/* * Copyright (c) 2010 - The OWASP Foundation * * The jquery-encoder is published by OWASP under the MIT license. You should read and accept the * LICENSE before you use, modify, and/or redistribute this software. */ (function($) { var default_immune = { 'js' : [',','.','_',' '] }; var attr_whitelist_classes = { 'default': [',','.','-','_',' '] }; var attr_whitelist = { 'width': ['%'], 'height': ['%'] }; var css_whitelist_classes = { 'default': ['-',' ','%'], 'color': ['#',' ','(',')'], 'image': ['(',')',':','/','?','&','-','.','"','=',' '] }; var css_whitelist = { 'background': ['(',')',':','%','/','?','&','-',' ','.','"','=','#'], 'background-image': css_whitelist_classes['image'], 'background-color': css_whitelist_classes['color'], 'border-color': css_whitelist_classes['color'], 'border-image': css_whitelist_classes['image'], 'color': css_whitelist_classes['color'], 'icon': css_whitelist_classes['image'], 'list-style-image': css_whitelist_classes['image'], 'outline-color': css_whitelist_classes['color'] }; // In addition to whitelist filtering for proper encoding - there are some things that should just simply be // considered to be unsafe. Setting javascript events or style properties with the encodeHTMLAttribute method and // using javascript: urls should be looked at as bad form all the way around and should be avoided. The blacklisting // feature of the plugin can be disabled by calling $.encoder.disableBlacklist() prior to the first call encoding // takes place (ES5 Compatibility Only) var unsafeKeys = { // Style and JS Event attributes should be set through the appropriate methods encodeForCSS, encodeForURL, or // encodeForJavascript 'attr_name' : ['on[a-z]{1,}', 'style', 'href', 'src'], // Allowing Javascript url's in untrusted data is a bad idea. 'attr_val' : ['javascript:'], // These css keys and values are considered to be unsafe to pass in untrusted data into. 'css_key' : ['behavior', '-moz-behavior', '-ms-behavior'], 'css_val' : ['expression'] }; var options = { blacklist: true }; var hasBeenInitialized = false; /** * Encoder is the static container for the encodeFor* series and canonicalize methods. They are contained within * the encoder object so the plugin can take advantage of object freezing provided in ES5 to protect these methods * from being tampered with at runtime. */ $.encoder = { author: 'Chris Schmidt (chris.schmidt@owasp.org)', version: '${project.version}', /** * Allows configuration of runtime options prior to using the plugin. Once the plugin has been initialized, * options cannot be changed. * * Possible Options: *
         * Options              Description                         Default
         * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * blacklist            Enable blacklist validation         true
* * @param opts */ init: function(opts) { if ( hasBeenInitialized ) throw "jQuery Encoder has already been initialized - cannot set options after initialization"; hasBeenInitialized = true; $.extend( options, opts ); }, /** * Encodes the provided input in a manner safe to place between to HTML tags * @param input The untrusted input to be encoded */ encodeForHTML: function(input) { hasBeenInitialized = true; var div = document.createElement('div'); $(div).text(input); return $(div).html(); }, /** * Encodes the provided input in a manner safe to place in the value (between to "'s) in an HTML attribute. * * Unless directed not to, this method will return the full attr="value" as a string. If * omitAttributeName is true, the method will only return the value. Both the attribute * name and value are canonicalized and verified with whitelist and blacklist prior to returning. * * Example: *
         * $('#container').html('<div ' + $.encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute('class', untrustedData) + '/>');
* * @param attr The attribute to encode for * @param input The untrusted input to be encoded * @param omitAttributeName Whether to omit the attribute name and the enclosing quotes or not from the encoded * output. * @throws String Reports error when an unsafe attribute name or value is used (unencoded) * @throws String Reports error when attribute name contains invalid characters (unencoded) */ encodeForHTMLAttribute: function(attr,input,omitAttributeName) { hasBeenInitialized = true; // Check for unsafe attributes attr = $.encoder.canonicalize(attr).toLowerCase(); input = $.encoder.canonicalize(input); if ( $.inArray(attr, unsafeKeys['attr_name']) >= 0 ) { throw "Unsafe attribute name used: " + attr; } for ( var a=0; a < unsafeKeys['attr_val']; a++ ) { if ( input.toLowerCase().match(unsafeKeys['attr_val'][a]) ) { throw "Unsafe attribute value used: " + input; } } immune = attr_whitelist[attr]; // If no whitelist exists for the attribute, use the minimal default whitelist if ( !immune ) immune = attr_whitelist_classes['default']; var encoded = ''; if (!omitAttributeName) { for (var p = 0; p < attr.length; p++ ) { var pc = attr.charAt(p); if (!pc.match(/[a-zA-Z\-0-9]/)) { throw "Invalid attribute name specified"; } encoded += pc; } encoded += '="'; } for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { var ch = input.charAt(i), cc = input.charCodeAt(i); if (!ch.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/) && $.inArray(ch, immune) < 0) { var hex = cc.toString(16); encoded += '&#x' + hex + ';'; } else { encoded += ch; } } if (!omitAttributeName) { encoded += '"'; } return encoded; }, /** * Encodes the provided input in a manner safe to place in the value of an elements style attribute * * Unless directed not to, this method will return the full property: value as a string. If * omitPropertyName is true, the method will only return the value. Both * the property name and value are canonicalized and verified with whitelist and blacklist prior to returning. * * Example: *
         * $('#container').html('<div style="' + $.encoder.encodeForCSS('background-image', untrustedData) + '"/>');
* * @param propName The property name that is being set * @param input The untrusted input to be encoded * @param omitPropertyName Whether to omit the property name from the encoded output * * @throws String Reports error when an unsafe property name or value is used * @throws String Reports error when illegal characters passed in property name */ encodeForCSS: function(propName,input,omitPropertyName) { hasBeenInitialized = true; // Check for unsafe properties propName = $.encoder.canonicalize(propName).toLowerCase(); input = $.encoder.canonicalize(input); if ( $.inArray(propName, unsafeKeys['css_key'] ) >= 0 ) { throw "Unsafe property name used: " + propName; } for ( var a=0; a < unsafeKeys['css_val'].length; a++ ) { if ( input.toLowerCase().indexOf(unsafeKeys['css_val'][a]) >= 0 ) { throw "Unsafe property value used: " + input; } } immune = css_whitelist[propName]; // If no whitelist exists for that property, use the minimal default whitelist if ( !immune ) immune = css_whitelist_classes['default']; var encoded = ''; if (!omitPropertyName) { for (var p = 0; p < propName.length; p++) { var pc = propName.charAt(p); if (!pc.match(/[a-zA-Z\-]/)) { throw "Invalid Property Name specified"; } encoded += pc; } encoded += ': '; } for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { var ch = input.charAt(i), cc = input.charCodeAt(i); if (!ch.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/) && $.inArray(ch, immune) < 0) { var hex = cc.toString(16); var pad = '000000'.substr((hex.length)); encoded += '\\' + pad + hex; } else { encoded += ch; } } return encoded; }, /** * Encodes the provided input in a manner safe to place in the value of a POST or GET parameter on a request. This * is primarily used to mitigate parameter-splitting attacks and ensure that parameter values are within specification * * @param input The untrusted data to be encoded * @param attr (optional) If passed in, the method will return the full string attr="value" where * the value will be encoded for a URL and both the attribute and value will be canonicalized prior * to encoding the value. */ encodeForURL: function(input,attr) { hasBeenInitialized = true; var encoded = ''; if (attr) { if (attr.match(/^[A-Za-z\-0-9]{1,}$/)) { encoded += $.encoder.canonicalize(attr).toLowerCase(); } else { throw "Illegal Attribute Name Specified"; } encoded += '="'; } encoded += encodeURIComponent(input); encoded += attr ? '"' : ''; return encoded; }, /** * Encodes the provided input in a manner safe to place in a javascript context, such as the value of an entity * event like onmouseover. This encoding is slightly different than just encoding for an html attribute value as * it follows the escaping rules of javascript. Use this method when dynamically writing out html to an element * as opposed to building an element up using the DOM - as with the .html() method. * * Example $('#element').html('<a onclick=somefunction(\'"' + $.encodeForJavascript($('#input').val()) + '\');">Blargh</a>'); * * @param input The untrusted input to be encoded */ encodeForJavascript: function(input) { hasBeenInitialized = true; if ( !immune ) immune = default_immune['js']; var encoded = ''; for (var i=0; i < input.length; i++ ) { var ch = input.charAt(i), cc = input.charCodeAt(i); if ($.inArray(ch, immune) >= 0 || hex[cc] == null ) { encoded += ch; continue; } var temp = cc.toString(16), pad; if ( cc < 256 ) { pad = '00'.substr(temp.length); encoded += '\\x' + pad + temp.toUpperCase(); } else { pad = '0000'.substr(temp.length); encoded += '\\u' + pad + temp.toUpperCase(); } } return encoded; }, /** * Encodes the provided input to allow only alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_'. Other charactesr are replaced with '_'. * This encoding allows for using the resulting value as a CSS or jQuery selector, but it cannot be reversed. * * @param input The untrusted input to be encoded */ encodeForAlphaNumeric: function(input) { hasBeenInitialized = true; input = $.encoder.canonicalize(input); var encoded = ''; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { var ch = input.charAt(i), cc = input.charCodeAt(i); if (!ch.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]/)) { encoded += '_'; } else { encoded += ch; } } return encoded; }, canonicalize: function(input,strict) { hasBeenInitialized = true; if (input===null) return null; var out = input, cycle_out = input; var decodeCount = 0, cycles = 0; var codecs = [ new HTMLEntityCodec(), new PercentCodec(), new CSSCodec() ]; while (true) { cycle_out = out; for (var i=0; i < codecs.length; i++ ) { var new_out = codecs[i].decode(out); if (new_out != out) { decodeCount++; out = new_out; } } if (cycle_out == out) { break; } cycles++; } if (strict && decodeCount > 1) { throw "Attack Detected - Multiple/Double Encodings used in input"; } return out; } }; var hex = []; for ( var c = 0; c < 0xFF; c++ ) { if ( c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39 || c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5a || c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7a ) { hex[c] = null; } else { hex[c] = c.toString(16); } } var methods = { html: function(opts) { return $.encoder.encodeForHTML(opts.unsafe); }, css: function(opts) { var work = []; var out = []; if (opts.map) { work = opts.map; } else { work[opts.name] = opts.unsafe; } for (var k in work) { if ( !(typeof work[k] == 'function') && work.hasOwnProperty(k) ) { out[k] = $.encoder.encodeForCSS(k, work[k], true); } } return out; }, attr: function(opts) { var work = []; var out = []; if (opts.map) { work = opts.map; } else { work[opts.name] = opts.unsafe; } for (var k in work) { if ( ! (typeof work[k] == 'function') && work.hasOwnProperty(k) ) { out[k] = $.encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(k,work[k],true); } } return out; } }; /** * Use this instead of setting the content of an element manually with untrusted user supplied data. The context can * be one of 'html', 'css', or 'attr' */ $.fn.encode = function() { hasBeenInitialized = true; var argCount = arguments.length; var opts = { 'context' : 'html', 'unsafe' : null, 'name' : null, 'map' : null, 'setter' : null, 'strict' : true }; if (argCount == 1 && typeof arguments[0] == 'object') { $.extend(opts, arguments[0]); } else { opts.context = arguments[0]; if (arguments.length == 2) { if (opts.context == 'html') { opts.unsafe = arguments[1]; } else if (opts.content == 'attr' || opts.content == 'css') { opts.map = arguments[1]; } } else { opts.name = arguments[1]; opts.unsafe = arguments[2]; } } if (opts.context == 'html') { opts.setter = this.html; } else if (opts.context == 'css') { opts.setter = this.css; } else if (opts.context == 'attr') { opts.setter = this.attr; } return opts.setter.call(this, methods[opts.context].call(this, opts)); }; /** * The pushback string is used by Codecs to allow them to push decoded characters back onto a string for further * decoding. This is necessary to detect double-encoding. */ var PushbackString = Class.extend({ _input: null, _pushback: null, _temp: null, _index: 0, _mark: 0, _hasNext: function() { if ( this._input == null ) return false; if ( this._input.length == 0 ) return false; return this._index < this._input.length; }, init: function(input) { this._input = input; }, pushback: function(c) { this._pushback = c; }, index: function() { return this._index; }, hasNext: function() { if ( this._pushback != null ) return true; return this._hasNext(); }, next: function() { if ( this._pushback != null ) { var save = this._pushback; this._pushback = null; return save; } return ( this._hasNext() ) ? this._input.charAt( this._index++ ) : null; }, nextHex: function() { var c = this.next(); if ( c == null ) return null; if ( c.match(/[0-9A-Fa-f]/) ) return c; return null; }, peek: function(c) { if (c) { if ( this._pushback && this._pushback == c ) return true; return this._hasNext() ? this._input.charAt(this._index) == c : false; } if ( this._pushback ) return this._pushback; return this._hasNext() ? this._input.charAt(this._index) : null; }, mark: function() { this._temp = this._pushback; this._mark = this._index; }, reset: function() { this._pushback = this._temp; this._index = this._mark; }, remainder: function() { var out = this._input.substr( this._index ); if ( this._pushback != null ) { out = this._pushback + out; } return out; } }); /** * Base class for all codecs to extend. This class defines the default behavior or codecs */ var Codec = Class.extend({ decode: function(input) { var out = '', pbs = new PushbackString(input); while(pbs.hasNext()) { var c = this.decodeCharacter(pbs); if (c != null) { out += c; } else { out += pbs.next(); } } return out; }, /** @Abstract */ decodeCharacter: function(pbs) { return pbs.next(); } }); /** * Codec for decoding HTML Entities in strings. This codec will decode named entities as well as numeric and hex * entities even with padding. For named entities, it interally uses a Trie to locate the 'best-match' and speed * up the search. */ var HTMLEntityCodec = Codec.extend({ decodeCharacter: function(input) { input.mark(); var first = input.next(); // If there is no input, or this is not an entity - return null if ( first == null || first != '&' ) { input.reset(); return null; } var second = input.next(); if ( second == null ) { input.reset(); return null; } var c; if ( second == '#' ) { c = this._getNumericEntity(input); if ( c != null ) return c; } else if ( second.match(/[A-Za-z]/) ) { input.pushback(second); c = this._getNamedEntity(input); if ( c != null ) return c; } input.reset(); return null; }, _getNamedEntity: function(input) { var possible = '', entry, len; len = Math.min(input.remainder().length, ENTITY_TO_CHAR_TRIE.getMaxKeyLength()); for(var i=0;i this.maxKeyLen ) this.maxKeyLen=key.length; this.size++; return null; } }); Trie.Entry = Class.extend({ _key: null, _value: null, init: function(key,value) { this._key = key, this._value = value; }, getKey: function() { return this._key; }, getValue: function() { return this._value; }, equals: function(other) { if ( !(other instanceof Trie.Entry) ) { return false; } return this._key == other._key && this._value == other._value; } }); Trie.Node = Class.extend({ _value: null, _nextMap: null, setValue: function(value) { this._value = value; }, getNextNode: function(ch) { if ( !this._nextMap ) return null; return this._nextMap[ch]; }, /** * Recursively add a key * @param key The key being added * @param pos The position in key that is being handled in this recursion * @param value The value of what that key points to */ put: function(key,pos,value) { var nextNode, ch, old; // Terminating Node Clause (break out of recursion) if (key.length == pos) { old = this._value; this.setValue(value); return old; } ch = key.charAt(pos); if (this._nextMap==null) { this._nextMap = Trie.Node.newNodeMap(); nextNode = new Trie.Node(); this._nextMap[ch] = nextNode; } else if ((nextNode=this._nextMap[ch]) == null) { nextNode = new Trie.Node(); this._nextMap[ch] = nextNode; } return nextNode.put(key,pos+1,value); }, /** * Recursively lookup a key's value * @param key The key being looked up * @param pos The position in key that is being handled in this recursion */ get: function(key,pos) { var nextNode; if (key.length <= pos) return this._value; if ((nextNode=this.getNextNode(key.charAt(pos))) == null) return null; return nextNode.get(key,pos+1); }, /** * Recusrsively lookup the longest key match * @param key The key being looked up * @param pos The position in the key for the current recursion */ getLongestMatch: function(key,pos) { var nextNode, ret; if (key.length <= pos) { return Trie.Entry.newInstanceIfNeeded(key,this._value); } if ((nextNode=this.getNextNode(key.charAt(pos)))==null) { // Last in Trie - return this value return Trie.Entry.newInstanceIfNeeded(key,pos,this._value); } if ((ret=nextNode.getLongestMatch(key,pos+1))!=null) { return ret; } return Trie.Entry.newInstanceIfNeeded(key,pos,this._value); } }); Trie.Entry.newInstanceIfNeeded = function() { var key = arguments[0], value, keyLength; if ( typeof arguments[1] == 'string' ) { value = arguments[1]; keyLength = key.length; } else { keyLength = arguments[1]; value = arguments[2]; } if (value==null || key==null) { return null; } if (key.length > keyLength) { key = key.substr(0,keyLength); } return new Trie.Entry(key,value); }; Trie.Node.newNodeMap = function() { return {}; }; /** * Match the Java implementation of the isValidCodePoint check * @param codepoint codepoint to check */ var isValidCodePoint = function(codepoint) { return codepoint >= 0x0000 && codepoint <= 0x10FFFF; }; /** * Perform a quick whitespace check on the supplied string. * @param input string to check */ var isWhiteSpace = function(input) { return input.match(/[\s]/); }; // TODO: There has to be a better way to do this. These are only here for canonicalization var MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR = []; var MAP_CHAR_TO_ENTITY = []; var ENTITY_TO_CHAR_TRIE = new Trie(); (function(){ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["""] = "34"; /* 34 : quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&"] = "38"; /* 38 : ampersand */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["<"] = "60"; /* 60 : less-than sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR[">"] = "62"; /* 62 : greater-than sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR[" "] = "160"; /* 160 : no-break space */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¡"] = "161"; /* 161 : inverted exclamation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¢"] = "162"; /* 162 : cent sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["£"] = "163"; /* 163 : pound sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¤"] = "164"; /* 164 : currency sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¥"] = "165"; /* 165 : yen sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¦"] = "166"; /* 166 : broken bar */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["§"] = "167"; /* 167 : section sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¨"] = "168"; /* 168 : diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["©"] = "169"; /* 169 : copyright sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ª"] = "170"; /* 170 : feminine ordinal indicator */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["«"] = "171"; /* 171 : left-pointing double angle quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¬"] = "172"; /* 172 : not sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["­"] = "173"; /* 173 : soft hyphen */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["®"] = "174"; /* 174 : registered sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¯"] = "175"; /* 175 : macron */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["°"] = "176"; /* 176 : degree sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["±"] = "177"; /* 177 : plus-minus sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["²"] = "178"; /* 178 : superscript two */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["³"] = "179"; /* 179 : superscript three */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["´"] = "180"; /* 180 : acute accent */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["µ"] = "181"; /* 181 : micro sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¶"] = "182"; /* 182 : pilcrow sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["·"] = "183"; /* 183 : middle dot */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¸"] = "184"; /* 184 : cedilla */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¹"] = "185"; /* 185 : superscript one */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["º"] = "186"; /* 186 : masculine ordinal indicator */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["»"] = "187"; /* 187 : right-pointing double angle quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¼"] = "188"; /* 188 : vulgar fraction one quarter */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["½"] = "189"; /* 189 : vulgar fraction one half */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¾"] = "190"; /* 190 : vulgar fraction three quarters */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¿"] = "191"; /* 191 : inverted question mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["À"] = "192"; /* 192 : Latin capital letter a with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Á"] = "193"; /* 193 : Latin capital letter a with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Â"] = "194"; /* 194 : Latin capital letter a with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ã"] = "195"; /* 195 : Latin capital letter a with tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ä"] = "196"; /* 196 : Latin capital letter a with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Å"] = "197"; /* 197 : Latin capital letter a with ring above */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Æ"] = "198"; /* 198 : Latin capital letter ae */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ç"] = "199"; /* 199 : Latin capital letter c with cedilla */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["È"] = "200"; /* 200 : Latin capital letter e with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["É"] = "201"; /* 201 : Latin capital letter e with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ê"] = "202"; /* 202 : Latin capital letter e with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ë"] = "203"; /* 203 : Latin capital letter e with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ì"] = "204"; /* 204 : Latin capital letter i with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Í"] = "205"; /* 205 : Latin capital letter i with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Î"] = "206"; /* 206 : Latin capital letter i with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ï"] = "207"; /* 207 : Latin capital letter i with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ð"] = "208"; /* 208 : Latin capital letter eth */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ñ"] = "209"; /* 209 : Latin capital letter n with tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ò"] = "210"; /* 210 : Latin capital letter o with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ó"] = "211"; /* 211 : Latin capital letter o with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ô"] = "212"; /* 212 : Latin capital letter o with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Õ"] = "213"; /* 213 : Latin capital letter o with tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ö"] = "214"; /* 214 : Latin capital letter o with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["×"] = "215"; /* 215 : multiplication sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ø"] = "216"; /* 216 : Latin capital letter o with stroke */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ù"] = "217"; /* 217 : Latin capital letter u with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ú"] = "218"; /* 218 : Latin capital letter u with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Û"] = "219"; /* 219 : Latin capital letter u with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ü"] = "220"; /* 220 : Latin capital letter u with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Ý"] = "221"; /* 221 : Latin capital letter y with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["Þ"] = "222"; /* 222 : Latin capital letter thorn */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ß"] = "223"; /* 223 : Latin small letter sharp s, German Eszett */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["à"] = "224"; /* 224 : Latin small letter a with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["á"] = "225"; /* 225 : Latin small letter a with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["â"] = "226"; /* 226 : Latin small letter a with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ã"] = "227"; /* 227 : Latin small letter a with tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ä"] = "228"; /* 228 : Latin small letter a with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["å"] = "229"; /* 229 : Latin small letter a with ring above */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["æ"] = "230"; /* 230 : Latin lowercase ligature ae */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ç"] = "231"; /* 231 : Latin small letter c with cedilla */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["è"] = "232"; /* 232 : Latin small letter e with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["é"] = "233"; /* 233 : Latin small letter e with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ê"] = "234"; /* 234 : Latin small letter e with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ë"] = "235"; /* 235 : Latin small letter e with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ì"] = "236"; /* 236 : Latin small letter i with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["í"] = "237"; /* 237 : Latin small letter i with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["î"] = "238"; /* 238 : Latin small letter i with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ï"] = "239"; /* 239 : Latin small letter i with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ð"] = "240"; /* 240 : Latin small letter eth */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ñ"] = "241"; /* 241 : Latin small letter n with tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ò"] = "242"; /* 242 : Latin small letter o with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ó"] = "243"; /* 243 : Latin small letter o with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ô"] = "244"; /* 244 : Latin small letter o with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["õ"] = "245"; /* 245 : Latin small letter o with tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ö"] = "246"; /* 246 : Latin small letter o with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["÷"] = "247"; /* 247 : division sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ø"] = "248"; /* 248 : Latin small letter o with stroke */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ù"] = "249"; /* 249 : Latin small letter u with grave */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ú"] = "250"; /* 250 : Latin small letter u with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["û"] = "251"; /* 251 : Latin small letter u with circumflex */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ü"] = "252"; /* 252 : Latin small letter u with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ý"] = "253"; /* 253 : Latin small letter y with acute */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["þ"] = "254"; /* 254 : Latin small letter thorn */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["ÿ"] = "255"; /* 255 : Latin small letter y with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&OElig"] = "338"; /* 338 : Latin capital ligature oe */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&oelig"] = "339"; /* 339 : Latin small ligature oe */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Scaron"] = "352"; /* 352 : Latin capital letter s with caron */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&scaron"] = "353"; /* 353 : Latin small letter s with caron */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Yuml"] = "376"; /* 376 : Latin capital letter y with diaeresis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&fnof"] = "402"; /* 402 : Latin small letter f with hook */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&circ"] = "710"; /* 710 : modifier letter circumflex accent */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&tilde"] = "732"; /* 732 : small tilde */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Alpha"] = "913"; /* 913 : Greek capital letter alpha */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Beta"] = "914"; /* 914 : Greek capital letter beta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Gamma"] = "915"; /* 915 : Greek capital letter gamma */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Delta"] = "916"; /* 916 : Greek capital letter delta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Epsilon"] = "917"; /* 917 : Greek capital letter epsilon */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Zeta"] = "918"; /* 918 : Greek capital letter zeta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Eta"] = "919"; /* 919 : Greek capital letter eta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Theta"] = "920"; /* 920 : Greek capital letter theta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Iota"] = "921"; /* 921 : Greek capital letter iota */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Kappa"] = "922"; /* 922 : Greek capital letter kappa */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Lambda"] = "923"; /* 923 : Greek capital letter lambda */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Mu"] = "924"; /* 924 : Greek capital letter mu */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Nu"] = "925"; /* 925 : Greek capital letter nu */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Xi"] = "926"; /* 926 : Greek capital letter xi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Omicron"] = "927"; /* 927 : Greek capital letter omicron */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Pi"] = "928"; /* 928 : Greek capital letter pi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Rho"] = "929"; /* 929 : Greek capital letter rho */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Sigma"] = "931"; /* 931 : Greek capital letter sigma */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Tau"] = "932"; /* 932 : Greek capital letter tau */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Upsilon"] = "933"; /* 933 : Greek capital letter upsilon */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Phi"] = "934"; /* 934 : Greek capital letter phi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Chi"] = "935"; /* 935 : Greek capital letter chi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Psi"] = "936"; /* 936 : Greek capital letter psi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Omega"] = "937"; /* 937 : Greek capital letter omega */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&alpha"] = "945"; /* 945 : Greek small letter alpha */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&beta"] = "946"; /* 946 : Greek small letter beta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&gamma"] = "947"; /* 947 : Greek small letter gamma */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&delta"] = "948"; /* 948 : Greek small letter delta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&epsilon"] = "949"; /* 949 : Greek small letter epsilon */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&zeta"] = "950"; /* 950 : Greek small letter zeta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&eta"] = "951"; /* 951 : Greek small letter eta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&theta"] = "952"; /* 952 : Greek small letter theta */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&iota"] = "953"; /* 953 : Greek small letter iota */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&kappa"] = "954"; /* 954 : Greek small letter kappa */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lambda"] = "955"; /* 955 : Greek small letter lambda */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&mu"] = "956"; /* 956 : Greek small letter mu */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&nu"] = "957"; /* 957 : Greek small letter nu */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&xi"] = "958"; /* 958 : Greek small letter xi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&omicron"] = "959"; /* 959 : Greek small letter omicron */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&pi"] = "960"; /* 960 : Greek small letter pi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rho"] = "961"; /* 961 : Greek small letter rho */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sigmaf"] = "962"; /* 962 : Greek small letter final sigma */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sigma"] = "963"; /* 963 : Greek small letter sigma */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&tau"] = "964"; /* 964 : Greek small letter tau */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&upsilon"] = "965"; /* 965 : Greek small letter upsilon */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&phi"] = "966"; /* 966 : Greek small letter phi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&chi"] = "967"; /* 967 : Greek small letter chi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&psi"] = "968"; /* 968 : Greek small letter psi */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&omega"] = "969"; /* 969 : Greek small letter omega */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&thetasym"] = "977"; /* 977 : Greek theta symbol */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&upsih"] = "978"; /* 978 : Greek upsilon with hook symbol */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&piv"] = "982"; /* 982 : Greek pi symbol */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ensp"] = "8194"; /* 8194 : en space */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&emsp"] = "8195"; /* 8195 : em space */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&thinsp"] = "8201"; /* 8201 : thin space */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&zwnj"] = "8204"; /* 8204 : zero width non-joiner */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&zwj"] = "8205"; /* 8205 : zero width joiner */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lrm"] = "8206"; /* 8206 : left-to-right mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rlm"] = "8207"; /* 8207 : right-to-left mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ndash"] = "8211"; /* 8211 : en dash */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&mdash"] = "8212"; /* 8212 : em dash */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lsquo"] = "8216"; /* 8216 : left single quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rsquo"] = "8217"; /* 8217 : right single quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sbquo"] = "8218"; /* 8218 : single low-9 quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ldquo"] = "8220"; /* 8220 : left double quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rdquo"] = "8221"; /* 8221 : right double quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&bdquo"] = "8222"; /* 8222 : double low-9 quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&dagger"] = "8224"; /* 8224 : dagger */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Dagger"] = "8225"; /* 8225 : double dagger */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&bull"] = "8226"; /* 8226 : bullet */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&hellip"] = "8230"; /* 8230 : horizontal ellipsis */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&permil"] = "8240"; /* 8240 : per mille sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&prime"] = "8242"; /* 8242 : prime */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&Prime"] = "8243"; /* 8243 : double prime */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lsaquo"] = "8249"; /* 8249 : single left-pointing angle quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rsaquo"] = "8250"; /* 8250 : single right-pointing angle quotation mark */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&oline"] = "8254"; /* 8254 : overline */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&frasl"] = "8260"; /* 8260 : fraction slash */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&euro"] = "8364"; /* 8364 : euro sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&image"] = "8365"; /* 8465 : black-letter capital i */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&weierp"] = "8472"; /* 8472 : script capital p, Weierstrass p */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&real"] = "8476"; /* 8476 : black-letter capital r */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&trade"] = "8482"; /* 8482 : trademark sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&alefsym"] = "8501"; /* 8501 : alef symbol */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&larr"] = "8592"; /* 8592 : leftwards arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&uarr"] = "8593"; /* 8593 : upwards arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rarr"] = "8594"; /* 8594 : rightwards arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&darr"] = "8595"; /* 8595 : downwards arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&harr"] = "8596"; /* 8596 : left right arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&crarr"] = "8629"; /* 8629 : downwards arrow with corner leftwards */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lArr"] = "8656"; /* 8656 : leftwards double arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&uArr"] = "8657"; /* 8657 : upwards double arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rArr"] = "8658"; /* 8658 : rightwards double arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&dArr"] = "8659"; /* 8659 : downwards double arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&hArr"] = "8660"; /* 8660 : left right double arrow */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&forall"] = "8704"; /* 8704 : for all */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&part"] = "8706"; /* 8706 : partial differential */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&exist"] = "8707"; /* 8707 : there exists */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&empty"] = "8709"; /* 8709 : empty set */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&nabla"] = "8711"; /* 8711 : nabla */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&isin"] = "8712"; /* 8712 : element of */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["¬in"] = "8713"; /* 8713 : not an element of */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ni"] = "8715"; /* 8715 : contains as member */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&prod"] = "8719"; /* 8719 : n-ary product */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sum"] = "8721"; /* 8721 : n-ary summation */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&minus"] = "8722"; /* 8722 : minus sign */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lowast"] = "8727"; /* 8727 : asterisk operator */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&radic"] = "8730"; /* 8730 : square root */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&prop"] = "8733"; /* 8733 : proportional to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&infin"] = "8734"; /* 8734 : infinity */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ang"] = "8736"; /* 8736 : angle */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&and"] = "8743"; /* 8743 : logical and */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&or"] = "8744"; /* 8744 : logical or */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&cap"] = "8745"; /* 8745 : intersection */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&cup"] = "8746"; /* 8746 : union */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&int"] = "8747"; /* 8747 : integral */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&there4"] = "8756"; /* 8756 : therefore */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sim"] = "8764"; /* 8764 : tilde operator */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&cong"] = "8773"; /* 8773 : congruent to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&asymp"] = "8776"; /* 8776 : almost equal to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ne"] = "8800"; /* 8800 : not equal to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&equiv"] = "8801"; /* 8801 : identical to, equivalent to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&le"] = "8804"; /* 8804 : less-than or equal to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&ge"] = "8805"; /* 8805 : greater-than or equal to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sub"] = "8834"; /* 8834 : subset of */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sup"] = "8835"; /* 8835 : superset of */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&nsub"] = "8836"; /* 8836 : not a subset of */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sube"] = "8838"; /* 8838 : subset of or equal to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&supe"] = "8839"; /* 8839 : superset of or equal to */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&oplus"] = "8853"; /* 8853 : circled plus */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&otimes"] = "8855"; /* 8855 : circled times */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&perp"] = "8869"; /* 8869 : up tack */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&sdot"] = "8901"; /* 8901 : dot operator */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lceil"] = "8968"; /* 8968 : left ceiling */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rceil"] = "8969"; /* 8969 : right ceiling */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lfloor"] = "8970"; /* 8970 : left floor */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rfloor"] = "8971"; /* 8971 : right floor */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&lang"] = "9001"; /* 9001 : left-pointing angle bracket */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&rang"] = "9002"; /* 9002 : right-pointing angle bracket */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&loz"] = "9674"; /* 9674 : lozenge */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&spades"] = "9824"; /* 9824 : black spade suit */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&clubs"] = "9827"; /* 9827 : black club suit */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&hearts"] = "9829"; /* 9829 : black heart suit */ MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR["&diams"] = "9830"; /* 9830 : black diamond suit */ for (var entity in MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR) { if ( !(typeof MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR[entity] == 'function') && MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR.hasOwnProperty(entity) ) { MAP_CHAR_TO_ENTITY[MAP_ENTITY_TO_CHAR[entity]] = entity; } } for (var c in MAP_CHAR_TO_ENTITY) { if ( !(typeof MAP_CHAR_TO_ENTITY[c] == 'function') && MAP_CHAR_TO_ENTITY.hasOwnProperty(c) ) { var ent = MAP_CHAR_TO_ENTITY[c].toLowerCase().substr(1); ENTITY_TO_CHAR_TRIE.put(ent,String.fromCharCode(c)); } } })(); // If ES5 Enabled Browser - Lock the encoder down as much as possible if ( Object.freeze ) { $.encoder = Object.freeze($.encoder); $.fn.encode = Object.freeze($.fn.encode); } else if ( Object.seal ) { $.encoder = Object.seal($.encoder); $.fn.encode = Object.seal($.fn.encode); } else if ( Object.preventExtensions ) { $.encoder = Object.preventExtensions($.encoder); $.fn.encode = Object.preventExtensions($.fn.encode); } })(jQuery);