/*global define*/ define([ '../../Core/Color', '../../Core/defined', '../../Core/defineProperties', '../../Core/destroyObject', '../../Core/DeveloperError', '../getElement', '../subscribeAndEvaluate' ], function( Color, defined, defineProperties, destroyObject, DeveloperError, getElement, subscribeAndEvaluate) { "use strict"; var svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; var xlinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; var widgetForDrag; var gradientEnabledColor0 = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(247,250,255,0.384)'); var gradientEnabledColor1 = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(143,191,255,0.216)'); var gradientEnabledColor2 = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(153,197,255,0.098)'); var gradientEnabledColor3 = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(255,255,255,0.086)'); var gradientDisabledColor0 = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(255,255,255,0.267)'); var gradientDisabledColor1 = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(255,255,255,0)'); var gradientKnobColor = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(66,67,68,0.3)'); var gradientPointerColor = Color.fromCssColorString('rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); function getElementColor(element) { return Color.fromCssColorString(window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('color')); } //Dynamically builds an SVG element from a JSON object. function svgFromObject(obj) { var ele = document.createElementNS(svgNS, obj.tagName); for ( var field in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(field) && field !== 'tagName') { if (field === 'children') { var i; var len = obj.children.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ele.appendChild(svgFromObject(obj.children[i])); } } else if (field.indexOf('xlink:') === 0) { ele.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, field.substring(6), obj[field]); } else if (field === 'textContent') { ele.textContent = obj[field]; } else { ele.setAttribute(field, obj[field]); } } } return ele; } function svgText(x, y, msg) { var text = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'text'); text.setAttribute('x', x); text.setAttribute('y', y); text.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-svgText'); var tspan = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'tspan'); tspan.textContent = msg; text.appendChild(tspan); return text; } function setShuttleRingPointer(shuttleRingPointer, knobOuter, angle) { shuttleRingPointer.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(100,100) rotate(' + angle + ')'); knobOuter.setAttribute('transform', 'rotate(' + angle + ')'); } var makeColorStringScratch = new Color(); function makeColorString(background, gradient) { var gradientAlpha = gradient.alpha; var backgroundAlpha = 1.0 - gradientAlpha; makeColorStringScratch.red = (background.red * backgroundAlpha) + (gradient.red * gradientAlpha); makeColorStringScratch.green = (background.green * backgroundAlpha) + (gradient.green * gradientAlpha); makeColorStringScratch.blue = (background.blue * backgroundAlpha) + (gradient.blue * gradientAlpha); return makeColorStringScratch.toCssColorString(); } function rectButton(x, y, path) { var button = { tagName : 'g', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-rectButton', transform : 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')', children : [{ tagName : 'rect', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-buttonGlow', width : 32, height : 32, rx : 2, ry : 2 }, { tagName : 'rect', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-buttonMain', width : 32, height : 32, rx : 4, ry : 4 }, { tagName : 'use', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-buttonPath', 'xlink:href' : path }, { tagName : 'title', textContent : '' }] }; return svgFromObject(button); } function wingButton(x, y, path) { var button = { tagName : 'g', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-rectButton', transform : 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')', children : [{ tagName : 'use', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-buttonGlow', 'xlink:href' : '#animation_pathWingButton' }, { tagName : 'use', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-buttonMain', 'xlink:href' : '#animation_pathWingButton' }, { tagName : 'use', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-buttonPath', 'xlink:href' : path }, { tagName : 'title', textContent : '' }] }; return svgFromObject(button); } function setShuttleRingFromMouseOrTouch(widget, e) { var viewModel = widget._viewModel; var shuttleRingDragging = viewModel.shuttleRingDragging; if (shuttleRingDragging && (widgetForDrag !== widget)) { return; } if (e.type === 'mousedown' || (shuttleRingDragging && e.type === 'mousemove') || (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.touches.length === 1) || (shuttleRingDragging && e.type === 'touchmove' && e.touches.length === 1)) { var centerX = widget._centerX; var centerY = widget._centerY; var svg = widget._svgNode; var rect = svg.getBoundingClientRect(); var clientX; var clientY; if (e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove') { clientX = e.touches[0].clientX; clientY = e.touches[0].clientY; } else { clientX = e.clientX; clientY = e.clientY; } if (!shuttleRingDragging && (clientX > rect.right || clientX < rect.left || clientY < rect.top || clientY > rect.bottom)) { return; } var pointerRect = widget._shuttleRingPointer.getBoundingClientRect(); var x = clientX - centerX - rect.left; var y = clientY - centerY - rect.top; var angle = Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI + 90; if (angle > 180) { angle -= 360; } var shuttleRingAngle = viewModel.shuttleRingAngle; if (shuttleRingDragging || (clientX < pointerRect.right && clientX > pointerRect.left && clientY > pointerRect.top && clientY < pointerRect.bottom)) { widgetForDrag = widget; viewModel.shuttleRingDragging = true; viewModel.shuttleRingAngle = angle; } else if (angle < shuttleRingAngle) { viewModel.slower(); } else if (angle > shuttleRingAngle) { viewModel.faster(); } e.preventDefault(); } else { if (widget === widgetForDrag) { widgetForDrag = undefined; } viewModel.shuttleRingDragging = false; } } //This is a private class for treating an SVG element like a button. //If we ever need a general purpose SVG button, we can make this generic. var SvgButton = function(svgElement, viewModel) { this._viewModel = viewModel; this.svgElement = svgElement; this._enabled = undefined; this._toggled = undefined; var that = this; this._clickFunction = function() { var command = that._viewModel.command; if (command.canExecute) { command(); } }; svgElement.addEventListener('click', this._clickFunction, true); //TODO: Since the animation widget uses SVG and has no HTML backing, //we need to wire everything up manually. Knockout can supposedly //bind to SVG, so we we figure that out we can modify our SVG //to include the binding information directly. this._subscriptions = [// subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel, 'toggled', this.setToggled, this),// subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel, 'tooltip', this.setTooltip, this),// subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel.command, 'canExecute', this.setEnabled, this)]; }; SvgButton.prototype.destroy = function() { this.svgElement.removeEventListener('click', this._clickFunction, true); var subscriptions = this._subscriptions; for ( var i = 0, len = subscriptions.length; i < len; i++) { subscriptions[i].dispose(); } destroyObject(this); }; SvgButton.prototype.isDestroyed = function() { return false; }; SvgButton.prototype.setEnabled = function(enabled) { if (this._enabled !== enabled) { this._enabled = enabled; if (!enabled) { this.svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-buttonDisabled'); return; } if (this._toggled) { this.svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-rectButton cesium-animation-buttonToggled'); return; } this.svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-rectButton'); } }; SvgButton.prototype.setToggled = function(toggled) { if (this._toggled !== toggled) { this._toggled = toggled; if (this._enabled) { if (toggled) { this.svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-rectButton cesium-animation-buttonToggled'); } else { this.svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-rectButton'); } } } }; SvgButton.prototype.setTooltip = function(tooltip) { this.svgElement.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].textContent = tooltip; }; /** * * *
Animation widget *

* The Animation widget provides buttons for play, pause, and reverse, along with the * current time and date, surrounded by a "shuttle ring" for controlling the speed of animation. *

* The "shuttle ring" concept is borrowed from video editing, where typically a * "jog wheel" can be rotated to move past individual animation frames very slowly, and * a surrounding shuttle ring can be twisted to control direction and speed of fast playback. * Cesium typically treats time as continuous (not broken into pre-defined animation frames), * so this widget offers no jog wheel. Instead, the shuttle ring is capable of both fast and * very slow playback. Click and drag the shuttle ring pointer itself (shown above in green), * or click in the rest of the ring area to nudge the pointer to the next preset speed in that direction. *

* The Animation widget also provides a "realtime" button (in the upper-left) that keeps * animation time in sync with the end user's system clock, typically displaying * "today" or "right now." This mode is not available in {@link ClockRange.CLAMPED} or * {@link ClockRange.LOOP_STOP} mode if the current time is outside of {@link Clock}'s startTime and endTime. * * @alias Animation * @constructor * * @param {Element|String} container The DOM element or ID that will contain the widget. * @param {AnimationViewModel} viewModel The view model used by this widget. * * @exception {DeveloperError} Element with id "container" does not exist in the document. * * @see AnimationViewModel * @see Clock * * @example * // In HTML head, include a link to Animation.css stylesheet, * // and in the body, include:
* * var clock = new Cesium.Clock(); * var clockViewModel = new Cesium.ClockViewModel(clock); * var viewModel = new Cesium.AnimationViewModel(clockViewModel); * var widget = new Cesium.Animation('animationContainer', viewModel); * * function tick() { * clock.tick(); * Cesium.requestAnimationFrame(tick); * } * Cesium.requestAnimationFrame(tick); */ var Animation = function(container, viewModel) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(container)) { throw new DeveloperError('container is required.'); } if (!defined(viewModel)) { throw new DeveloperError('viewModel is required.'); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); container = getElement(container); this._viewModel = viewModel; this._container = container; this._centerX = 0; this._centerY = 0; this._defsElement = undefined; this._svgNode = undefined; this._topG = undefined; this._lastHeight = undefined; this._lastWidth = undefined; // Firefox requires SVG references to be included directly, not imported from external CSS. // Also, CSS minifiers get confused by this being in an external CSS file. var cssStyle = document.createElement('style'); cssStyle.textContent = '.cesium-animation-rectButton .cesium-animation-buttonGlow { filter: url(#animation_blurred); }\ .cesium-animation-rectButton .cesium-animation-buttonMain { fill: url(#animation_buttonNormal); }\ .cesium-animation-buttonToggled .cesium-animation-buttonMain { fill: url(#animation_buttonToggled); }\ .cesium-animation-rectButton:hover .cesium-animation-buttonMain { fill: url(#animation_buttonHovered); }\ .cesium-animation-buttonDisabled .cesium-animation-buttonMain { fill: url(#animation_buttonDisabled); }\ .cesium-animation-shuttleRingG .cesium-animation-shuttleRingSwoosh { fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingSwooshGradient); }\ .cesium-animation-shuttleRingG:hover .cesium-animation-shuttleRingSwoosh { fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingSwooshHovered); }\ .cesium-animation-shuttleRingPointer { fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingPointerGradient); }\ .cesium-animation-shuttleRingPausePointer { fill: url(#animation_shuttleRingPointerPaused); }\ .cesium-animation-knobOuter { fill: url(#animation_knobOuter); }\ .cesium-animation-knobInner { fill: url(#animation_knobInner); }'; document.head.insertBefore(cssStyle, document.head.childNodes[0]); var themeEle = document.createElement('div'); themeEle.className = 'cesium-animation-theme'; themeEle.innerHTML = '
'; this._theme = themeEle; this._themeNormal = themeEle.childNodes[0]; this._themeHover = themeEle.childNodes[1]; this._themeSelect = themeEle.childNodes[2]; this._themeDisabled = themeEle.childNodes[3]; this._themeKnob = themeEle.childNodes[4]; this._themePointer = themeEle.childNodes[5]; this._themeSwoosh = themeEle.childNodes[6]; this._themeSwooshHover = themeEle.childNodes[7]; var svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'svg:svg'); this._svgNode = svg; // Define the XLink namespace that SVG uses svg.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:xlink', xlinkNS); var topG = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'g'); this._topG = topG; this._realtimeSVG = new SvgButton(wingButton(3, 4, '#animation_pathClock'), viewModel.playRealtimeViewModel); this._playReverseSVG = new SvgButton(rectButton(44, 99, '#animation_pathPlayReverse'), viewModel.playReverseViewModel); this._playForwardSVG = new SvgButton(rectButton(124, 99, '#animation_pathPlay'), viewModel.playForwardViewModel); this._pauseSVG = new SvgButton(rectButton(84, 99, '#animation_pathPause'), viewModel.pauseViewModel); var buttonsG = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'g'); buttonsG.appendChild(this._realtimeSVG.svgElement); buttonsG.appendChild(this._playReverseSVG.svgElement); buttonsG.appendChild(this._playForwardSVG.svgElement); buttonsG.appendChild(this._pauseSVG.svgElement); var shuttleRingBackPanel = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'circle', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-shuttleRingBack', cx : 100, cy : 100, r : 99 }); this._shuttleRingBackPanel = shuttleRingBackPanel; var shuttleRingSwooshG = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'g', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-shuttleRingSwoosh', children : [{ tagName : 'use', transform : 'translate(100,97) scale(-1,1)', 'xlink:href' : '#animation_pathSwooshFX' }, { tagName : 'use', transform : 'translate(100,97)', 'xlink:href' : '#animation_pathSwooshFX' }, { tagName : 'line', x1 : 100, y1 : 8, x2 : 100, y2 : 22 }] }); this._shuttleRingSwooshG = shuttleRingSwooshG; this._shuttleRingPointer = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'use', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-shuttleRingPointer', 'xlink:href' : '#animation_pathPointer' }); var knobG = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'g', transform : 'translate(100,100)' }); this._knobOuter = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'circle', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-knobOuter', cx : 0, cy : 0, r : 71 }); var knobInnerAndShieldSize = 61; var knobInner = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'circle', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-knobInner', cx : 0, cy : 0, r : knobInnerAndShieldSize }); this._knobDate = svgText(0, -24, ''); this._knobTime = svgText(0, -7, ''); this._knobStatus = svgText(0, -41, ''); // widget shield catches clicks on the knob itself (even while DOM elements underneath are changing). var knobShield = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'circle', 'class' : 'cesium-animation-blank', cx : 0, cy : 0, r : knobInnerAndShieldSize }); var shuttleRingBackG = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'g'); shuttleRingBackG.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-shuttleRingG'); container.appendChild(themeEle); topG.appendChild(shuttleRingBackG); topG.appendChild(knobG); topG.appendChild(buttonsG); shuttleRingBackG.appendChild(shuttleRingBackPanel); shuttleRingBackG.appendChild(shuttleRingSwooshG); shuttleRingBackG.appendChild(this._shuttleRingPointer); knobG.appendChild(this._knobOuter); knobG.appendChild(knobInner); knobG.appendChild(this._knobDate); knobG.appendChild(this._knobTime); knobG.appendChild(this._knobStatus); knobG.appendChild(knobShield); svg.appendChild(topG); container.appendChild(svg); var that = this; var mouseCallback = function(e) { setShuttleRingFromMouseOrTouch(that, e); }; this._mouseCallback = mouseCallback; shuttleRingBackPanel.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); shuttleRingBackPanel.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); shuttleRingSwooshG.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); shuttleRingSwooshG.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseCallback, true); document.addEventListener('touchmove', mouseCallback, true); document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseCallback, true); document.addEventListener('touchend', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingPointer.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingPointer.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); this._knobOuter.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); this._knobOuter.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); //TODO: Since the animation widget uses SVG and has no HTML backing, //we need to wire everything up manually. Knockout can supposedly //bind to SVG, so we we figure that out we can modify our SVG //to include the binding information directly. var timeNode = this._knobTime.childNodes[0]; var dateNode = this._knobDate.childNodes[0]; var statusNode = this._knobStatus.childNodes[0]; var isPaused; this._subscriptions = [// subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel.pauseViewModel, 'toggled', function(value) { if (isPaused !== value) { isPaused = value; if (isPaused) { that._shuttleRingPointer.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-shuttleRingPausePointer'); } else { that._shuttleRingPointer.setAttribute('class', 'cesium-animation-shuttleRingPointer'); } } }), subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel, 'shuttleRingAngle', function(value) { setShuttleRingPointer(that._shuttleRingPointer, that._knobOuter, value); }), subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel, 'dateLabel', function(value) { if (dateNode.textContent !== value) { dateNode.textContent = value; } }), subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel, 'timeLabel', function(value) { if (timeNode.textContent !== value) { timeNode.textContent = value; } }), subscribeAndEvaluate(viewModel, 'multiplierLabel', function(value) { if (statusNode.textContent !== value) { statusNode.textContent = value; } })]; this.applyThemeChanges(); this.resize(); }; defineProperties(Animation.prototype, { /** * Gets the parent container. * * @memberof Animation.prototype * @type {Element} */ container : { get : function() { return this._container; } }, /** * Gets the view model. * * @memberof Animation.prototype * @type {AnimationViewModel} */ viewModel : { get : function() { return this._viewModel; } } }); /** * @returns {Boolean} true if the object has been destroyed, false otherwise. */ Animation.prototype.isDestroyed = function() { return false; }; /** * Destroys the animation widget. Should be called if permanently * removing the widget from layout. */ Animation.prototype.destroy = function() { var mouseCallback = this._mouseCallback; this._shuttleRingBackPanel.removeEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingBackPanel.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingSwooshG.removeEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingSwooshG.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseCallback, true); document.removeEventListener('touchmove', mouseCallback, true); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseCallback, true); document.removeEventListener('touchend', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingPointer.removeEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); this._shuttleRingPointer.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); this._knobOuter.removeEventListener('mousedown', mouseCallback, true); this._knobOuter.removeEventListener('touchstart', mouseCallback, true); this._container.removeChild(this._svgNode); this._container.removeChild(this._theme); this._realtimeSVG.destroy(); this._playReverseSVG.destroy(); this._playForwardSVG.destroy(); this._pauseSVG.destroy(); var subscriptions = this._subscriptions; for ( var i = 0, len = subscriptions.length; i < len; i++) { subscriptions[i].dispose(); } return destroyObject(this); }; /** * Resizes the widget to match the container size. * This function should be called whenever the container size is changed. */ Animation.prototype.resize = function() { var parentWidth = this._container.clientWidth; var parentHeight = this._container.clientHeight; if (parentWidth === this._lastWidth && parentHeight === this._lastHeight) { return; } var svg = this._svgNode; //The width and height as the SVG was originally drawn. var baseWidth = 200; var baseHeight = 132; var width = parentWidth; var height = parentHeight; if (parentWidth === 0 && parentHeight === 0) { width = baseWidth; height = baseHeight; } else if (parentWidth === 0) { height = parentHeight; width = baseWidth * (parentHeight / baseHeight); } else if (parentHeight === 0) { width = parentWidth; height = baseHeight * (parentWidth / baseWidth); } var scaleX = width / baseWidth; var scaleY = height / baseHeight; svg.style.cssText = 'width: ' + width + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; overflow: hidden;'; svg.setAttribute('width', width); svg.setAttribute('height', height); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height); this._topG.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(' + scaleX + ',' + scaleY + ')'); this._centerX = Math.max(1, 100.0 * scaleX); this._centerY = Math.max(1, 100.0 * scaleY); this._lastHeight = parentWidth; this._lastWidth = parentHeight; }; /** * Updates the widget to reflect any modified CSS rules for theming. * * @example * //Switch to the cesium-lighter theme. * document.body.className = 'cesium-lighter'; * animation.applyThemeChanges(); */ Animation.prototype.applyThemeChanges = function() { var buttonNormalBackColor = getElementColor(this._themeNormal); var buttonHoverBackColor = getElementColor(this._themeHover); var buttonToggledBackColor = getElementColor(this._themeSelect); var buttonDisabledBackColor = getElementColor(this._themeDisabled); var knobBackColor = getElementColor(this._themeKnob); var pointerColor = getElementColor(this._themePointer); var swooshColor = getElementColor(this._themeSwoosh); var swooshHoverColor = getElementColor(this._themeSwooshHover); var defsElement = svgFromObject({ tagName : 'defs', children : [{ id : 'animation_buttonNormal', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '50%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '50%', y2 : '100%', children : [ //add a 'stop-opacity' field to make translucent. { tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonNormalBackColor, gradientEnabledColor0) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '12%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonNormalBackColor, gradientEnabledColor1) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '46%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonNormalBackColor, gradientEnabledColor2) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '81%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonNormalBackColor, gradientEnabledColor3) }] }, { id : 'animation_buttonHovered', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '50%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '50%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonHoverBackColor, gradientEnabledColor0) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '12%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonHoverBackColor, gradientEnabledColor1) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '46%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonHoverBackColor, gradientEnabledColor2) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '81%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonHoverBackColor, gradientEnabledColor3) }] }, { id : 'animation_buttonToggled', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '50%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '50%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonToggledBackColor, gradientEnabledColor0) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '12%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonToggledBackColor, gradientEnabledColor1) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '46%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonToggledBackColor, gradientEnabledColor2) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '81%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonToggledBackColor, gradientEnabledColor3) }] }, { id : 'animation_buttonDisabled', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '50%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '50%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonDisabledBackColor, gradientDisabledColor0) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '75%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(buttonDisabledBackColor, gradientDisabledColor1) }] }, { id : 'animation_blurred', tagName : 'filter', width : '200%', height : '200%', x : '-50%', y : '-50%', children : [{ tagName : 'feGaussianBlur', stdDeviation : 4, 'in' : 'SourceGraphic' }] }, { id : 'animation_shuttleRingSwooshGradient', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '50%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '50%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-opacity' : 0.2, 'stop-color' : swooshColor.toCssColorString() }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '85%', 'stop-opacity' : 0.85, 'stop-color' : swooshColor.toCssColorString() }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '95%', 'stop-opacity' : 0.05, 'stop-color' : swooshColor.toCssColorString() }] }, { id : 'animation_shuttleRingSwooshHovered', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '50%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '50%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-opacity' : 0.2, 'stop-color' : swooshHoverColor.toCssColorString() }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '85%', 'stop-opacity' : 0.85, 'stop-color' : swooshHoverColor.toCssColorString() }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '95%', 'stop-opacity' : 0.05, 'stop-color' : swooshHoverColor.toCssColorString() }] }, { id : 'animation_shuttleRingPointerGradient', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '0%', y1 : '50%', x2 : '100%', y2 : '50%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-color' : pointerColor.toCssColorString() }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '40%', 'stop-color' : pointerColor.toCssColorString() }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '60%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(pointerColor, gradientPointerColor) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '100%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(pointerColor, gradientPointerColor) }] }, { id : 'animation_shuttleRingPointerPaused', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '0%', y1 : '50%', x2 : '100%', y2 : '50%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '0%', 'stop-color' : '#CCC' }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '40%', 'stop-color' : '#CCC' }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '60%', 'stop-color' : '#555' }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '100%', 'stop-color' : '#555' }] }, { id : 'animation_knobOuter', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '20%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '90%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '5%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(knobBackColor, gradientEnabledColor0) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '60%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(knobBackColor, gradientKnobColor) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '85%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(knobBackColor, gradientEnabledColor1) }] }, { id : 'animation_knobInner', tagName : 'linearGradient', x1 : '20%', y1 : '0%', x2 : '90%', y2 : '100%', children : [{ tagName : 'stop', offset : '5%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(knobBackColor, gradientKnobColor) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '60%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(knobBackColor, gradientEnabledColor0) }, { tagName : 'stop', offset : '85%', 'stop-color' : makeColorString(knobBackColor, gradientEnabledColor3) }] }, { id : 'animation_pathReset', tagName : 'path', transform : 'translate(16,16) scale(0.85) translate(-16,-16)', d : 'M24.316,5.318,9.833,13.682,9.833,5.5,5.5,5.5,5.5,25.5,9.833,25.5,9.833,17.318,24.316,25.682z' }, { id : 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