/*global define*/ define([ '../Core/Cartesian3', '../Core/defineProperties', '../Core/Matrix4' ], function( Cartesian3, defineProperties, Matrix4) { "use strict"; /*global WebGLRenderingContext*/ var viewerPositionWCScratch = new Cartesian3(); var AutomaticUniform = function(options) { this._size = options.size; this._datatype = options.datatype; this.getValue = options.getValue; }; defineProperties(AutomaticUniform.prototype, { size: { get : function() { return this._size; } }, datatype : { get : function() { return this._datatype; } } }); // this check must use typeof, not defined, because defined doesn't work with undeclared variables. if (typeof WebGLRenderingContext === 'undefined') { return {}; } var datatypeToGlsl = {}; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT] = 'float'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC2] = 'vec2'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3] = 'vec3'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC4] = 'vec4'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.INT] = 'int'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.INT_VEC2] = 'ivec2'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.INT_VEC3] = 'ivec3'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.INT_VEC4] = 'ivec4'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.BOOL] = 'bool'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.BOOL_VEC2] = 'bvec2'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.BOOL_VEC3] = 'bvec3'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.BOOL_VEC4] = 'bvec4'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT2] = 'mat2'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3] = 'mat3'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4] = 'mat4'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.SAMPLER_2D] = 'sampler2D'; datatypeToGlsl[WebGLRenderingContext.SAMPLER_CUBE] = 'samplerCube'; AutomaticUniform.prototype.getDeclaration = function(name) { var declaration = 'uniform ' + datatypeToGlsl[this._datatype] + ' ' + name; var size = this._size; if (size === 1) { declaration += ';'; } else { declaration += '[' + size.toString() + '];'; } return declaration; }; /** * @private */ var AutomaticUniforms = { /** * An automatic GLSL uniform containing the viewport's <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, <code>width</code>, * and <code>height</code> properties in an <code>vec4</code>'s <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, <code>z</code>, * and <code>w</code> components, respectively. * * @alias czm_viewport * @glslUniform * * @see Context#getViewport * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec4 czm_viewport; * * // Scale the window coordinate components to [0, 1] by dividing * // by the viewport's width and height. * vec2 v = gl_FragCoord.xy / czm_viewport.zw; */ czm_viewport : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.viewportCartesian4; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 orthographic projection matrix that * transforms window coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * <br /><br /> * This transform is useful when a vertex shader inputs or manipulates window coordinates * as done by {@link BillboardCollection}. * <br /><br /> * Do not confuse {@link czm_viewportTransformation} with <code>czm_viewportOrthographic</code>. * The former transforms from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates; the later transforms * from window coordinates to clip coordinates, and is often used to assign to <code>gl_Position</code>. * * @alias czm_viewportOrthographic * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#viewportOrthographic * @see czm_viewport * @see czm_viewportTransformation * @see BillboardCollection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_viewportOrthographic; * * // Example * gl_Position = czm_viewportOrthographic * vec4(windowPosition, 0.0, 1.0); */ czm_viewportOrthographic : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.viewportOrthographic; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 transformation matrix that * transforms normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. The context's * full viewport is used, and the depth range is assumed to be <code>near = 0</code> * and <code>far = 1</code>. * <br /><br /> * This transform is useful when there is a need to manipulate window coordinates * in a vertex shader as done by {@link BillboardCollection}. In many cases, * this matrix will not be used directly; instead, {@link czm_modelToWindowCoordinates} * will be used to transform directly from model to window coordinates. * <br /><br /> * Do not confuse <code>czm_viewportTransformation</code> with {@link czm_viewportOrthographic}. * The former transforms from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates; the later transforms * from window coordinates to clip coordinates, and is often used to assign to <code>gl_Position</code>. * * @alias czm_viewportTransformation * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#viewportTransformation * @see czm_viewport * @see czm_viewportOrthographic * @see czm_modelToWindowCoordinates * @see BillboardCollection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_viewportTransformation; * * // Use czm_viewportTransformation as part of the * // transform from model to window coordinates. * vec4 q = czm_modelViewProjection * positionMC; // model to clip coordinates * q.xyz /= q.w; // clip to normalized device coordinates (ndc) * q.xyz = (czm_viewportTransformation * vec4(q.xyz, 1.0)).xyz; // ndc to window coordinates */ czm_viewportTransformation : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.viewportTransformation; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model transformation matrix that * transforms model coordinates to world coordinates. * * @alias czm_model * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#model * @see czm_inverseModel * @see czm_modelView * @see czm_modelViewProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_model; * * // Example * vec4 worldPosition = czm_model * modelPosition; */ czm_model : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.model; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model transformation matrix that * transforms world coordinates to model coordinates. * * @alias czm_inverseModel * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseModel * @see czm_model * @see czm_inverseModelView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseModel; * * // Example * vec4 modelPosition = czm_inverseModel * worldPosition; */ czm_inverseModel : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseModel; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 view transformation matrix that * transforms world coordinates to eye coordinates. * * @alias czm_view * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#view * @see czm_viewRotation * @see czm_modelView * @see czm_viewProjection * @see czm_modelViewProjection * @see czm_inverseView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_view; * * // Example * vec4 eyePosition = czm_view * worldPosition; */ czm_view : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.view; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 view transformation matrix that * transforms 3D world coordinates to eye coordinates. In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_view}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the view matrix * as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * * @alias czm_view3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#view3D * @see czm_view * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_view3D; * * // Example * vec4 eyePosition3D = czm_view3D * worldPosition3D; */ czm_view3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.view3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 view rotation matrix that * transforms vectors in world coordinates to eye coordinates. * * @alias czm_viewRotation * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#viewRotation * @see czm_view * @see czm_inverseView * @see czm_inverseViewRotation * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_viewRotation; * * // Example * vec3 eyeVector = czm_viewRotation * worldVector; */ czm_viewRotation : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.viewRotation; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 view rotation matrix that * transforms vectors in 3D world coordinates to eye coordinates. In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_viewRotation}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the view matrix * as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * * @alias czm_viewRotation3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#viewRotation3D * @see czm_viewRotation * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_viewRotation3D; * * // Example * vec3 eyeVector = czm_viewRotation3D * worldVector; */ czm_viewRotation3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.viewRotation3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 transformation matrix that * transforms from eye coordinates to world coordinates. * * @alias czm_inverseView * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseView * @see czm_view * @see czm_inverseNormal * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseView; * * // Example * vec4 worldPosition = czm_inverseView * eyePosition; */ czm_inverseView : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseView; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 transformation matrix that * transforms from 3D eye coordinates to world coordinates. In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_inverseView}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the inverse view matrix * as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * * @alias czm_inverseView3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseView3D * @see czm_inverseView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseView3D; * * // Example * vec4 worldPosition = czm_inverseView3D * eyePosition; */ czm_inverseView3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseView3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 rotation matrix that * transforms vectors from eye coordinates to world coordinates. * * @alias czm_inverseViewRotation * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseView * @see czm_view * @see czm_viewRotation * @see czm_inverseViewRotation * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_inverseViewRotation; * * // Example * vec4 worldVector = czm_inverseViewRotation * eyeVector; */ czm_inverseViewRotation : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseViewRotation; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 rotation matrix that * transforms vectors from 3D eye coordinates to world coordinates. In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_inverseViewRotation}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the inverse view matrix * as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * * @alias czm_inverseViewRotation3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseView3D * @see czm_inverseViewRotation * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_inverseViewRotation3D; * * // Example * vec4 worldVector = czm_inverseViewRotation3D * eyeVector; */ czm_inverseViewRotation3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseViewRotation3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 projection transformation matrix that * transforms eye coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * * @alias czm_projection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#projection * @see czm_viewProjection * @see czm_modelViewProjection * @see czm_infiniteProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_projection; * * // Example * gl_Position = czm_projection * eyePosition; */ czm_projection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.projection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 inverse projection transformation matrix that * transforms from clip coordinates to eye coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * * @alias czm_inverseProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseProjection * @see czm_projection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseProjection; * * // Example * vec4 eyePosition = czm_inverseProjection * clipPosition; */ czm_inverseProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseProjection; } }), /** * @private */ czm_inverseProjectionOIT : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseProjectionOIT; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 projection transformation matrix with the far plane at infinity, * that transforms eye coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. An infinite far plane is used * in algorithms like shadow volumes and GPU ray casting with proxy geometry to ensure that triangles * are not clipped by the far plane. * * @alias czm_infiniteProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#infiniteProjection * @see czm_projection * @see czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_infiniteProjection; * * // Example * gl_Position = czm_infiniteProjection * eyePosition; */ czm_infiniteProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.infiniteProjection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view transformation matrix that * transforms model coordinates to eye coordinates. * <br /><br /> * Positions should be transformed to eye coordinates using <code>czm_modelView</code> and * normals should be transformed using {@link czm_normal}. * * @alias czm_modelView * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#modelView * @see czm_model * @see czm_view * @see czm_modelViewProjection * @see czm_normal * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_modelView; * * // Example * vec4 eyePosition = czm_modelView * modelPosition; * * // The above is equivalent to, but more efficient than: * vec4 eyePosition = czm_view * czm_model * modelPosition; */ czm_modelView : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.modelView; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view transformation matrix that * transforms 3D model coordinates to eye coordinates. In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_modelView}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the model-view matrix * as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * <br /><br /> * Positions should be transformed to eye coordinates using <code>czm_modelView3D</code> and * normals should be transformed using {@link czm_normal3D}. * * @alias czm_modelView3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#modelView3D * @see czm_modelView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_modelView3D; * * // Example * vec4 eyePosition = czm_modelView3D * modelPosition; * * // The above is equivalent to, but more efficient than: * vec4 eyePosition = czm_view3D * czm_model * modelPosition; */ czm_modelView3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.modelView3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view transformation matrix that * transforms model coordinates, relative to the eye, to eye coordinates. This is used * in conjunction with {@link czm_translateRelativeToEye}. * * @alias czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * @glslUniform * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_modelViewRelativeToEye; * * // Example * attribute vec3 positionHigh; * attribute vec3 positionLow; * * void main() * { * vec4 p = czm_translateRelativeToEye(positionHigh, positionLow); * gl_Position = czm_projection * (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * p); * } * * @see czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * @see czm_translateRelativeToEye * @see EncodedCartesian3 */ czm_modelViewRelativeToEye : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.modelViewRelativeToEye; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 transformation matrix that * transforms from eye coordinates to model coordinates. * * @alias czm_inverseModelView * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseModelView * @see czm_modelView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseModelView; * * // Example * vec4 modelPosition = czm_inverseModelView * eyePosition; */ czm_inverseModelView : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseModelView; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 transformation matrix that * transforms from eye coordinates to 3D model coordinates. In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_inverseModelView}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the inverse model-view matrix * as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * * @alias czm_inverseModelView3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseModelView * @see czm_inverseModelView * @see czm_modelView3D * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseModelView3D; * * // Example * vec4 modelPosition = czm_inverseModelView3D * eyePosition; */ czm_inverseModelView3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseModelView3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 view-projection transformation matrix that * transforms world coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * * @alias czm_viewProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#viewProjection * @see czm_view * @see czm_projection * @see czm_modelViewProjection * @see czm_inverseViewProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_viewProjection; * * // Example * vec4 gl_Position = czm_viewProjection * czm_model * modelPosition; * * // The above is equivalent to, but more efficient than: * gl_Position = czm_projection * czm_view * czm_model * modelPosition; */ czm_viewProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.viewProjection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 view-projection transformation matrix that * transforms clip coordinates to world coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * * @alias czm_inverseViewProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseViewProjection * @see czm_viewProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseViewProjection; * * // Example * vec4 worldPosition = czm_inverseViewProjection * clipPosition; */ czm_inverseViewProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseViewProjection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view-projection transformation matrix that * transforms model coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * * @alias czm_modelViewProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#modelViewProjection * @see czm_model * @see czm_view * @see czm_projection * @see czm_modelView * @see czm_viewProjection * @see czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection * @see czm_inverseModelViewProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_modelViewProjection; * * // Example * vec4 gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjection * modelPosition; * * // The above is equivalent to, but more efficient than: * gl_Position = czm_projection * czm_view * czm_model * modelPosition; */ czm_modelViewProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.modelViewProjection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 inverse model-view-projection transformation matrix that * transforms clip coordinates to model coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. * * @alias czm_inverseModelViewProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#modelViewProjection * @see czm_modelViewProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_inverseModelViewProjection; * * // Example * vec4 modelPosition = czm_inverseModelViewProjection * clipPosition; */ czm_inverseModelViewProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseModelViewProjection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view-projection transformation matrix that * transforms model coordinates, relative to the eye, to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. This is used in * conjunction with {@link czm_translateRelativeToEye}. * * @alias czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * @glslUniform * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye; * * // Example * attribute vec3 positionHigh; * attribute vec3 positionLow; * * void main() * { * vec4 p = czm_translateRelativeToEye(positionHigh, positionLow); * gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * p; * } * * @see czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * @see czm_translateRelativeToEye * @see EncodedCartesian3 */ czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 4x4 model-view-projection transformation matrix that * transforms model coordinates to clip coordinates. Clip coordinates is the * coordinate system for a vertex shader's <code>gl_Position</code> output. The projection matrix places * the far plane at infinity. This is useful in algorithms like shadow volumes and GPU ray casting with * proxy geometry to ensure that triangles are not clipped by the far plane. * * @alias czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#modelViewInfiniteProjection * @see czm_model * @see czm_view * @see czm_infiniteProjection * @see czm_modelViewProjection * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat4 czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection; * * // Example * vec4 gl_Position = czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection * modelPosition; * * // The above is equivalent to, but more efficient than: * gl_Position = czm_infiniteProjection * czm_view * czm_model * modelPosition; */ czm_modelViewInfiniteProjection : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT4, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.modelViewInfiniteProjection; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 normal transformation matrix that * transforms normal vectors in model coordinates to eye coordinates. * <br /><br /> * Positions should be transformed to eye coordinates using {@link czm_modelView} and * normals should be transformed using <code>czm_normal</code>. * * @alias czm_normal * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#normal * @see czm_inverseNormal * @see czm_modelView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_normal; * * // Example * vec3 eyeNormal = czm_normal * normal; */ czm_normal : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.normal; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 normal transformation matrix that * transforms normal vectors in 3D model coordinates to eye coordinates. * In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_normal}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the normal transformation * matrix as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * <br /><br /> * Positions should be transformed to eye coordinates using {@link czm_modelView3D} and * normals should be transformed using <code>czm_normal3D</code>. * * @alias czm_normal3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#normal3D * @see czm_normal * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_normal3D; * * // Example * vec3 eyeNormal = czm_normal3D * normal; */ czm_normal3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.normal3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 normal transformation matrix that * transforms normal vectors in eye coordinates to model coordinates. This is * the opposite of the transform provided by {@link czm_normal}. * * @alias czm_inverseNormal * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseNormal * @see czm_normal * @see czm_modelView * @see czm_inverseView * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_inverseNormal; * * // Example * vec3 normalMC = czm_inverseNormal * normalEC; */ czm_inverseNormal : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseNormal; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 normal transformation matrix that * transforms normal vectors in eye coordinates to 3D model coordinates. This is * the opposite of the transform provided by {@link czm_normal}. * In 3D mode, this is identical to * {@link czm_inverseNormal}, but in 2D and Columbus View it represents the inverse normal transformation * matrix as if the camera were at an equivalent location in 3D mode. This is useful for lighting * 2D and Columbus View in the same way that 3D is lit. * * @alias czm_inverseNormal3D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#inverseNormal3D * @see czm_inverseNormal * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_inverseNormal3D; * * // Example * vec3 normalMC = czm_inverseNormal3D * normalEC; */ czm_inverseNormal3D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.inverseNormal3D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform containing height (<code>x</code>) and height squared (<code>y</code>) * of the eye (camera) in the 2D scene in meters. * * @alias czm_eyeHeight2D * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#eyeHeight2D */ czm_eyeHeight2D : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC2, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.eyeHeight2D; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform containing the near distance (<code>x</code>) and the far distance (<code>y</code>) * of the frustum defined by the camera. This is the largest possible frustum, not an individual * frustum used for multi-frustum rendering. * * @alias czm_entireFrustum * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#entireFrustum * @see czm_currentFrustum * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec2 czm_entireFrustum; * * // Example * float frustumLength = czm_entireFrustum.y - czm_entireFrustum.x; */ czm_entireFrustum : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC2, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.entireFrustum; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform containing the near distance (<code>x</code>) and the far distance (<code>y</code>) * of the frustum defined by the camera. This is the individual * frustum used for multi-frustum rendering. * * @alias czm_currentFrustum * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#currentFrustum * @see czm_entireFrustum * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec2 czm_currentFrustum; * * // Example * float frustumLength = czm_currentFrustum.y - czm_currentFrustum.x; */ czm_currentFrustum : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC2, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.currentFrustum; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the sun position in world coordinates. * * @alias czm_sunPositionWC * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#sunPositionWC * @see czm_sunPositionColumbusView * @see czm_sunDirectionWC * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_sunPositionWC; */ czm_sunPositionWC : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.sunPositionWC; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the sun position in Columbus view world coordinates. * * @alias czm_sunPositionColumbusView * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#sunPositionColumbusView * @see czm_sunPositionWC * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_sunPositionColumbusView; */ czm_sunPositionColumbusView : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.sunPositionColumbusView; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the normalized direction to the sun in eye coordinates. * This is commonly used for directional lighting computations. * * @alias czm_sunDirectionEC * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#sunDirectionEC * @see czm_moonDirectionEC * @see czm_sunDirectionWC * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_sunDirectionEC; * * // Example * float diffuse = max(dot(czm_sunDirectionEC, normalEC), 0.0); */ czm_sunDirectionEC : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.sunDirectionEC; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the normalized direction to the sun in world coordinates. * This is commonly used for directional lighting computations. * * @alias czm_sunDirectionWC * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#sunDirectionWC * @see czm_sunPositionWC * @see czm_sunDirectionEC * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_sunDirectionWC; */ czm_sunDirectionWC : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.sunDirectionWC; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the normalized direction to the moon in eye coordinates. * This is commonly used for directional lighting computations. * * @alias czm_moonDirectionEC * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#moonDirectionEC * @see czm_sunDirectionEC * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_moonDirectionEC; * * // Example * float diffuse = max(dot(czm_moonDirectionEC, normalEC), 0.0); */ czm_moonDirectionEC : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.moonDirectionEC; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the high bits of the camera position in model * coordinates. This is used for GPU RTE to eliminate jittering artifacts when rendering * as described in {@link http://blogs.agi.com/insight3d/index.php/2008/09/03/precisions-precisions/|Precisions, Precisions}. * * @alias czm_encodedCameraPositionMCHigh * @glslUniform * * @see czm_encodedCameraPositionMCLow * @see czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * @see czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_encodedCameraPositionMCHigh; */ czm_encodedCameraPositionMCHigh : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.encodedCameraPositionMCHigh; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the low bits of the camera position in model * coordinates. This is used for GPU RTE to eliminate jittering artifacts when rendering * as described in {@link http://blogs.agi.com/insight3d/index.php/2008/09/03/precisions-precisions/|Precisions, Precisions}. * * @alias czm_encodedCameraPositionMCLow * @glslUniform * * @see czm_encodedCameraPositionMCHigh * @see czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * @see czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_encodedCameraPositionMCLow; */ czm_encodedCameraPositionMCLow : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.encodedCameraPositionMCLow; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the position of the viewer (camera) in world coordinates. * * @alias czm_viewerPositionWC * @glslUniform * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform vec3 czm_viewerPositionWC; */ czm_viewerPositionWC : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_VEC3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return Matrix4.getTranslation(uniformState.inverseView, viewerPositionWCScratch); } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the frame number. This uniform is automatically incremented * every frame. * * @alias czm_frameNumber * @glslUniform * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform float czm_frameNumber; */ czm_frameNumber : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.frameState.frameNumber; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the current morph transition time between * 2D/Columbus View and 3D, with 0.0 being 2D or Columbus View and 1.0 being 3D. * * @alias czm_morphTime * @glslUniform * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform float czm_morphTime; * * // Example * vec4 p = czm_columbusViewMorph(position2D, position3D, czm_morphTime); */ czm_morphTime : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.frameState.morphTime; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the current {@link SceneMode}, expressed * as a float. * * @alias czm_sceneMode * @glslUniform * * @see czm_sceneMode2D * @see czm_sceneModeColumbusView * @see czm_sceneMode3D * @see czm_sceneModeMorphing * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform float czm_sceneMode; * * // Example * if (czm_sceneMode == czm_sceneMode2D) * { * eyeHeightSq = czm_eyeHeight2D.y; * } */ czm_sceneMode : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.frameState.mode; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing a 3x3 rotation matrix that transforms * from True Equator Mean Equinox (TEME) axes to the pseudo-fixed axes at the current scene time. * * @alias czm_temeToPseudoFixed * @glslUniform * * @see UniformState#temeToPseudoFixedMatrix * @see Transforms.computeTemeToPseudoFixedMatrix * * @example * // GLSL declaration * uniform mat3 czm_temeToPseudoFixed; * * // Example * vec3 pseudoFixed = czm_temeToPseudoFixed * teme; */ czm_temeToPseudoFixed : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT_MAT3, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.temeToPseudoFixedMatrix; } }), /** * An automatic GLSL uniform representing the ratio of canvas coordinate space to canvas pixel space. * * @alias czm_resolutionScale * @glslUniform * * @example * uniform float czm_resolutionScale; */ czm_resolutionScale : new AutomaticUniform({ size : 1, datatype : WebGLRenderingContext.FLOAT, getValue : function(uniformState) { return uniformState.resolutionScale; } }) }; return AutomaticUniforms; });