# Copyright 2012 United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of Defense, Under
# Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
# in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# the License.

## `animation.position.vwf` defines a key value for an animation.
## @name animation.position.vwf
## @namespace



  ## This position's location on the animation timeline. Valid values are in the range from `0` to
  ## the animation's duration.
  ## Positions that don't provide `time` will be automatically distributed along the range between
  ## the siblings that do. If none of a node's animation positions provide `time`, then the
  ## positions will be distributed evenly throughout the animation--in the range [`0`, *duration*].
  ## @name animation.position.vwf#animationTime
  ## @property


  ## The animated node's transform at this position. The node's transform will be set to this value
  ## when the animations reaches this position. Transforms for intermediate postions will be
  ## interpolated from the transforms of the adjacent positions.
  ## if no times, distribute evenly over number of children
  ## transforms optional; only for node3 animations, and may be provided by asset or by node's update
  ## @name animation.position.vwf#animationTransform
  ## @property


  ## animation positions and control positions are not necessarily coincident, although they typically are
  ## animation data may be missing from control positions if no transform is necessary
  ## control data may be missing from animation positions if value/time == 1, attraction does not change
  ## The sequence of the animation key value. Key values will be sorted on the sequence to keep the order correct,
  ## because Ruby 1.8.7 doesn't preserve child order in component objects.
  ## @name animation.position.vwf#sequence
  ## @property

  sequence: 0