/*! osc.js 2.2.0, Copyright 2017 Colin Clark | github.com/colinbdclark/osc.js */

define(["exports", "vwf/view/oscjs/slipjs/slip.min", "vwf/view/oscjs/EventEmitter/EventEmitter.min", "vwf/view/oscjs/longjs/Long.min"], function (exports, slip, EventEmitter, Long) {

     * osc.js: An Open Sound Control library for JavaScript that works in both the browser and Node.js
     * Copyright 2014-2016, Colin Clark
     * Licensed under the MIT and GPL 3 licenses.

    /* global require, module, process, Buffer, dcodeIO */
    var osc = osc || {};

    (function () {

        "use strict";

        osc.SECS_70YRS = 2208988800;
        osc.TWO_32 = 4294967296;

        osc.defaults = {
            metadata: false,
            unpackSingleArgs: true

        // A flag to tell us if we're in a Node.js-compatible environment with Buffers,
        // which we will assume are faster.
        // Unsupported, non-API property.
        osc.isCommonJS = typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports ? true : false;

        // Unsupported, non-API property.
        osc.isNode = osc.isCommonJS && typeof window === "undefined";

        // Unsupported, non-API property.
        osc.isElectron = typeof process !== "undefined" &&
            process.versions && process.versions.electron ? true : false;

        // Unsupported, non-API property.
        osc.isBufferEnv = osc.isNode || osc.isElectron;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.isArray = function (obj) {
            return obj && Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";

        // Unsupported, non-API function
        osc.isTypedArrayView = function (obj) {
            return obj.buffer && obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer;

        // Unsupported, non-API function
        osc.isBuffer = function (obj) {
            return osc.isBufferEnv && obj instanceof Buffer;

        // Private instance of the optional Long dependency.
        var Long = typeof dcodeIO !== "undefined" ? dcodeIO.Long :
            typeof Long !== "undefined" ? Long :
                osc.isNode ? require("long") : undefined;

         * Wraps the specified object in a DataView.
         * @param {Array-like} obj the object to wrap in a DataView instance
         * @return {DataView} the DataView object
        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.dataView = function (obj, offset, length) {
            if (obj.buffer) {
                return new DataView(obj.buffer, offset, length);

            if (obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                return new DataView(obj, offset, length);

            return new DataView(new Uint8Array(obj), offset, length);

         * Takes an ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView, Buffer, or array-like object
         * and returns a Uint8Array view of it.
         * Throws an error if the object isn't suitably array-like.
         * @param {Array-like or Array-wrapping} obj an array-like or array-wrapping object
         * @returns {Uint8Array} a typed array of octets
        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.byteArray = function (obj) {
            if (obj instanceof Uint8Array) {
                return obj;

            var buf = obj.buffer ? obj.buffer : obj;

            if (!(buf instanceof ArrayBuffer) && (typeof buf.length === "undefined" || typeof buf === "string")) {
                throw new Error("Can't wrap a non-array-like object as Uint8Array. Object was: " +
                    JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));

            // TODO gh-39: This is a potentially unsafe algorithm;
            // if we're getting anything other than a TypedArrayView (such as a DataView),
            // we really need to determine the range of the view it is viewing.
            return new Uint8Array(buf);

         * Takes an ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView, or array-like object
         * and returns a native buffer object
         * (i.e. in Node.js, a Buffer object and in the browser, a Uint8Array).
         * Throws an error if the object isn't suitably array-like.
         * @param {Array-like or Array-wrapping} obj an array-like or array-wrapping object
         * @returns {Buffer|Uint8Array} a buffer object
        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.nativeBuffer = function (obj) {
            if (osc.isBufferEnv) {
                return osc.isBuffer(obj) ? obj :
                    new Buffer(obj.buffer ? obj : new Uint8Array(obj));

            return osc.isTypedArrayView(obj) ? obj : new Uint8Array(obj);

        // Unsupported, non-API function
        osc.copyByteArray = function (source, target, offset) {
            if (osc.isTypedArrayView(source) && osc.isTypedArrayView(target)) {
                target.set(source, offset);
            } else {
                var start = offset === undefined ? 0 : offset,
                    len = Math.min(target.length - offset, source.length);

                for (var i = 0, j = start; i < len; i++ , j++) {
                    target[j] = source[i];

            return target;

         * Reads an OSC-formatted string.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView containing the raw bytes of the OSC string
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index
         * @return {String} the JavaScript String that was read
        osc.readString = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var charCodes = [],
                idx = offsetState.idx;

            for (; idx < dv.byteLength; idx++) {
                var charCode = dv.getUint8(idx);
                if (charCode !== 0) {
                } else {

            // Round to the nearest 4-byte block.
            idx = (idx + 3) & ~0x03;
            offsetState.idx = idx;

            return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes);

         * Writes a JavaScript string as an OSC-formatted string.
         * @param {String} str the string to write
         * @return {Uint8Array} a buffer containing the OSC-formatted string
        osc.writeString = function (str) {
            var terminated = str + "\u0000",
                len = terminated.length,
                paddedLen = (len + 3) & ~0x03,
                arr = new Uint8Array(paddedLen);

            for (var i = 0; i < terminated.length; i++) {
                var charCode = terminated.charCodeAt(i);
                arr[i] = charCode;

            return arr;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.readPrimitive = function (dv, readerName, numBytes, offsetState) {
            var val = dv[readerName](offsetState.idx, false);
            offsetState.idx += numBytes;

            return val;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.writePrimitive = function (val, dv, writerName, numBytes, offset) {
            offset = offset === undefined ? 0 : offset;

            var arr;
            if (!dv) {
                arr = new Uint8Array(numBytes);
                dv = new DataView(arr.buffer);
            } else {
                arr = new Uint8Array(dv.buffer);

            dv[writerName](offset, val, false);

            return arr;

         * Reads an OSC int32 ("i") value.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView containing the raw bytes
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Number} the number that was read
        osc.readInt32 = function (dv, offsetState) {
            return osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getInt32", 4, offsetState);

         * Writes an OSC int32 ("i") value.
         * @param {Number} val the number to write
         * @param {DataView} [dv] a DataView instance to write the number into
         * @param {Number} [offset] an offset into dv
        osc.writeInt32 = function (val, dv, offset) {
            return osc.writePrimitive(val, dv, "setInt32", 4, offset);

         * Reads an OSC int64 ("h") value.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView containing the raw bytes
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Number} the number that was read
        osc.readInt64 = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var high = osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getInt32", 4, offsetState),
                low = osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getInt32", 4, offsetState);

            if (Long) {
                return new Long(low, high);
            } else {
                return {
                    high: high,
                    low: low,
                    unsigned: false

         * Writes an OSC int64 ("h") value.
         * @param {Number} val the number to write
         * @param {DataView} [dv] a DataView instance to write the number into
         * @param {Number} [offset] an offset into dv
        osc.writeInt64 = function (val, dv, offset) {
            var arr = new Uint8Array(8);
            arr.set(osc.writePrimitive(val.high, dv, "setInt32", 4, offset), 0);
            arr.set(osc.writePrimitive(val.low, dv, "setInt32", 4, offset + 4), 4);
            return arr;

         * Reads an OSC float32 ("f") value.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView containing the raw bytes
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Number} the number that was read
        osc.readFloat32 = function (dv, offsetState) {
            return osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getFloat32", 4, offsetState);

         * Writes an OSC float32 ("f") value.
         * @param {Number} val the number to write
         * @param {DataView} [dv] a DataView instance to write the number into
         * @param {Number} [offset] an offset into dv
        osc.writeFloat32 = function (val, dv, offset) {
            return osc.writePrimitive(val, dv, "setFloat32", 4, offset);

         * Reads an OSC float64 ("d") value.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView containing the raw bytes
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Number} the number that was read
        osc.readFloat64 = function (dv, offsetState) {
            return osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getFloat64", 8, offsetState);

         * Writes an OSC float64 ("d") value.
         * @param {Number} val the number to write
         * @param {DataView} [dv] a DataView instance to write the number into
         * @param {Number} [offset] an offset into dv
        osc.writeFloat64 = function (val, dv, offset) {
            return osc.writePrimitive(val, dv, "setFloat64", 8, offset);

         * Reads an OSC 32-bit ASCII character ("c") value.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView containing the raw bytes
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {String} a string containing the read character
        osc.readChar32 = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var charCode = osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getUint32", 4, offsetState);
            return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

         * Writes an OSC 32-bit ASCII character ("c") value.
         * @param {String} str the string from which the first character will be written
         * @param {DataView} [dv] a DataView instance to write the character into
         * @param {Number} [offset] an offset into dv
         * @return {String} a string containing the read character
        osc.writeChar32 = function (str, dv, offset) {
            var charCode = str.charCodeAt(0);
            if (charCode === undefined || charCode < -1) {
                return undefined;

            return osc.writePrimitive(charCode, dv, "setUint32", 4, offset);

         * Reads an OSC blob ("b") (i.e. a Uint8Array).
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView instance to read from
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Uint8Array} the data that was read
        osc.readBlob = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var len = osc.readInt32(dv, offsetState),
                paddedLen = (len + 3) & ~0x03,
                blob = new Uint8Array(dv.buffer, offsetState.idx, len);

            offsetState.idx += paddedLen;

            return blob;

         * Writes a raw collection of bytes to a new ArrayBuffer.
         * @param {Array-like} data a collection of octets
         * @return {ArrayBuffer} a buffer containing the OSC-formatted blob
        osc.writeBlob = function (data) {
            data = osc.byteArray(data);

            var len = data.byteLength,
                paddedLen = (len + 3) & ~0x03,
                offset = 4, // Extra 4 bytes is for the size.
                blobLen = paddedLen + offset,
                arr = new Uint8Array(blobLen),
                dv = new DataView(arr.buffer);

            // Write the size.
            osc.writeInt32(len, dv);

            // Since we're writing to a real ArrayBuffer,
            // we don't need to pad the remaining bytes.
            arr.set(data, offset);

            return arr;

         * Reads an OSC 4-byte MIDI message.
         * @param {DataView} dv the DataView instance to read from
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Uint8Array} an array containing (in order) the port ID, status, data1 and data1 bytes
        osc.readMIDIBytes = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var midi = new Uint8Array(dv.buffer, offsetState.idx, 4);
            offsetState.idx += 4;

            return midi;

         * Writes an OSC 4-byte MIDI message.
         * @param {Array-like} bytes a 4-element array consisting of the port ID, status, data1 and data1 bytes
         * @return {Uint8Array} the written message
        osc.writeMIDIBytes = function (bytes) {
            bytes = osc.byteArray(bytes);

            var arr = new Uint8Array(4);

            return arr;

         * Reads an OSC RGBA colour value.
         * @param {DataView} dv the DataView instance to read from
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offsetState object used to store the current offset index into dv
         * @return {Object} a colour object containing r, g, b, and a properties
        osc.readColor = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var bytes = new Uint8Array(dv.buffer, offsetState.idx, 4),
                alpha = bytes[3] / 255;

            offsetState.idx += 4;

            return {
                r: bytes[0],
                g: bytes[1],
                b: bytes[2],
                a: alpha

         * Writes an OSC RGBA colour value.
         * @param {Object} color a colour object containing r, g, b, and a properties
         * @return {Uint8Array} a byte array containing the written color
        osc.writeColor = function (color) {
            var alpha = Math.round(color.a * 255),
                arr = new Uint8Array([color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha]);

            return arr;

         * Reads an OSC true ("T") value by directly returning the JavaScript Boolean "true".
        osc.readTrue = function () {
            return true;

         * Reads an OSC false ("F") value by directly returning the JavaScript Boolean "false".
        osc.readFalse = function () {
            return false;

         * Reads an OSC nil ("N") value by directly returning the JavaScript "null" value.
        osc.readNull = function () {
            return null;

         * Reads an OSC impulse/bang/infinitum ("I") value by directly returning 1.0.
        osc.readImpulse = function () {
            return 1.0;

         * Reads an OSC time tag ("t").
         * @param {DataView} dv the DataView instance to read from
         * @param {Object} offsetState an offset state object containing the current index into dv
         * @param {Object} a time tag object containing both the raw NTP as well as the converted native (i.e. JS/UNIX) time
        osc.readTimeTag = function (dv, offsetState) {
            var secs1900 = osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getUint32", 4, offsetState),
                frac = osc.readPrimitive(dv, "getUint32", 4, offsetState),
                native = (secs1900 === 0 && frac === 1) ? Date.now() : osc.ntpToJSTime(secs1900, frac);

            return {
                raw: [secs1900, frac],
                native: native

         * Writes an OSC time tag ("t").
         * Takes, as its argument, a time tag object containing either a "raw" or "native property."
         * The raw timestamp must conform to the NTP standard representation, consisting of two unsigned int32
         * values. The first represents the number of seconds since January 1, 1900; the second, fractions of a second.
         * "Native" JavaScript timestamps are specified as a Number representing milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
         * @param {Object} timeTag time tag object containing either a native JS timestamp (in ms) or a NTP timestamp pair
         * @return {Uint8Array} raw bytes for the written time tag
        osc.writeTimeTag = function (timeTag) {
            var raw = timeTag.raw ? timeTag.raw : osc.jsToNTPTime(timeTag.native),
                arr = new Uint8Array(8), // Two Unit32s.
                dv = new DataView(arr.buffer);

            osc.writeInt32(raw[0], dv, 0);
            osc.writeInt32(raw[1], dv, 4);

            return arr;

         * Produces a time tag containing a raw NTP timestamp
         * relative to now by the specified number of seconds.
         * @param {Number} secs the number of seconds relative to now (i.e. + for the future, - for the past)
         * @param {Number} now the number of milliseconds since epoch to use as the current time. Defaults to Date.now()
         * @return {Object} the time tag
        osc.timeTag = function (secs, now) {
            secs = secs || 0;
            now = now || Date.now();

            var nowSecs = now / 1000,
                nowWhole = Math.floor(nowSecs),
                nowFracs = nowSecs - nowWhole,
                secsWhole = Math.floor(secs),
                secsFracs = secs - secsWhole,
                fracs = nowFracs + secsFracs;

            if (fracs > 1) {
                var fracsWhole = Math.floor(fracs),
                    fracsFracs = fracs - fracsWhole;

                secsWhole += fracsWhole;
                fracs = fracsFracs;

            var ntpSecs = nowWhole + secsWhole + osc.SECS_70YRS,
                ntpFracs = Math.round(osc.TWO_32 * fracs);

            return {
                raw: [ntpSecs, ntpFracs]

         * Converts OSC's standard time tag representation (which is the NTP format)
         * into the JavaScript/UNIX format in milliseconds.
         * @param {Number} secs1900 the number of seconds since 1900
         * @param {Number} frac the number of fractions of a second (between 0 and 2^32)
         * @return {Number} a JavaScript-compatible timestamp in milliseconds
        osc.ntpToJSTime = function (secs1900, frac) {
            var secs1970 = secs1900 - osc.SECS_70YRS,
                decimals = frac / osc.TWO_32,
                msTime = (secs1970 + decimals) * 1000;

            return msTime;

        osc.jsToNTPTime = function (jsTime) {
            var secs = jsTime / 1000,
                secsWhole = Math.floor(secs),
                secsFrac = secs - secsWhole,
                ntpSecs = secsWhole + osc.SECS_70YRS,
                ntpFracs = Math.round(osc.TWO_32 * secsFrac);

            return [ntpSecs, ntpFracs];

         * Reads the argument portion of an OSC message.
         * @param {DataView} dv a DataView instance to read from
         * @param {Object} offsetState the offsetState object that stores the current offset into dv
         * @param {Oobject} [options] read options
         * @return {Array} an array of the OSC arguments that were read
        osc.readArguments = function (dv, options, offsetState) {
            var typeTagString = osc.readString(dv, offsetState);
            if (typeTagString.indexOf(",") !== 0) {
                // Despite what the OSC 1.0 spec says,
                // it just doesn't make sense to handle messages without type tags.
                // scsynth appears to read such messages as if they have a single
                // Uint8 argument. sclang throws an error if the type tag is omitted.
                throw new Error("A malformed type tag string was found while reading " +
                    "the arguments of an OSC message. String was: " +
                    typeTagString, " at offset: " + offsetState.idx);

            var argTypes = typeTagString.substring(1).split(""),
                args = [];

            osc.readArgumentsIntoArray(args, argTypes, typeTagString, dv, options, offsetState);

            return args;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.readArgument = function (argType, typeTagString, dv, options, offsetState) {
            var typeSpec = osc.argumentTypes[argType];
            if (!typeSpec) {
                throw new Error("'" + argType + "' is not a valid OSC type tag. Type tag string was: " + typeTagString);

            var argReader = typeSpec.reader,
                arg = osc[argReader](dv, offsetState);

            if (options.metadata) {
                arg = {
                    type: argType,
                    value: arg

            return arg;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.readArgumentsIntoArray = function (arr, argTypes, typeTagString, dv, options, offsetState) {
            var i = 0;

            while (i < argTypes.length) {
                var argType = argTypes[i],

                if (argType === "[") {
                    var fromArrayOpen = argTypes.slice(i + 1),
                        endArrayIdx = fromArrayOpen.indexOf("]");

                    if (endArrayIdx < 0) {
                        throw new Error("Invalid argument type tag: an open array type tag ('[') was found " +
                            "without a matching close array tag ('[]'). Type tag was: " + typeTagString);

                    var typesInArray = fromArrayOpen.slice(0, endArrayIdx);
                    arg = osc.readArgumentsIntoArray([], typesInArray, typeTagString, dv, options, offsetState);
                    i += endArrayIdx + 2;
                } else {
                    arg = osc.readArgument(argType, typeTagString, dv, options, offsetState);


            return arr;

         * Writes the specified arguments.
         * @param {Array} args an array of arguments
         * @param {Object} options options for writing
         * @return {Uint8Array} a buffer containing the OSC-formatted argument type tag and values
        osc.writeArguments = function (args, options) {
            var argCollection = osc.collectArguments(args, options);
            return osc.joinParts(argCollection);

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.joinParts = function (dataCollection) {
            var buf = new Uint8Array(dataCollection.byteLength),
                parts = dataCollection.parts,
                offset = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
                var part = parts[i];
                osc.copyByteArray(part, buf, offset);
                offset += part.length;

            return buf;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.addDataPart = function (dataPart, dataCollection) {
            dataCollection.byteLength += dataPart.length;

        osc.writeArrayArguments = function (args, dataCollection) {
            var typeTag = "[";

            for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                var arg = args[i];
                typeTag += osc.writeArgument(arg, dataCollection);

            typeTag += "]";

            return typeTag;

        osc.writeArgument = function (arg, dataCollection) {
            if (osc.isArray(arg)) {
                return osc.writeArrayArguments(arg, dataCollection);

            var type = arg.type,
                writer = osc.argumentTypes[type].writer;

            if (writer) {
                var data = osc[writer](arg.value);
                osc.addDataPart(data, dataCollection);

            return arg.type;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.collectArguments = function (args, options, dataCollection) {
            if (!osc.isArray(args)) {
                args = typeof args === "undefined" ? [] : [args];

            dataCollection = dataCollection || {
                byteLength: 0,
                parts: []

            if (!options.metadata) {
                args = osc.annotateArguments(args);

            var typeTagString = ",",
                currPartIdx = dataCollection.parts.length;

            for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                var arg = args[i];
                typeTagString += osc.writeArgument(arg, dataCollection);

            var typeData = osc.writeString(typeTagString);
            dataCollection.byteLength += typeData.byteLength;
            dataCollection.parts.splice(currPartIdx, 0, typeData);

            return dataCollection;

         * Reads an OSC message.
         * @param {Array-like} data an array of bytes to read from
         * @param {Object} [options] read options
         * @param {Object} [offsetState] an offsetState object that stores the current offset into dv
         * @return {Object} the OSC message, formatted as a JavaScript object containing "address" and "args" properties
        osc.readMessage = function (data, options, offsetState) {
            options = options || osc.defaults;

            var dv = osc.dataView(data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
            offsetState = offsetState || {
                idx: 0

            var address = osc.readString(dv, offsetState);
            return osc.readMessageContents(address, dv, options, offsetState);

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.readMessageContents = function (address, dv, options, offsetState) {
            if (address.indexOf("/") !== 0) {
                throw new Error("A malformed OSC address was found while reading " +
                    "an OSC message. String was: " + address);

            var args = osc.readArguments(dv, options, offsetState);

            return {
                address: address,
                args: args.length === 1 && options.unpackSingleArgs ? args[0] : args

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.collectMessageParts = function (msg, options, dataCollection) {
            dataCollection = dataCollection || {
                byteLength: 0,
                parts: []

            osc.addDataPart(osc.writeString(msg.address), dataCollection);
            return osc.collectArguments(msg.args, options, dataCollection);

         * Writes an OSC message.
         * @param {Object} msg a message object containing "address" and "args" properties
         * @param {Object} [options] write options
         * @return {Uint8Array} an array of bytes containing the OSC message
        osc.writeMessage = function (msg, options) {
            options = options || osc.defaults;

            if (!osc.isValidMessage(msg)) {
                throw new Error("An OSC message must contain a valid address. Message was: " +
                    JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2));

            var msgCollection = osc.collectMessageParts(msg, options);
            return osc.joinParts(msgCollection);

        osc.isValidMessage = function (msg) {
            return msg.address && msg.address.indexOf("/") === 0;

         * Reads an OSC bundle.
         * @param {DataView} dv the DataView instance to read from
         * @param {Object} [options] read optoins
         * @param {Object} [offsetState] an offsetState object that stores the current offset into dv
         * @return {Object} the bundle or message object that was read
        osc.readBundle = function (dv, options, offsetState) {
            return osc.readPacket(dv, options, offsetState);

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.collectBundlePackets = function (bundle, options, dataCollection) {
            dataCollection = dataCollection || {
                byteLength: 0,
                parts: []

            osc.addDataPart(osc.writeString("#bundle"), dataCollection);
            osc.addDataPart(osc.writeTimeTag(bundle.timeTag), dataCollection);

            for (var i = 0; i < bundle.packets.length; i++) {
                var packet = bundle.packets[i],
                    collector = packet.address ? osc.collectMessageParts : osc.collectBundlePackets,
                    packetCollection = collector(packet, options);

                dataCollection.byteLength += packetCollection.byteLength;
                osc.addDataPart(osc.writeInt32(packetCollection.byteLength), dataCollection);
                dataCollection.parts = dataCollection.parts.concat(packetCollection.parts);

            return dataCollection;

         * Writes an OSC bundle.
         * @param {Object} a bundle object containing "timeTag" and "packets" properties
         * @param {object} [options] write options
         * @return {Uint8Array} an array of bytes containing the message
        osc.writeBundle = function (bundle, options) {
            if (!osc.isValidBundle(bundle)) {
                throw new Error("An OSC bundle must contain 'timeTag' and 'packets' properties. " +
                    "Bundle was: " + JSON.stringify(bundle, null, 2));

            options = options || osc.defaults;
            var bundleCollection = osc.collectBundlePackets(bundle, options);

            return osc.joinParts(bundleCollection);

        osc.isValidBundle = function (bundle) {
            return bundle.timeTag !== undefined && bundle.packets !== undefined;

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.readBundleContents = function (dv, options, offsetState, len) {
            var timeTag = osc.readTimeTag(dv, offsetState),
                packets = [];

            while (offsetState.idx < len) {
                var packetSize = osc.readInt32(dv, offsetState),
                    packetLen = offsetState.idx + packetSize,
                    packet = osc.readPacket(dv, options, offsetState, packetLen);


            return {
                timeTag: timeTag,
                packets: packets

         * Reads an OSC packet, which may consist of either a bundle or a message.
         * @param {Array-like} data an array of bytes to read from
         * @param {Object} [options] read options
         * @return {Object} a bundle or message object
        osc.readPacket = function (data, options, offsetState, len) {
            var dv = osc.dataView(data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);

            len = len === undefined ? dv.byteLength : len;
            offsetState = offsetState || {
                idx: 0

            var header = osc.readString(dv, offsetState),
                firstChar = header[0];

            if (firstChar === "#") {
                return osc.readBundleContents(dv, options, offsetState, len);
            } else if (firstChar === "/") {
                return osc.readMessageContents(header, dv, options, offsetState);

            throw new Error("The header of an OSC packet didn't contain an OSC address or a #bundle string." +
                " Header was: " + header);

         * Writes an OSC packet, which may consist of either of a bundle or a message.
         * @param {Object} a bundle or message object
         * @param {Object} [options] write options
         * @return {Uint8Array} an array of bytes containing the message
        osc.writePacket = function (packet, options) {
            if (osc.isValidMessage(packet)) {
                return osc.writeMessage(packet, options);
            } else if (osc.isValidBundle(packet)) {
                return osc.writeBundle(packet, options);
            } else {
                throw new Error("The specified packet was not recognized as a valid OSC message or bundle." +
                    " Packet was: " + JSON.stringify(packet, null, 2));

        // Unsupported, non-API.
        osc.argumentTypes = {
            i: {
                reader: "readInt32",
                writer: "writeInt32"
            h: {
                reader: "readInt64",
                writer: "writeInt64"
            f: {
                reader: "readFloat32",
                writer: "writeFloat32"
            s: {
                reader: "readString",
                writer: "writeString"
            S: {
                reader: "readString",
                writer: "writeString"
            b: {
                reader: "readBlob",
                writer: "writeBlob"
            t: {
                reader: "readTimeTag",
                writer: "writeTimeTag"
            T: {
                reader: "readTrue"
            F: {
                reader: "readFalse"
            N: {
                reader: "readNull"
            I: {
                reader: "readImpulse"
            d: {
                reader: "readFloat64",
                writer: "writeFloat64"
            c: {
                reader: "readChar32",
                writer: "writeChar32"
            r: {
                reader: "readColor",
                writer: "writeColor"
            m: {
                reader: "readMIDIBytes",
                writer: "writeMIDIBytes"
            // [] are special cased within read/writeArguments()

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.inferTypeForArgument = function (arg) {
            var type = typeof arg;

            // TODO: This is freaking hideous.
            switch (type) {
                case "boolean":
                    return arg ? "T" : "F";
                case "string":
                    return "s";
                case "number":
                    return "f";
                case "undefined":
                    return "N";
                case "object":
                    if (arg === null) {
                        return "N";
                    } else if (arg instanceof Uint8Array ||
                        arg instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                        return "b";
                    } else if (typeof arg.high === "number" && typeof arg.low === "number") {
                        return "h";

            throw new Error("Can't infer OSC argument type for value: " +
                JSON.stringify(arg, null, 2));

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.annotateArguments = function (args) {
            var annotated = [];

            for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                var arg = args[i],

                if (typeof (arg) === "object" && arg.type && arg.value !== undefined) {
                    // We've got an explicitly typed argument.
                    msgArg = arg;
                } else if (osc.isArray(arg)) {
                    // We've got an array of arguments,
                    // so they each need to be inferred and expanded.
                    msgArg = osc.annotateArguments(arg);
                } else {
                    var oscType = osc.inferTypeForArgument(arg);
                    msgArg = {
                        type: oscType,
                        value: arg


            return annotated;

        if (osc.isCommonJS) {
            module.exports = osc;
 * osc.js: An Open Sound Control library for JavaScript that works in both the browser and Node.js
 * Cross-platform base transport library for osc.js.
 * Copyright 2014-2016, Colin Clark
 * Licensed under the MIT and GPL 3 licenses.

    /* global require, module */

    var osc = osc,
        slip = slip,
        EventEmitter = EventEmitter;

    (function () {

        "use strict";

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.firePacketEvents = function (port, packet, timeTag, packetInfo) {
            if (packet.address) {
                port.emit("message", packet, timeTag, packetInfo);
            } else {
                osc.fireBundleEvents(port, packet, timeTag, packetInfo);

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.fireBundleEvents = function (port, bundle, timeTag, packetInfo) {
            port.emit("bundle", bundle, timeTag, packetInfo);
            for (var i = 0; i < bundle.packets.length; i++) {
                var packet = bundle.packets[i];
                osc.firePacketEvents(port, packet, bundle.timeTag, packetInfo);

        osc.fireClosedPortSendError = function (port, msg) {
            msg = msg || "Can't send packets on a closed osc.Port object. Please open (or reopen) this Port by calling open().";
            port.emit("error", msg);

        osc.Port = function (options) {
            this.options = options || {};
            this.on("data", this.decodeOSC.bind(this));

        var p = osc.Port.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
        p.constructor = osc.Port;

        p.send = function (oscPacket) {
            var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
                encoded = this.encodeOSC(oscPacket),
                buf = osc.nativeBuffer(encoded);

            args[0] = buf;
            this.sendRaw.apply(this, args);

        p.encodeOSC = function (packet) {
            // TODO gh-39: This is unsafe; we should only access the underlying
            // buffer within the range of its view.
            packet = packet.buffer ? packet.buffer : packet;
            var encoded;

            try {
                encoded = osc.writePacket(packet, this.options);
            } catch (err) {
                this.emit("error", err);

            return encoded;

        p.decodeOSC = function (data, packetInfo) {
            data = osc.byteArray(data);
            this.emit("raw", data, packetInfo);

            try {
                var packet = osc.readPacket(data, this.options);
                this.emit("osc", packet, packetInfo);
                osc.firePacketEvents(this, packet, undefined, packetInfo);
            } catch (err) {
                this.emit("error", err);

        osc.SLIPPort = function (options) {
            var that = this;
            var o = this.options = options || {};
            o.useSLIP = o.useSLIP === undefined ? true : o.useSLIP;

            this.decoder = new slip.Decoder({
                onMessage: this.decodeOSC.bind(this),
                onError: function (err) {
                    that.emit("error", err);

            var decodeHandler = o.useSLIP ? this.decodeSLIPData : this.decodeOSC;
            this.on("data", decodeHandler.bind(this));

        p = osc.SLIPPort.prototype = Object.create(osc.Port.prototype);
        p.constructor = osc.SLIPPort;

        p.encodeOSC = function (packet) {
            // TODO gh-39: This is unsafe; we should only access the underlying
            // buffer within the range of its view.
            packet = packet.buffer ? packet.buffer : packet;
            var framed;

            try {
                var encoded = osc.writePacket(packet, this.options);
                framed = slip.encode(encoded);
            } catch (err) {
                this.emit("error", err);

            return framed;

        p.decodeSLIPData = function (data, packetInfo) {
            // TODO: Get packetInfo through SLIP decoder.
            this.decoder.decode(data, packetInfo);

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.relay = function (from, to, eventName, sendFnName, transformFn, sendArgs) {
            eventName = eventName || "message";
            sendFnName = sendFnName || "send";
            transformFn = transformFn || function () { };
            sendArgs = sendArgs ? [null].concat(sendArgs) : [];

            var listener = function (data) {
                sendArgs[0] = data;
                data = transformFn(data);
                to[sendFnName].apply(to, sendArgs);

            from.on(eventName, listener);

            return {
                eventName: eventName,
                listener: listener

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.relayPorts = function (from, to, o) {
            var eventName = o.raw ? "raw" : "osc",
                sendFnName = o.raw ? "sendRaw" : "send";

            return osc.relay(from, to, eventName, sendFnName, o.transform);

        // Unsupported, non-API function.
        osc.stopRelaying = function (from, relaySpec) {
            from.removeListener(relaySpec.eventName, relaySpec.listener);

         * A Relay connects two sources of OSC data together,
         * relaying all OSC messages received by each port to the other.
         * @constructor
         * @param {osc.Port} port1 the first port to relay
         * @param {osc.Port} port2 the second port to relay
         * @param {Object} options the configuration options for this relay
        osc.Relay = function (port1, port2, options) {
            var o = this.options = options || {};
            o.raw = false;

            this.port1 = port1;
            this.port2 = port2;


        p = osc.Relay.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype);
        p.constructor = osc.Relay;

        p.open = function () {

        p.listen = function () {
            if (this.port1Spec && this.port2Spec) {

            this.port1Spec = osc.relayPorts(this.port1, this.port2, this.options);
            this.port2Spec = osc.relayPorts(this.port2, this.port1, this.options);

            // Bind port close listeners to ensure that the relay
            // will stop forwarding messages if one of its ports close.
            // Users are still responsible for closing the underlying ports
            // if necessary.
            var closeListener = this.close.bind(this);
            this.port1.on("close", closeListener);
            this.port2.on("close", closeListener);

        p.close = function () {
            osc.stopRelaying(this.port1, this.port1Spec);
            osc.stopRelaying(this.port2, this.port2Spec);
            this.emit("close", this.port1, this.port2);

        // If we're in a require-compatible environment, export ourselves.
        if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
            module.exports = osc;
 * osc.js: An Open Sound Control library for JavaScript that works in both the browser and Node.js
 * Cross-Platform Web Socket client transport for osc.js.
 * Copyright 2014-2016, Colin Clark
 * Licensed under the MIT and GPL 3 licenses.

/*global WebSocket, require*/

    var osc = osc;

    (function () {

        "use strict";

        if (typeof WebSocket !== "undefined"){
            osc.WebSocket = WebSocket

        osc.WebSocketPort = function (options) {
            osc.Port.call(this, options);
            this.on("open", this.listen.bind(this));

            this.socket = options.socket;
            if (this.socket) {
                if (this.socket.readyState === 1) {
                    this.emit("open", this.socket);
                } else {

        var p = osc.WebSocketPort.prototype = Object.create(osc.Port.prototype);
        p.constructor = osc.WebSocketPort;

        p.open = function () {
            if (!this.socket || this.socket.readyState > 1) {
                this.socket = new osc.WebSocket(this.options.url);

            var that = this;
            this.socket.onopen = function () {
                that.emit("open", that.socket);

        p.listen = function () {
            var that = this;
            this.socket.onmessage = function (e) {
                that.emit("data", e.data, e);

            this.socket.onerror = function (err) {
                that.emit("error", err);

            this.socket.onclose = function (e) {
                that.emit("close", e);


        p.sendRaw = function (encoded) {
            if (!this.socket || this.socket.readyState !== 1) {

        p.close = function (code, reason) {
            this.socket.close(code, reason);

        osc.WebSocketPort.setupSocketForBinary = function (socket) {
            socket.binaryType = osc.isNode ? "nodebuffer" : "arraybuffer";

    return osc;