# Copyright 2012 United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of Defense, Under # Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except # in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License # is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express # or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. ## The component representation of a scale behavior (on move) ## ## @name blockly/controller.vwf ## @namespace --- extends: http://vwf.example.com/node3/animation.vwf properties: blockly_executing: false blockly_xml: "" blockly_code: set: | if ( this.blockly_code != value ) { this.blockly_code = value; this.blocklyCodeChanged( value ); } value: 0 blockly_topBlockCount: set: | if ( this.blockly_topBlockCount != value ) { this.blockly_topBlockCount = value; this.topBlockCountChanged( value ); } value: 0 blockly_blockCount: set: | if ( this.blockly_blockCount != value ) { this.blockly_blockCount = value; this.blockCountChanged( value ); } value: 0 blockly_allowedBlocks: set: | if ( this.blockly_allowedBlocks != value ) { this.blockly_allowedBlocks = value; this.allowedBlocksChanged( value ); } value: 20 blockly_toolbox: blockly_defaultXml: methods: getWorldXYVector: blocklyClear: events: blocklyStarted: blocklyExecuted: blocklyErrored: blocklyStopped: blocklyBlockAdded: blocklyBlockRemoved: blocklyCodeChanged: topBlockCountChanged: blockCountChanged: allowedBlocksChanged: blocklyVisibleChanged: scripts: - | this.getWorldXYVector = function( x, y ) { var dir = goog.vec.Vec3.create(); var moveVectorInCameraFrame = goog.vec.Vec4.createFromValues( x, y, 0, 1 ); var camWorldRotMat = goog.vec.Mat4.createFromArray( this.worldTransform ); camWorldRotMat[ 12 ] = 0; camWorldRotMat[ 13 ] = 0; camWorldRotMat[ 14 ] = 0; dir = goog.vec.Mat4.multVec4( camWorldRotMat, moveVectorInCameraFrame, dir ); dir[ 2 ] = 0; goog.vec.Vec3.normalize( dir, dir ); return dir; } //@ sourceURL=blockly-controller.vwf