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    <title>Virtual World Framework</title>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="qunit.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/async.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/crypto.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/md5.js"></script>

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    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/vwf.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/require.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

      require( {

        baseUrl: "../lib",
        paths: {
          jquery: "jquery-1.10.2.min",

      }, [


        // This is the common model implementation and an example model that connects the
        // simulation to a WebGL scene manager.


      ], function( ready, testUtility ) {

        // Verify that prototype-based inheritance in VWF works the same way as in JavaScript.

        ready( function() {

            /* models */ [ "vwf/model/javascript", "vwf/model/object" ],
            /*  views */ [ ]

          test( "Models", function() {
            equal( vwf.models.actual[0].module.id, "vwf/model/javascript", "JavaScript Model" );
            equal( vwf.models.actual[1].module.id, "vwf/model/object", "Object Model" );
          } );

          test( "Views", function() {
          } );

          // Validate the fixture.

          test( "Property Inheritance fixture JS", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "empty", "value", "accessor" );

            equal( fixture.top.tag, "top", "top tag" );
            ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property" ) ); // "empty" type
            ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) ); // "empty" type

            equal( fixture.middle.tag, "middle", "middle tag" );
            ok( fixture.middle.hasOwnProperty( "property" ) ); // "value" type
            ok( ! fixture.middle.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) ); // "value" type

            equal( fixture.bottom.tag, "bottom", "bottom tag" );
            ok( fixture.bottom.hasOwnProperty( "property" ) ); // "accessor" type
            ok( fixture.bottom.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) ); // "accessor" type

          } );

          // Validate the fixture.

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance fixture VWF", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "empty", "value", "accessor", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.execute( fixture.top, "this.tag" ), "top", "top tag" );
              ok( ! vwf.execute( fixture.top, "this.hasOwnProperty( 'property' )" ) ); // "empty" type
              // ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) ); // "empty" type  // TODO: vwf/model/javascript internals
              equal( vwf.execute( fixture.middle, "this.tag" ), "middle", "middle tag" );
              ok( vwf.execute( fixture.middle, "this.hasOwnProperty( 'property' )" ) ); // "value" type
              // ok( ! fixture.middle.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) ); // "value" type  // TODO: vwf/model/javascript internals
              equal( vwf.execute( fixture.bottom, "this.tag" ), "bottom", "bottom tag" );
              ok( vwf.execute( fixture.bottom, "this.hasOwnProperty( 'property' )" ) ); // "accessor" type
              // ok( fixture.bottom.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) ); // "accessor" type  // TODO: vwf/model/javascript internals

            } );

          } );

          // With no prior values, gets return undefined, and sets apply directly to the top.

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: empty, empty, empty", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "empty", "empty", "empty" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, undefined, "top before" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, undefined, "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, undefined, "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD";

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, undefined, "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, undefined, "bottom after" );

          } );

          // With no prior values, gets return undefined, and sets apply directly to the top.

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: empty, empty, empty", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "empty", "empty", "empty", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), undefined, "top before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), undefined, "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), undefined, "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" );

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), undefined, "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), undefined, "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: empty, empty, value", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "empty", "empty", "value" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "bottom", "top before" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, "bottom", "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "bottom", "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD";

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, "bottom", "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "bottom", "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: empty, empty, value", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "empty", "empty", "value", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "bottom", "top before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "bottom", "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "bottom", "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" );

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "bottom", "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "bottom", "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: empty, empty, accessor", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "empty", "empty", "accessor" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "BOTTOM", "top before" ); // via accessor on bottom
            ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "BOTTOM", "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "BOTTOM", "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD"; // through accessor on bottom

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on bottom using value on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "BOTTOM", "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "BOTTOM", "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: empty, empty, accessor", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "empty", "empty", "accessor", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "top before" ); // via accessor on bottom
              // ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" ); // through accessor on bottom

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UPDATED", "top after" );
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: value, empty, empty", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "value", "empty", "empty" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "top", "top before" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, undefined, "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, undefined, "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD";

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, undefined, "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, undefined, "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: value, empty, empty", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "value", "empty", "empty", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "top", "top before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), undefined, "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), undefined, "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" );

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), undefined, "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), undefined, "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: value, empty, value", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "value", "empty", "value" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "top", "top before" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, "bottom", "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "bottom", "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD";

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
            equal( fixture.middle.property, "bottom", "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "bottom", "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: value, empty, value", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "value", "empty", "value", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "top", "top before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "bottom", "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "bottom", "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" );

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "bottom", "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "bottom", "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: value, empty, accessor", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "value", "empty", "accessor" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "top", "top before" );
            ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "BOTTOM", "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "BOTTOM", "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD"; // not using accessor on bottom

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
            ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "BOTTOM", "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "BOTTOM", "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: value, empty, accessor", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "value", "empty", "accessor", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "top", "top before" );
              // ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" ); // not using accessor on bottom

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UpDaTeD", "top after" );
              // ok( ! fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: accessor, empty, empty", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "accessor", "empty", "empty" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "TOP", "top before" ); // via accessor on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "top" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, undefined, "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, undefined, "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD"; // through accessor on top

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on top using value on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, undefined, "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, undefined, "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: accessor, empty, empty", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "accessor", "empty", "empty", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "TOP", "top before" ); // via accessor on top
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "top" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), undefined, "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), undefined, "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" ); // through accessor on top

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on top using value on top
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), undefined, "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), undefined, "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: accessor, empty, value", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "accessor", "empty", "value" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "TOP", "top before" ); // via accessor on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "top" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "bottom", "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "bottom", "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD"; // through accessor on top

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on top using value on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "bottom", "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "bottom", "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: accessor, empty, value", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "accessor", "empty", "value", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "TOP", "top before" ); // via accessor on top
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "top" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "bottom", "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "bottom", "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" ); // through accessor on top

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on top using value on top
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "bottom", "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "bottom", "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          test( "Property Inheritance JS: accessor, empty, accessor", function() {

            var fixture = createFixtureJS( "accessor", "empty", "accessor" );

            equal( fixture.top.property, "TOP", "top before" ); // via accessor on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "top" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "BOTTOM", "middle before" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "BOTTOM", "bottom before" );

            fixture.top.property = "UpDaTeD"; // through accessor on top

            equal( fixture.top.property, "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on top using value on top
            ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );
            equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );

            equal( fixture.middle.property, "BOTTOM", "middle after" );
            equal( fixture.bottom.property, "BOTTOM", "bottom after" );

          } );

          asyncTest( "Property Inheritance VWF: accessor, empty, accessor", function() {

            createFixtureVWF( "accessor", "empty", "accessor", function( fixture, cleanup ) {

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "TOP", "top before" ); // via accessor on top
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "top" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "middle before" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "bottom before" );

              vwf.setProperty( fixture.top, "property", "UpDaTeD" ); // through accessor on top

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.top, "property" ), "UPDATED", "top after" ); // via accessor on top using value on top
              // ok( fixture.top.hasOwnProperty( "property_" ) );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals
              // equal( fixture.top.property_, "updated" );  // TODO: vwf/model/object internals

              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.middle, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "middle after" );
              equal( vwf.getProperty( fixture.bottom, "property" ), "BOTTOM", "bottom after" );


            } );

          } );

          // == Helper functions =====================================================================

          // Create a regular JavaScript object with three levels of inheritance using the given
          // constructors. Tag each level with a unique identifier.

          function createFixtureJS( top, middle, bottom ) {

            // Factories for constructor functions for the various cases.

            var factories = {

              // No "property" property.

              empty: function( tag ) {
                return function() {
                  this.tag = tag;

              // "property" as a simple value type.

              value: function( tag ) {
                return function() {
                  Object.defineProperty( this, "property", {
                    value: tag,
                    writable: true
                  } );
                  this.tag = tag;

              // "property" with getter and setter functions.

              accessor: function( tag ) {
                return function() {
                  Object.defineProperty( this, "property", {
                    get: function() { return this.property_.toUpperCase() },
                    set: function( value ) { this.property_ = value.toLowerCase() }
                  } );
                  this.property_ = tag;
                  this.tag = tag;


            // Construct the three-level inheritance pattern: top : middle : bottom. 

            var bc = factories[bottom]( "bottom" ); // constructor
            var bi = new bc(); // instance

            var mc = factories[middle]( "middle" ); mc.prototype = bi; // constructor
            var mi = new mc(); // instance

            var tc = factories[top]( "top" ); tc.prototype = mi; // constructor
            var ti = new tc(); // instance

            // Return the instances at all three levels.

            return { top: ti, middle: mi, bottom: bi };

          // Create a VWF object with three levels of inheritance using the given configurations.

          function createFixtureVWF( top, middle, bottom, callback ) {

            // Factories for property initializers for the various cases.

            var factories = {

              // No "property" property.

              empty: function( tag ) {
                return undefined;

              // "property" as a simple value type.

              value: function( tag ) {
                return {
                  property: { value: tag, create: true }

              // "property" with getter and setter functions.

              accessor: function( tag ) {
                return {
                  property: {
                    get: "return this.property && this.property.toUpperCase()",
                    set: "this.property = value.toLowerCase()",
                    value: tag


            // Construct the three-level inheritance pattern: top : middle : bottom. 

            var bottomProperties = factories[bottom]( "bottom" );
            var middleProperties = factories[middle]( "middle" );
            var topProperties = factories[top]( "top" );

            vwf.createNode( { extends: "http://vwf.example.com/node.vwf", properties: bottomProperties }, function( bottomID ) {
              vwf.execute( bottomID, "this.tag = 'bottom'" );
              vwf.createNode( { extends: bottomID, properties: middleProperties }, function( middleID ) {
                vwf.execute( middleID, "this.tag = 'middle'" );
                vwf.createNode( { extends: middleID, properties: topProperties }, function( topID ) {
                  vwf.execute( topID, "this.tag = 'top'" );
                  callback( { top: topID, middle: middleID, bottom: bottomID }, function() {
                    vwf.deleteNode( topID );
                    vwf.deleteNode( middleID );
                    vwf.deleteNode( bottomID );
                  } );
                } );
              } );
            } );


        } );

      } );


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