this.initialize = function(){ if(Object.getPrototypeOf(this).id == 'cubeModel.vwf'){ console.log("Initialize of child..",; this.getCubelets(); this.twistLoop(); // this.cubeModel = new Cube(; // this.cubeModel.nodeID =; } else { console.log("Initialize proto..",; } } this.cubeID_set = function(value){ this.cubeID = value; //this.initializeCubelets(); } this.cubeID_get = function(){ // if(!this.cubeModel){ // this.cubeModel = new Cube(value); // this.cubeModel.nodeID =; // } return this.cubeID } this.initializeCubelets = function(){ let that = this; let cubeModelID = this.getCubeModelID(); let cubelets = this.getCubelets(); cubelets.forEach(el=>{ let distance = 1.1; let position = [el.addressX*distance, el.addressY*distance, el.addressZ*distance]; let cubeletID =; let cubelet = { "extends": "cubeletModel.vwf", "properties":{ "cubeletID": cubeletID, "cubeID": cubeModelID, "cubeNodeID":, "size": 1 }, "children":{ "wrapper":{ "extends": "proxy/aframe/aentity.vwf", "properties":{ "position": position } }, "interpolation": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/interpolation-component.vwf", "type": "component", "properties": { "enabled": true } } } } this.cubelets.children.create(cubeletID, cubelet, function(child){ that.setCubeletID(cubeletID,; child.initCubeletFaces(); }) }) } this.addGUI = function(){ let half = 2; let faces = { "front":{ "rotation": [0,0,0], "position": [0,0,half] }, "up":{ "rotation": [-90,0,0], "position": [0,half,0] }, "right":{ "rotation": [0,90,0], "position": [half,0,0] }, "down":{ "rotation": [90,0,0], "position": [0,-half,0] }, "left":{ "rotation": [0,-90,0], "position": [-half,0,0] }, "back":{ "rotation": [0,180,0], "position": [0,0,-half] } } let guiSize = 1.2; let split = 0.2; let height = 0.6 Object.keys(faces).forEach(key=>{ let data = faces[key]; let buttosnGUI = {} let buttons = [ { "command": key.toUpperCase(), "position":[split, 0, 0] }, { "command": key, "position":[-split, 0, 0] } ] buttons.forEach((b,i) => { let rotateButton = { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aplane.vwf", "properties": { "displayName": b["command"] + '-button-' + i, //"radius": 0.15, "height": height, "width": 0.4, "position": b["position"], "class": "clickable intersectable" }, "methods": { "intersectEventMethod": { "body": ` console.log('I was intersected at point: ', point);// this.material.opacity = 0.6; this.material.color = 'green' `, "parameters": [ "point" ], "type": "application/javascript" }, "clearIntersectEventMethod": { "body": ` console.log('Clear intersection'); this.material.opacity = 0.3; this.material.color = 'white' `, "type": "application/javascript" }, "mousedownAction":{ "body": ` this.triggerdownAction(); `, "type": "application/javascript" }, "mouseupAction":{ "body": ` this.triggerupAction(); `, "type": "application/javascript" }, "triggerdownAction":{ "body": ` this.material.color = 'blue'; let command = this.displayName.charAt(0);; `, "type": "application/javascript" }, "triggerupAction":{ "body": ` this.material.color = 'green'; `, "type": "application/javascript" } }, "children":{ "cursor-listener": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/app-cursor-listener-component.vwf", "type": "component" }, "raycaster-listener": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/app-raycaster-listener-component.vwf", "type": "component" }, "material": { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aMaterialComponent.vwf", "type": "component", "properties": { "transprent": true, "opacity": 0.3, "color": "white" } } } } buttosnGUI[i] = rotateButton }) let face = //getFace(faces[key]); { "extends": "proxy/aframe/aentity.vwf", "properties": { "displayName": key, "rotation": data.rotation, "position": data.position, "width": 1, "height": 1 }, "children":{ "rotateButtons":{ "extends": "proxy/aframe/aentity.vwf", "children": buttosnGUI }, "label":{ "extends": "proxy/aframe/atext.vwf", "properties": { "displayName": key, "color": "black", "value": key, "side": "double", "opacity": 0.6, "position": [-0.3,0,0.01] } } // "material": { // "extends": "proxy/aframe/aMaterialComponent.vwf", // "type": "component", // "properties": { // "side": "double", // "transprent": true, // "opacity": 0.6, // "color": "white" // } // } } } //let color = cubeletModel[key].color.hex; // = color; this.gui.children.create(key, face) }) } this.addTwistKey = function(key){ this.twistQueue.push(key); this.cubeModel.twistQueue.add( key ) } //cube.twist( ) this.rotateFront = function(){ debugger; this.twistQueue.push('f'); this.cubeModel.twistQueue.add('f'); this.cubeModel.twist( ); } = function(key){ this.twistQueue = this.twistQueue.concat([key]); this.twistQueueHistory = this.twistQueueHistory.concat([key]); this.twistAction(key); // this.cubeModel.twistQueue.add(key); // this.cubeModel.twist( ); } this.twistLoop = function(){ this.future(1).twistLoop(); let isCubeTweening = this.isCubeTweening(); //console.log(this.isCubeTweening()); if(!isCubeTweening){ this.progressQueue(); } } this.getRobot = function(){ return this.getScene()[this.robotID] } this.doButtonTriggerdownAction = function(buttonID){ let button = this.getScene().findNodeByID(buttonID); let buttonName = button.displayName; if(buttonName == "noRobotButton"){ console.log("SWITCH NO ROBOT!"); this.withRobot = this.withRobot ? false : true; if(this.withRobot){ button.baseColor = 'yellow'; } else { button.baseColor = 'red'; } } if(buttonName == "editCubeButton"){ console.log("EDIT CUBE!"); this.editCube = this.editCube ? false : true; this.editRubik(); } if(buttonName == "currentCubeButton"){ console.log("MAKE CURRENT CUBE!"); this.getScene().currentCube = this.displayName; } } this.editRubik = function(){ let clientThatCallThis = vwf.client(); let me = vwf.moniker(); if(clientThatCallThis == me) { console.log('EDIT CUBE!!'); let viewNode = document.querySelector("[id='" + + "']"); let gizmo = viewNode.getAttribute('gizmo'); if(!gizmo && this.editCube){ viewNode.setAttribute('gizmo', {mode: "rotate"}); let inter = viewNode.getAttribute('interpolation'); if (inter) { viewNode.components.interpolation.node.viewEdit = true; } } if(gizmo && !this.editCube){ viewNode.removeAttribute('gizmo'); let inter = viewNode.getAttribute('interpolation'); if (inter) { viewNode.components.interpolation.node.viewEdit = false; } } } // if(!this.gizmo && this.editCube){ // let gizmoNode = // { // "extends": "proxy/aframe/gizmoComponent.vwf", // "type": "component", // "properties": // { // "mode": "rotate" // } // } // this.children.create("gizmo", gizmoNode); // } // if(this.gizmo && !this.editCube){ // this.children.delete(this.gizmo) // } }