[0]] = list[1]; }) } return listData // console.log(data) } async getAllStateWorldsInfoForUser(userAlias, cb) { //let users = await _LCSDB.get('users').then(); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userAlias).get('pub').promOnce()).data; var db = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == userAlias) db = _LCSDB.user(); } //let myWorlds = (await db.get('documents').promOnce()).data; db.get('documents').load(myWorlds => { if (myWorlds) { Object.keys(myWorlds).filter(el => el !== '_').forEach(w => { db.get('documents').get(w).map(function (res, datI) { var doc = {}; if (datI.includes('_info_vwf_json')) { if (res && res !== 'null') { if (res.file && res.file !== 'null') { let saveName = datI.split('/')[2].replace('_info_vwf_json', ""); // let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res.file); var worldDesc = {}; if (typeof (res.file) == 'object') { worldDesc = res.file } else { worldDesc = JSON.parse(res.file) } let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0]; var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en']; let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale'); if (langID) { appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID] } doc = { 'worldName': w + '/load/' + saveName, 'created': res.created ? res.created : res.modified, 'modified': res.modified, 'type': 'saveState', 'userAlias': userAlias, 'info': appInfo } } } } if (Object.keys(doc).length !== 0) cb({ [doc.worldName]: doc }) }) }) } }) //}) } async getAllStateWorldsInfoForUserPromise(userAlias) { //let users = await _LCSDB.get('users').then(); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userAlias).get('pub').promOnce()).data; var db = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == userAlias) db = _LCSDB.user(); } var states = {}; let worldDocs = (await db.get('worlds').promOnce()).data; if (worldDocs) { let protos = Object.keys(worldDocs).filter(el => el !== '_'); if (protos) { for (const el of protos) { let info = await this.getSaveStates(userAlias, el); if (Object.keys(info).length !== 0) states[el] = info; } } } return states } async getAllProtoWorldsInfoForUser(userAlias, cb) { //let users = await _LCSDB.get('users').then(); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userAlias).get('pub').promOnce()).data; var db = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == userAlias) db = _LCSDB.user(); } db.get('worlds').once(res=>{ if (res) { db.get('worlds').map(function (val, index) { db.get('worlds').get(index).get('info_json').load(function (res) { var doc = {}; if (res && res !== 'null') { if (res.file && res.file !== 'null') { //let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res.file); var worldDesc = {}; if (typeof (res.file) == 'object') { worldDesc = res.file } else { worldDesc = JSON.parse(res.file) } let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0]; var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en']; let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale'); if (langID) { appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID] } doc = { 'worldName': index, 'created': res.created ? res.created : res.modified, 'modified': res.modified, 'type': 'proto', 'userAlias': userAlias, 'info': appInfo } } } if (Object.keys(doc).length !== 0) cb({ [index]: doc }) }) }) } }) } async getAllProtoWorldsInfoForUserPromise(userAlias) { //let users = await _LCSDB.get('users').then(); let userPub = (await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userAlias).get('pub').promOnce()).data; var db = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == userAlias) db = _LCSDB.user(); } var worlds = {}; let worldDocs = (await db.get('worlds').promOnce()).data; if (worldDocs) { let protos = Object.keys(worldDocs).filter(el => el !== '_'); if (protos) { for (const el of protos) { let info = await this.getWorldInfo(userAlias, el); if (Object.keys(info).length !== 0) worlds[el] = info; } } } return worlds } async getSaveStates(userInfo, worldName) { //let userPub = await _LCSDB.get('users').get(userAlias).get('pub').once().then(); let userPub = userInfo.pub; let userAlias = userInfo.user; var db = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == userAlias) db = _LCSDB.user(); } var states = {}; let documents = (await db.get('documents').promOnce()).data; if (documents) { let docs = (await db.get('documents').get(worldName).promOnce()).data; if (docs) { let saves = Object.keys(docs).filter(el => el.includes('_info_vwf_json')); if (saves) { for (const el of saves) { let stateName = el.split('/')[2].replace('_info_vwf_json', ""); let info = await this.getStateInfo(userInfo, worldName, stateName); if (Object.keys(info).length !== 0) { if (info.info) states[stateName] = info; } } } } } return states } async getStateInfo(userInfo, space, saveName) { //let userPub = await _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').once().then(); let userPub = userInfo.pub; let user = userInfo.user; var db = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == user) db = _LCSDB.user(); } var info = {}; //let worlds = await db.get('documents').then(); let docName = 'savestate_/' + space + '/' + saveName + '_info_vwf_json'; let world = (await db.get('documents').get(space).get(docName).promOnce()).data; if (world) { let file = (await db.get('documents').get(space).get(docName).get('file').promOnce()).data; if (file && file !== 'null') { // let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res.file); var worldDesc = {}; if (typeof (file) == 'object') { worldDesc = file } else { worldDesc = JSON.parse(file) } let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0]; var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en']; let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale'); if (langID) { appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID] } let created = (await db.get('documents').get(space).get(docName).get('created').promOnce()).data; let modified = (await db.get('documents').get(space).get(docName).get('modified').promOnce()).data; info = { 'worldName': space + '/load/' + saveName, 'created': created ? created : modified, 'modified': modified, 'type': 'saveState', 'userAlias': user, 'info': appInfo } } } return info } async getWorldInfo(userInfo, space) { //get space for userA let userPub = userInfo.pub;//await _LCSDB.get('users').get(user).get('pub').then(); let user = userInfo.user; var userdb = _LCSDB.user(userPub); if (_LCSDB.user().is) { if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == user) userdb = _LCSDB.user(); } var info = {}; //let worlds = await userdb.get('worlds').promOnce(); let world = (await userdb.get('worlds').get(space).promOnce()).data; if (world) { let file = (await userdb.get('worlds').get(space).get('info_json').get('file').promOnce()).data; if (file && file !== 'null') { var worldDesc = {}; if (typeof (file) == 'object') { worldDesc = file } else { worldDesc = JSON.parse(file) } //let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res.file); let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0]; var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en']; let settings = worldDesc[root].settings; let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale'); if (langID) { appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID] } let created = (await userdb.get('worlds').get(space).get('info_json').get('created').promOnce()).data; let modified = (await userdb.get('worlds').get(space).get('info_json').get('modified').promOnce()).data; info = { 'worldName': space, 'created': created ? created : modified, 'modified': modified, 'type': 'proto', 'userAlias': user, 'info': appInfo, 'settings': settings } } } return info } } export { App }