/*global define*/ define([ '../Core/defined', '../Core/defineProperties', '../Core/DeveloperError', '../Core/loadImage', '../Core/loadImageViaBlob', '../Core/throttleRequestByServer' ], function( defined, defineProperties, DeveloperError, loadImage, loadImageViaBlob, throttleRequestByServer) { "use strict"; /** * Provides imagery to be displayed on the surface of an ellipsoid. This type describes an * interface and is not intended to be instantiated directly. * * @alias ImageryProvider * @constructor * * @see ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider * @see SingleTileImageryProvider * @see BingMapsImageryProvider * @see GoogleEarthImageryProvider * @see OpenStreetMapImageryProvider * @see WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider * @see WebMapServiceImageryProvider * * @demo {@link http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Imagery%20Layers.html|Cesium Sandcastle Imagery Layers Demo} * @demo {@link http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Imagery%20Layers%20Manipulation.html|Cesium Sandcastle Imagery Manipulation Demo} */ var ImageryProvider = function ImageryProvider() { /** * The default alpha blending value of this provider, with 0.0 representing fully transparent and * 1.0 representing fully opaque. * * @type {Number} * @default undefined */ this.defaultAlpha = undefined; /** * The default brightness of this provider. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. Less than 1.0 * makes the imagery darker while greater than 1.0 makes it brighter. * * @type {Number} * @default undefined */ this.defaultBrightness = undefined; /** * The default contrast of this provider. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. Less than 1.0 reduces * the contrast while greater than 1.0 increases it. * * @type {Number} * @default undefined */ this.defaultContrast = undefined; /** * The default hue of this provider in radians. 0.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. * * @type {Number} * @default undefined */ this.defaultHue = undefined; /** * The default saturation of this provider. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. Less than 1.0 reduces the * saturation while greater than 1.0 increases it. * * @type {Number} * @default undefined */ this.defaultSaturation = undefined; /** * The default gamma correction to apply to this provider. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. * * @type {Number} * @default undefined */ this.defaultGamma = undefined; DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError(); }; defineProperties(ImageryProvider.prototype, { /** * Gets a value indicating whether or not the provider is ready for use. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ ready : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the rectangle, in radians, of the imagery provided by the instance. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Rectangle} * @readonly */ rectangle: { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the width of each tile, in pixels. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ tileWidth : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the height of each tile, in pixels. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ tileHeight : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the maximum level-of-detail that can be requested. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ maximumLevel : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the minimum level-of-detail that can be requested. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. Generally, * a minimum level should only be used when the rectangle of the imagery is small * enough that the number of tiles at the minimum level is small. An imagery * provider with more than a few tiles at the minimum level will lead to * rendering problems. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Number} * @readonly */ minimumLevel : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the tiling scheme used by the provider. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {TilingScheme} * @readonly */ tilingScheme : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the tile discard policy. If not undefined, the discard policy is responsible * for filtering out "missing" tiles via its shouldDiscardImage function. If this function * returns undefined, no tiles are filtered. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {TileDiscardPolicy} * @readonly */ tileDiscardPolicy : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets an event that is raised when the imagery provider encounters an asynchronous error.. By subscribing * to the event, you will be notified of the error and can potentially recover from it. Event listeners * are passed an instance of {@link TileProviderError}. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Event} * @readonly */ errorEvent : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the credit to display when this imagery provider is active. Typically this is used to credit * the source of the imagery. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Credit} * @readonly */ credit : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets the proxy used by this provider. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Proxy} * @readonly */ proxy : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError }, /** * Gets a value indicating whether or not the images provided by this imagery provider * include an alpha channel. If this property is false, an alpha channel, if present, will * be ignored. If this property is true, any images without an alpha channel will be treated * as if their alpha is 1.0 everywhere. When this property is false, memory usage * and texture upload time are reduced. * @memberof ImageryProvider.prototype * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ hasAlphaChannel : { get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError } }); /** * Gets the credits to be displayed when a given tile is displayed. * @function * * @param {Number} x The tile X coordinate. * @param {Number} y The tile Y coordinate. * @param {Number} level The tile level; * @returns {Credit[]} The credits to be displayed when the tile is displayed. * * @exception {DeveloperError} <code>getTileCredits</code> must not be called before the imagery provider is ready. */ ImageryProvider.prototype.getTileCredits = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError; /** * Requests the image for a given tile. This function should * not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * @function * * @param {Number} x The tile X coordinate. * @param {Number} y The tile Y coordinate. * @param {Number} level The tile level. * @returns {Promise} A promise for the image that will resolve when the image is available, or * undefined if there are too many active requests to the server, and the request * should be retried later. The resolved image may be either an * Image or a Canvas DOM object. * * @exception {DeveloperError} <code>requestImage</code> must not be called before the imagery provider is ready. */ ImageryProvider.prototype.requestImage = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError; /** * Asynchronously determines what features, if any, are located at a given longitude and latitude within * a tile. This function should not be called before {@link ImageryProvider#ready} returns true. * This function is optional, so it may not exist on all ImageryProviders. * * @function * * @param {Number} x The tile X coordinate. * @param {Number} y The tile Y coordinate. * @param {Number} level The tile level. * @param {Number} longitude The longitude at which to pick features. * @param {Number} latitude The latitude at which to pick features. * @return {Promise} A promise for the picked features that will resolve when the asynchronous * picking completes. The resolved value is an array of {@link ImageryLayerFeatureInfo} * instances. The array may be empty if no features are found at the given location. * It may also be undefined if picking is not supported. * * @exception {DeveloperError} <code>pickFeatures</code> must not be called before the imagery provider is ready. */ ImageryProvider.prototype.pickFeatures = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError; /** * Loads an image from a given URL. If the server referenced by the URL already has * too many requests pending, this function will instead return undefined, indicating * that the request should be retried later. * * @param {String} url The URL of the image. * @returns {Promise} A promise for the image that will resolve when the image is available, or * undefined if there are too many active requests to the server, and the request * should be retried later. The resolved image may be either an * Image or a Canvas DOM object. */ ImageryProvider.loadImage = function(imageryProvider, url) { if (defined(imageryProvider.tileDiscardPolicy)) { return throttleRequestByServer(url, loadImageViaBlob); } return throttleRequestByServer(url, loadImage); }; return ImageryProvider; });