/*global define*/ define([ '../../Core/Color', '../../Core/defined', '../../Core/JulianDate' ], function( Color, defined, JulianDate) { "use strict"; /** * @private */ function TimelineTrack(interval, pixelHeight, color, backgroundColor) { this.interval = interval; this.height = pixelHeight; this.color = color || new Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor || new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } TimelineTrack.prototype.render = function(context, renderState) { var startInterval = this.interval.start; var stopInterval = this.interval.stop; var spanStart = renderState.startJulian; var spanStop = JulianDate.addSeconds(renderState.startJulian, renderState.duration, new JulianDate()); if (JulianDate.lessThan(startInterval, spanStart) && JulianDate.greaterThan(stopInterval, spanStop)) { //The track takes up the entire visible span. context.fillStyle = this.color.toCssColorString(); context.fillRect(0, renderState.y, renderState.timeBarWidth, this.height); } else if (JulianDate.lessThanOrEquals(startInterval, spanStop) && JulianDate.greaterThanOrEquals(stopInterval, spanStart)) { //The track only takes up some of the visible span, compute that span. var x; var start, stop; for (x = 0; x < renderState.timeBarWidth; ++x) { var currentTime = JulianDate.addSeconds(renderState.startJulian, (x / renderState.timeBarWidth) * renderState.duration, new JulianDate()); if (!defined(start) && JulianDate.greaterThanOrEquals(currentTime, startInterval)) { start = x; } else if (!defined(stop) && JulianDate.greaterThanOrEquals(currentTime, stopInterval)) { stop = x; } } context.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor.toCssColorString(); context.fillRect(0, renderState.y, renderState.timeBarWidth, this.height); if (defined(start)) { if (!defined(stop)) { stop = renderState.timeBarWidth; } context.fillStyle = this.color.toCssColorString(); context.fillRect(start, renderState.y, Math.max(stop - start, 1), this.height); } } }; return TimelineTrack; });